Do the Devs even test their code anymore?





Several of last few patches have seen Release Day emergency fixes.

The I21.5 release had more bugs than I can recall in any single release over
the history of the game.

But, I'm not just talking about quantity of bugs. I'm talking about simple, and obvious
stuff that should never even get out the door in the first place.

For instance:

How did they NOT detect the fact that SSA3 couldn't be completed red-side?

How could the guys coding this stuff NOT notice that the primary User
Interface was completely reset ... on every character?

How did they NOT notice that the inspiration tray moves - every single time
you zone on every single character?

How did they NOT notice that the Map went dark on characters who had fully
explored those zones, and that it was clear on characters that had never ever
been there?

How does this crap keep getting released into a live production environment
all the time?

Even worse, how does it continue to happen in cases where these bugs are
seen and reported in Live Beta weeks before actual release (fully discounting
the fact that a lot of this stuff shouldn't have even left the programmers local
build in the first place)?

How in Hades can the Production Release Manager even begin to think these
things are purely minor inconveniences that are still acceptable for live release?

Oh, and lest folks think I'm being overly critical of just the Game Devs, the Web guys
are just as bad, and maybe even worse imho (given the relative complexities
of the game vs their web pages).

The logout bug has been with us for more than a YEAR.
The CSS layout hero side has been borked for more than a month.
The Forum Maintence notice has broken/missing graphics links (at least, it did Monday).

Forum maintenance has been postponed twice in recent weeks and fully rolled
back once.

Do I even need to point out the various billing and accounting issues since Freedom
went live?

In short, during the past year we have seen a serious degradation of quality
in just about every facet of the custormer-facing operation we care to examine closely.

Is this what we're to continue to expect in terms of quality software in the
F2P model?

Any given issue item could be discounted - crap *does* happen in IT (I've seen
a lot of it in my 30+ years in the industry).

But this? This isn't a case of a few odd isolated issues - this is an ongoing trend
that is frequent, highly visible to the customers, and quite honestly, very disruptive
to the game experience. It adversly affects the overall consumer confidence that
we're receiving (and paying for) a high-quality product, and reflects quite poorly
on the game (and by association, the companies involved).

Would someone kindly explain to me why I should continue to pay for this product,
and what exactly is being done to reverse the trend of crap software we've
been enduring lately?


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



I don't have anything non-inflammatory to say so please enjoy this picture of puppies.



Not sure how many of these were detected on the test/beta shards, but the map issue?

Not a show stopper.

Inspiration Tray issue? Hasn't touched me yet, but I leave mine docked - it only shows up if you disconnect the tray.

I have not noticed any "complete UI reset" on any of my characters.

Did someone run SSA3 while it was on test, redside? Don't know what the issue is (or are you referring to the [now fixed, IIRC] issue with the PGA that wouldn't despawn? Note I haven't run any of the SSAs redside yet, so that could of been an SSA2 issue).

And other than perhaps the SSA issue, none of these are really gamebreakers. I think they've even said some are already fixed. Do you really think they purposely did something to cause the Fog of War to reset? They might not even of touched the maps at all - it's just how coding in a 7+ year old project can go.

And as for the Forum maintenance - the cancel last week was because it was either "Do a schedule forum fix/upgrade" or "Do emergency server upgrade" as they are the same team. Guess what? If CoH had something that required the web team basically shun the other games when one of the others had a forum issue, i'd hope they'd make the LIVE game a priority.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



My guess is that the devs test changes in an environment that doesn't exactly mirror the training room or the beta server, and then they don't go through the entire QA process over again on the training room once they release it to the users for testing. It seems that once it hits the test server, it's going to go live no matter what, so there's really no point in them doing additional QA there.

Realize that the devs are working with thousands of changes that are targeted for many different releases. They were working on I22 and I23 and I21.5 and bug fixes to I21, all at the same time. There are probably different development and maintenance teams working on the same code base, and sometimes they may even have to change the very same files. Making sure the right changes get into a particular build can be very challenging.

This process of "configuration management" gets even messier when changes in different releases interact with each other in unforeseen ways. If someone makes a change to the I21 code base that depends on a change in the I22 code base, that change may not work properly when it finally gets released in I21.5, which won't include the I22 change it depends on.

Is that the reason for these problems? I can't say for sure, but in my experience with maintaining complex systems that have multiple releases these kinds of bugs are common.



The devs have highly skilled technicians checking the code for errors and bugs.

Just kidding.



The devs have been pushing buggy issue releases/non-Issue game updates for pretty much the entire lifetime of the game, why would you expect anything different?

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
The devs have highly skilled technicians checking the code for errors and bugs.

I'm not sure if I should be more worried that I am apparently moonlighting as a "skilled technician" without realizing it, or that you have acquired a picture of me at a computer.



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
The devs have been pushing buggy issue releases/non-Issue game updates for pretty much the entire lifetime of the game, why would you expect anything different?
Yes, but the higher release rate means that the bugs compound on themselves more often; at least before they took so long to push the next set of bugs out that you could get used to the old ones.

But the terminology used so far is wrong, though: it's only a bug if it helps the players - if it hurts/annoys them, it's a "new feature"! There are a couple of longstanding "bugs" that I'm hoping don't get fixed, although I was told that one of them is likely fixed already internally.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



I think the devs tend to stick with mending game-breaking issues before they fix QOL ones. I remember the bug where NPC's walked on the ceiling in City Hall Atlas was there for at least three years. Yeah it's annoying that some things seem to take an age to fix, but eventually most things do. This MMOG is no worse or better than most others out there.

Get yourself a stiff whiskey, put your feet up and chill. Life's way too short to get all of a dither over trifles FourSpeed.

There is always a lot to be thankful for, if you take the time to look. For example, I'm sitting here thinking how nice it is that wrinkles don't hurt. ~Author Unknown



Maybe if people who go on the Beta server actually did beta testing and left forum feedback & bug notes instead of just looking at the shinies and then never logging on again, well, then maybe we wouldn't have so many bugs make it Live.

Just a thought, y'know.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Maybe if people who go on the Beta server actually did beta testing and left forum feedback & bug notes instead of just looking at the shinies and then never logging on again, well, then maybe we wouldn't have so many bugs make it Live.

Just a thought, y'know.
Oh please. There are numerous instances of bugs that have been reported in Beta and still made it live. And honestly, I don't think the total silence from Paragon on most bug threads is at all helpful. If people feel their feedback is falling on deaf ears, they're going to be less inclined to give feedback in the future.

Finally, players are not QA. Beta tests exist in order to get feedback and bug reports, true, but depending on a beta to do your testing for you is the acme of arrogance and futility.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Maybe if people who go on the Beta server actually did beta testing and left forum feedback & bug notes instead of just looking at the shinies and then never logging on again, well, then maybe we wouldn't have so many bugs make it Live.

Just a thought, y'know.
Except that many bugs DO get reported, multiple times, with multiple methods (/bug submissions, Beta forum threads, PMs directly to devs), and those bugs still make it to live.

Just a thought, y'know.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
I don't have anything non-inflammatory to say so please enjoy this picture of puppies.


Aaaw, so cute.

I forget why I was even in this thread.

Character index



Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post
The I21.5 release had more bugs than I can recall in any single release over
the history of the game.
Don't exaggerate. You either have a short memory, or were not around for the issue 7 release.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Two words were drilled into my head in my programming classes.

Unit Testing

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Maybe if people who go on the Beta server actually did beta testing and left forum feedback & bug notes instead of just looking at the shinies and then never logging on again, well, then maybe we wouldn't have so many bugs make it Live.

Just a thought, y'know.
That is just total crap. The first time I used Beta, back when dual blades hit, I copied the files over, because I didnt want to have to download it all again. It worked fine, but when I logged on, I didnt see ANY big notice about doing proper testing and reporting back to the devs. There was no big handy in game survey to fill out. Maybe there is now, I dont know.

The reason I don't know? Somehow, the Beta install on my comp broke the Live I had to download it all again. So I said stuff it. Oh you you know another reason why I, and I dare say quite a lot of other people, do not go onto Test and report back?


Yes, that is right! Case in point, the guy who reported the villain base bug, last patch, in Beta. It still went LIVE! SO how does this hold up by your logic, or lack of it? He found the bug, reported it, they did..oh wait, nothing. Now, granted, maybe it was super hard to fix, totally justifying them taking..3? weeks. But seriously, they couldnt just disable base defences, which serve no purpose anyway? wtf?

Or what about the old snake farm bug back in mercy? I saw a thread by a guy who found and reported that, months before..yet again..pushed Live.

If the devs are really using Beta as a way to catch bugs that their testing department misses, big obvious ones like the bases, then I think their testing guys need to wake up and get to actual testing.

Also, in case you havent realised, not everyone has the time to spend hours and hours on Test, playing with the new stuff, which then has to be done AGAIN when it goes Live. I am sure some people enjoy that, just as I bet a lot don't.

Claiming that more bugs would be fixed if more people found and reported them is just silly. Especially in the face of recent evidence. We are not employees of NC, we are not qualified testers, we are PLAYERS, who often have hugely differing ideas on what is even a bug in the first place.

Beta is, and should be, a place where people can look at the current new stuff, fiddle with it a bit, then give some sort of feedback. It should not be somewhere we go, unpaid, unthanked, to TEST a product we pay (sort of) for.



Found the problem.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Maybe if people who go on the Beta server actually did beta testing and left forum feedback & bug notes instead of just looking at the shinies and then never logging on again, well, then maybe we wouldn't have so many bugs make it Live.
Just a thought, y'know.
I'd be glad to do it if it were my job. But since it ain't, I'll spend my play time playing instead of doing unpaid QA.



Don't worry, I'm here for folks to angrily PM.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
That is just total crap.
No it isn't

The first time I used Beta, back when dual blades hit,
The Beta server didn't exist when Dual Blades hit. We only had the original Test server.

I didnt see ANY big notice about doing proper testing and reporting back to the devs. There was no big handy in game survey to fill out. Maybe there is now, I dont know.
It's the TEST SERVER. What part of that don't you understand?

Beta is, and should be, a place where people can look at the current new stuff, fiddle with it a bit, then give some sort of feedback. It should not be somewhere we go, unpaid, unthanked, to TEST a product we pay (sort of) for.
The Devs specifically created the Beta Server to Beta Test Going Rogue content before it launched, and they continue to use it to beta test new content before it launches. It is only their generosity that they allow us to use the Test and Beta servers between new issues. We are not entitled to it, nor have we ever been promised access to it.

Every MMO uses Test and Beta severs to get stress testing of new content done and they always invite a group of players to try and break the content and find out where unexpected bugs and other problem are.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
And honestly, I don't think the total silence from Paragon on most bug threads is at all helpful. If people feel their feedback is falling on deaf ears, they're going to be less inclined to give feedback in the future.
I know from personal experience with my job, simply because you don't get a response or acknowledgement doesn't mean they aren't aware

Would you rather the Devs sit and personally respond to each and every bug/feedback post - or - would you rather they spend their time gathering that information and work on fixing the problems and issues that are brought to their attention?

Think about (No, really, think about it first for more than a second and then respond.)

Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Finally, players are not QA.
Of course we aren't, but we are paying customers, and can break things in way that seasoned programs wouldn't think to break them. It behooves Paragon Studios to forego paid beta testers and let the end users - us - beta test it and give our feedback.

Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
Except that many bugs DO get reported, multiple times, with multiple methods (/bug submissions, Beta forum threads, PMs directly to devs), and those bugs still make it to live.

Just a thought, y'know.
There is only so much time in the world and they do work on a schedule. As long as it is not a game breaking bug it can be hotfixed/patched later. Nothing is ever perfect at launch and if you reaaaaally expect it to be then you really need to re-evaluate your expectations.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Every MMO uses Test and Beta severs to get stress testing of new content done and they always invite a group of players to try and break the content and find out where unexpected bugs and other problem are.
Qouted for Truth.



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
I'd be glad to do it if it were my job. But since it ain't, I'll spend my play time playing instead of doing unpaid QA.
Completely understandable.

On the other hand, if nobody reports bugs during open beta testing, then how are the devs ever supposed to know about them? And without detailed information to go on, how are they supposed to fix them in a timely manner?

There are whole categories of interaction bugs that simply don't arise until the system is tested under the stresses of a full-sized player base pouding away at the game simultaneously (equivalent, at least, to a typical live server environment). When these bugs do occur, they need to be reported, and described in sufficient detail to facilitate proper debugging. Beta testers are certainly under no legal or ethical obligation to participate in this process, but without a good number of them willing to do so anyway, there will remain many bugs that never get fixed, simply because they can't be properly isolated, identified, and characterized.

Part of the implicit understanding between developer and beta tester is that a trade of sorts is occurring: early access to the game in exchange for useful feedback, including meaningful bug reports. A developer who ignores fixable bugs is not holding up their end of the bargain (to say nothing of their obligation to paying customers), while a beta tester who refuses to engage in bug reporting is not holding up theirs. Being a beta tester isn't just a clever way to get free/early access to a game, it is an important part of the debugging cycle, and if you don't want to (or have the time to) be a part of that, then don't be a beta tester, because your contribution as nothing more than a bandwidth load on the server is minimal at best.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
There was no big handy in game survey to fill out. Maybe there is now, I dont know.
Bogus. You have to work to avoid finding out about the test (and now beta) servers as well as how to get on them WITHOUT finding out about the corresponding FEEDBACK and BUG REPORT forums.

That's like the people saying if they never agreeed to the EULA by using the -ProjectCOH flag to avoid clicking "I agree" they can't be held to it in game.


Yes, that is right! Case in point, the guy who reported the villain base bug, last patch, in Beta. It still went LIVE! SO how does this hold up by your logic, or lack of it? He found the bug, reported it, they did..oh wait, nothing. Now, granted, maybe it was super hard to fix, totally justifying them taking..3? weeks. But seriously, they couldnt just disable base defences, which serve no purpose anyway? wtf?
Yesterday's Patch Notes

Players and their Base Items have reconciled their differences. As a result, defensive base items will no longer attack friendly players.
And based on how the rest of the game works, my guess is they could of quite possibly disabled placing NEW defense items quite easily, but removing them would of required writing, testing, and then running a new script thus changing the bases against their owners' will INSTEAD of fixing it, as they have done.

The only other easy-to-throw toggle would be to shut off the base server entirely.
Or what about the old snake farm bug back in mercy? I saw a thread by a guy who found and reported that, months before..yet again..pushed Live.
For all we know, QA kept deleting them under "WAD" - or maybe something else was why. I do admit we get things that don't make sense on how long they are left alone from time to time, but they do work to fix stuff.

If the devs are really using Beta as a way to catch bugs that their testing department misses, big obvious ones like the bases, then I think their testing guys need to wake up and get to actual testing.

Also, in case you havent realised, not everyone has the time to spend hours and hours on Test, playing with the new stuff, which then has to be done AGAIN when it goes Live. I am sure some people enjoy that, just as I bet a lot don't.

Claiming that more bugs would be fixed if more people found and reported them is just silly. Especially in the face of recent evidence. We are not employees of NC, we are not qualified testers, we are PLAYERS, who often have hugely differing ideas on what is even a bug in the first place.
Beta and Test servers exist because players are always going to outnumber the workers at a studio - there are players that religiously check certain systems every major update/patch that were never "touched" by the devs that patch and they find things others would miss because why oh why did the new Crafting system, say, make "guards" attack players not in the intended zone level range or something odd like that.

And there are other players that quite simply have twisty minds and find really bizarre ways of breaking things.

Beta is, and should be, a place where people can look at the current new stuff, fiddle with it a bit, then give some sort of feedback. It should not be somewhere we go, unpaid, unthanked, to TEST a product we pay (sort of) for.
No, that's "New Beta" - where people insist your game isn't ready to launch by a landslide if there are any ugly bugs because other games have turned beta from a "test" phase to a "marketing" phase. Now, between big patches they do kind of use it for marketing as well as a quick stress test, but for big stuff it is treated as a test server.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Maybe if people who go on the Beta server actually did beta testing and left forum feedback & bug notes instead of just looking at the shinies and then never logging on again, well, then maybe we wouldn't have so many bugs make it Live.

Just a thought, y'know.
Maybe if it was even POSSIBLE for me to get on the beta or test servers. The character copy tool has been broken for months.

Just a thought, y'know.

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