Do the Devs even test their code anymore?




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
It was a response to the Department of Defense wanting to impose a standard programming language. It had nothing specifically to do with quality control.
O'rly ?

The national research council didn't get a memo from you, perhaps you should send them one.

Additional criteria for assessing software quality that are crucial in supporting DOD's critical missions and ability to respond rapidly to changes include high assurance and real-time performance, a set that covers reliability, security, safety, survivability, and real-time performance; and ease of change, a capability that enables rapid response to changes in threats, technology, or mission requirements.

Nice that you can get government docs as ebooks these days. I still remember paying through the nose for the standards and working off xeroxed copies.

To the extent the language was designed to be more structured and modular, the intent was for the language itself to promote better coding practice. But 1815 didn't specify *how* Ada was to be used, and there was no corresponding standards ever drafted for best practices in system design that incorporated the language.
What a gift for understatement you have. ADA, isn't just designed to be more structured and modular, its designed to make it nearly impossible to write unstructured code, and difficult to write non modular code.

If you could why don't you explain how having the largest customer for software in the world demand that all its new software be written using a language that forces certain practices on the programmer doesn't affect the profession ?

There *were* standards of project management at the time, but anyone who's seen those in the DoD for this period of time claiming they improved the methodology of software engineering is insane.
You would have to be insane to think they weren't pushing software engineering methodologies forward.

To be specific, the Ada directive:
a) didn't impact the profession overall, just one of its clients
b) didn't actually specifically address any quality issue, only standardization
c) just forced us to code in Ada, for one client, for a while.
Must be nice to be able to speak ex-cathedra. Especially when standardization is a quality issue, for software. ITs also great that you have completely missed what the impact and lasting effects of the mandate were and are.

Err, no. First of all, the hanger rod change doubled the load on the lower box beam connection point. To say it would have been fine if the beam were stronger would be like saying everything would have been fine if the walkways were made of adamantium. That design would not have supported the load with a small change in materials: it would have required a radical rethink of the system.
The problem was never the change, the problem was that nobody bothered to do the calculations relevant to the change.

And its worth noting that even in the absence of that industry directive, the engineers responsible were punished by the industry (by having their licenses to practice engineering revoked).
The industry neither grants nor revokes professional engineering licenses. They are issued by individual states and are under their regulatory control. Which in Missouri's case means a politically appointed board.

Edit: Its amazing how much the post I am replying to resembles the OSI onion. I read it and was completely overwhelmed by the first layer while letting the mention of the OSI layers hit my personal snooze button. How can you can you compare a conceptual model to mandated programming language is beyond me. I can build network application that violate the OSI layer willy nilly. TRY to write an ADA program or A java program that violate their modularity models and you have real problems.



Originally Posted by Pyro_Beetle View Post
Let me guess, you are one of those people that peruse an entire newspaper just looking for typos and poor grammar, and then say "This is all crap" without even reading the content of any of the stories.

It is quite simple. There is only time to fix so much stuff before a patch has to go live.
While not addressed to me, this comment makes me ask once again; what about all the text bugs/typos that have been in the game for years that I have personally reported via in-game ticket. Sometimes it's the minor details that color our opinions on something.

Again, we all love the game and most of us will continue playing until it loses that magic feel, but putting on blinders to existing inadequacies does nobody any favors.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Especially when standardization is a quality issue, and you contradict yourself. ITs also great that you have completely missed what the impact and lasting effects of the mandate were and are.
Of the Ada directive? Honestly, I have no interest in addressing this particular topic with someone completely unqualified to discuss it. Its frankly offensive.

Standardization is a quality issue? Ahahahahaha. Unfortunately, I can't punish you for your stupidity, so I'm just going to have to take it out on the next idiot that suggests it. Standardization can be a tool to improve quality, just like documentation can be or pencils can be. But standardization does not, in and of itself, promote or enhance quality. In fact, a higher degree of standardization doesn't correlate to higher quality except extremely weakly: those that enact standardization efforts in some areas tend to have better habits in others.

The problem was never the change, the problem was that nobody bothered to do the calculations relevant to the change.
The problem was the change was signed off on by the engineering team without *any* review. But to focus on the calculations is not understanding the lesson of the event, which is supposed to be obvious enough that anyone that doesn't shouldn't be talking about it much less be in a position to reproduce it. The change should have been rejected without a single calculation being made. The only thing calculations would have done is remind them that they were not supposed to do something that dumb in the first place. You do not "accidentally" sacrifice 50% of your design strength because you forgot to whip out your pocket calculator.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



This thread is just a rant and just a troll.

trust me i know...

time to end this...



Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post
I personally know of several actual, tangible examples from at least two companies,
right off the top of my head, where quality was very much in the forefront of procedure,
review, and in some cases, enforcement.

I'm pretty certain I'm not the only programmer in the entire world that has ever
had that experience.
Might I ask, where those companies writing software to count money? Were they focused on keeping people alive, perhaps?

As I mentioned previously, there MUST be a rigorous commitment to such software as a base requirement or it won't work.

That same commitment is completely different from creating entertainment.

The goals, at a fundamental level, are different.

The flaws you see as a programmer are generally not even noticed by the average player. My friends that play, non programmers, never even noticed the map bug until hours of play had passed. They could not care less.

Another analogy, for example, from my personal experience. I was the lighting designer and electrician for a theater company. To this day, I cannot watch a live performance without critiquing the lighting infrastructure. My wife never even notices where the lights are and just enjoys the show.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



if I didn't know any better, you'd think Arcanaville and Another_Fan were a old married couple



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
If you could why don't you explain how having the largest customer for software in the world demand that all its new software be written using a language that forces certain practices on the programmer doesn't affect the profession ?
Well, despite the size of the DoD-related government contract industry, the impact of their practices appear to have had little to no effect on programming in general, at least not in the US. Of the hundreds of programmers I've met and/or spoken to in three decades, not one of them has ever programmed a single line of ADA, been subject to the standardization methods articulated by ADA, or known anyone affected by them. The view from my 30-year perch is that ADA was created for, and used by a single isolated industry (non-financial government programming) and had virtually no bleedover into other software domains. Not scientific, not educational, not commercial, and certainly not entertainment. C and C++ dominates computer programming the world over; and I see no evidence that there are any hard and fast rules for best practices adopted by the majority of those paid to do it.

I used to work for a company that made very specialized real-time hardware for the civial aviation industry. In many countries civil aviation is actually a government-run entity, subject to whatever standards those countries have chosen to impose on such things. Not a single one of them, as a customer, dictated the language to use, the coding practices to employ, or the testing procedures to undertake in order to win a contract. And this included U.S. airports under the aegis of FAA custodianship. We programmed in C and C++, we adhered to our own (certified) ISO9000/9001 documentation requirements, and we had our own in-house QC department with its own testing protocols. The existance of ADA did not have a single bit of influence over how we wrote our code, and I am pretty sure nobody on the team, aside from myself, even knew the language (though I'm sure some of them had heard of it).

The only reason we had any stringent practices at all, such as they were, was because without a reputation for reliability and performance, we had no customers. Contrast that with the entertainment industry that I work in now where any "professional practices" remotely like I knew from my previous experience(s) are utterly alien concepts. I can only conclude that ADA had a profound and lasting influence on professional programming only in the minds of its architects, who nurture a fantastical notion of its legacy.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Originally Posted by Dark_Impact View Post
While not addressed to me, this comment makes me ask once again; what about all the text bugs/typos that have been in the game for years that I have personally reported via in-game ticket. Sometimes it's the minor details that color our opinions on something.
Tbh, I really don't get that part at all.
Surely there're enough resources to go in to very specific parts and edit text. Maybe I am wrong, but that doesn't sound like a resource intensive thing.
It seems like it's just "We don't give hoot."

It also makes me suspect that some of the other bugs fall into this category as well.



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
Well, despite the size of the DoD-related government contract industry, the impact of their practices appear to have had little to no effect on programming in general, at least not in the US. Of the hundreds of programmers I've met and/or spoken to in three decades, not one of them has ever programmed a single line of ADA, been subject to the standardization methods articulated by ADA, or known anyone affected by them. The view from my 30-year perch is that ADA was created for, and used by a single isolated industry (non-financial government programming) and had virtually no bleedover into other software domains. Not scientific, not educational, not commercial, and certainly not entertainment. C and C++ dominates computer programming the world over; and I see no evidence that there are any hard and fast rules for best practices adopted by the majority of those paid to do it.
Not to put to fine a point on it, but for somebody that writes civil aviation software its pretty amazing you never met a programmer from Boeing
or any of these compainies.

Beechcraft, Fokker, Lockheed Martin, The Tupolev aircraft company, The Ilyushin design bureau, BAE ?

Its pretty big for life critical aircraft systems.

But anyway, how many people do you know doing commercial coding in Haskell, Refined-C, Algol 60 ?

I used to work for a company that made very specialized real-time hardware for the civial aviation industry. In many countries civil aviation is actually a government-run entity, subject to whatever standards those countries have chosen to impose on such things. Not a single one of them, as a customer, dictated the language to use, the coding practices to employ, or the testing procedures to undertake in order to win a contract. And this included U.S. airports under the aegis of FAA custodianship. We programmed in C and C++, we adhered to our own (certified) ISO9000/9001 documentation requirements, and we had our own in-house QC department with its own testing protocols. The existance of ADA did not have a single bit of influence over how we wrote our code, and I am pretty sure nobody on the team, aside from myself, even knew the language (though I'm sure some of them had heard of it).
Then you have been affected by the process and thinking that went into creating ADA . Standardization, heavy use of code review all came out of the methods the D.O.D were pushing with that.

Oh and btw don't take this the wrong way, but what was your product ? I have no wish to get anywhere near an airplane that is reliant on C or C++ code.

The only reason we had any stringent practices at all, such as they were, was because without a reputation for reliability and performance, we had no customers. Contrast that with the entertainment industry that I work in now where any "professional practices" remotely like I knew from my previous experience(s) are utterly alien concepts. I can only conclude that ADA had a profound and lasting influence on professional programming only in the minds of its architects, who nurture a fantastical notion of its legacy.
I am sure that has nothing to do with the fact that the FAA mandates such practices on anything that flies.



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
The only reason we had any stringent practices at all, such as they were, was because without a reputation for reliability and performance, we had no customers. Contrast that with the entertainment industry that I work in now where any "professional practices" remotely like I knew from my previous experience(s) are utterly alien concepts. I can only conclude that ADA had a profound and lasting influence on professional programming only in the minds of its architects, who nurture a fantastical notion of its legacy.
The primary impact Ada had on programming was in the thought process that went into the design of the language, for which people eventually picked up and adapted for other languages. But that's just the development of better tools: the impact of the DoD directive itself was to create a lot of Ada cheerleaders in the 80s, most of which were embarrassed into shutting up in the 90s. At one point there were people trumpeting that one day we'd all be coding in either Ada or assembly. It took a decade, but the rest of the world had the last laugh there.

Its not that Ada is a bad language: it has a lot of good qualities. But none of them specifically prevent poor quality or even encourage good quality, because good quality is not something encapsulated in syntax. Take the Ariane 5 kaboom. An Ada project. But if you look carefully, you'll see that Ada wasn't the cause of the failure, nor did it mitigate it. Ada was mostly irrelevant to it, because the problem was not in not obeying the language dictates, but in misusing them. As is true for most programming languages. A language can force people to obey your syntax, but a language cannot influence people to write good code. The promise of a language that will encourage good coding practice happens every few years: Ada, Pascal, C++, Java. Its only taken, what, thirty years for people to figure out that its good frameworks that encourage good programming practice, not good programming languages, because people tend to emulate their implementation.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
Tbh, I really don't get that part at all.
Surely there're enough resources to go in to very specific parts and edit text. Maybe I am wrong, but that doesn't sound like a resource intensive thing.
I suspect that there are people who collect bug reports and throw them into various bins labelled by urgency rather than ease of fix.

Working from the 'most urgent' bin down to the 'least urgent' bin, I suspect you won't get to "spelling errors' for awhile.

I further suspect that you are more likely to get a spelling error fixed by PMing Avatea, Zwillinger, or War Witch than by filing a bug report.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
I suspect that there are people who collect bug reports and throw them into various bins labelled by urgency rather than ease of fix.

Working from the 'most urgent' bin down to the 'least urgent' bin, I suspect you won't get to "spelling errors' for awhile.

I further suspect that you are more likely to get a spelling error fixed by PMing Avatea, Zwillinger, or War Witch than by filing a bug report.
I have a theory about that which I haven't specifically discussed with the devs, so this is just a theory and not the devs talking here. But there is a certain amount of overhead to addressing any bug: you have to check out the right code or resources and fire up the right tools or other utilities necessary to view them, edit them, document the changes, etc. A ten second spelling error could take ten or fifteen minutes for a dev to get into the right "position" to fix. So single spelling errors are actually far more costly to fix than they might appear.

On the other hand, if someone were to collate a large number of them together, with enough information to rapidly and conclusively find them, and put that in a single submission to the devs, that might be something that rose to the level of being worth addressing, because it may be more efficient to address dozens of them or even hundreds of them at once. Their bug system might not collate them automatically like that. A big bunch of them might be something they could hand off to an intern or something and have them go through and do all at once.

I don't know if anyone is actually interested in collating spelling errors, but it might make them likely to be fixed if someone was.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
On the other hand, if someone were to collate a large number of them together, with enough information to rapidly and conclusively find them, and put that in a single submission to the devs, that might be something that rose to the level of being worth addressing, because it may be more efficient to address dozens of them or even hundreds of them at once. Their bug system might not collate them automatically like that. A big bunch of them might be something they could hand off to an intern or something and have them go through and do all at once.

I don't know if anyone is actually interested in collating spelling errors, but it might make them likely to be fixed if someone was.
AFAICT, there's a large collection of spelling error reports at the inbox of wherever the bug reports go.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Not to put to fine a point on it, but for somebody that writes civil aviation software its pretty amazing you never met a programmer from Boeing
or any of these compainies.

Beechcraft, Fokker, Lockheed Martin, The Tupolev aircraft company, The Ilyushin design bureau, BAE ?

Its pretty big for life critical aircraft systems.
We weren't involved in the aircraft industry. We were involved in the airport security industry.

Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Then you have been affected by the process and thinking that went into creating ADA . Standardization, heavy use of code review all came out of the methods the D.O.D were pushing with that.
I think this gives too much credit to Ada. Those concepts were well established within the discipline long before Ada became a ratified standard. Back when software design encompassed much smaller applications, fewer interacting modules, and much simpler hardware architectures, ideas like standardization, code re-use, and self-documeting code were easy to institute on a company-by-company basis. No governing body was required, nor was it available. By the time Ada came to the show, it had already started and was well under way, so to speak.

Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Oh and btw don't take this the wrong way, but what was your product ? I have no wish to get anywhere near an airplane that is reliant on C or C++ code.

I am sure that has nothing to do with the fact that the FAA mandates such practices on anything that flies.
The product (line) was a series of X-ray machines that detected the presence of plastic explosives (and more comprehensive bomb-like devices). If the fact that they were coded in C and C++, by programmers of all skill levels from extraordinary to barely competent, keeps you up at night wondering if you really should fly anywhere ever again, I don't blame you.

And, no, the FAA did nothing of the sort to mandate production practices on anyone in that particular branch of the airline security industry. We were not government contractors to the FAA or the US Government. We were merely a vendor that the airlines bought product from. All the FAA did, and it took them almost a decade of constant harrassment from the very Congress that mandated them into action following Lockerbie, was institute a dubious process (defined mostly by politics, not quality performance criteria) for certifying systems purchaseable by airlines in the US.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post

Standardization is a quality issue? Ahahahahaha. Unfortunately, I can't punish you for your stupidity, so I'm just going to have to take it out on the next idiot that suggests it. Standardization can be a tool to improve quality, just like documentation can be or pencils can be. But standardization does not, in and of itself, promote or enhance quality. In fact, a higher degree of standardization doesn't correlate to higher quality except extremely weakly: those that enact standardization efforts in some areas tend to have better habits in others.
Sure why don't we have every programmer working on a project use their own somewhat idiosyncratic method of having their modules talk to everyone else's and while we are at it, lets not document them or write anything down.

The problem was the change was signed off on by the engineering team without *any* review.
That is what I said glad you agree.

But to focus on the calculations is not understanding the lesson of the event, which is supposed to be obvious enough that anyone that doesn't shouldn't be talking about it much less be in a position to reproduce it . The change should have been rejected without a single calculation being made.
So the way you do things, is when the people putting your design together tell you its unworkable, and propose a change you don't even check ? I suppose it should bother me I find this believable.

The only thing calculations would have done is remind them that they were not supposed to do something that dumb in the first place. You do not "accidentally" sacrifice 50% of your design strength because you forgot to whip out your pocket calculator.
No doing the calculations would have told them they were way out of building code requirements for the design and had a design that was inadequate.



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
We weren't involved in the aircraft industry. We were involved in the airport security industry.

I think this gives too much credit to Ada. Those concepts were well established within the discipline long before Ada became a ratified standard. Back when software design encompassed much smaller applications, fewer interacting modules, and much simpler hardware architectures, ideas like standardization, code re-use, and self-documeting code were easy to institute on a company-by-company basis. No governing body was required, nor was it available. By the time Ada came to the show, it had already started and was well under way, so to speak.
ADA was certainly part of the wave that was going on at the time. You had serious work being done on provably correct systems, there was IIRC a microprocessor built for the British military that had a provably correct instruction set. Maybe ADA didn't have that big an influence, I can't look at java and not see the misbegotten child of ADA and C++.

I certainly see ADA's big philosophy of preventing the programmer from having detailed knowledge or the ability to exploit the platform they are programming to all over the place.

The product (line) was a series of X-ray machines that detected the presence of plastic explosives (and more comprehensive bomb-like devices). If the fact that they were coded in C and C++, by programmers of all skill levels from extraordinary to barely competent, keeps you up at night wondering if you really should fly anywhere ever again, I don't blame you.

And, no, the FAA did nothing of the sort to mandate production practices on anyone in that particular branch of the airline security industry. We were not government contractors to the FAA or the US Government. We were merely a vendor that the airlines bought product from. All the FAA did, and it took them almost a decade of constant harrassment from the very Congress that mandated them into action following Lockerbie, was institute a dubious process (defined mostly by politics, not quality performance criteria) for certifying systems purchaseable by airlines in the US.
When you said real time life critical, I thought avionics.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I have a theory about that which I haven't specifically discussed with the devs, so this is just a theory and not the devs talking here. But there is a certain amount of overhead to addressing any bug: you have to check out the right code or resources and fire up the right tools or other utilities necessary to view them, edit them, document the changes, etc. A ten second spelling error could take ten or fifteen minutes for a dev to get into the right "position" to fix. So single spelling errors are actually far more costly to fix than they might appear.
OMG you are actually uncertain about something. Isn't that a first.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Maybe ADA didn't have that big an influence, I can't look at java and not see the misbegotten child of ADA and C++.

I certainly see ADA's big philosophy of preventing the programmer from having detailed knowledge or the ability to exploit the platform they are programming to all over the place.
Indeed, maybe Ada didn't have that big an influence after all. In my estimation, it certainly can not be credited as having changed how an entire profession did/does its job.

Moreover, I still think it is odd to call it "ADA's big philosophy" since most of what Ada encapsulates conceptually is just the culmination of ideas already put into practice for years, whether formally or informally. It seems more honest to simply say that various "best practices" evolved over time, culminating in a language called Ada, which was then applied to one particular corner of the discipline, and then promptly ignored by the rest of the profession in favor of other great concepts du jour like Rapid Prototyping and Extreme Programming.

Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
When you said real time life critical, I thought avionics.
Well, I did say real-time. Never said life-critical. Our systems had to be real-time because no airport in the world wants their operations slowed down for a machine that looks for plastic explosives. Maybe if they looked for vibrators in flight attendants' luggage, but nothing short of another terrorist incident involving a bomb on a plane was going to make real-time performance--even at the cost of detection accuracy--anything but the very top priority.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
Indeed, maybe Ada didn't have that big an influence after all. In my estimation, it certainly can not be credited as having changed how an entire profession did/does its job.
That's an over broad generalization of what I was trying to say. My statement was in response to

Name one time ever when a computer programmer error caused a change to the way the profession was managed.

Trick question: you can't, because the profession isn't managed. We are unlicensed, we have no professional code of ethics, we have no professional code of conduct, we have not even a vague nebulous set of professional responsibilities. And that's why no matter how many mistakes we make or how large they are, no one else is required to learn from them or even hear about them except by chance.
The ADA mandate forced change down a significant portion of the profession's throat.

The above its even sillier when considered in the light of the discussion that has come after. There really isn't any profession where a practitioners great mistakes are bandied about unless they are too obvious to hide. When we have big disasters that are traced back to software failures changes are made. The problem is in talking about software engineering, or any engineering as one profession. People who write search engines, aren't really in the same profession as people that write software for running a LASIK, and they aren't in the same profession as people who write financial applications for banks.

The Hyatt regency disaster itself didn't affect the entire engineering profession or even all the civil engineering profession. I don't know for sure but I would bet that few if any states other than Missouri changed their laws because of the disaster, if even Missouri did.

In software , the big mistakes were taught even back when I was learning the craft and we didn't have as many to study yet. If you want to hear about them you can just read any of the software engineering journals. Why software fails is a perennially big topic

So did the ADA mandate have an effect ? It certainly made many people think about concepts they wouldn't have otherwise. There are many industries that embrace ADA and the methodologies that went along with it now, life critical applications come to mind.

On the other hand we live in a world where COBOL won't die.



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
Or it could be that w/e game you're talking about was so buggy that people stopped paying for it. I doubt they shut down a profitable enterprise because of some complaints.
I think what he was saying is that game's developers responded to the players' demands that ALL the bugs be fixed before they released new content.....and no new content came out ever again.

And that caused players to quit until the game was shut down for lack of profit.

How long would CoH be around if they decided to drop everything else they are working on and work on bug fixes until every last bug is gone? That means a potentially infinite cycle of bug fixes, because fixing one bug frequently creates a new one somewhere else.

At some point you have to say "Screw it, we'll fix that one later. The game still works, so it's not the end of the world.", or you'll end up in the circle of bug fix hell.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Well.. managed again to give an update that now gives me the holiday temps and at the same time REMOVES ALL OTHER POWERS FROM MY TRAYS!

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
Well.. managed again to give an update that now gives me the holiday temps and at the same time REMOVES ALL OTHER POWERS FROM MY TRAYS!
Yeah.....that's pretty aggravating.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
If people feel their feedback is falling on deaf ears, they're going to be less inclined to give feedback in the future.
This rather well sums up why I gave up and uninstalled the CoH Beta client. I got tired of being prompted to update an install that was very apparently useless, as far as its stated purpose was concerned.

The last time I experienced this much of an apparently deliberate case of willful deafness, I ended up divorced...

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
Well.. managed again to give an update that now gives me the holiday temps and at the same time REMOVES ALL OTHER POWERS FROM MY TRAYS!
To be honest I wasn't even surprised or mad. Yeah that sucks a lot, but it actually did not surprise me one bit to the point that I just thought 'meh I have to put all my powers back'. Not that I don't see a reason to get angry, it's just how my expectations are these days