Clerity: +stealth in general?
Celerity: +Stealth is good to slot in Super Speed. Super Speed gives you +35% stealth on its own. Celerity: +Stealth on top of that gives you 65% stealth, making you invisible to NPCs. Generally not worth slotting in Sprint, imo, as it does not give you enough stealth on its own to make you invisible, only when combined with Super Speed.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
You can run SS and Sprint at the same time, and the two stealth effects will stack.
Also, if you have any other Stealth capability (ie. Pool Power Stealth, Steamy Mist etc.),
the Stealth IO will also stack with those as well.
Also keep in mind that all 4 of the Stealth Procs are Unique and mutually exclusive,
meaning you can only slot 1 of the 4 in a build.
I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
I like having it in sprint instead of SS so that I can reduce my end use sometimes and still have some stealth.
also I like to use winters gift or botz in my SS
So I've picked up about 3 of these procs and they are sitting in my global mail system, so I was thinking, are they worth keeping around and sticking on sprint for stealth? Is it worth the run speed and what do you guys do with it?
I have gotten to the point that I have some kind of stealth on pretty much every non-melee character (and I have a lot).
All you have to do is look on the market for the price of these IOs and you can tell that the majority of players find them very useful.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
I use steath IOs for a few things; I've gotten to a point where they're basically assumed on my 50s unless they have a "built-in" stealth power already.
They do help keep my squishies up and fighting; not in certain-death situations, but when I need to get just a little closer to fire off that debuff or heal, or when I find myself in-between two groups of enemies and only wanting to fight one at a time, it's nice to be able to pick my battles a little more effectively -- especially when I'm solo.
Plus, sometimes it's nice to be able to just push your way to the end of a tip mission, take out the boss, and move on to the next one, and while stealth may not mean I can avoid all the fights outright, it does prevent being followed across the entire map (as long as I haven't actually hit/taunted anyone yet).
I've got all these extra vet powers that are basically just dressed-up Sprint; throw a Celerity (or Unbounded Leap; it's usually cheaper) stealth IO in one and suddenly Rush or Quick or whatever has a mechanical purpose too. Assuming you've got the inf available, here's really no reason not to; the slot's just sitting there. I even stealth out my tanks with them, just in case.
Also, I have a "ghost" character, and a stealth IO in Sprint is pretty much the closest thing I can get to a permanent transparency effect on that build.
FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.
I like having it in sprint instead of SS so that I can reduce my end use sometimes and still have some stealth.
I'll put an end redux in "basic Sprint" for general use, and I'll put a Celerity: Stealth in what used to be known as "Prestige Sprints" and are probably now "Paragon Rewards Tier 3 Sprints."
So most of the time I've got reduced endurance in Sprint for general use, and I can also turn on Prestige: Power Something at those times when I want stealth.
"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner
30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04
If I'm on a super speeder, I'll typically put a Stealth IO in SS for full invisibility. But one in Sprint is still a big help when I'm sneaking around.
I often take Super Speed with a Celerity Stealth IO for full invisibility - and I never, ever have to take the Stealth Pool. Even without full invisibility, the stealth is nice to have to allow you to get in a good position before attacking.
I have a couple of dominators and controllers who need massive recharge, so on those I've put the +Stealth in one of the sprints, and LotG: +Recharge in Stealth. I prefer Fly to Super Speed, so I can get full invisibility with just Stealth and Sprint on (putting the +Stealth in Fly is bad because you have to be flying for it to be on).
Celerity: +Stealth is good to slot in Super Speed. Super Speed gives you +35% stealth on its own. Celerity: +Stealth on top of that gives you 65% stealth, making you invisible to NPCs. Generally not worth slotting in Sprint, imo, as it does not give you enough stealth on its own to make you invisible, only when combined with Super Speed.
I totally disagree, since you can always toggle both on at once, and are not usually trying to fight while stealthing, so end usage isn't a big deal. I like having stealth abilities individually selectable for end usage reasons during a fight, as sometimes just sprint (+plus the proc) is plenty, and cheaper on the end consumption that Super Speed (with or without the proc) would be.
But, it's really a minor difference, so if you slot it in either Super Speed, or Sprint, it's not a big deal. If you slotted a +Stealth proc in say, Recall Friend, then I'd consider burning a respec, but otherwise, not so much.
PS: I really can't believe how many people out there seem unaware of the fact that Super Speed and Sprint aren't mutually exclusive toggles.. Even if you have no Stealthiness to consider, toggling both on will let you go faster, assuming you aren't already at the speed cap.
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.
I am gonna chime in on the folks who use Celerity: +Stealth in Sprint. My thinking on this is that if you toggle both powers on, your stealth effect is the same, however a run speed enhancement is going to give you less of a boost in sprint than it would in SS. So, I generally slot SS for speed and then use Stealth in my sprint power.
- Garielle
My widow uses it in Sprint. With her normal stealth power she's invisible if I toggle it on.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
The advantage of the Concealment pool is that Stealth takes defense buff IOs, which means you can slot Luck of the Gambler: +Recharge.
I have a couple of dominators and controllers who need massive recharge, so on those I've put the +Stealth in one of the sprints, and LotG: +Recharge in Stealth. I prefer Fly to Super Speed, so I can get full invisibility with just Stealth and Sprint on (putting the +Stealth in Fly is bad because you have to be flying for it to be on). |
As for using Stealth to slot Defense IOs . . . I usually start with Combat Jumping, which gives Immob protection, in-the-air maneuverability and a place for a LotG Rech for almost no endurance. Then I may go with Hover because it has obvious benefits. I dislike "set mule" powers and avoid them if I can . . . so I like even minor powers that do multiple things.
Another quirk I have is that I use the Speed-On-Demand binds from CityBinder on all of my characters so I never have to turn Sprint on or off . . . but it also makes Sprint no good for slotting a Stealth IO because it is constantly turning on and off. (Back before the devs took away the "effect continues for 120 seconds" on the Stealth IOs, I would often slot a stealth IO in Sprint but that change messed up my previous practice.)
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
Don't let everyone else fool you. They're not only not worth slotting, but they're dangerous to have as well! You should send them to me for proper disposal.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
only useful for pvp
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
I use the +Stealth proc in practically every toon I've ever made, even if it has a Stealth power already.
Personally, I'll slot them in sprint (Prestige or otherwise)
Good for running the Vine gauntlet in STF, ghosting LGTF, and lord knows how many other uses i've found for it.

[Admin] Anti-Matter: I was in ur dimenshun, killin ur d00ds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Good job, Anti-Matter. Troll them.
Freedom, Virtue, Exalted
since the game gives us more than one type of sprint I put it in one of the "sprints". I use it as a toggle stealth. I put an end redux in another. Then I use whichever as needed. Like most people have said I use this in 99% of my toons. You never know when you need to stealth. I personally like stealthing missions. I don't get mad or say anything, but i'm always caught off guard when a teammate can't stealth on a TF. But we all play our own way.
Check out this!!!!
I, like many others, use Stealth (eventually with a LotG +rech) and the Celerity +Stealth in a sprint.
This gives you invisibility to most PvE foes, and has an advantage over invisibility proper - you can attack out of it.
With invisibility, you have to drop the invis to do an attack, and that gives them just that bit of extra time to smite you, whereas with Stealth + the IO, you can be in the middle of the group, and the first they'll know of your presence is the boom.
Unless I have a strong concept reason for why one of my heroes isn't stealthy, they all eventually end up with Stealth and a +Stealth Celerity in a Sprint power.
Synchrotron, level 50 Radiation/Radiation Defender
Fighting crime on Champion since 2004
So I've picked up about 3 of these procs and they are sitting in my global mail system, so I was thinking, are they worth keeping around and sticking on sprint for stealth? Is it worth the run speed and what do you guys do with it?