Positron's Requested Thread: Staff Melee Weapon Model Ideas! (Oh, and Titan Weapons for lulz, too.)

Adeon Hawkwood



Swords are probably going to be the favorite Titan weapons.

Titan weapon suggestions:

Stop Sign - "I said STOP!"

_____(cant come up with a name) hammer - Double sided flat warhammer with a glowing power core in between

Nemesis Staff - it is too weighted at 1 end to be an effective staff fighting weapon

_____ axe - double sided axe with a glowing power core in between

Ice Sword - Looks like a bigger, more solid, two handed version of the greater ice sword

Magma Sword - A giant two handed sword that looks like it is made from partially cooled magma, possibly one version has a fire aura and the another doesn't

Scythe - The scythe needs the forward and back edges to both be sharp as well as a small spike on the end since this set has thrusting attacks.

Rularuu weapons - Please follow the original theme with these, big black weapons with sharp grey edges and glowing runes. If I had to pick between a sword, axe, or hammer I would pick the sword.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



In honor of D&D I think staff fighting should have at least one obscure pole-arm such as a Glaive-Guisarme or a Bohemian Ear-Spoon.



Not sure which it'd suit better, but a Nemesis Staff for either Staff or Titan Weapons (or both!)

For staffs, maybe some kind of "Electro-Pike" like the ones the bodyguard droids had in Episode 3?

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Originally Posted by vanden View Post
titan weapon option:



Titan Weapons:

A giant Gothic-looking Sword and an Axe of the same style.
Scaled up version of the Legacy Battle Axe and Legacy Broadsword (The default weapon options for the respective Power Sets) Oh. And a scaled up version of the Legacy War Mace.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



for staff melee i'd really like to see a staff with a small trident at the end, a pitchfork/garden tool, and a tree branch with some leaves on it.



Titan Weapons: we could definitely use a tree, of some sort.

Also here's a fun hammer (and I can't wait to watch this).



All I know is they better have a Rularuu Sword.

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I would love to see a random titan weapon option. Example, draw a bar stool for this melee round, next round it might be a bicycle or a shrub or a picnic table!



Not sure if it's been mentioned, and this is a very simple idea.

An Energy staff, with no techie hilt!

Like the Energy Shields!

I'd like to say it's just my character creating a staff out of pure energy and beable to color it whatever color Id like

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
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A broom....don't care if it's titan or staff....



For staff I'd like to see a guan dao, similar to a naginata but much thicker.

Titan weapons, I'd like to see a few more "generic blunt object" options. Like, a steel girder, or a tree trunk....but I expect they'd look a bit weird with the standard grip so I'm not sure if they're acceptable options.

A circle forms, everybody comes round
Just to hear the incredible sound
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A cane. Bonus points for a get off my lawn emote.

A simple walking stick.

A wizard staff.



and uhmm.. Titan..ic.. Titanic.. how not an anchor to anchor the set?
A full size Titanic Anchor!

Well, that's not how it looks, but it looks like this:

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(1) Lets See I Would like to see a Staff like what Gambit form the X-man Has.

(2) A Bamboo Staff would be nice.

(3) A Staff with Dragon Symbols on it.

(4) I would like too see more Heroic Titan Weapons other then the Dark and Emo Stuff they got now.

(5) Steam Punk Staff.

(5) A Staff made of Magical Crystal.

(6) A Proton Staff

(7) A Wizard Staff

(8) Demonic Staff

(9) A High Tech Staff

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A giant goofy hammer
A giant serious hammer
A large version of the nemisis staff

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I would love to see one or two gothic grim reaper like scythe design maybe have it give off a aura maybe and maybe some angelic and demonic looking designs ( I've seen LOTS of people make those types of characters and that type of thing would go great with it and sell I'm sure) for titan weapons as for staff I saw someone already suggested what I wanted A plain wood staff and the monkey king staff, But if I had to add anything else Posi it would just be a request to customize it further than just the body and maybe the two ends,maybe a awesome dragon,wolf/fox, or kanji ( not sure if it is spelled right got to stop sleepy posting ) that we can color



The only staff I absolutely want is a simple, basic staff. No fancy concept, no over the top glows or anything. Just a long straight bit of wood or metal (preferrably both, as seperate options) to hit people with.

Was something I thought titan weapons lacked - all the weapons had specific ideas they represented, there was no 'generic' titan weapon like there has been with other weapon sets. Makes it a bit harder if you care about concept at all, cause you have to find some way of making one of those weapons match yours.

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[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
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I can't help but notice that any time the devs want us to give suggestions for new weapon models, none of the suggestions ever appear.

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