3 Basic Trial/TF Questions
I can't comment on the mother ship as I have only done a couple but.
In Lambda when you go in to the facilities the goal is to destroy either the weapons caches or containment chambers depending on where you go. That's it... Nobody worries about clearing the mobs around them they just hit the object till it is destroyed then move on. Best way to run it until you get the hang of it (especially on more squishy types) is to use a stealth IO or stealth power and chase a tank or brute around targeting the objects they are around.
In the BAF I always door camp, because I, along with my lore pets, can almost solo a door, then I take out runners that make it through the choke points. From figuring out NS and sieges health there is a window that should pop up (unless it's disabled which I don't know how to enable/disable it) it's the same one that shows up for the Lambda trial when maurader shows up.
Hyperstrike has some good Rikti MS Raid info here:
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, Badgehunter.com and City Info Tracker.
1) Did my first Rikti Mothership Raid last night. What a slideshow. What I saw was:
* travel about killing pylons. * I hear something about vents. No idea where this was * gather at center bowl on top of ship and fight * Fight GM on top of ship * fight for a really long time (I hear something about bombs) * Shields come back up and we're done. Clearly I missed some things. Can anyone fill me in? |
Planting bombs summons the GM and gets you credit for a badge.
Beyond that, the main purpose of the raid is to get lots and lots and lots of Vanguard merits. Make sure you have done the Welcome to Vanguard arc from Levantera, you won't get vanguard merits without it.
2) Did my first Lambda last night. During the smash and grab phase...I got lost. We go downstairs, start fighting a spawn...and a few moments later I'm by myself. I try to run around the map to find things, but all I find are many, many mobs, all aggroing on me. The wiki talks all about crates and not about the mobs or movement. Can someone give me a tip on the detailed strat here? |
3) Did a few BAFs in the last few nights. These worked great (except that so many want to camp the doors instead of chokes, yet say nothing about it when the leader says we'll be using chokes, then fail to do chokes ![]() |
"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.
1) Did my first Rikti Mothership Raid last night. What a slideshow. What I saw was:
* travel about killing pylons. * I hear something about vents. No idea where this was * gather at center bowl on top of ship and fight * Fight GM on top of ship * fight for a really long time (I hear something about bombs) * Shields come back up and we're done. Clearly I missed some things. Can anyone fill me in? |
1) In order to drop the Mothership's shield, every Pylon needs to be destroyed. The Leader designates the order of the Pylons destroyed so that the last Pylon to be destroyed is where he wants to jump onto the Ship. Normally everyone ignores the spawns and just attacks Pylons. Be careful to not touch the Shield as you will get teleported back to Point Du Hoc. And let the sturdier toons get to the Pylon first to gather its aggro, they are deadly to squishies.
2) On the top of the Mothership are vents/ grates guarded by Ritki. When enough bombs are detonated, the GM will spawn to investigate what's happening. A leader may assign each team to a particular grate or it may be the team leader's decision. Usually the sturdier toons will attack and aggro the Rikti so somone stealthie can go click the bomb glowie. Bombs do extreme damage to everything and everybody, so it is polite to announce that one has been set so everyone can get away. Once your team has set a bomb, you cannot set another not even if you quit the team.
3) Usually the Raid Leader calls for everyone to gather after their team has set a Bomb. This point is the Leader's choice and may not be same for every server nor even every Leader.
4) Raid Leader's choice here too. Either pull GM to the gather point or jump into the Bowl and attack it there. The Bowl is the large depression in the center of the Ship.
5) As new toons filter into the zone, they can attempt to set more bombs. Apparently this will add more time before the Shields are restored. I don't know if it's true but it cannot hurt.
6) Continue fighting until Shields are restored. Sturdier toons should pull more Rikti to the group. Heals should be spammed. Buffs cast as needed. Debuffs used generously. Vanguard Merits drop from the sky and all have a good time. Rinse and Repeat.
'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.
Global @StarGeek
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If it's your first time doing a trial you should announce that ahead of time so that the leader knows there's someone who doesn't know how it goes. By this point Lambda is so old-hat that leaders assume that everyone knows what they're doing. Same goes with the Mothership Raid, as well as any other TF/trial/raid content in the game.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
And the timer on the bomb setting is because if you blow three, defeat the GM and blow another three, the GM respawns as I recall.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
2) Did my first Lambda last night. During the smash and grab phase...I got lost. We go downstairs, start fighting a spawn...and a few moments later I'm by myself. I try to run around the map to find things, but all I find are many, many mobs, all aggroing on me. The wiki talks all about crates and not about the mobs or movement. Can someone give me a tip on the detailed strat here?
A) make sure you go down the right elevator.
B) right click on the name of your team lead or the designated person to follow, and Select as Waypoint. This puts a yellow wp on them that can give you quick cues about which corner they went around.
C) MINIMAP IS YOUR FRIEND. Get used to having it open on the Sabotage phase, and get used to manually zooming it back out when you go down the elevator (it tends to zoom in 10-20% for no good reason). Also set your minimap options to Show Leaguemates. If you see bright green triangles you're with your team, if you see faded green, you're with the other team, or someone took the wrong elevator.
3) Did a few BAFs in the last few nights. These worked great (except that so many want to camp the doors instead of chokes, yet say nothing about it when the leader says we'll be using chokes, then fail to do chokes ). However, in the NS & Siege battle, how are people checking to compare their health? I wrote two macros to target each after my last run, but I'm not sure if that's the right technique. |
In modern zone events and Trials, there's an objective window that pops up. You may have closed it, hidden it or something, but it's there and available. In the case of the BAF, it shows the life bar of Siege and NS right on top of each other, and it's easy to watch both. (Pro Tip: you can click on those life bars to target the NPC very handy in the middle of people and ambushes and long range clicking issues the game can have).
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.
* travel about killing pylons.
Right. You have to destroy every pylon in the Warzone to take down the force field around the mothership. The pylons appear on your mini-map.
* I hear something about vents. No idea where this was
More commonly referred to as 'grates'. The top of the mother ship has.... 'canyons' running from the edge to the center. The canyons have the vents/grates along the sizes. You need to break through the grates and plant bombs in the corridors behind them. Each bomb extends the amount of time the force field stays down. Planting 3 (or more) will bring out the Rikti giant monster.
* gather at center bowl on top of ship and fight
* Fight GM on top of ship
Right. He spawns in the 'bowl', but people usually pull him out of there to fight him.
* fight for a really long time (I hear something about bombs)
See above. The bombs are earlier in the process.
Clearly I missed some things. Can anyone fill me in?
No, you've got most of it, just not all in the right order. At this point, I'll mention the POINT of these raids.
1. If you're not 50, you can get a lot of XP very fast.
2. If you are 50 (and VIP, and have your Alpha Slot unlocked), you can get Incarnate Shards.
3. If you have done the Vanguard introductory mission (which becomes available at level 35), you can earn Vanguard Merits by the HUNDREDS which let you buy some cool stuff in the Vanguard base. 250 Vanguard Merits gets you 1 charge of *THE* most brutal pet summon in the game - the Vanguard HVAS. You know those big robots standing outside the Vanguard base? You can summon one and it can beat a Shivan like a rented mule. You can also buy a PERMANENT increase to your salvage storage. And a bunch of other 'moderately' cool stuff.
2) Did my first Lambda last night. During the smash and grab phase...I got lost. We go downstairs, start fighting a spawn...and a few moments later I'm by myself. I try to run around the map to find things, but all I find are many, many mobs, all aggroing on me. The wiki talks all about crates and not about the mobs or movement. Can someone give me a tip on the detailed strat here?
Okay, this is more complicated and more dangerous. Referring to my previous comment, clearly you are VIP status since you can do these trials.
1. Beat up guys in the street until it 'unlocks' the main complex.
2. Destroy the guns on the complex wall so they don't harass you later.
3. Go inside and beat up the security robot.
4. Teams split up. One goes to the lab to get the 'molecular acid' (10 total charges available). One goes to the warehouse for the 'pacification grenades' (again, 10 available). The objectives do NOT appear on your map and most regulars have the map layout, and objective locations, MEMORIZED so they will be sprinting through the complex.
5. Before fighting Marauder, people use the acids to destroy the doors around the courtyard. This reduces the constant ambushes.
6. WHILE fighting him, the grenades let you damage him more easily. Without the grenades, you need two full teams of good builds/players to defeat him in the time limit. With the grenades, any teams can do it as long as the guy with the grenades has a clue. The grenades are typically given to the toughest guy in the league.
However, in the NS & Siege battle, how are people checking to compare their health? I wrote two macros to target each after my last run, but I'm not sure if that's the right technique.
It's not. You should have an additional UI (User Interface) window that shows you JUST their hit points. At earlier points in the raid it shows how many Warworks defeated to summon Nightstar, then it shows escaping prisoner status, etc.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
3) Did a few BAFs in the last few nights. These worked great (except that so many want to camp the doors instead of chokes, yet say nothing about it when the leader says we'll be using chokes, then fail to do chokes ). [QUOTE]
The use choke instruction is often given with the proviso that if you can solo a door, then you can go to a door. Personally, my scrapper and my blaster can solo/near solo doors with lore pets so I go to the door. In my opinion, it's also far more effective use of my area attack powers. Chokes are well and good for controllers to lockdown strays, but relying on them exclusively denies you an opportunity to do tremendous damage to the prisoners between the time they spawn and then reach the choke point.
'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.
Never cede the slightest tactical advantage to the enemy....you're giving the escapees a free pass and increase the risk of escape if an entire league sits at choke points exclusively. I'm not saying never use them, but there is intrinsic value in sending someone to the doors to at least begin damaging if not defeating the escapees.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
The minions aren't a problem anywhere, but the amount of damage you can do to lts in the few seconds it takes them to exit and start moving is greater than anything you will do while they are moving. Fixating on the doors is a problem, but to ignore them is to waste a big opportunity.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
Never cede the slightest tactical advantage to the enemy....you're giving the escapees a free pass and increase the risk of escape if an entire league sits at choke points exclusively. I'm not saying never use them, but there is intrinsic value in sending someone to the doors to at least begin damaging if not defeating the escapees.
The minions aren't a problem anywhere, but the amount of damage you can do to lts in the few seconds it takes them to exit and start moving is greater than anything you will do while they are moving. Fixating on the doors is a problem, but to ignore them is to waste a big opportunity.
Also note, BAF is very forgiving in the sense that someone can disregard the leader's orders without jeopardizing everything -- that really cannot be said for any of the other trials. As a rule, do not consider deviating from orders until you know exactly what and why things happen the way they do -- they're there for a reason. ( ' :
The use choke instruction is often given with the proviso that if you can solo a door, then you can go to a door.
Personally, my scrapper and my blaster can solo/near solo doors with lore pets so I go to the door. In my opinion, it's also far more effective use of my area attack powers.
And there might be a tactical reason for the league leader to request you to do something.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
I NEVER give that proviso, because I have experience that when too many people ignore what the league leader says, the trials fail. The person that gets blamed at that point is the league leader for "not adapting", which is garbage.
Your opinion, but if you are in a league assembled by someone and not just a pile of people entering the LFG queue, by ignoring the leader you are more prone to fail. And there might be a tactical reason for the league leader to request you to do something. |

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Global @StarGeek
ParagonWiki.com-The original is still the best!
My Hero Merit rolls
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1) Did my first Rikti Mothership Raid last night. What a slideshow. What I saw was:
). However, in the NS & Siege battle, how are people checking to compare their health? I wrote two macros to target each after my last run, but I'm not sure if that's the right technique.
* travel about killing pylons.
* I hear something about vents. No idea where this was
* gather at center bowl on top of ship and fight
* Fight GM on top of ship
* fight for a really long time (I hear something about bombs)
* Shields come back up and we're done.
Clearly I missed some things. Can anyone fill me in?
2) Did my first Lambda last night. During the smash and grab phase...I got lost. We go downstairs, start fighting a spawn...and a few moments later I'm by myself. I try to run around the map to find things, but all I find are many, many mobs, all aggroing on me. The wiki talks all about crates and not about the mobs or movement. Can someone give me a tip on the detailed strat here?
3) Did a few BAFs in the last few nights. These worked great (except that so many want to camp the doors instead of chokes, yet say nothing about it when the leader says we'll be using chokes, then fail to do chokes