The Paragon Market - A Quick Update

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
P.S. iPhone's are teh win. Working from the doctors office without my laptop. And the nurse is just shaking her head at me.

Hopefully, it wasn't the fact that we won our league pairing this week that made you ill.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
Lisa, I like your posts, but I find this one baffling. The reason Fire Farms got whacked with the nerf bat wasn't because the story-focused AE users complained, it was because the rewards they offered were out of line with the effort involved in them.

If you really want to draw a parallel to this, I guess you could, but it's again a case of minimal effort (plonk down some $$) giving a better reward than you get from playing the game as designed, and I don't know that you want to make the case that less effort ought to lead to better rewards. IMO, that doesn't create a sustainable game.

I think there were overriding game balance reasons for the changes made, which may have made the authors happy but which were, at best, incidental to the happiness of that portion of the playerbase.

I'm curious why you seem to want to insult broad groups of players. That doesn't seem like you.

As far as it goes, I don't know that I have a particular problem with the selling of crafted IOs on the market, provided the price-point remains high enough that it won't obviate the in-game market. Like Adeon, though, I'm bothered by the precedent of selling strictly better versions of these sets. People keep saying, "Well, as long as there are no purples, I'm fine with it..."

Thing is, the types of bonuses offered by the purple sets are very limited. The ginormous +recharge bonus is nice, but purples don't generally grant non-psi defense bonuses (the exception being the 6th slot in the confuse set). Being able to keep your +def set bonuses down to 27 or 22 (respectively) means that these sets grant something purple sets cannot. They are better than the standard versions of these sets, and in terms of set bonuses granted, arguably better than the purple sets people seem fine with painting as "off-limits".
Lisa looks shamefaced. I know, I know. I know I am accusing all of the story arc writers with getting the Fire Farms nerfed, and I know that is not good of me, but I enjoyed the freedom of being able to buy orange salvage with tickets, and as a happy bonus it did not take long to earn the required amount of tickets.

Then I read on the forums about how the authors are overjoyed that the Fire Farms are being was too much...

I felt so bitter, and so sour that I decided not to play any more AE Missions as a result, which is sad because I have lots of fav AE Mission arcs including one which I run all my brand new toons through to get the badges.

I wish, I wish, regular AE missions gave a better ticket yield. I don't care about the XP, for me it is all about the tickets

Anyways, I have always subscribed to the, "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade,", it is time to let go of the bitterness and find another source of getting orange salvage inexpensively. I hate to spend merits on orange salvage when it is crapshoot at what kind you get....have to think on this one.

Lisa-Going to play an AE story arc today....maybe two

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
Personally, I really don't mind IOs - any of them - going for sale on the Paragon Market.

Sure, they may reduce the demand in the auction house a bit, but... whatever. I'd rather see real money in Paragon's pockets than fake money in my characters' (as I stand to gain a lot more from the developers getting more funding than I do by having another billion influence chilling out on my account).

Also, as a note, I'd probably be willing to pay $5 apiece for the PVP uniques, like the Gladiator's +3%. That's relatively competitive with the RMT spammers' rates, too, I think, and might do some good in putting them out of business (and believe me... nothing would make me happier in this game than seeing the death of the RMT spammer market).

I couldn't agree more.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I don't know why folks are disagreeing with what I said, and then repeating it slightly differently.

I'm going to assume perhaps people are getting hung up on the word "claim"? "Claim" is being used very specifically here: after you buy it from the Paragon Market, you can claim that purchase exactly once: I was trying to make clear that you can't buy them and have some sort of per-character font of Touch of Death enhancements. You can buy a set and claim it from the Market with one character, and then it's claimed and you have enhancements.

Once you claim them, you can mail them to other characters on the same account. That includes the examples of unslotting them and moving them to someone else later. I'm not sure what I said in my original response that made folks think I was excluding that possibility.
Not sure either.

You can indeed email these store bought IOs to your alts. When you add one as an attachment, the email system automatically types in your global email address..which I think is a nice touch.


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Well, if you've followed my post history at all what I am about to say should come as no surprise: I do NOT like this. In all honesty I'm not sure this is worth posting, I made my views on the matter clear in Beta and was told at the time that things weren't going to change. I consoled myself at the time with the knowledge that it was only uncommon sets but now, lo and behold we are getting rare sets as well (I'm not surprised since frankly I doubt the uncommon sets sold particularly well but I am disappointed).

You are billing this as an issue of convenience versus time but the fact of the matter is it isn't. It's selling power. Touch of Death and Mako's Bite are both very solid sets that any melee character building positional defense will want to use. That in and of itself doesn't bother me neither does the fact that they scale up as you level. What does bother me is that unlike normal Set IOs they scale down with you when you exemplar. That gives characters using them a huge advantage over regular set IOs.

Now the "solution" suggested by the devs was to make two builds one using level 50 IOs and one with level 30'ish. As I said at the time I don't consider this a valid solution for a few reasons. One is that the store bought IOs are still better between level 31 and level 46. The other is that level 30 rare IOs are frustrating to acquire due to low supply.

Considering the upcoming release of Titan Weapons this really seems to me like a naked money grab. Given that I will reiterate my request to do something to make regular set IOs competitive. Personally I'd like to see all IOs adopt the same level-less structure as store bought IOs. Baring that I'd like to see the ability to use the level slider to make random ticket/merit rolls at a particular level in order to help loosen up the supply of mid-level IOs.
You can use Enhancement Boosters on in-game IOs, which allows for a very great deal of slotting options without using a single SBE. While I would be perfectly happy with lifting the level restriction on in-game IOs, they've already told us no on that, as I'm sure you remember.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Speaking as another VIP, I really don't see a problem with any of this as long as they keep the PvP and Purple IOs off the market and even then, I'm almsot thinking so what.

These items can be obtained in game. And it sounds like if you were going for true min/max you'd going to want to obtain the IOs in game, and then pay to boost them (which you can also do free by spending Paragon Reward points on the Boosters instead of actual money).
I figure they'll leave PvP/Purples out of the store as a compromise.

Might want to keep sets like LotG off the market though. Lotg: +RCH at lvl 50 enhancement value and it exemps down to lvl 22...that might be to tempting.
Having those in the store (along with Kinetic Combat and a few others) would mean one thing: Where do I send the check?

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Honestly, unless they're dirt cheap, or you're rolling in money, I don't think it makes much sense to buy them.

If you're going to exemplar a lot and/or just cannot stand to try and get low-level IOs in game (and I will concede they're not convenient to get on the market), and you've got the cash to spend on them? Go nuts. It's money that supports the game.

I min max a fair bit, and I've got a significant disposable income. I wouldn't buy these on the market unless they were like a buck a set or something like that. Even that seems high to me for as many as I'd want. I've got all the ToDs and the like I need at the moment, and would never dream of replacing them for real money, even for the exemplar benefit. Of course, I also mostly play at 50, but even when I exemplar, I simply don't worry about what happens to most of my sets. My characters are still overpowered unless I'm forced below level 20 or so. It's only special IOs with "set-bonus-like" effects like LotGs and the like that I bother to buy at minimum level. (And I'm not interested in store-bought LotGs, either, were they even available. The % enhancement difference in a L25 LotG and a level 50 one is very small, and even five them them sprinkled around a build is only likely to affect your overall performance if you were within a few percent of a softcap.)

So overall, I can't see people rushing out and buying these by the cartload unless PS sets the price very low, or unless someone is loaded. Setting the price very low would probably be dumb. And if someone loaded wants to throw money at the game I like to play, more power to them, literally.
Speaking as one of those people that is more than willing to "throw money away at the game I like to play", access to all IOs as SBEs does three things for me:

I. I Don't Have To Use The Market Much. I have always HATED IT and would love to cut down on the time I waste crafting, gathering shopping and doing all of the things that sometimes saps the fun out of the game for me.

II. I could literally level up a character and IO slot it as I play while considerably cutting down the time it takes to do so. One of the things I miss about the pre-SO game was that it was more of a "What do I want to do today?" instead of a "What do I need to run to the grocery store for?" feeling and I will pay money to get that feeling back with IOs.

III. Income Keeps This Game Going Longer. Let's face it, we all spend disposable income on all kinds of things, I certainly don't mind doing so here.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
I am a big believer in Crushing Impact.

I do use Ouroboris a lot to catch up on things I missed in normal leveling, and I even revisit fav story, I bought a lot of these new fangled Crushings and I am happy with my purchases.
So am I. In fact, if a build uses Uncommons, they are all bought in the store now. Just being able to purchase and slot saves me all of the time wasted gathering all of the crap needed to make them.

If they sold everything I wanted in the store (before I finish slotting up all of my characters on Champion), I would give away all of my drops like Mardi Gras throws.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
Having those in the store (along with Kinetic Combat and a few others) would mean one thing: Where do I send the check?
Way to perpetuate the idea that things other players have earned should be purchasable. Following this idea, what is the point in playing the game at all? I've said this before, and I'll say it again: I have no gripes whatsoever with the game having things like new costumes, powersets (granted, they should remain balanced) or things like the rocket board and whatnot for sale for cash, but when it comes to things that actually alter character performance it is crossing the line.

If you're going to sell the most sought after enhancements for cash, why not sell incarnate powers or salvage too? Why not sell influence? Why not just sell 30 day access to the "I Win" button? Wanna buy every badge in the game? Sure, just send 40 bucks over! No one will ever have to actually play the game again!



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
You can use Enhancement Boosters on in-game IOs, which allows for a very great deal of slotting options without using a single SBE. While I would be perfectly happy with lifting the level restriction on in-game IOs, they've already told us no on that, as I'm sure you remember.
Enhancement boosters cost money too. There is no in-game way to earn them. You can only get them through the Paragon Market and Paragon Rewards (which, if you only use the ones from the sub fee, limit how many you can get over time, and means forgoing other options. But you can get more if you spend more real money buying Paragon Points!).

So that's not a solution at all, unless they put enhancement boosters on Merit Vendors. And even then, the issues of lower volume for level 30ish enhancements (which, boosted to +5, are the only things equivalent to the SBEs), and inf-loaded level 50s competing with level 30s for the only thing a level 30 can slot would remain.

They need to remove the 3-levels-below-enhancement-level rule for set bonuses. That would resolve this issue in the fastest, easiest, and most elegant way.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
1. Make myself less powerful at 50 by using level 30 IOs (which are frustrating to accquire)
You can use Ehancement Boosters to make level 30 percentages function just like level 50 percentages (or so close that the difference doesn't matter), so the ability does exist in-game and can be obtained for free with Paragon Points and Paragon Rewards for VIPs. Not only that, but Enhancment Boosters work on Common IOs, which can really impact how you slot things (Think of taking 2 level 50 Recharge IOs, making them both at least +4 and recouping that 3rd slot most people use for pretty much the same effectiveness.). I really don't see the issue you're talking about.

Now a compromise solution (even if they don't want to make all IOs scale like SBEs) would be to introduce the ability in-game to convert a regular IO to an SBE. The idea would be getting an item (perhaps purchased with Astral Merits?) which can be used on a standard set IO of any level and turns it into a SBE style IO. If they introduced that I'd be fine with it. I'd even accept logical limitations such as can only use it on an IO that is already in the store and doing so makes the IO account-bound.

In many ways I think this would actually be a very nice option. It would eliminate the complaints from people like myself, it would help provide IOs for leveling characters (equivalent to Heirloom items form the MMO that shall not be named) and if the cost was reasonably low (say a single Astral per IO) even the msot hard-core soloist could accumulate a reasonable quantity just by running the SSAs.
As I said when we were posting on this type of conversation before, get hired, be placed in charge and send this type of thing live.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
I don't think there would be any need to seed WW, if it were possible to set the level of recipes for random rolls as well as direct purchases. If level 50 characters could make their Merit and ticket rolls at mid levels, then demand would direct supply to the most popular levels, and everyone would benefit.

I have stacks of merits on characters that I frankly can't be bothered to roll, because I have no interest in level 50 recipes. I'd rather let them stack up and use them to buy the occasional low-level stealth recipe. If I could choose to roll them at mid levels, all those merits would be used up and supplying the market.
There was some mention of looking into this a few months ago, we'll see if they remember it.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Calling Shenanigans on the Paragon Market. Why do you guys keep saying these are account bound enhancements when they are not. WE HAVE NO WAY OF TRANSFERRING THESE TO ALTS. So stop with the account bound wording when you know its not true. Many of us have been asking for account based storage since day 1, it would be nice to finally get this on characters so we would not be stuck having to slowly email non-bound stuff to alts.

You can email them to yourself, Evil...

Zombie already answered this, nevermind.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



This isn't about any specific item, but it's a suggestion in general that I think should be taken to heart. And yes, Mod/Admins/Devs please pay attention to this as I feel it's very important:

Anyone with a VIP status should get a significant discount off items on the Paragon Market

As I understand, the discounts listed now are available for everyone... but if you allow more discounts for VIP members you'll gain an added incentive for players to subscribe and VIP members won't feel like they're getting ripped off* by the insanely high market prices.

*Which they technically are considering they're paying the same subscription fee and having to pay the extra money to get some things they'd have gotten in a free update pre-Freedom



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
So? If it grinds your gears that much, do the same as they are and buy the things. No one is stopping you.
What part of "I don't have the kind of money it would take" don't you understand?



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
You can use Ehancement Boosters to make level 30 percentages function just like level 50 percentages (or so close that the difference doesn't matter), so the ability does exist in-game and can be obtained for free with Paragon Points and Paragon Rewards for VIPs.
Please stop saying this, as it is not true. As I said in the post above this one that I am replying to, Reward Tokens are not free and are not earnable in-game. Each one costs $15, with a discount if you spend more money at once. There is also an opportunity cost for spending Reward Tokens or Paragon Points on Enhancement boosters-- you cannot choose another item that you otherwise would have chosen. You can't have "Enhancement boosters are free with the stipend" AND "premium powersets are free with the stipend" AND "costume sets are free with the stipend", so this whole "x is free" thing needs to stop unless it is earnable in-game.

The 3-level-below-enhancement-level rule needs to be removed for in-game enhancements just as it has been done for SBEs. That would resolve this issue for both sides.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
You can use Enhancement Boosters on in-game IOs, which allows for a very great deal of slotting options without using a single SBE.
How is that different from just buying the SBEs themselves? In fact it's worse since now I have to spend time and inf getting the IOs plus paragon points getting the boosters (and I believe I'd need a lot more paragon points to buy the boosters than to buy the SBEs). And no, using the Paragon Points from my sub does not make it "free" there is such a thing as opportunity cost.

While I would be perfectly happy with lifting the level restriction on in-game IOs, they've already told us no on that, as I'm sure you remember.
I do remember. That doesn't mean I'm going to shut up.



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
While I would be perfectly happy with lifting the level restriction on in-game IOs, they've already told us no on that, as I'm sure you remember.
I forgot to comment on this.

They told us no on making in-game enhancements work identically to SBEs. That also means no enhancement boosters, attunement, and they level with you. They told us no on that whole package.

I never saw any response to removing the 3-level-below-enancement-level restriction for set bonuses, and I'm not even sure it was asked for at the time (because we were specifically asked "would you like in-game IOs to work like SBEs?").

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Originally Posted by Robotech_Master View Post
What part of "I don't have the kind of money it would take" don't you understand?
Conversely, what part of "it has ZERO affect on how you play the game" don't YOU understand, hmm?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Way to perpetuate the idea that things other players have earned should be purchasable. Following this idea, what is the point in playing the game at all? I've said this before, and I'll say it again: I have no gripes whatsoever with the game having things like new costumes, powersets (granted, they should remain balanced) or things like the rocket board and whatnot for sale for cash, but when it comes to things that actually alter character performance it is crossing the line.

If you're going to sell the most sought after enhancements for cash, why not sell incarnate powers or salvage too? Why not sell influence? Why not just sell 30 day access to the "I Win" button? Wanna buy every badge in the game? Sure, just send 40 bucks over! No one will ever have to actually play the game again!
Again, HOW exactly does this cheapen the game for you in any way, shape or form beyond grinding your gears? Make them earnable AND puchasable, that way everyone wins.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Conversely, what part of "it has ZERO affect on how you play the game" don't YOU understand, hmm?
I like how you moved the goalposts there. I'm sure you can keep coming up with solutions all day, but I'd prefer ones that don't devolve into name-calling.

Here's mine: I think that, if you want the IOs to be attractive enough to purchase, having them level up with you is fine. Let them "grow". Just take away the exemplaring function. That goes away and I have no problem with selling any of the things that aren't purple/PvP. They still have the "slot it and forget it" functionality, but don't suddenly emulate an ability that was heretofore restricted to the very rarest of IOs.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



The purples discussion aside, who exactly can possibly be so poor that buying SBE thunderstrikes represents a large advantage over someone who buys them for himself every 5 levels?



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
The purples discussion aside, who exactly can possibly be so poor that buying SBE thunderstrikes represents a large advantage over someone who buys them for himself every 5 levels?
And when both players exemplar back down to run Citadel Task Force, what then? Should the "buy every 5 levels player" go to the market and buy another set of level 30 Thunderstrikes to use on that Task Force?

It's been said numerous times both by myself and other people within this thread but I think it bears repeating

We don't care about the enhancements scaling up, that's the sort of convenience based boost that should be in the store. It's the enhancements scaling down that pisses us off.



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
I figure they'll leave PvP/Purples out of the store as a compromise.
Considering you can see the new SBE purples and PvP IO's in-game already if you know where to look, I'm pretty sure we'll be seeing them on the market soon enough.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
And when both players exemplar back down to run Citadel Task Force, what then? Should the "buy every 5 levels player" go to the market and buy another set of level 30 Thunderstrikes to use on that Task Force?
If the difference matters that much to him, then yes, he should. Because the problem there is not the material being OP, it's the player being a fussybritches.