The Paragon Market - A Quick Update

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Way to perpetuate the idea that things other players have earned should be purchasable. Following this idea, what is the point in playing the game at all? I've said this before, and I'll say it again: I have no gripes whatsoever with the game having things like new costumes, powersets (granted, they should remain balanced) or things like the rocket board and whatnot for sale for cash, but when it comes to things that actually alter character performance it is crossing the line.

If you're going to sell the most sought after enhancements for cash, why not sell incarnate powers or salvage too? Why not sell influence? Why not just sell 30 day access to the "I Win" button? Wanna buy every badge in the game? Sure, just send 40 bucks over! No one will ever have to actually play the game again!

Well, I nearly fully slotted five characters in the last two weeks, so it's definitely not the acquisition of IOs that I hate, it's the time invested in it to exclusion of 90% of the rest of the game it took to get there. I perceive SBEs as the best way for me to stop gaming the system and actually start playing it again.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
They need to remove the 3-levels-below-enhancement-level rule for set bonuses. That would resolve this issue in the fastest, easiest, and most elegant way.
I'll agree with you completely on this plus SBEs being the best option for everyone and would be impressed if the Devs chose to implement both at some point.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Considering you can see the new SBE purples and PvP IO's in-game already if you know where to look, I'm pretty sure we'll be seeing them on the market soon enough.
Oh, I know everything is already in the store and just requires the throwing of a switch to activate. Sure, I am all for everything being for sale in the store, I just doubt the Devs would go for Purple and PvP IOa being so easy to obtain.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I do remember. That doesn't mean I'm going to shut up.
Good. The only way the discussion progresses (and therefore the situation as a whole improves) is if you don't.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
We don't care about the enhancements scaling up, that's the sort of convenience based boost that should be in the store. It's the enhancements scaling down that pisses us off.
Is it the scaling down while exemplared or the fact that set bonuses are available to SBEs over a wider range while doing so that cause the issue for you?

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Again, HOW exactly does this cheapen the game for you in any way, shape or form beyond grinding your gears? Make them earnable AND puchasable, that way everyone wins.

It makes my game time more enjoyable when the entire game doesn't turn into the cesspool that is Atlas Park or Pocket D on Virtue. What, so now all the people who used to actually play the game can have more free time to sit around and give longwinded RP monologues?

It affects my game time because it kills the integrity of the game when things that are earned can be purchased. It invalidates the entire concept of progressing by playing the game in the first place. What is the point of working on a character when at this rate, we'll be able to buy level 50's, buy incarnate stuff, buy purple and pvp IO's, buy the I Win button?



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
Is it the scaling down while exemplared or the fact that set bonuses are available to SBEs over a wider range while doing so that cause the issue for you?
The wider set bonus range. The actual enhancement values scaling down isn't a big deal since if I recall correctly they fixed the bug that was causing them to be abnormally high (at least I think they did, it's been a while since I tested it).



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
The wider set bonus range. The actual enhancement values scaling down isn't a big deal since if I recall correctly they fixed the bug that was causing them to be abnormally high (at least I think they did, it's been a while since I tested it).

Lifting the set bonus restrictions while being exemplared on in-game IOs would definitely solve the problem. Getting the Devs to see that is another matter entirely.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
So the new IO sets are 450 at 50% off? At half price they're about twice as much as the maximum I'd consider paying.

I might spent $5-$10 of points for a single set of purples or PVPs when they come out(Yes, when).

I understand these are guineapig models to test the pricing and actual revenue from the items(time to see how many who cried for it will actually pay for it now that it's here)......but how come everytime Paragon tests something the test-dummy items are subpar? It offsets the point of the test, because they're below-standard items. If you wanna see how well rares will sell at their current price, list the LotG or Numina set with their procs. THAT will give you a good idea of how well rares will do. But things like that lv20 melee set I hadn't even remembered hearing of before, or the mako's that go for like 5mil as recipes at lv50? lol. Of course the numbers sold will be pathetic .

10 50's To Date! Check out Titan Sentinel; it got my CoH presence synced online



Well, I don't think we're on pay to win ground yet, but the Market is starting to toe the line. The idea that paid IO sets essentially level with you (within their given ranges), while in game IO's don't, is a bit...absurd in my not so humble opinion. I mean it looks like Paragon is trying to bill this whole thing as a time vs. money issue, yes? I have no qualms with the studio trying to make money any which way they can, and I'm equally indifferent to anyone that wants to buy their way out of a few time sinks. Nonetheless, this is a situation that teeter's on murky ground.

I may be a little out of my depth with this, and it may not be possible/game breaking/whatever, but may I make a suggestion? Equalize in game IO's and SBE's. Rework IO's so that they are, in a manner of speaking, "level-less" (for lack of a better term). Now before people start foaming at the mouth, let me explain what I mean - with the advent of these purchased enhancements, whatever tech or code or whatever is obviously in place to allow enhancements to scale dynamically. Why don't all IO's do this?

Kinetic Combat is a 20-35 set, but when someone gets, say, a DAM/END/Rech recipe to drop, rather than having it drop at a specific level, just make it a plain DAM/END/Rech recipe. The IO, when crafted, will never have better stats than at 35, nor any worse than 20, but make it scale depending on the characters level.

As to salvage used during crafting, tag the recipe with the characters level when it is created. The recipe is either Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 when created, representing only the salvage needed to craft it, not its effectiveness.

If a character is level 15 and gets a Cleaving Blow, the recipe is tagged as Tier 1, and needs low level salvage to craft. Similarly, the same recipe is tier 2 when a level 30 character gets it, and needs mid level salvage to craft, and so on. Then simply make crafting costs the average of the current costs for the differing level ranges.

Keep purple's and PVP IO's in game only. As to Very Rare's and how they fare under this system, allow a portion of their effects to ignore ED (something else that's currently possible thanks to the Incarnate system), and possibly even give them a better scalar when exemplaring than typical IO sets (depending on relative value to comparable rare sets).

I don't know, this might be a terrible suggestion, but it seems somewhat arbitrary to have specific IO levels (note that I mean specific to the individual IO, not level ranges for IO sets) at all now that inventions and the market are barred to all that aren't paying for it already anyway. Moreover, while SBE's and their current function aren't the end of the world, I'd say it's also unduly punitive that these IO's are functionally "better" (relative as the term might be) than what I can earn in game.