I want a Stalker superteam...




because (Assault stacked) +80% damage, taking out all bosses and LTs in a mob, (probably) fearing everything remaining, and basically guaranteed ~31% base crit out of hide sounds really awesome.

I'm thinking of running one: but that's about as far as I've gone w/ the planning (midterms and whatnot..)

If I did, who'd be with me? I'd most likely do this on Virtue or Exalted.



Hell yeah

My baby stalkers on Virtue and Exalted are a long way from 50 though!

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




I'd prefer Exalted, since Virtue is... odd. And my home is Infinity. Making a Stalker Superteam would be curious though, especially 'cause we'd then be rolling "teaming" Stalkers. Hrm.

Theme aside from Stalkers? No cloned powersets, random gen on power combos, same primary, same secondary, no theme at all?

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



If by superteam you mean starting at level 1 and leveling up together (what is also called a "static" team) then the problem as always is scheduling. But if you are just looking to run a mission, tips, or task force team with all stalkers then I'd say just throw one together in game.

I've been on an all-Stalker Moonfire once and all-stalker ITFs twice. They are a lot of fun just for being unusual. Secondaries that can stack effects like Caltrops, Blinding Powder, Cloak of Fear, etc. are going to shine too.

Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer

Join The X-Patriots on Virtue!



My idea was to run what I'm going to now coin as a "semi-static" team.

In the past, I've joined an "all-MM SG, play when you want, maybe one day we'll all be online at the same time and we'll do a TF" once, but as far I know, no one's ever online at the same time. I've also joined an "all-MM static team SG, everyone come out on a certain day and play, it'll be awesome once a week", but people forget these things, and after 3 or 4 weeks of running w/ only 2-3 out of 15 members, that kind of died off.

If I were to do this, I'd choose a day and time where we all come together to play, but if your Stalker is *soo* much fun you can't keep your cursor off it, then by all means...

On Exalted I already have a lvl10 Stalker (blueside, MA/NRG, Natural) that I made w/ this superteam in mind, but the costume is saved and I don't mind rerolling (only takes 2 DFB's to get lvl10 anyway).

I don't want to restrict people to themes.. even though by doing so I half-expect a team of (KM or Elec)/(Nin or Ice), but I usually use these things to try things I normally couldn't get into.

As far as "teamy" Stalkers go, from how I build, all my Stalkers are "teamy" (and by that, I mean I take Assault, and have Assemble the Team)... though I guess at least two of us should get to Vengeance.



Dunno, it seems interesting, and while I appreciate the free choice, with 11 Primaries, and 8 Secondaries, can easily do a lack of repeats. Only debate/issue would be how to determine who gets what.

Regardless, especially with SSK, the main limitation to playing together is the server and faction. I vote for Exalted, and starting Villainous (we are STALKERS, after all), since if you're posting on the boards, you're a VIP, and I doubt I can encourage y'all to come to Infinity.

And I'll toss my hat in for either an ElM/DA or a StJ/EA.

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



Originally Posted by Errant View Post
Dunno, it seems interesting, and while I appreciate the free choice, with 11 Primaries, and 8 Secondaries, can easily do a lack of repeats. Only debate/issue would be how to determine who gets what.

Regardless, especially with SSK, the main limitation to playing together is the server and faction. I vote for Exalted, and starting Villainous (we are STALKERS, after all), since if you're posting on the boards, you're a VIP, and I doubt I can encourage y'all to come to Infinity.

And I'll toss my hat in for either an ElM/DA or a StJ/EA.
I have a lowbie Spines/nin stalker on Exalted (red side, obviously ). Never played /nin before, so that might be interesting.

Colour me interested!

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




How effective would an all stun field (EA's Disrupt or DA's Gloom) team be? Thinking it would be interesting to have everyone Lightning Rod in with stun fields on then just clean up. Admittedly this would be later game (20 for EA and 35 for DA).



Interesting idea. Alas, I avoid redside whenever possible.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Interesting idea. Alas, I avoid redside whenever possible.
o_O? What's wrong with it? Seems to me it has better design, more streamlined mission trees, and is visually more interesting. Plus, less zones makes for less travel.

I will go blue, if we decide that route, but I do prefer red-side overall. Paragon City is a little chintzy/easy to me. (alternately, we could start gold/purple and play with the Emperor's minions)

Roster so far:
Zeh_Masteh - MA/EA
Errant - ElM/DA
Slaunyeh - Spines/Self-Empathy
tyxavier - KM/ElA
CrazyJerseyan - Claws/IA
_Anubite_ - EM/Will
ricodah - StJ/SR

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



Originally Posted by Errant View Post
o_O? What's wrong with it? Seems to me it has better design, more streamlined mission trees, and is visually more interesting. Plus, less zones makes for less travel.

I will go blue, if we decide that route, but I do prefer red-side overall. Paragon City is a little chintzy/easy to me. (alternately, we could start gold/purple and play with the Emperor's minions)

But, roster so far:
Zeh_Masteh - MA/Nrg
Errant - ElM/DA (StJ/Nrg alt)
Slaunyeh - Spines/Nin
Not only fewer zones, but the story arcs and task forces mostly tried to stay in zone. Except ice mistral because she's a big meanie.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



I could do this on Exalted villain-side. Once the details of start date/time/day of week are worked out I'll see about rolling up my new Stalker.

I'd like to point out that the team would greatly benefit from someone having the Achilles' Heel proc slotted. It doesn't stack, but having someone able to keep that up on hard targets would make a big difference on a team of damage dealers lacking debuffs.

I don't think that will be me though. I'm not sure which sets can slot the proc, but I'm guessing any of the sword sets and Claws. I don't have any interest in playing NB, BS, or Claws, and I just finished leveling a DB Stalker to 50.

I seem to remember StJ has a defense debuff. If the proc can be slotted there maybe I'll roll one of those.



Are we talking about a normal (sorta) team or a SG/VG? It sounds interesting to me either way. I could transfer, make, or remake a character for it as needed.



Originally Posted by Errant View Post
Paragon City is a little chintzy/easy to me. (alternately, we could start gold/purple and play with the Emperor's minions)
The constantly sunny blue skies of Paragon creeps me the hell out!

Starting as Praetorians is an interesting idea... we'd be the only ones in the zones!

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Errant View Post
But, roster so far:
Zeh_Masteh - MA/Nrg
Errant - ElM/DA (StJ/Nrg alt)
Slaunyeh - Spines/Nin
As for this, I could do /regen instead, if someone else is more keen on /nin and being a unique snowflake.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




I would be interested in doing this on Exalted. Starting zone doesnt really matter to me, but I rarely do Praetoria so that would be a nice change of pace. Maybe even an /ElA stalker.

Iron Crane - Inv/SS Tanker (Champion)
Fox Die - EM/Nin Stalker (Infinity)
Azure Hunter - Arc/Ene Blaster (Infinity)

"Consider the unparalleled advantage, of a natural disaster thats impossible to manage."



Im game...been wanting to try a new lolstalker, its been a buttload of issues since playing one.

I was thinking claws/energy or ice


"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



New Additions.

Originally Posted by Errant View Post
Roster so far:
Zeh_Masteh - MA/EA
Errant - ElM/DA (StJ/EA alt)
Slaunyeh - Spines/Nin
tyxavier - ??/ElA
CrazyJerseyan - Claws/Ice or Claws/EA
So far, it seems we've started to gravitate towards grabbing each of the Secondaries, rolling on Exalted, and starting in Praetoria.

So then, we need a Self-Empathy, a Super Reflexes, and a Willpower to round it out. Also, unclaimed Primaries are: Broadsword, Dark Melee, Dual Blades, Energy Melee, Kinetic Melee, and Street Justice.

I'd lean away from doing an all EA team, since apparently the Disrupt graphic can cause headaches/migraines/is obnoxious as all get-out. However, this is Zeh_Masteh's brilliant idea, so I'm willing to play within what he was planning.

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



Originally Posted by Errant View Post
o_O? What's wrong with it? Seems to me it has better design, more streamlined mission trees, and is visually more interesting. Plus, less zones makes for less travel.
I find it visually dull overall, hate the zone layouts, and dislike the Destined One arc. Though I'll grant that there are some great story arcs here and there, and missions are generally more conveniently arranged for travel purposes (but when they're not, it's almost as bad as being sent across IP). I currently only go there if I feel like making a new SoA, and then alignment switch ASAP.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I find it visually dull overall, hate the zone layouts, and dislike the Destined One arc. Though I'll grant that there are some great story arcs here and there, and missions are generally more conveniently arranged for travel purposes (but when they're not, it's almost as bad as being sent across IP). I currently only go there if I feel like making a new SoA, and then alignment switch ASAP.
I do not like the zone layout either. I wouldnt mind it as much if they chtr has flight, but since I really chose flight, navigating those zones really annoy me.

I'll probably chose Kinetic Melee since I've yet to make a chtr with that.

Iron Crane - Inv/SS Tanker (Champion)
Fox Die - EM/Nin Stalker (Infinity)
Azure Hunter - Arc/Ene Blaster (Infinity)

"Consider the unparalleled advantage, of a natural disaster thats impossible to manage."



I haven't done anything on Exaulted yet, but for an all Stalker group I can hop over there. I'll take Energy Melee (i've always had a soft spot for that set) or one of the blade sets. And lets see, not a lot of secondaries left so I'll take.... Willpower.



If you all took Maneuvers and Assault, you'd be running around with about 28% Def and +84% damage all the time. If you all Assassin Striked the same target, you'd do about 4,500 damage in a burst. Mmmm...tasty.

I'd join if I played more, as this sounds like fun.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



You guys really should do an All EA--Disrupt superteam.

Put your foes into eplileptic shock!

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by Errant View Post
o_O? What's wrong with it? Seems to me it has better design, more streamlined mission trees, and is visually more interesting. Plus, less zones makes for less travel.

I will go blue, if we decide that route, but I do prefer red-side overall. Paragon City is a little chintzy/easy to me. (alternately, we could start gold/purple and play with the Emperor's minions)

But, roster so far:
Zeh_Masteh - MA/Nrg
Errant - ElM/DA (StJ/Nrg alt)
Slaunyeh - Spines/Nin
Ill take Claws/Electric Alex for $200 Alex!

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Even more friends!

Originally Posted by Errant View Post
Roster so far:
Zeh_Masteh - MA/EA
Errant - ElM/DA (StJ/EA alt)
Slaunyeh - Spines/Nin
tyxavier - KM/ElA
CrazyJerseyan - Claws/IA or Claws/EA or Claws/ElA
_Anubite_ - EM/Will
Hrm, up to 6 players now... think we need to start deciding on two things:
A. Playtime - I'm PDT (GMT-8), and am generally more free on Weekends vice Weekdays. Also, I'd not be playing more frequently than once a week for this team.
B. If we do want to hold to a concept, or just roll whatever. We are close to having 1 of each secondary, but I'm the only one so far who's voiced support for the idea, e'en though y'all are pretty much inline with it.

Thoughts, ideas? (and apologies to Zeh_Masteh, I think I've taken over slightly)

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.