I want a Stalker superteam...




I was at work earlier, slacking off by posting about Stalkers. I thought the teaming didn't start for a few more hours!

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Well shoot!



Still working here, potentially playing when I get home tonight though... still need to get Degenerate more tips (maybe they'll actually drop this time).

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



I'm in for tonight. I'm a vigilante but not sure what alignment everyone else is sitting at. I went on a TF leveling spree and hit 39. Moonfire, Sutter (For double merits) and the ITF. Have the TF Commander and Atlas Medallion accolades. Just need the Unveiler badge for Freedom Phalanx Reserve. Portal Jockey will come after lvl 50. I still have 10 experience boosters so getting to 50 will be pretty quick.

Briefly teamed today and a couple players were surprised I am at level 39. I didn't think we were in a level pact, just to play together when we get the chance. It probably doesn't matters if we exemplar down or SK up. Our only restrictions are our alignment, individual levels and what TF/SF we decide to run ie. everyone would need to be lvl 25+, rogue/vig/hero if we want to do a Citadel TF.

Btw, StJ/SR stalkers are awesome once endurance becomes manageable.



I'm going to leave my toon logged in while I'm cleaning my place so give me a holler on the channel if you want company. My toon's name is Offside and I'm a level 26 Elec/Ice Rogue.



maybe i jumped the gun. was going by other posts.
sorry for disappearing earlier, the psu i bought blew up x.x posting from ps3
stores are closed till friday =\



Trouble is level 25, and has the Soul Taker mission. It's the last badge she needs for the Demonic accolade*, but I'm holding it until Sunday to see if anyone else wants the badge. It's available in Ouroboros in the 30-35 group since villain one-off badge missions are almost always one level range higher than where they actually appear, so you can get it later but need to wait until level 35 through Ouro.

I also unlocked Mortimer Kal, helped sprint through a few tips, and then left her farming damage overnight so that as soon as I get Exterminator and can get into Warburg for Triumphant I'll have Born in Battle**; for High Pain Threshold*** I just need the Bad Luck mission from Hard Luck and the 400k debt badge.

Plus she's still schizophrenic about whether to save or rob the Steel Canyon bank, and while they are outleveled each offers the Team Recall temp power, which is a 5 minute recharge Assemble the Team that lasts for 24 hours of in-game time. I'm planning on getting TFC instead of Invader, but if anyone is doing the mayhems for Invader and missed Steel Canyon post in here and I'll hold onto it, too.

* - Archmage equivalent, +50% def/+30% res to all but Psi for 1 min and really nice to have early
** - Portal Jockey equivalent, +5%hp and +5 end
*** - Freedom Phalanx Reserve equivalent, +10% hp

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Eye Blink is lvl22.25, and is on the Rogue Tip 10/10: next time I log on (maybe later tonight), I'll get rogue and finish Darrin Wade's arc.

Just to be more clear: there are no level restrictions: as I said in the OP, I just think it'd be really cool to get a full (or as close as possible) team of stalkers together and wreck content: the grey "morality restriction" is just so that as many of us can team together at the same time.

Also, for those stalking (hehe) this thread, jump on the Stalkerlicious channel on Exhalted even if you're out of our lvl ranges, and see if anyone else is Stalking the server at the same time as you.

For everyone else (especially those Stalking over in Europe): feel free to announce when you plan on playing, even if it's not on Wednesday/Sunday: I check this forum before logging on, and I'd love to join. We now have more than 8 people on the channel, so there's no reason to limit this to only one Stalker superteam...



Yes please, no matter what toon I am on I will drop everything to play my stalker!



Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
Yes please, no matter what toon I am on I will drop everything to play my stalker!
Im pretty much the same way,If there's something interesting going on for stalker teaming.



Originally Posted by Zeh_Masteh View Post
For everyone else (especially those Stalking over in Europe): feel free to announce when you plan on playing, even if it's not on Wednesday/Sunday: I check this forum before logging on, and I'd love to join. We now have more than 8 people on the channel, so there's no reason to limit this to only one Stalker superteam...
Well, seeing as I am European, I suppose this counts to me :P My Stalker, Icarus Bright (BS/WP), just reached level 26 yesterday (Disembowel <3) and will get Assault at lvl 28. I play nearly everyday, and almost always on my Stalker, as I really do love this AT! But yeah, I'm often on, so feel free to shout out on the channel and I'll be there, hopefully ;D

I expect to get the Rularuu's Bane sword for a costume, and thus will have to either run an SSTF or defeat 100 Overseers, and as a Stalker, the latter seems discomforting :P So a scary thought, imagine an all Stalker SSTF xD

@Global: Difficult One
Playing on European Servers (Union, Defiant)

If a person turns down an idea, he turns down an opportunity to evolve himself



Degenerate is FINALLY Grey, and about 22.5.

Looking forward to being able to swing both side of the pond now. May need to jump onto Siol's coat-tails about the Accolades though, seems wise.

Also, I'll admit, I'll sooner kill 100 Overseer's on a Stalker than run an SSTF... Just do SSA2 Redside 100 times.

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



Originally Posted by Errant View Post
Also, I'll admit, I'll sooner kill 100 Overseer's on a Stalker than run an SSTF... Just do SSA2 Redside 100 times.
No doubt :P I think I'll try getting into a local teaming channel on Exalted and see if I can form an SSTF under normal circumstances, seems if anything easier :P

@Global: Difficult One
Playing on European Servers (Union, Defiant)

If a person turns down an idea, he turns down an opportunity to evolve himself



1) what's the SSTF?

2) I'll be online starting at 12pm today until around 2:30pm during classes, fyi



Originally Posted by Zeh_Masteh View Post
1) what's the SSTF?

2) I'll be online starting at 12pm today until around 2:30pm during classes, fyi
1) Shadow Shard Task Force; and there are four. Despite their reputation, not all of them are excessively long, but Dr Quaterfield's 122 merit, 33-mission monstrosity seems to have been the one that gave them all their reputation (fwiw, I've been on a handful of Dr Q TFs - the longest was roughly 4 hrs and the shortest just over 3). Travel time is the majority of the missions. And it's much faster to just team with a 50 in the Shard and hunt Overseers to get the badge than to run the TFs to get them.

2) I'll be at work, so will miss it.

In further news, yesterday a few of us ran a Mortimer Kal as a team of 4 Stalkers after stealthing the Soul Taker mission. Many deaths were had by all due to multiple-AV spawns and Numina spotting me through hide in the first mission, but we finished in around 40 mins with 14 deaths, and the bonus xp got everybody at least one level. After that, everybody scattered and things fell apart.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
In further news, yesterday a few of us ran a Mortimer Kal as a team of 4 Stalkers after stealthing the Soul Taker mission. Many deaths were had by all due to multiple-AV spawns and Numina spotting me through hide in the first mission, but we finished in around 40 mins with 14 deaths, and the bonus xp got everybody at least one level. After that, everybody scattered and things fell apart.
None of those deaths were mine, although I did burn thru a month's worth of
inspirations and 4 Shivans...

That is one nasty tf.

Sorry I was so crunched for time, but I'm glad I was able to stay long enough
to help get that thing knocked off...

I also completed the trek to "Grey" late last night, and expect to be L29 or L30
by next Sunday (hopefully, I can stay later as well).


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Formed a couple Sutter TFs and SSA2, breezed through all of them. Invited a few new stalkers to the channel. C'lypso, Tuetoni and What TFL. Welcome them aboard if you catch them online.

Hit 50, fully IO'd, got the Freedom Phalanx and Portal Jockey accolades, T3 Musculature. Incarnate trials doesn't seem to run rampant on Exalted. Getting the rest of the incarnate powers is going to be a slooooow climb.

Let's aim to be level 25+ by Wednesday. It will open up Hess, Citadel and Renault to our TF/SF list. Look for me online (Fullthrottle) if you need a hand leveling up and we can run some missions or a TF.



Status so far: Icarus Bright has reached level 28 (thanks to ricohdah ^^), has just got Assault and is wonderful to play (if we ignore entities with too high lethal res)!

I personally don't know if I will Incarnate this toon, but I guess time will tell

@Global: Difficult One
Playing on European Servers (Union, Defiant)

If a person turns down an idea, he turns down an opportunity to evolve himself



Originally Posted by JanusFrs View Post

I personally don't know if I will Incarnate this toon, but I guess time will tell
Yes, you are! We'll do 16 stalker Lambda runs. I think that would be pretty fun.



Originally Posted by ricohdah View Post
Yes, you are! We'll do 16 stalker Lambda runs. I think that would be pretty fun.
Lol, seems I don't have a choice in the matter ;P On second thought it WOULD be fairly interesting with an all stalker lambda... We could make fairly short work of the turrets, and really who cares about being that strong on AoE on that trial...?

@Global: Difficult One
Playing on European Servers (Union, Defiant)

If a person turns down an idea, he turns down an opportunity to evolve himself



Originally Posted by JanusFrs View Post
Lol, seems I don't have a choice in the matter ;P On second thought it WOULD be fairly interesting with an all stalker lambda... We could make fairly short work of the turrets, and really who cares about being that strong on AoE on that trial...?
I think having little or no AoE is fine during a Lambda. The hardest part would be if we let the IDF accumulate for the extra Astral Merit before the Marauder battle. As we get Judgement powers, that portion will get a lot easier. Other than that, street/courtyard sweeping, turrets, warehouse/lab phases and fighting Marauder will be a snap.



AS is unresistable damage, right? We may even cut through Marauder's enraged state... then we'll see which AT is the laughing stock of Paragon City!

Edit: Checked in game... AS is unresistable only in PvP... even still, it should be fun times!



In other news, I have just gotten the badge mission to access the Midnigter's Club on blueside. I will wait using it till more people are online, so some time in the weekend I can help people accessing the club (and Cim)

@Global: Difficult One
Playing on European Servers (Union, Defiant)

If a person turns down an idea, he turns down an opportunity to evolve himself



I'll be on at 4pm EST as usual tomorrow, though I know a few people like to start at 2pm EST on Sundays.



I can actually attend this one.