I want a Stalker superteam...




I was playing sunday and was one of the ones who got to lvl 10 and will be returning tonight.



So, what was the result of Wednesday's run? I couldn't make it as it was night for me :P Any new level limits to reach by the weekend?

@Global: Difficult One
Playing on European Servers (Union, Defiant)

If a person turns down an idea, he turns down an opportunity to evolve himself



Originally Posted by JanusFrs View Post
So, what was the result of Wednesday's run? I couldn't make it as it was night for me :P Any new level limits to reach by the weekend?
Only a couple levels last night and while only lvl 12, I'm about ready to start investing in some IOs.

Iron Crane - Inv/SS Tanker (Champion)
Fox Die - EM/Nin Stalker (Infinity)
Azure Hunter - Arc/Ene Blaster (Infinity)

"Consider the unparalleled advantage, of a natural disaster thats impossible to manage."



Originally Posted by tyxavier View Post
Only a couple levels last night and while only lvl 12, I'm about ready to start investing in some IOs.
Lovely, then I won't have so much to back up about till Saturday! :3 And nice to hear about IOs Or is it because your toon is unbearable without those IO add-ins? ;P

@Global: Difficult One
Playing on European Servers (Union, Defiant)

If a person turns down an idea, he turns down an opportunity to evolve himself



Thinking it's 'cause he wants them.

The team worked really well, we trucked along fairly quickly. Multiple AS's on Bosses, and leveraging the fear and -ToHit were definitely key in our tactics.

All in all, a grand time, and a grand melee was had. Unsure if I'll be there Sunday, but I look forward to next Wednesday!

*Also, finally, at level 10, I got an Armor Toggle!

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



Stalker Sunday starting at 11:00am pst, gold side, Exalted. Pop in and team up. See you all there!



I posted in the other thread, but I made Trouble (DM/Regen) for this.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



I'll be joining once again with my (km/ice) Kinetic Frost



Good run out today, even picked up a few stray stalkers while playing. I made it to level 19 and plan to push for 20 on Wednesday evening. I was thinking about going blueside and then turning vig. I feel that hero accolades are easier to get. I hate villains need debt and damage badges to get their equivalent. If majority wants to go red, we can do it.

I hope this link works. We've been immortalized in an animated gif! I took the screens early after forming so people who jumped on later isn't in the picture.



Originally Posted by ricohdah View Post
Good run out today, even picked up a few stray stalkers while playing. I made it to level 19 and plan to push for 20 on Wednesday evening. I was thinking about going blueside and then turning vig. I feel that hero accolades are easier to get. I hate villains need debt and damage badges to get their equivalent. If majority wants to go red, we can do it.

I hope this link works. We've been immortalized in an animated gif! I took the screens early after forming so people who jumped on later isn't in the picture.

Working a double shift today so lurking on the forums as usual. Glad to hear all is working out and great gif...I wanna see more plz

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Ohh I see myself on the right side :x



Originally Posted by ricohdah View Post
Good run out today, even picked up a few stray stalkers while playing. I made it to level 19 and plan to push for 20 on Wednesday evening. I was thinking about going blueside and then turning vig. I feel that hero accolades are easier to get. I hate villains need debt and damage badges to get their equivalent. If majority wants to go red, we can do it.

I hope this link works. We've been immortalized in an animated gif! I took the screens early after forming so people who jumped on later isn't in the picture.

Agreed, this was definitely a good run! I really got a whole new experience of Stalkers, and my main is one for christ sake! Made it to lvl 18 myself and REALLY look forward to getting my hands on Mids again to toy around :3

Speaking of which, in-game, at some point it was thought that we should all be getting leadership powers to compliment our awesomeness. Is this gonna be one of the criteria or can we decide on that ourselves? Mainly asking because it doesn't feel too pleasant to be forced into certain powers ^^

Edit: By the way, are we agreeing on getting to lvl 20 for Wednesday?

@Global: Difficult One
Playing on European Servers (Union, Defiant)

If a person turns down an idea, he turns down an opportunity to evolve himself



Sorry guys I had to work but I am working on my Stalker Solo to help contribute!



No mandate, though the OP did want to see 8 stacked Assault. If you have room, I'd strongly suggest them, since running with some sort of regularity will enable delicious stacking.

I'd place primary emphasis on Assault, then Maneuvers, and then Vengeance, because I know I'll be dead for you to use it. (blasted /DA)

Anyone wanna take Medicine pool? (Full Throttle, I'm looking at you with no self-heal... just another power for the rez from Aid Self... ^_^ (total joke))

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



It's fun. We whistle blow to signal everyone to BU-AS an enemy and the crowd is whittled down quickly. How close do we have to be to one another to receive the greater chance to critical? I didn't notice many outside of my out-of-hide attacks.

I am planning to take the Medicine pool but later in my build. I can take Resuscitate but would need to drop Assault for it. Stalkers have it rough in regards to power picks. We usually need to take more powers from our primary then other melee ATs. It feels mandatory to take Placate and with the power lost for AS is made up elsewhere to maintain a good attack chain outside of Hide.

I think it would be hard not to hit level 20 this Wednesday since I am currently 19 but I'll stay in Praetoria until more of us are ready to make the transition. Let's do a TF right when we get out. Posi, Synapse, Sis Psych, Virgil or Silly Mantis.



Originally Posted by ricohdah View Post
I think it would be hard not to hit level 20 this Wednesday since I am currently 19 but I'll stay in Praetoria until more of us are ready to make the transition. Let's do a TF right when we get out. Posi, Synapse, Sis Psych, Virgil or Silly Mantis.
I'm curious regarding this point. I don't assume we have to all go blueside and stand and spam 'LOLSTALKER LFFARM!', right? Meaning, we can personally decide whether we're going red or blue, as long as we're going vigi/rogue, right?

Oh and Errant, regarding Leadership why would you like Assault > Maneuvers? I mean if we stay in buff range of each other, odds are we'll be doing more damage anyway thanks to the added crit chance, no?

@Global: Difficult One
Playing on European Servers (Union, Defiant)

If a person turns down an idea, he turns down an opportunity to evolve himself



Yeah we had a good time indeed.Cant wait till wed.



Originally Posted by JanusFrs View Post
I'm curious regarding this point. I don't assume we have to all go blueside and stand and spam 'LOLSTALKER LFFARM!', right? Meaning, we can personally decide whether we're going red or blue, as long as we're going vigi/rogue, right?

Oh and Errant, regarding Leadership why would you like Assault > Maneuvers? I mean if we stay in buff range of each other, odds are we'll be doing more damage anyway thanks to the added crit chance, no?
All going red or blue really just helps with our timing to play together. It's hard getting all of us online at the same time and now add players who still have alignment missions in progress to become vig/rogue.

Criticals are above and beyond the damage cap. Stalker damage cap is 500% at level 21. With IO's and Assault (x8), we would be sitting at around 280%, we're not even close to capping. You can never have too much damage!



For those trying to catch up hit me up on the stalkerlicious channel and I'll swap to team with you, even if its just us two. Even few stalkers are hillariously fun. My global is Aki_Chere or something like that... My stalker is Majin Hoshiko. Use /chan_members stalkerlicious to see if im around.

I'm gonna take all the leadership pool, not 100% sure on vengance but so far I fit it into my noobish build. I tried to look for info and found out that 8 tactics is overkill but 8 assault and maneuvers work decently well. And I'm guessing most of us are defense based, and even those who aren't will get a good amount of avoidance with 8 maneuvers plus the AS tohit debuffs. I'd really like it if the rest would join me in taking maneuvers and assault, (that way we can all probably skimp on defense powers like weave and CJ).

If we have anyone experienced at crafting builds I really could use some help discussing options for my build. Anywhere is fine.. here or ingame~

As far as the medicine pool I dont feel we need anyone to take it... Some of us will have self heals, and we can make sure the squishiest dont eat part of the alpha simply by instructing them to wait a second before doing their AS, or just pop 2-3 lucks if they notice they went too fast. As far as reviving, on another thread using Psychic_Kittys advice im gonna get revives from the day jobs.. itll take like a month a half to get the badges necessary though =/ Theres always wakies anyway...



I was joking regarding Medicine, mainly 'cause /DA Stalkers are squishy.

And Assault > Maneuvers because Stalkers are slot and power hungry, and Assault only takes a power. Most would pro'ly like to slot out Maneuvers if taken (I know I would).

We've been doing good with "clumping" after our initial AS, and I think it's been reflected... I know I see Jacob's Ladder crit A LOT. Can we monitor Stalker Crit Chance in real numbers (or monitor the buff(?) given from Assassination?)?

*lotta question marks*

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



I don't think we can monitor it, since I was reading about stalkers and in some thread a post said that it hasn't been disproven that pets count towards our crit numbers. In regards to masterminds and pseudo pets (like caltrops). If it hasnt been proven or disproven then I imagine there is no way to accurately tell ones crit.

Im skipping on travel powers. Right now i have 3 power slots leftover for the epic pool.. still dont know what to pick though.



Originally Posted by Scrangos View Post
If we have anyone experienced at crafting builds I really could use some help discussing options for my build. Anywhere is fine.. here or ingame~
What are your primary/secondary again? Ninja Blade/what? Do you have a influence limit? Any power requirements with exception to the Leadership pool? I'll try putting a build together.



Originally Posted by ricohdah View Post
What are your primary/secondary again? Ninja Blade/what? Do you have a influence limit? Any power requirements with exception to the Leadership pool? I'll try putting a build together.
Im nin/nin. The main goal is for stalker teaming, fairly team friendly, no medicine pool, having leadership. Skipping travel power, enough survival, good damage. Another goal is to be able to exemplar, so IOs should be 25-30 minus the proc stuff.

I currently dont have a budget (because I dont have any money), i plan on farming as much as I can to complete it, but itll take a while. So probably shoudnt be the billions and billions sorta build.

This is sorta the draft I had made with 3 slots open for an epic pool. Though mainly what i had in mind... its by no means a limitation, change whatever you want.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



Originally Posted by Errant View Post
We've been doing good with "clumping" after our initial AS, and I think it's been reflected... I know I see Jacob's Ladder crit A LOT. Can we monitor Stalker Crit Chance in real numbers (or monitor the buff(?) given from Assassination?)?

*lotta question marks*
I think the closest you can get would be to use HeroStats to record how many crits you get, keeping in mind that that will include not just the variable random crit rate but also the controlled crits from Hide. Unfortunately, the training dummies in RWZ do not report criticals in the combat window so you can't just set up there and test it. You would have to do MANY trials to determine within a reasonable margin for error what the actual crit rate is.

Might be easier to pester the devs. And that's saying something.

Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer

Join The X-Patriots on Virtue!



Originally Posted by Scrangos View Post
Im nin/nin. The main goal is for stalker teaming, fairly team friendly, no medicine pool, having leadership. Skipping travel power, enough survival, good damage. Another goal is to be able to exemplar, so IOs should be 25-30 minus the proc stuff.

I currently dont have a budget (because I dont have any money), i plan on farming as much as I can to complete it, but itll take a while. So probably shoudnt be the billions and billions sorta build.
The first build uses Divine Avalanche in the attack chain to softcap melee defense to 45%. Divine Avalanche-Golden Dragonfly-Gambler's Cut-Soaring Dragon-repeat. Ranged and AoE is softcap when Hide is unsuppressed. Made to work with T4 Musculature Radial.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
This second build is more costly but mainly due to the Gladiator Armor proc. What it allows you to do is eliminate Divine Avalanche and still have softcap def to m/r/a when Hide is unsuppressed. The attack chain would be Golden Dragonfly-Gambler's Cut-Soaring Dragon-Gambler's Cut-repeat. Made to work with a T4 Spiritual Alpha. Maybe not a build to have right from the start but something to work for.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Just having 5 LotG global rech, Achilles Heel, Numi and Miracle procs is almost a billion influence already. The Coercive Persuasion recipes are pretty cheap. You can get all 6 for about 200,000,000 influence and imho has the best set bonuses among purples.

Ah crap! I forgot you wanted lvl 30 IO levels. That makes the m/r/a def below the softcap. Will need some tweaking.