Dev Chat Highlights, October 26: "At Least I don't look like Justin Beiber!"




Zwill starts us off 15 minutes late, which I am thankful for as I too am late.

Titan Weapons is still being beta tested. We get caught up with time zone issues, and Zwill has no caffeine and thus cannot to math.

Zwill reiterates that beta testing is a VIP only perk.

CoHChaosCreator: perk my foot. we get to do free labor with buggy stuff

Zwill teases us with topics about talks at the player summit.

They will be talking about a new feature in the Paragon Market.

They will be talking about a solo incarnate path.

ParagonKid: Solo? As in the iXP progress is 'so low'. *runs*

The will talk about new Tier 9 VIP rewards.

Zwill gets a text from his wife and he replies to it. On air.

TANGENT: iPhone game made by NCSoft: Gem Keeper. It's a tower defense type of thing.

coh_beastyle: how come you have Street Fighter and never play SF with us in Pocket D?

Zwill: "Because I don't like being embarrassed!"

Heather, the assistant office manager, drops by to say hello.

Zwill talks about the huge Koi at the hotel the summit will be at.

12:56 CoHSteelclaw: He's a coy koi boy toy

They will be talking about new powersets at the pummit.

CoHDesiBoy: won't there be lots of fan service?


PERC is going to be running a Mr. and Miss Paragon Universe pageant.

Zwill talks about IOing out his Ice/Emp troller and StJ/Energy character.

Zwill is waiting for the viewership to drop since it will be just him.

Some talk about the Master Midnight lore article.

Zwill got a few Underground and Keyes runs on his home server.

They want to implement some things that will make trials easier to get on smaller servers.

Some people are having issues with the stream.

The Minds of Mayhem trail seems to be a short one, internal testing was having them done in under 30 minutes.

Zwill has over 130 PM's in his inbox to read through, her gets through them about a rate of 30-40 or so?

Getting a mobile skin for the forums is on their list of things to do.

HE doesn't know if there will be anything AE related at the pummit.

Zwill reads some of the fancomics, Avatea reads them all. Zwill was reading this one over Avatea's shoulder.

Titan weapons getting a Rularuu weapon, Zwill knows that it's a big request.

Zwill gives the non-VIP watchers a talk about Titan Weapons.

Zwill answers some questions that don't amount to anything.

TheNet shaved his head for the ExtraLife thing.

1:17 painfulburning: justin timberlake

1:17 coh_beastyle: does he not look like the guy from Cash Cab?

TheNet: "Well, at least I don't look like Justin Bieber like other people on the Ustream."

Titan Weapons for Stalkers is not off the table completely, but it's not being ported to Stalkers at this point.

"We've actually been talking about things we can do. Everyone loves brain in a jar."

They've talked about a fish or a little man in the jar.

"We've had some outstanding costumes with it. The staff favorite has been the sentient water cooler."

There is no NDA on the VIP Beta.

milkweasel: Q: Did the sentient water cooler have hot/cold nipple taps?

Zwill ALMOST reads that out on air.

"That... sounds kind of painful, actually."

Zwill has been thinking ideas for outright headless costume ideas.

More teasing about the new tier 9 VIP reward being revealed at the pummit.

Zwill shows us a bit of T_Arcson's fan art.

They would like to make the player summit a yearly thing.

There will be a costume contest on Exalted on the 28th.

If you want some art to be features on ustream send an e-mail to

1:30 psychoti: Does "art" also count for slash fiction?
1:31 coh_beastyle: NO, Psychoti

They won't be able to grant Titan Weapons access today due to beta maintenance.

1:32 BattlerockX: Q: Is there going to be any more supergroup base items?

"We have plans for supergroups that we are not ready to talk about yet."

Zwill attempts to show off the Paragon Studios Frisbee, but he doesn't have it.

Zwill: "There wasn't much on this Ustream. There probably won't be any summary of it."

Too late.

Zwill: "Oh Von Krieger, why would you subject people to this?"

I honestly don't know. :-P

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post

TheNet shaved his head for the ExtraLife thing.

If you want some art to be features on ustream send an e-mail to

No screencaps?

If you use Yahoo mail, don't bother. Create a Gmail account instead. Their mail server doesn't like Yahoo mail for some reason.

EDIT: Bah. Looks like something in the filters at work was blocking the images in the post. I wasn't even seeing placeholders for the images. That may explain some other wonkiness I've been seeing at work. I'll have to check that at our Tech Dept meeting tomorrow. And technically, that's not shaving his head, it's just a really short haircut. Shaving it would mean no hair left or possibly some stubble that has grown in since last weekend.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



New T9 VIP Rewards means Celestial Armor will be going away soonish...?

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
New T9 VIP Rewards means Celestial Armor will be going away soonish...?
They better fix the rewards tokens issue so i can get celestial armor before they swap it out ><



Let me just say that I think it is a crying shame that there will not be any slash fiction on the UStreams.

You ever wonder why every Task Force contact/Trainer combo has a Male & Female? You've got Posi/Valkyrie, Synapse/Mynx, Aurora Borealis/Sister Psyche (you know what's up there), Manticore/Swan, Citadel/Luminary (Male/Female robots. Uh huh.), Infernal and... um... the other chick.... I'm probably forgetting some. But the vast majority is a male/female pairing.

.... don't tell me there isn't anything going on there.



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Titan Weapons for Stalkers is not off the table completely, but it's not being ported to Stalkers at this point.
Lol that means "no port" or "wait 2+ years port" which is as good as ****, really.

So when will Stalkers get some exclusive powersets and actual ports, then? Cause comparatively, again, they get ****.

Tanker: Martial Arts, Super Reflexes, Street Justice, Titan Weapons
Brute: Broadsword/Katana, Regeneration, Street Justice, Titan Weapons
Scrapper: Axe, Mace, Energy Aura, Street Justice, Titan Weapon
Stalker: Ice Armor, Street Justice

If you can't tell, Stalkers get half of anything and that's BS. Heck, if it was going to be planned not to release TW for Stalkers, they could have pooled the resources that could port *5* sets to Scraps and Brutes and at least give Stalker 1 more proliferation.

Or maybe I'm just annoyed and peeved with the laziness of the devs but they're really going to pump out an exclusive set or two for Stalkers. That would be *smart* vs the stupidity I've seen thus far and in the foreseeable future.



Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
Let me just say that I think it is a crying shame that there will not be any slash fiction on the UStreams.
Never say never

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Thanks again!

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Thank you for the highlights again.



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
They better fix the rewards tokens issue so i can get celestial armor before they swap it out ><
Don't hold your breath


Thanks Von Krieger!

Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2

Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Titan weapons getting a Rularuu weapon, Zwill knows that it's a big request.
Wewt. Good stuff.

Thank you, Von Krieger.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
Aurora Borealis/Sister Psyche
That used to be Sister Psyche and Malaise until I4.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Lol that means "no port" or "wait 2+ years port" which is as good as ****, really.

So when will Stalkers get some exclusive powersets and actual ports, then? Cause comparatively, again, they get ****.

Tanker: Martial Arts, Super Reflexes, Street Justice, Titan Weapons
Brute: Broadsword/Katana, Regeneration, Street Justice, Titan Weapons
Scrapper: Axe, Mace, Energy Aura, Street Justice, Titan Weapon
Stalker: Ice Armor, Street Justice

If you can't tell, Stalkers get half of anything and that's BS. Heck, if it was going to be planned not to release TW for Stalkers, they could have pooled the resources that could port *5* sets to Scraps and Brutes and at least give Stalker 1 more proliferation.

Or maybe I'm just annoyed and peeved with the laziness of the devs but they're really going to pump out an exclusive set or two for Stalkers. That would be *smart* vs the stupidity I've seen thus far and in the foreseeable future.
I just can't stress enough how important it is to port ninjitsu to scrappers.
This will end the whole stalker issue, I promise.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Zwill reiterates that beta testing is a VIP only perk.

CoHChaosCreator: perk my foot. we get to do free labor with buggy stuff
Ahhh the joys of spur of the moment text being summarized :x
No seriously, I love beta, finding bugs, early looks fun stuff. I just don't like the idea that it is called a 'perk'.
I think I'm just digging myself a deeper hole.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Lol that means "no port" or "wait 2+ years port" which is as good as ****, really.

So when will Stalkers get some exclusive powersets and actual ports, then? Cause comparatively, again, they get ****.

Tanker: Martial Arts, Super Reflexes, Street Justice, Titan Weapons
Brute: Broadsword/Katana, Regeneration, Street Justice, Titan Weapons
Scrapper: Axe, Mace, Energy Aura, Street Justice, Titan Weapon
Stalker: Ice Armor, Street Justice

If you can't tell, Stalkers get half of anything and that's BS. Heck, if it was going to be planned not to release TW for Stalkers, they could have pooled the resources that could port *5* sets to Scraps and Brutes and at least give Stalker 1 more proliferation.

Or maybe I'm just annoyed and peeved with the laziness of the devs but they're really going to pump out an exclusive set or two for Stalkers. That would be *smart* vs the stupidity I've seen thus far and in the foreseeable future.
going to bring the rant here now?

Untill Ninjitsu gets ported (and Scrappers should get it imo) I'd say the Shield vs No Shield arguement is a wash. At least from the point that I'd give up Shield on Scrappers for Ninjitsu on Scrappers personally (but Im sure im in the minority on that one).

And at least Stalkers have an exclusive set. Scrappers don't have a single exclusive set.

In fact, I believe Stalkers and Tankers are the only Melee ATs to have an exclusive set (Ninjitsu and Ice Melee)...sooo...can Scrappers and Brutes have an exclusive set too?

They said looking into it, how about you give them a few months after it's released before saying "Yeah soon means two years"

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
I just can't stress enough how important it is to port ninjitsu to scrappers.
This will end the whole stalker issue, I promise.
Because no one will play stalkers anymore.

Thanks again for the recap!

No one pays attention to me, cause I listen to the voices in my head.



Thanks for the highlights, Von Krieger!



Originally Posted by Psycho_Sarah View Post
Because no one will play stalkers anymore.

Thanks again for the recap!
Ya...I'm pretty sure that's the point.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
(Some crap)
You should probably post this rant in a thread where people care.




Any chance of that Gem Keeper game being released on Android?

Cos, ya know, there's more Android Phones then there are the gods awful Apple rubbish.

I do like me a good tower defense game!

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
You should probably post this rant in a thread where people care.
If you took the time to press quote, then it serves is purpose of:

1. Stating grievances with the direction of the game and people reading it while...

2. Not being off topic.

Any new issue threads involving add-ons to Brutes/Tankers/Scrappers I find will get the same reminder until Stalkers receive just as much attention as them.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
If you took the time to press quote, then it serves is purpose of:

1. Stating grievances with the direction of the game and people reading it while...

2. Not being off topic.

Any new issue threads involving add-ons to Brutes/Tankers/Scrappers I find will get the same reminder until Stalkers receive just as much attention as them.
With that wording...

Dev1: We've made a new set for melee!
Dev2: Can all melee ATs use it?
Dev1: Well, let's see! *examines all 4 melee ATs* No.
Dev2: Which ones can't use it?
Dev1: Stalkers. I tried but just couldn't make it work at this time. Possibly never.
Dev2: Well, at least we gave all the melee ATs are attention with this set. Let's make it happen!

Kinda like..."Sometimes you ask for answers. Sometimes the answers, no."

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Did they talk about City of Heroes?