How Did You Get Hit?




Originally Posted by Rapthorne View Post
I've sort of avoided doing that I said I had never done a mother ship raid before a week ago and immediately was removed from the league
That's ... not right. Mothership Raid is so mindnumbingly easy you can do it afk.

Hate asking this, but what server?

My experience with the iTrials, just express at the beginning/when you get recruited that you haven't done it before. It'll usually be fine. Keyes [and to some extent] UGT have an appearance of being intimidating [especially Keyes if you read the forums], but they are pretty straight forward. Keyes might be a bit more awkward since it's one of the few times in the game that it utilizes vertical space.

The only real general 'thing' to know I can suggest is knowing about your temp powers and knowing when you get some. Two of the trials randomly award them out to members, so you have to be aware of that.

Let's Dance!



Energizing: But seriously, I implore you (and others) to try to get in on another Keyes or two...that way you get more of a feel for it.

If you don't like it or whatever well....that stinks (for people like me who are up for it but can't find others to do it heh)
It DOES suck for people like you, because despite adjustments to the rewards given, this trial is still not being run. I'd be upset about not being ever able to run a task that I like, too.

This trial is [probably] irreparably broken, since things of this type tend to be adjusted by the developers years later, if ever.

The take-home message, generally speaking: we have people saying that things are fine because they have sharper senses than "the median person," that they "intuitively know" how to run this trial, etc. Outstanding: I am thrilled to death that we have forumites out there with real-life superpowers. /endsarcasm. BUT THIS TRIAL IS STILL AVOIDED BY MOST PLAYERS.

So, something is still wrong, because if there is one bunch of people who will endure discomfort in the acquisition of desired awards, its gamers. This trial is so unpleasant that even the hard-core are avoidant. Smells like massive fail to me.

And that is from someone who would run the Underground trial twice a day, if I could.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Like I said, I might not be a good example. I spotted the appropriate details instantly because I know what to look for, and I can do it dynamically under higher density conditions than that. I'm just pointing out what they are for the benefit of those that don't have as much experience observing them as we do.

The question isn't whether its easy or hard to spot the patch, but rather how hard is too hard. I tend to be very conservative when it comes to that sort of thing because I know that what I can process visually in real time isn't representative of the median person. That's why I think it should be made somewhat easier regardless of whether I can spot it or not.

However, there are two aspects to this issue and one of them is, given the current way the system works, what are the elements of it that should not be as problematic as they are, that the devs should fix. The other is, given how it is now, what advice could be given to players to assist them in the meantime.

Thinking back to when I was first running Keyes and learning to avoid these patches, one strategy I employed before getting more practice was to realize that the goal wasn't to avoid the patch, it was to go where the patch wasn't. Too many people, I think, are paralyzed by an inability to locate the patch fast enough. But you do not need to locate the patch to avoid it. Rather, you only need to locate a spot of ground where its *not*.

So the strategy I used in the early going was to zoom out when the timer approached the next Oblit, and locate an open spot of ground that was not obscured by players, effects, anything. When the timer ran to zero, I only had to make one decision:

A. I see Obliteration, I run in the opposite direction.

B. I don't see Obliteration, I run to daylight (the spot I mention above).

This guarantees you are always moving towards a spot Obliteration is not. It does not guarantee you are always moving in the opposite direction from where Obliteration is, but that's not the objective.

Either way, unless you are absolutely dead certain you are not in the patch (and the only way I'm certain is if I see it far away), you move. You assume you're in it, and you move to somewhere its definitely not. No amount of players, special effects, or ground effects can prevent you from doing that.

Instinctively, players don't want to disengage and run unless they are certain they have to. But if you move only when you think you have to, instead of running unless you're certain you don't, mistakes happen.

Thank you, thank you THANK YOU! I tried this (the part quoted that I bolded) last night on a Keyes and never once got obliterated playing a stone tanker with rooted running. This was a great way to summarize the obliteration issue, and give me a tool to minimize getting caught in the green stuff.

You have helped me many times on the forums with your posts (not directly, but by improving my understanding of the game, the mechanics, and design philosophy) – plus I love it when you snark.

Thanks for all the help.

I reject your reality and substitue my own!
--Adam Savage from "Mythbusters"



Originally Posted by Placta View Post
As for the original post, in a Keyes run a few hours ago, I got held by Atomic Blast shortly before the beam hit. And no break frees in my tray. And when I asked about the hold after the trial, it took me and one other regular Keyes runner a few minutes to figure out what had happened.

Just a side note but there have been times where I have been held (playing on either my Kin/Rad Def or Mind/Emp. Controller; so no mez. protection that they have) right before the Oblit. beam was fired.

I swear there is a hold that the Oblit. beam does/uses before it fires...I've been caught in it before but I always carry one BF at the minimum for cases like this.

When I lead a Keyes I try to tell squishies to always carry 1 BF for the final fight and the rest greens.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
It DOES suck for people like you, because despite adjustments to the rewards given, this trial is still not being run. I'd be upset about not being ever able to run a task that I like, too.
I understand their frustration. I actually got into an... well, it wasn't exactly an argument, but I was heavily recruited for a Keyes iTrial, all in tells, for about 10 minutes the other night. And this was AFTER I told the recruiter that I hated the thing and wouldn't do it.

When they're desperate enough to recruit bodies that they try to convince haters... well, it's not a pretty picture.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
I swear there is a hold that the Oblit. beam does/uses before it fires...I've been caught in it before but I always carry one BF at the minimum for cases like this.
It does have a hold component, and Break Free inspiration will not help you to escape it.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
The take-home message, generally speaking: we have people saying that things are fine because they have sharper senses than "the median person," that they "intuitively know" how to run this trial, etc. Outstanding: I am thrilled to death that we have forumites out there with real-life superpowers. /endsarcasm. BUT THIS TRIAL IS STILL AVOIDED BY MOST PLAYERS.

So, something is still wrong, because if there is one bunch of people who will endure discomfort in the acquisition of desired awards, its gamers. This trial is so unpleasant that even the hard-core are avoidant. Smells like massive fail to me.

And that is from someone who would run the Underground trial twice a day, if I could.
Unless myself or a friend is hosting a Keyes Badge run, I'm not seeing Keyes being run.

Underground is such a mess as well. Unless I specifically don't announce a Underground and just invite through tells, I expect the Underground to fail at one of three points: The AV battles.

Why? Players cannot get their mind out of the "pile on the AV and attack" mentality.

There are players that say Undeground is too easy, just like Keyes. The difference is that the developers have missed the lessons that ITFs and Mothership raids have taught: make things simple & fun.

Underground isn't fun unless people know what they are doing or listen to the league leader. Keyes isn't fun thanks to the length and that people clearly are not ready for the amount of gimmicks thrown at them at one time.

Neither is worth the rewards at the end. Especially to someone that gets a common or thread table at the end.

Last night I was talking to someone on Triumph that waited for 2 hours in the queue last night for a trial to start, without success. I have one thing to say about that, Positron:

I told you so.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Brimstone_Bobby View Post

Thank you, thank you THANK YOU! I tried this (the part quoted that I bolded) last night on a Keyes and never once got obliterated playing a stone tanker with rooted running. This was a great way to summarize the obliteration issue, and give me a tool to minimize getting caught in the green stuff.

You have helped me many times on the forums with your posts (not directly, but by improving my understanding of the game, the mechanics, and design philosophy) – plus I love it when you snark.

Thanks for all the help.
Glad I could help. I still think SnowGlobe is basically correct about most of his complaints about Obliteration's mechanics, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try to help players work around those difficulties in the meantime.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
It does have a hold component, and Break Free inspiration will not help you to escape it.
Definitely has a hold component: when i don't move in time i get held through stone armor's Rooted power.

And thanks for bring the pictures to this discussion - i struggle mightily to see the current green patch (especially if it is near the water tower - like it was in your screen cap).

I reject your reality and substitue my own!
--Adam Savage from "Mythbusters"



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Unless myself or a friend is hosting a Keyes Badge run, I'm not seeing Keyes being run.

Underground is such a mess as well. Unless I specifically don't announce a Underground and just invite through tells, I expect the Underground to fail at one of three points: The AV battles.

Why? Players cannot get their mind out of the "pile on the AV and attack" mentality.

There are players that say Undeground is too easy, just like Keyes. The difference is that the developers have missed the lessons that ITFs and Mothership raids have taught: make things simple & fun.

Underground isn't fun unless people know what they are doing or listen to the league leader. Keyes isn't fun thanks to the length and that people clearly are not ready for the amount of gimmicks thrown at them at one time.

Neither is worth the rewards at the end. Especially to someone that gets a common or thread table at the end.

Last night I was talking to someone on Triumph that waited for 2 hours in the queue last night for a trial to start, without success. I have one thing to say about that, Positron:

I told you so.
I think I'm extremely generous when it comes to tolerating content and content difficulty. I will, in fact, create nightmares entirely on my own (I tried to solo Barracuda the other day, which of course didn't work out so well against Reichsman). Having said that, I will jump onto random Lambdas, random BAFs, and even random Keyes (at least when they were being run more often). If I don't recognize the leader as someone capable of running a Master Underground, I won't join at all anymore. I've given up trying to figure out if a random assemblage of people can run it. A random assemblage of people can't run it. An inexperienced leader can't control it. And it'll be an hour or more before you even realize it.

There's a lot to like about the Underground Trial. For one thing, it corrects an error in Keyes where people are supposed to more or less stick together, rather than randomly scattering in Keyes. There's no point in the Underground where having less people would be better, except for having less stupid people during the bomb phase, and even that is only problematic on badge runs. But unless you have a supersaturated league of massive damage and debuffs, the tactics involved with the twin warwalkers and the avatar at the end are so precise relative to how most content in the game works - even Keyes - I'm sorry, but to put it bluntly we're just not up to it.

If it was possible to solo the Underground trial, but it would take twenty four straight hours to do it, and the odds of getting the badges in it were only 10% per try, I would start now. I'm not balking about difficulty: I'm balking at futility. For me, the Underground trial passes the horizon of content that exceeds the difficulty level any designer could reasonably expect was tolerable from the current playerbase. And I'm sure there are people who love it and skate through it, just like I personally have no problem with fighting Antimatter with Keyes, or running Lambda on a squishy blaster, or tanking in BAF. I don't claim to represent anyone but myself, but I think given my normal stance on difficulty, complexity, and developer discretion when it comes to designing high end content, when I have a fundamental problem with something I think you've crossed a threshold you shouldn't be anywhere near.

I'll run Underground if you're running them, or a few other players, but otherwise at this point I would rather attempt to solo a Master of STF. To me, that's actually a better risk/reward activity than a random Underground. I mean that literally: that's next on my list after I figure out the right set of freemium filler/helpers for Barracuda. The ten hours I spent figuring out how to solo (more or less) a Master of ITF run was more entertaining than any Underground run I've been on so far, including the successful ones.

To put it bluntly, the Underground trial is the *only* content that I wouldn't run if it didn't have badges in it. I can't even say that about the shard task forces. I can't even say that about the original Positron's task force.

To put it even more bluntly, I've thought about hacking the game servers to give myself level 9 permissions so I can just miracle myself the Underground badges I'm missing, because I think that would be easier, especially with my timezone limitations.

Remember what I said about Lambda; remember what I said about BAF. I said people were exaggerating the difficulty, and one day we'd be doing them with our eyes closed. Remember what I said about Keyes: its hard, but with time we'll eventually get to the point of Keyes being no more difficult than the LRSF. Frame my comments about the Underground in that light.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Glad I could help. I still think SnowGlobe is basically correct about most of his complaints about Obliteration's mechanics, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try to help players work around those difficulties in the meantime.
I have supported, and tried to help players get used to the trials. I'm sure that Arcanaville isn't suggesting that I'm not (in addition to my complaints ).

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I have supported, and tried to help players get used to the trials. I'm sure that Arcanaville isn't suggesting that I'm not (in addition to my complaints ).
I'm not, but a lot of times when I say "there's a way to work around X" someone will come along and say "so are you saying the devs are perfect and everything is fine and blah blah blah" and then I have to waste time finding something shiny for them to play with.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I'm not, but a lot of times when I say "there's a way to work around X" someone will come along and say "so are you saying the devs are perfect and everything is fine and blah blah blah" and then I have to waste time finding something shiny for them to play with.
Well, I'm learning to think about what you are saying. Just so that you don't need to waste as much time trying to find me something distracting to play with.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I'm not, but a lot of times when I say "there's a way to work around X" someone will come along and say "so are you saying the devs are perfect and everything is fine and blah blah blah" and then I have to waste time finding something shiny for them to play with.
From this point on, when someone questions Arcanaville flippantly (without actually discussing her actual post/points), I will see the "you... my point" graph she linked to.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
It does have a hold component, and Break Free inspiration will not help you to escape it.

Yes and no...

I know there's a hold component when the beam actually fires but I'm talking before it fires.


"Obliteration Beam is about to fire in 5 seconds!" (or whatever the first warning is)
Then you get the Oblit. Beam targeting graphic/green patch on the ground...that's when I got held a couple of times...a good 2-3 seconds before it actually fires.

And yes I've used a BF to break free from it and run away (and still get the badge from what I can recall; no absolute proof to say that I got the badge when that happened since I don't have that good of a memory ).

Again, as far as I can remember I was never near AM (so no AM 'nuke' hold effect).

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I'm not, but a lot of times when I say "there's a way to work around X" someone will come along and say "so are you saying the devs are perfect and everything is fine and blah blah blah" and then I have to waste time finding something shiny for them to play with.

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Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
It does have a hold component, and Break Free inspiration will not help you to escape it.
Just to make sure we're talking about the same thing:

I've known, since the first time I got caught in the beam, that it does a hold moments before it fires. Characters caught in this hold float a bit off the ground, flailing their arms and legs helplessly before crashing to the ground and getting hit by the beam itself. Getting caught by the hold fails the Green Stuff badge, even if you get away from the beam itself in the split-second between being let go and the beam hitting.

That's not what I'm talking about.

Yesterday, the warning popped up and sure enough, I'm standing in the green patch. As I tried to move, I found I couldn't, and my status bar said I was held. Unless my reaction time was exceptionally slow, this was before the beam's hold kicked in. In any case, I wasn't doing the "air swim" animation.

Based on the discussion afterward, I think what likely happened is I got used to ignoring Atomic Blast on my scrapper (who could survive it, and has hold protection) and my blaster and controller (who work just as well at range), but my peacebringer can survive the damage, but didn't have the mez protection to take the hit.



Solution while someone is in it giant 3D cross-hairs envelope their head and screen. This is would be very out of the ordinary and would cause everyone to complete leave the area in hopes of getting it to go away and would solve the problem of people getting hit by the beam because no one would come back to fight and the timer would just run out.



I usually full zoom out of my character and back away; the times I have been hit have been Anti-Matter's hold + Obliteration = dead me.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The stealth procs don't work? Odd: I never noticed that. I stealth around with a stealth proc stacked on superspeed in Keyes all the time and I seemed to be invisible, at least when running into bunkers. If the stealth proc was off and all I had was SS, I think they would spot me at that range.

Its certainly harder for blasters in general, but everything is harder for blasters in general as long as anything is shooting back. Which is actually why blasters tend to like BAF: not as much shooting back, and when it happens its usually when the league is in tight clusters of buffs and heals. But its not impossible for blasters to succeed in Keyes without special builds or powers. My blaster's only self heal is Destiny, and I don't have Electric Armor, and I'm not soft capped to anything, and I do fine.
I'm a little late to this discussion, but I would like to comment on the "stealth procs". I run my blaster (Firekraker) through Keyes as often as I can. I find Keyes to be a very enjoyable trial, mainly because it is quick and easy. That said, it does take a couple of runs to figure out what is going on.

I use Unbounded Leap +stealth and also run the Stealth Power for my ghetto Invis. I have found that I am undetectable (as usual) untill I am hit by the 30second pulses. Those pulses make me detectable for a few seconds. So, if I am in a bunker and stealthed when a 30 sec blast goes off, then I will most likely be detected on my way out unless I wait a around 5 seconds (I might be waiting too long, but better safe than sorry).

This is also important while colecting glowies from the first reactor, if I get hit with the pulse while trying to sneak up to a box I am often noticed and attacked. Once I figured out what was happening it became much easier.

I have very little healing on my blaster, and the first several runs of Keyes were filled with death. This did not really bother me, becasue I took it as a challenge to figure out a way to not die and still contribute. So I simply made a T4 Rebirth Destiny. I find that the Incarnate abilities are so easy and quick to make (even from nothing to T4) that there is no reason not to have several different abilities made to switch into for certain tasks. Of course my definition of "quick" is most likely different from others, I have spent a considerable amount of time in another MMO where it took me over 197 runs of 1 mission to acquire *1* part (of 4) to craft an item that I wanted. And that particular mission had a 1 day timer, took me almost a year to make that 1 thing.

In CoH I find the high-level Incarnate abilities very fun to craft, and the fact thatyou are always getting closer to making one (even on a failed mission or with poor luck on end-rewards) a refreshing change.



Well, tonight I got tagged with Disintegration. And while disintegrating, halted by a time freeze. And while time frozen, targeted by the Obliteration beam. It was really quite a spectacle. (-:

I was not defeated, nor was I hit by the Obliteration Beam. It raises some questions that I'll have to mull over.