Sooo... a Quadreped skeleton, eh?




The wolf model in the new Haloween content shows us two things:

a) The devs have a working quadruped skeleton and are starting to look at how they can use it and

b) They have placed it viewable in the new event at least partially in order to gauge how players are going to react to it.

Now, the obvious ultimate destination for the fulfillment of this technology is to have quadrupeds be a valid player model. Saying that's going to happen is like saying 'As soon as we get us some rocket fuel, we're on the moon, Baby!'. The idea of recreating literally every power animation in the game to work with a quadruped model rather than a biped model is staggering. I suspect that it would ultimately be MORE work than what's been done on Power Customization.

However, not too long ago, Power Customization was 'not able to happen, sorry'.

So, if the stars align, the staff is willing, the pocket books are open to the right page, etc... and so forth... and the developers are able to let us make quadruped characters, these are my requests for functionality:

1. The very first thing I'd create if the possibility exists is a hamster. Therefore, such a model would need to be allowed to scale much, MUCH smaller that what we've seen anywhere else in the game. Currently, I'm making do with the Panda shoulder pet for displaying this character in his rodent form, but I could go even a bit larger than that. I'd be willing to go so large as 'Basketball' size.

2. In order to make a rodent quadruped from a generic quadruped, The legs must be shortened dramatically. In terms of character modelling and animation, this means that the same skeleton necessary to model a wolf would also need to be able to model a dachshund.

3. Rodents as basically big balls of fat and internals on top of those tiny legs. The skeleton would need many, many animation bones, including a rounding bone that works similar to the way the 'Physique' slider works on biped models.

4. Unlike many rodents, Hamsters are born with short, stubby tails. A selection of tails would need to be made available.

5. The texture I need is orange and white spots.

Yes, I know I'm being as presumptuous as all get out, but look where we are with power customizations!

Thank you in advance for your hard work in enabling my character to assume his rodentine form.



i just want a dinosaur mastermind =x

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Zkorva the Exiled (50) , Squallshot Maiyamin, Aether Crash, Vhogge the Skyshaper

Villains: Katsuo Tentei (50), Lumilian Dhosan, The Cobalt Tempest, Executioner Adan



I personally am waiting for the day when I am allowed to play as a seal.



Originally Posted by Aether_Crash View Post
i just want a dinosaur mastermind =x

Also, apes.



If they shot down the creation of a new Muscular Female body type, I'm pretty sure a hamster is well out of the question. And if it's not, I'll have a few things to say that might get me in trouble.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



In before Amerrikat!

I also support the Dinosaur and Ape Player-Character concepts, comicbook traditions yeah!

Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11



I think it's almost certain that they won't make 4-leg rigs use any of the current animations - they'd have their own set of suitable animal animations, and wouldn't have any costume parts either - just the ability to tint the fur/skin.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



The simple way around the power animation issue is to make a Quadped EAT, thus it only uses its own animation set..

I want dragon EAT...

I want Griffon EAT

I want ..whats that three headed flying monster ..EAT

and I want Tiger EAT

by Tuesday please....



i would very much like to play a bear with carp melee.



If they give us a player option I also think the easiest way would to just make animal furs. But I hope they have separate option still so we can make mix matched animals.
Or make a shape shift set where PC lets you spruce up the animal forms.



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
What wolf are you talking about? Are they on the test server?
In the Halloween trial, you can see one or two of them. Also, try typing [Wolf Pet] on the live servers.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Hmm many be justas pets..

wants aninmal control

MM set , the wolf pack

MM set Zookeeper.. t3 killer giraff



Animal Lord for Mastermind is what I think. Because sicking a pack of wolves on an enemy sounds fun.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Not going to happen for player models anytime soon. You'll have the same problem the Lobster form of the HEATs have: the wide range of player emotes that have to be either redone or shut off. That's *a lot* of work.

And if a player model, then they need attacks, which all have to animated, and so, it will be a limited set of attacks; which may be fine for an attack pet, but you all know the players will bristle against the limitations.

However, not too long ago, Power Customization was 'not able to happen, sorry'.
That's what some players heard and said to one another. But the Devs were always clear, especially BAB, that Power Customization was not able to happen "at this time" "with this level of staffing" "and no plans to make it happen because of the time and staff constraint". Which is very different than "not able". With enough time and resources and coding, almost anything players ask for can happen. The feasibility of such requests was always the catch.

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Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post

Yes, I know I'm being as presumptuous as all get out, but look where we are with power customizations!

Thank you in advance for your hard work in enabling my character to assume his rodentine form.
And once this is achieved, your first task will be to join your brothers in keeping the servers up and running.

AE Arcs: #10482 N00b Rescue Duty, #164100 The Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Dannan



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
3. Rodents as basically big balls of fat and internals on top of those tiny legs. The skeleton would need many, many animation bones, including a rounding bone that works similar to the way the 'Physique' slider works on biped models.
Hey! Not all rodents are little balls of fat! Beavers are rodents, too.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think it's almost certain that they won't make 4-leg rigs use any of the current animations - they'd have their own set of suitable animal animations, and wouldn't have any costume parts either - just the ability to tint the fur/skin.
Why the hell not? I mean, I've seen dogs in real life wearing winter coats. Also Halloween costumes.....

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Not going to happen for player models anytime soon. You'll have the same problem the Lobster form of the HEATs have: the wide range of player emotes that have to be either redone or shut off. That's *a lot* of work.

And if a player model, then they need attacks, which all have to animated, and so, it will be a limited set of attacks; which may be fine for an attack pet, but you all know the players will bristle against the limitations.
I could see them as an alternate choice for Kheld's Nova forms. Replace the flight with some good ground speed and defense, give them melee attacks, then let the player choose one or the other powers, but not both. (Actually, let them choose both. And kiss all their enhancement slots goodbye.)

I fully expect the animal body to be used for some MM pets at some point. Maybe even a "turn to wolf" movement power.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Yes. Beast Summoning. Fantastic idea for a pet set



Go for the eyes!

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
The wolf model in the new Haloween content shows us two things:

a) The devs have a working quadruped skeleton and are starting to look at how they can use it and

b) They have placed it viewable in the new event at least partially in order to gauge how players are going to react to it.

Now, the obvious ultimate destination for the fulfillment of this technology is to have quadrupeds be a valid player model. Saying that's going to happen is like saying 'As soon as we get us some rocket fuel, we're on the moon, Baby!'. The idea of recreating literally every power animation in the game to work with a quadruped model rather than a biped model is staggering. I suspect that it would ultimately be MORE work than what's been done on Power Customization.

However, not too long ago, Power Customization was 'not able to happen, sorry'.

So, if the stars align, the staff is willing, the pocket books are open to the right page, etc... and so forth... and the developers are able to let us make quadruped characters, these are my requests for functionality:

1. The very first thing I'd create if the possibility exists is a hamster. Therefore, such a model would need to be allowed to scale much, MUCH smaller that what we've seen anywhere else in the game. Currently, I'm making do with the Panda shoulder pet for displaying this character in his rodent form, but I could go even a bit larger than that. I'd be willing to go so large as 'Basketball' size.

2. In order to make a rodent quadruped from a generic quadruped, The legs must be shortened dramatically. In terms of character modelling and animation, this means that the same skeleton necessary to model a wolf would also need to be able to model a dachshund.

3. Rodents as basically big balls of fat and internals on top of those tiny legs. The skeleton would need many, many animation bones, including a rounding bone that works similar to the way the 'Physique' slider works on biped models.

4. Unlike many rodents, Hamsters are born with short, stubby tails. A selection of tails would need to be made available.

5. The texture I need is orange and white spots.

Yes, I know I'm being as presumptuous as all get out, but look where we are with power customizations!

Thank you in advance for your hard work in enabling my character to assume his rodentine form.
To properly make a Hamster model they would also have to be largely solitary, somewhat dim, vicious, psychotic critters that frequently kill and cannibalize each other if in the same area too long. Maybe as a click power similar to Secondary Mutation usable by hamsters that has a chance to cause another nearby hamster character to undergo Self Destruction while granting Vengeance on the user?

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
I want ..whats that three headed flying monster ..EAT

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.