Anyone know when Titan Weapons drop?




Originally Posted by Faolon View Post
These things are lacking, for the most part, in the animations shown in that earlier video. The character looks like they're a righty trying to be a lefty. It would be like me trying to throw a baseball with my left hand. I may get the ball where I want it to go, but it will look a little funny. It simply is not up to the standard we've had thus far in this game.
Haven't test-played the set yet, so my input would be limited, at best. But I'm wondering how much of the "animation oddness" is dictated by the visual requirements for making the animation work. The degree to which they had to "add" frames at lower speeds, and "remove" frames at higher speeds.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
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FWIW I found another TW video, this one with like 5 minutes of pure gameplay.

Since momentum is such a simple 'buff' and people in the TW feedback thread are making a huge fuss of it, this video is good because it shows how it would play out on a click heavy secondary (even though the player is invul) or on a team where you move a lot.

Why? Because he doesn't care about 'OMG MOMENTUM TIME I HAVE TO FIT 4 ATTACKS NAO'. He does a lot of repositioning, uses BU after having momentum, switch targets, and guess what, it doesn't matter much. Because say, if you don't make 'full use' of a Momentum, like using only 2 attacks (like I did sometimes on my 50+1 TW/Regen Broot because of clickies) it doesn't matter, since every attack grants momentum again. So, say that you want to use 3 attacks after gaining Momentum but for some reason you only got 2 off and the third one goes off with the 'slow animation' you didn't intend, this 'slow' attack WILL grant momentum again. That's why I find the mechanics so simple and not a big deal, it's not like BU which i available on a long recharge and you want to make the most of the 10 seconds. Plus, what other set you can do something like BU- heavy hitter - (gains momentum)- Footstomp- Crowd Control- Crowd Control? (using FS and CC as an example because Whirling Smash is almost a FS clone, Sweeping Strike, the first cone, does a little less damage than CC and Arc of Destruction, the other cone, does way more, but since they are 120 degrees and CC is 180, it should even out)

Video: - you can see that he doesn't make full use of most momentums and even then he only casts the slow attacks occasionally since all of them gets him to Momentum time again (except for the two ones who require momentum before, but those you'll likely use right after you get Momentum, of at least after shatter armor since shatter armor does a little -res/-def) - even though he's playing the set way less worried about getting attacks during momentum than I did, you can see he's throwing more fast AoEs than a SS toon (and he has a footstomp clone - the whirling attack - and two very damaging cones, unlike SS, or War Mace which has a lousy PbAoE and two cones, one of them, shatter, being only a 45 degree cone and doing less damage than Arc of Destruction which is 120, plus Sweeping Strike is very close to CC damage and you get it early - ntm there's still a low damage cone that recharges in 4 secs and gives you +def like parry) and more STs than a EM toon.

Originally Posted by Organicide View Post
Outside of suspension of disbelief I don't know what to tell you. Not every set is going to appeal to every player. As I mention earlier, I didn't think I'd be able to get into DP. Then I paired it with Traps and it was golden. Also, I disliked Kinetic Melee from the get go but now find I love it on Stalkers (tankers/brutes/scrappers still not so much). I guess what I'm getting at is wait till TW drops, play around with it and chances are, you'll find something that works with it.
Heh, same here, 1 blaster and 1 corr deleted because I wanted to make DP work for me until I found I was satisfied with a DP/Dark.

KM I hated the animations (they're well done, just personal taste) so I gave up on the set.



Originally Posted by Organicide View Post
Also, I disliked Kinetic Melee from the get go but now find I love it on Stalkers (tankers/brutes/scrappers still not so much).
Heh, the only Stalker I've kept playing past level 14 (my previous record) is my level 26 kin/nin. And my only real quibble about KM is the silly noise it makes.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

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On the bright side this looks like a decent farming set.

oh wait



Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
On the bright side this looks like a decent farming set.

oh wait
I don't understand the "oh wait" part. If you meant to be snarky and imply that farming is a dead playstyle, I assure you that you're incorrect.

When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.



Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
Heh, the only Stalker I've kept playing past level 14 (my previous record) is my level 26 kin/nin. And my only real quibble about KM is the silly noise it makes.
Stalkers are an aquired taste from my vantage point. I've tried a few combos but have only 2 that regularly play (Elec/Nin/Mu and KM/Nrg/Body) which I believe are fairly FOTM builds. An EM/Regen I made back in i6 is still level 33. Just can't stomach it to play him.

When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.



Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
Haven't test-played the set yet, so my input would be limited, at best. But I'm wondering how much of the "animation oddness" is dictated by the visual requirements for making the animation work. The degree to which they had to "add" frames at lower speeds, and "remove" frames at higher speeds.

The momentum animation and the non-momentum aniamtion are actually 2 completely different animations, theres no speeding up or slowing down.

If you have momentum the game subtly uses an entirely different power when you activate it, vs then when you dont

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
The momentum animation and the non-momentum aniamtion are actually 2 completely different animations, theres no speeding up or slowing down.

If you have momentum the game subtly uses an entirely different power when you activate it, vs then when you dont
Interesting. Was mostly basing my lack of insight on my experience with Diablo 2, in which certain attacks animated faster with successive attacks, by dropping animation frames.

Do all the animations in the set have only two "modes", then, i.e. "accelerated" and "non-accelerated"?

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
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STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

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Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
Do all the animations in the set have only two "modes", then, i.e. "accelerated" and "non-accelerated"?
Two of the attacks, Follow Through and Whirling Smash, can only be used when Momentum is active. They only have one mode and one animation.


Also on Steam



Ok, i wont make friends with this, but still..

What very very very very dissapointing animations this set will get.

Titan weapon, but the moves are nothing more then a 'assasinstyle prepare' and then a quick move, nothing 'tinanish' about this.

If anyone knows Seigfried from Soul Calibur, Warrior from Cabal Online, Beserker from Tera Online or Gladiator from Aion Online, those are the same kind of weapons, with 1000 times better animations and moves. Not some stupid prepare animation and some quick swipes, but trough the entire animation you really see them whielding a huge heavy weapon. You literly feel the impact of a huge axe/sword smashing into the group, you see their struggle to raise the weapon up in the sky to let it drop and cause mayhem.

edit, i assume the stupid 'assasinate style chargeup' is the system of the fast-cast version while having that momentum running, cheap, stupid and lame.

I really these animations are not the final ones, i had really high hopes on these.. but this is a huge dissapointment.

Some people might not care about nice animations, but for me.. all the previous released 'unique' sets are dull, simple and boring. The only exception might be DP (the shadow-style move), but the added animations on existing sets, beam rifle or DB, dull, simple and ugly.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

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Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
Ok, i wont make friends with this, but still..
If so, that would likely have more to do with the "tone" of your comments, rather than the highly subjective content in them. That being said, I've played other games with "hyooj" weapons in them, myself, and I'm not really sure what you're expecting/wanting to see, since none of the games I've played (some of which you mentioned) had particularly "attractive" or "realistic" animations for such things. Without making a comparison to the weapon animations of other games, what are you wanting to see? Complaining about such things, without suggesting alternatives, is just complaining.

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Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
That's it, pack the MMO in, we're going to have to start it over.
Not enough smilies, and you're short about 50,000 posts. Keep at it, though.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
If so, that would likely have more to do with the "tone" of your comments, rather than the highly subjective content in them. That being said, I've played other games with "hyooj" weapons in them, myself, and I'm not really sure what you're expecting/wanting to see, since none of the games I've played (some of which you mentioned) had particularly "attractive" or "realistic" animations for such things. Without making a comparison to the weapon animations of other games, what are you wanting to see? Complaining about such things, without suggesting alternatives, is just complaining.
My original post about Dual Blades has been removed because it contained links to movies and images of other games, so my main reason not to show any related animations of the other mentioned games.

Though funny you say other games have no 'attractive or realistic' animations, but can you say the same about Titan weapon animations? Both Aion as Tera (female, 2h axe) show pretty good details that it even take effort to start swinging the weapon, including the big 'whoomp' when gravity takes its part on slamming the weapon into the ground. The melee attacks from Tera even show it better, each swing is related to the previous move, you cant just instantly swap your weapon to another side or in different pose, they animated all movements in the swings.

Clearly your 'taste' is different then mine, little i can do about that.

Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
That's it, pack the MMO in, we're going to have to start it over.
Oh not at all, saves me another 2400 points on a powerset.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



If your main complaint is that the weapons don't look heavy, than your alternative would leave out character concepts that assume the character is strong enough to whip such a weapon around like a teppan chef wielding a ginzu knife. Either way, someone's getting "left out", no matter how they animate it, short of adding alternate animations. Which itself wouldn't be a bad thing.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Originally Posted by Organicide View Post
I don't understand the "oh wait" part. If you meant to be snarky and imply that farming is a dead playstyle, I assure you that you're incorrect.
Judging by the length devs are going to nerf it. I'd it's got about 2 more issues



Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
Judging by the length devs are going to nerf it. I'd it's got about 2 more issues
Farm and nerf? Thats a myth since issue 4.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
Farm and nerf? Thats a myth since issue 4.
Well ambushes just got nerfed. I dont think that's a general pve nerf



Ambush AE farming is nerfed in 21.5, and rezing enemies in AE is already nerfed. Then MARTy is in effect, but normal CEBR stuff doesn't seem to trigger it. Farming in general will always be in effect, it's that AE abuses that make farming too lucrative that is being addressed. Worst case scenario, people will just go back to PI and demon farming missions outside of AE.



The real question is



or other?

Perhaps Brute > Scrapper in this case (maximize WP).

I think you want to avoid clicky secondaries so maybe that's the nod to WP over EA.



I wanted /regen but yes too many redraw. I believe i'll be rolling /WP



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
That's it, pack the MMO in, we're going to have to start it over.
You're trying to be funny, and that's fine.

However, this kind of condescending tone really does nothing but make you and the rest of this game's player base look bad.
It would matter so much if there weren't so many of you with that attitude. Any time someone has anything negative to say about something in this game, it's always met with that same attitude. You don't even get that kind of crap in the WoW forums with this kind of regularity.

Whatever, you'll ignore this or talk down to me the same way your kind always does. I just had to say it.

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I'm a proud carebear.



Originally Posted by Faolon View Post
You're trying to be funny, and that's fine.
God no. I'm trying to make you and people like you who read these posts think for a moment 'Huh. Yeah, I guess that is a bit of a silly attitude to have.'

My favourite AT has received four new powesets total, since launch. It has gained two out of proliferation, and two genuinely 'new' powersets. By comparison, the scrapper/brute/tanker trio (in which stalkers get to benefit) have received two whole new powersets since the last issue, and received in that same issue three powersets through proliferation.

The greater point is this: Not everything is going to be perfect for you. Whether it's being too hung up on how things could have looked or taking a video game about spandex-clad nazi-punchers seriously enough that you can't enjoy whacky animation cycles, you are rarely, if ever, going to get exactly what you like.

Oh, and anyone who takes me as a sample of the game's playerbase is an idiot. I, after all, play dominators.



I'm really looking forward to the set and I'll play it and have fun with it regardless, but I am really disappointed in the animations. I thought that the previously mentioned games were great examples of people using overly large weapons. In my mind, using something that huge would result in lots of large arcing strikes that have a kind of slow but immensely powerful feel to them. So I guess I'm imagining lots of arcs greater than 180 degrees.

The t8 is prolly the animation I like the most, and the t7 and t9 seem the most silly to me. I honestly wouldn't mind if the animations all looked really similar just so long as they felt big and sweeping. Oh and the leg lift in the t2 bothers me too, but not as much. The animations as they are kinda seem like the characters wielding the weapon like a big baseball bat.

But like I said regardless of whether or not the animations end up changing I'm really excited about the set!



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Titan Weapons was said by a CS on Facebook Fridays that it's currently available on Test at the same time the Halloween Event was on Test. That doesn't mean that the two are linked. It could be a coincidence that the two were scheduled for Test at the same time.

And then it turned out that either the CS Rep was mistaken, or, there was a glitch and Titan Weapons was not available on Test anyway.

And even if they were, no one would have been able to use them since the Store isn't running on Test.
It's on the Beta Server right now, just ask a GM and they will unlock the set for you.

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