Anyone know when Titan Weapons drop?




I really cannot wait for this set. I am so going to have to make costume change macros to swap out the rock on a stick, railroad sign and rocket mid combat for a real "Hulk SMASH" super strength set.



Originally Posted by GhostofMalta View Post
"Minotaur Axe"
A big honking dual-bladed fantasy greataxe. Nice looking chipped/cracked blades, skull detail at the center, gem above the skull. Banded, partially leather-wrapped wooden haft. Ball at the end with a demon-claw detail over it.
Nice. Sounds like my old death cult Mace brute (who I could never get into because all the maces were too small) is going to see the light of day again.



where did you see the TW models ???

English isn't my birth language, so don't blame me if I do some mistakes. thank you !



Originally Posted by slaad View Post
where did you see the TW models ???
There was a short window last night where people on Beta were able to request access.



Lazarillo - Not where I sourced it, but I've just found out about that.

TheNet: To grant it requires us to pull up information from your account I dont feel right with asking and I do not have the tool to do. Please wait for Alpha Wolf to say he will be granting access. This means when he offers to grant it, not when he first logs in.
EDIT: It's come to my attention that the limited grant was dropped during an Incarnate Trial. This means there's no need to go rushing to Beta creating new characters so you can sit around Atlas Park waiting for an unlock, and if you do not have a Lv. 50 [The Net, Zwillinger, and Freitag are in there right now but none of them seems to be granting level bumps] you cannot test the trials. Therefore, no TW. The current Beta isn't intended to test Titan Weapons anyways, so it makes sense; they were just passing it out as a 'HEY PEOPLE COME TEST THESE TRIALS' thing.

@Ghost of Malta: The world's #1 Malta Group fanatic!
"Liberty and Justice by any means necessary."



Originally Posted by GhostofMalta View Post
Lazarillo - Not where I sourced it, but I've just found out about that.

EDIT: It's come to my attention that the limited grant was dropped during an Incarnate Trial. This means there's no need to go rushing to Beta creating new characters so you can sit around Atlas Park waiting for an unlock, and if you do not have a Lv. 50 [The Net, Zwillinger, and Freitag are in there right now but none of them seems to be granting level bumps] you cannot test the trials. Therefore, no TW. The current Beta isn't intended to test Titan Weapons anyways, so it makes sense; they were just passing it out as a 'HEY PEOPLE COME TEST THESE TRIALS' thing.
So.... that still doesn't explain how YOU got access to Titan Weapons!

The teasing is just way to much.... first the Facebook comments about it being on test, then the utter silence since then, and now this.... I'm GOING CRAZY!!



Originally Posted by Adamant View Post
So.... that still doesn't explain how YOU got access to Titan Weapons!

The teasing is just way to much.... first the Facebook comments about it being on test, then the utter silence since then, and now this.... I'm GOING CRAZY!!
I don't have access, and I know exactly how you feel. :P

@Ghost of Malta: The world's #1 Malta Group fanatic!
"Liberty and Justice by any means necessary."



Originally Posted by GhostofMalta View Post
I don't have access, and I know exactly how you feel. :P
Oh, so you were just re-posting a description of the Titan Weapon models from someone who DID get access to them in the beta?



Well no, but let's just say I did. ;P

@Ghost of Malta: The world's #1 Malta Group fanatic!
"Liberty and Justice by any means necessary."



Originally Posted by GhostofMalta View Post
Well no, but let's just say I did. ;P
Sneaky sneaky...



NCsoft_Freitag is unlocking access to TW on test server, PM him NOW ! (won't last a lot)

English isn't my birth language, so don't blame me if I do some mistakes. thank you !



Originally Posted by slaad View Post
NCsoft_Freitag is unlocking access to TW on test server, PM him NOW ! (won't last a lot)
Whaaa! Just got home from work, and saw this!

Unfortunately I just resubbed before Freedom... I never installed the VIP Beta client, but I have Test all updated. Let's hope I can download the gigs of data on my crappy country internet connection before they stop giving access...




it's just amazing, but the powerset mecanic (mementum) really slows you if you got a click-heavy secondary

English isn't my birth language, so don't blame me if I do some mistakes. thank you !



Originally Posted by JuiceX View Post
Saw this on Youtube about TW:
Nice find. All the moves seemed very nice and what I expected them to be; slow but powerful. Only animation I didn't care for was the T9 power. I like AoE powers, just thought the animation could have looked cooler/different.



Originally Posted by Organicide View Post

I was leaning towards TW/Ela but if redraw is a killer than I'll let it pass.

English isn't my birth language, so don't blame me if I do some mistakes. thank you !



Looking at the video there's redraw... I can't believe they still add redraw to new sets.



Originally Posted by Broken_Wings View Post
Looking at the video there's redraw... I can't believe they still add redraw to new sets.
I kinda of agree that it seems a little silly at this point.

What's more immersion breaking.... having a huge weapon suddenly appear in your hand and whacking a goon over the head with it?
Or having a huge weapon suddenly appear on your back where it hovers there a few inches off your back until you reach back and grab it.

*shrug* IMHO they are about the same. So why have it at all and punish me for using click heavy secondaries and power pools?

Still, loving the set so far and testing the crap out of it on test. I'm making a lot of notes and plan to post them WHEN I HAVE PROPERLY TESTED THE SET, instead of instantly making snap judgements and jumping down the developers throats.

So far it's very unique and it's nice to see a new AoE focused melee set.
Also, I commend the devs for putting it on the beta server when it's clearly still a work in progress and allowing us to help test it.



Originally Posted by Adamant View Post
I kinda of agree that it seems a little silly at this point.

What's more immersion breaking.... having a huge weapon suddenly appear in your hand and whacking a goon over the head with it?
Or having a huge weapon suddenly appear on your back where it hovers there a few inches off your back until you reach back and grab it.

*shrug* IMHO they are about the same. So why have it at all and punish me for using click heavy secondaries and power pools?
This is myproblem with weapon sets as well.

Get a weapon? Feel screwed over by going Regen, and having to click often. :/

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



[QUOTE=Adamant;3950365So far it's very unique and it's nice to see a new AoE focused melee set.

After the awesome that was WM/SD for scrappers, I feel forced to roll TW as one as well (note: I know it can't be paired with SD) for the delicious AoE crit-goodness. Wanted to go /WP on the brute side for added HP/Regen but I'm a lowly slave to the crit monster.

When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.



Well, Stalker is not getting Titan Weapon, so I am bitter.

Stalker can only drool over those new cool looking 2H weapons. Stalker is apparently too "fragile" to pick up a giant weapon.....

(Do you ever wonder why the dev would have a problem with Stalker using a bigger weapon but they have no problem with Brute using a "skinny, slim" Ninja blade or claw that may look too "girlish" on him? Funny how theme-restriction is only applied to ONE AT but not to others. Oh better yet, since when do we need dev to decide what "theme" we should have? Why can't we decide if we want our Stalker to hold a giant Road Sign in the dark...?)

As I understand it, Titan Weapon works like "one big hit, followed by several faster hits and it has nice AoE attacks". I guess this mechanism is too difficult to fit Stalkers who 1. deliver big hits on a regular basis 2. will thoroughly enjoy aoe attacks.

I can't understand why Stalker can't have titan weapon. If they spent the time to make it, why not giving it to all 4 melee ATs. It makes no sense economically either. I am a huge Stalker fan and I will buy sets for Stalker only. Now, I can care less about Titan Weapon because seeing that will only makes me feel jealous/mad.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Organicide View Post

I was leaning towards TW/Ela but if redraw is a killer than I'll let it pass.
It's not a killer. Momentum lasts for five seconds, so after you get it, you'll use three very fast attacks at most. Shouldn't be an issue with /ELA, actually a very good pairing for the +rech bonus.

I got a level bumped 50+1 TW/Regen Brute and had no issues, although since regen is way more clicky than any other secondary, I'd say that some people won't want to pair regen with TW due to redraw (and you won't want to use a clickie in the middle of your 3-fast attack combo), but regen is an 'extreme' case in the clickyness department. Not taking full advantage of *one* Momentum was no biggie for me, the tier 1 attack which gives you +def recharges in 4 sec base, so as long as you hit it you'll have Momentum again shortly.

My TW/Regen also had both a ST and an AoE attack chain ready for whenever since he had 33% recharge bonus (spiritual, they were giving away empyrean merits for 1 infl on beta). And I was slotted with 2 accs, 3 dmg, 1 endred in each attack, so no recharge at all in any attack but the one granted by Spiritual Alpha (except for the PbAoE which had 1 rech SO instead of the endred). So I think even if you frankenslot a bit you'll have enough attacks not to have gaps by level 26ish (actually by 18 you already have some nice attacks but at that level I don't think any toon except claws or katana have a decent attack chain, haven't played stj tho).



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Well, Stalker is not getting Titan Weapon, so I am bitter.
Come! Drink with me! We will be bitter together.