Anyone know when Titan Weapons drop?




I is are confused!

Someone please explain how "momentum" works to me. I thought it caused attacks to recharge faster but it sounds like it's something completely different.

When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.



Originally Posted by Organicide View Post
I is are confused!

Someone please explain how "momentum" works to me. I thought it caused attacks to recharge faster but it sounds like it's something completely different.
Ok, here goes:

1) you use one attack (I always used the tier 1 since it recharges in 4 secs and gives +def like parry). If you hit, 'Momentum' appears in red letters, in the same spot 'combo level' shows up. That's the only obligatory slow part since any attack you use to go for momentum is slow, the tier 1 is a 2.20 sec cast, 4 sec base recharge.

2) For the next 5 seconds, you have Momentum - any attack you use while in Momentum uses alternate, faster animations. Two of them actually require momentum to be usable, outside of that they turn grey on your power tray. the foostomp 'clone' is one of them.

3) Unless you use something from your secondary, the momentum-powered attacks are so fast you can usually attack three times.

4) After 5 seconds, momentum is lost, but you can get it again using the tier 1 or other attack.

In this video you can see the difference between the normal and the momentum animations:



Sir, I am unworthy of your attention! Thanks so much for the info and that clip. The rocket mallet made me LOL and hard. It does make sense now. The AoE on that set looked fairly robust. With the fast animations I'm now certain I'll be rolling either /WP or /Ela. Good stuff.

When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.



At first I thought TW looked a little lame, but then I saw the video Kioshi posted that had comparisons and now it actually looks very cool. Seems like the momentum animations are not only faster, but are flashier and more stylized.



Originally Posted by Neogumbercules View Post
At first I thought TW looked a little lame, but then I saw the video Kioshi posted that had comparisons and now it actually looks very cool. Seems like the momentum animations are not only faster, but are flashier and more stylized.
Maybe I was able to identify it because I played the set, but if you check the video at the very end (when he starts beating the RWZ dummy at 2:00) it matches what I did when I was playing.

The video at the end shows the player finishing Defensive Sweep's animation to gain momentum, then he uses three AoEs, and as you can see they hit the three dummies - this combo is deadly and safe because each of the AoEs have a 75% chance to KD (Sweeping Strike is 66%, Arc is 75%, the footstompy one, Whieling Smash is 75% - and they're LARGE, 10 feet range 120 degree cones, the pbaoe is just like Foot Stomp, 15 feet radius).

After he loses momentum (when the video starts fading) he uses the 2ish secs cast Shatter Armor and after that, BU+three fast attacks (you can barely see them because the video is almost black at this point), which is quite the boss killer combo (I always used defensive first since it recharges in 4 secs and shatter armor does so much damage - about 200 unslotted on a 50 scrapper if you count the 85% chance for DoT, plus -res and -def, so I wanted to use it after bu, only Crushing Uppercut at combo level 2 and Concentrated Strike do more than base 200 damage if you turn off Mids accounting for crits, but Shatter Armor is available at level 18 and recharges in 16 sec instead or 20 for CS and 25 for CU, plus CS doesn't crit anyway - also Shatter Armor has a 9 feet range, iirc all ST attacks in the set are 9 feet and the cones are 10).

So the mechanic does not feel clunky to me after you get used to momentum lasting 5 seconds. It did feel weird at the beginning because I was level bumped, went straight to an iTrial and didn't know it lasted for 5 secs and was wondering if I was doing something wrong to 'keep' momentum. After I read Synapse post it was 5 seconds and that's it, my playstyle was like the video shows, Defensive Sweep (2.20 cast time) + BU then 3 AoEs or 3 STs.

I don't know if it wil be the OMG DPS set (not interested in av soloing anyway) but the set feels like it delivers both in AoE and ST to me, and that the gimmick is not a big deal because even when I basically 'wasted' a Momentum due to using recon/dull pain/etc, Defensive Sweep has a 4 sec base recharge and was ready again. I can see builds respeccing out of the tier 2 at a later level because since you can use slow Defensive, gain momentum and use 'fast Defensive' to double stack it like people double stack Parry, you don't need all seven attacks. Or in say, SR toons, skipping defensive and getting Crushing Blow, the tier 2, which does better damage (Defensive does less than parry and grants less defense but like Sweeping and Arc, it's also a 120 degree 10 feet cone).



All shiny aside, I find the animations slightly hideous. :\



Originally Posted by icemanstryketh View Post
All shiny aside, I find the animations slightly hideous. :\
I agree with you.
I was expecting more "oomph", but they look more like the 2h animations from Dragon Age Origins. It looks like the character can barely lift the weapon.

Maybe it's that whole left handed thing that bothers me, though.

"Through Avarice evil smiles; through insanity it sings"
Forum Troll Rule #1: Anyone who disagrees with my point of view is either a fanboy or an idiot.
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Originally Posted by Faolon View Post
I agree with you.
I was expecting more "oomph", but they look more like the 2h animations from Dragon Age Origins. It looks like the character can barely lift the weapon.

Maybe it's that whole left handed thing that bothers me, though.
I just think the way they portray the weight and handling weapon seems clumsy and awkward and at time's just lazy and plain. Where as the STJ animations looks very polished and energetic.

Yes I believe oomph was the term I was looking for.



Clumsy is a good word for it.

The Katana animations had to be left handed because of the way characters stand. This time, however, there doesn't seem to be any real reason for it and a lot of the animations have the character shifting the weapon to the right side to swing that way.

It looks very awkward. IMO, the characters should be holding their right hand up by the guard and the blade should rest on the right side, not the left.
That's how it usually is in most games. When a character has a big 2h weapon, they hold it in that manner. Blade resting on the right side of the body, left hand by the pommel, right hand by the guard.

"Through Avarice evil smiles; through insanity it sings"
Forum Troll Rule #1: Anyone who disagrees with my point of view is either a fanboy or an idiot.
I'm a proud carebear.



THe animation just looks off imo. Like crushing blow, the pull back is slow but the upward rise is super fast? And the pbaoe looks like you're fighting with a foam weapon its so fast. Then there's t9 which is just dumb looking imo. What's wrong with just a slow overhead smash with huge impact?

Here what it should look like:

Ignore terrible ring out mechanic



I like it. None of the other sets have fighting game fluidity so I don't know why anyone would expect this one to. It looks good and fun.

"Hi, my name is Ail. I make people sick."
A partial selection from my 50's on Freedom: Ail = Ice/Traps, Luck = Street Justice/Super Reflexes Stalker, Mist = Bane, Pixy = Trick Arrow/Archery, Pure = Gravity/Energy, Smoke = Fire/Fire Dominator



Originally Posted by _Ail_ View Post
I like it. None of the other sets have fighting game fluidity so I don't know why anyone would expect this one to. It looks good and fun.
DP and STJ both did



Originally Posted by icemanstryketh View Post
All shiny aside, I find the animations slightly hideous. :\
The only one I don't like is the tier 9, where it just looks like your setting your weapon into the ground. A leaping smash of some sort would feel much better to me there, even if Katana has something similar.

The rest though... are pretty cool to me. If you haven't played it, it's harder to tell, but there is a nice ebb and flow to the attacks, and you really feel like an insane dervish with momentum going. All the AOE and KD only accentuates that. Fun stuff.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by _Ail_ View Post
I like it. None of the other sets have fighting game fluidity so I don't know why anyone would expect this one to. It looks good and fun.
What I expect is that my character looks like he knows what he's doing with the weapon. Not like he just picked something random up and started swinging it around in a manner that indicates he's never even been in a fight, let alone used a weapon.

"Through Avarice evil smiles; through insanity it sings"
Forum Troll Rule #1: Anyone who disagrees with my point of view is either a fanboy or an idiot.
I'm a proud carebear.



Congratulations! You are so well informed that you can't suspend your disbelief and relax when you're talking about a game universe where people can fly unsuspended! You have earned the achievement 'Ruins Your Own Fun!'



Originally Posted by Faolon View Post
What I expect is that my character looks like he knows what he's doing with the weapon. Not like he just picked something random up and started swinging it around in a manner that indicates he's never even been in a fight, let alone used a weapon.
Super Heroic Awesomeness Animations > Your trivial real world phsyics/dynamics.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
Congratulations! You are so well informed that you can't suspend your disbelief and relax when you're talking about a game universe where people can fly unsuspended! You have earned the achievement 'Ruins Your Own Fun!'
This reminds me of when I say the Wolverine: Origins movie. A couple of my friends were bickering about the movie and they were completely in disbelief that it would be possible for someone to intercept a bullet with a sword and neatly cut it in two.

The whole time they were bickering I was thinking, "There were people that could regenerate horrendous wounds, teleport, and all kinds of other unbelievable things, but it was the cutting in twain of a bullet that had them in disbelief"

It's funny the things that people choose to fight their battles about when it comes to the suspension of disbelief.



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
Congratulations! You are so well informed that you can't suspend your disbelief and relax when you're talking about a game universe where people can fly unsuspended! You have earned the achievement 'Ruins Your Own Fun!'
At least fly looks cool.



Originally Posted by icemanstryketh View Post
At least fly looks cool.
Are you kidding me? Fly's animation is so bad we had to make up 10 different alternative animations for it.

I totally wouldn't fly like that. When I have a flying character, I want it to look like I know how to fly.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Super Heroic Awesomeness Animations > Your trivial real world phsyics/dynamics.
True words.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Super Heroic Awesomeness Animations > Your trivial real world phsyics/dynamics.
What the hell are you two talking about?

When did I say I cared about real world physics? My problem with the set is that it DOESN'T LOOK AWESOME AT ALL.
I had to use caps, in case you miss my point again.

Take a look at Dual Pistols. Personally, I dislike the set. Then again, I dislike playing Blasters.
However, the animations for the set are amazing. They're the reason I keep trying different combos with DP(both blaster and corruptor).
They're completely unrealistic, but amazing none-the-less. The characters using DP do not look like they picked up the guns for the very first time. They know what they're doing.
To use a different example: the characters using Broadsword, War Mace or Battle Axe, aren't making beautiful swings. However, their swings look relatively smooth. Even the most awkward looking swings, the cone attacks like Slice and Crowd Control, look natural.

These things are lacking, for the most part, in the animations shown in that earlier video.
The character looks like they're a righty trying to be a lefty. It would be like me trying to throw a baseball with my left hand. I may get the ball where I want it to go, but it will look a little funny.
It simply is not up to the standard we've had thus far in this game.

"Through Avarice evil smiles; through insanity it sings"
Forum Troll Rule #1: Anyone who disagrees with my point of view is either a fanboy or an idiot.
I'm a proud carebear.



Originally Posted by Faolon View Post
My problem with the set is that it DOESN'T LOOK AWESOME AT ALL.
I had to use caps, in case you miss my point again.


To use a different example: the characters using Broadsword, War Mace or Battle Axe, aren't making beautiful swings. However, their swings look relatively smooth. Even the most awkward looking swings, the cone attacks like Slice and Crowd Control, look natural.

These things are lacking, for the most part, in the animations shown in that earlier video.
The character looks like they're a righty trying to be a lefty. It would be like me trying to throw a baseball with my left hand. I may get the ball where I want it to go, but it will look a little funny.
It simply is not up to the standard we've had thus far in this game.
I can completely understand the point being made here. I'm not saying I completely agree, but I understand. Some but not all of the animations in the video above (can't get into the VIP beta server for some reason) look like a person who has made the poor tactical decision of attempting to use a weapon that was designed for someone much bigger or stronger than they. They look clumsy and uncoordinated like a small child who picked up daddy's axe. That style is all well and good when you pair the power set with a character who is less than six and a half feed tall and or is on the more lithe side of the "physique" slider. I have a feeling that they will end up looking kind of silly on a Max Height Huge body, which is what I had in mind for my TW character.



Originally Posted by Faolon View Post
What the hell are you two talking about?

When did I say I cared about real world physics? My problem with the set is that it DOESN'T LOOK AWESOME AT ALL.
I had to use caps, in case you miss my point again.

Take a look at Dual Pistols. Personally, I dislike the set. Then again, I dislike playing Blasters.
However, the animations for the set are amazing. They're the reason I keep trying different combos with DP(both blaster and corruptor).
They're completely unrealistic, but amazing none-the-less. The characters using DP do not look like they picked up the guns for the very first time. They know what they're doing.
To use a different example: the characters using Broadsword, War Mace or Battle Axe, aren't making beautiful swings. However, their swings look relatively smooth. Even the most awkward looking swings, the cone attacks like Slice and Crowd Control, look natural.

These things are lacking, for the most part, in the animations shown in that earlier video.
The character looks like they're a righty trying to be a lefty. It would be like me trying to throw a baseball with my left hand. I may get the ball where I want it to go, but it will look a little funny.
It simply is not up to the standard we've had thus far in this game.

See, I find DP animations to be over-the-top silly and on the longish side. But I take it all in-stride and it hasn't kept me from enjoying my dp/traps.

When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.



Originally Posted by Organicide View Post
See, I find DP animations to be over-the-top silly and on the longish side. But I take it all in-stride and it hasn't kept me from enjoying my dp/traps.
At least they're animated well. Titan weapon lacks any feel of momentum and weight, it way too full of sudden movement starts and stops, specially with a suposedly titan sized weapon



Outside of suspension of disbelief I don't know what to tell you. Not every set is going to appeal to every player. As I mention earlier, I didn't think I'd be able to get into DP. Then I paired it with Traps and it was golden. Also, I disliked Kinetic Melee from the get go but now find I love it on Stalkers (tankers/brutes/scrappers still not so much). I guess what I'm getting at is wait till TW drops, play around with it and chances are, you'll find something that works with it.

When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.