Anyone know when Titan Weapons drop?




Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
Well ambushes just got nerfed. I dont think that's a general pve nerf
Thats just a minor tweak to demotivate the 'easy farmers'. If they would really want to pick out those 'heavy farmers', they would make way more drastic changes, this is just to demotivate most people from going AE or spamming atlas for LFFF!!!

The 'hardcore farmers' remain doing so, in the years their xp/min hardly changed, i think it even went up alot. (incarnate, brute, IO's, AE, etc etc).

Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
The real question is



or other?

Perhaps Brute > Scrapper in this case (maximize WP).

I think you want to avoid clicky secondaries so maybe that's the nod to WP over EA.
But is Fury generation 'normalised' through all powers? If initiatly most powers have 2-5 sec cast time, your Fury bar will take ages to fill up (assume u hardly getting hit).

But WP afaik has same base values, that would only to push up the cap value of resistance? (wich you only get during the T9 clicky).

WP has the least 'clickies', giving you hardly no weapon redraw (except hasten and T9). Second best i would say Inv and elec, very tough sets and both only 1 clicky next to their T9 clickly (wich you use quite alot less then WP version).

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
But is Fury generation 'normalised' through all powers? If initiatly most powers have 2-5 sec cast time, your Fury bar will take ages to fill up (assume u hardly getting hit).
I don't see why it would need to be normalized, when TW attacks are not even the slowest powers out there, and 4 out of every 5 attacks used can be blazing fast.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
I don't see why it would need to be normalized, when TW attacks are not even the slowest powers out there, and 4 out of every 5 attacks used can be blazing fast.
I havent set all powers against current sets, was just giving a gues on the 'slow style' of TW. Just that i'm having a harder time building up Fury fast on my Broadsword then with my claw (slow vs fast).

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
I havent set all powers against current sets, was just giving a gues on the 'slow style' of TW. Just that i'm having a harder time building up Fury fast on my Broadsword then with my claw (slow vs fast).
Right, but my greater point was that Titan Weapons isn't even a slow set. It's overall a pretty fast set, you use 1 attack that's moderately slow (roughly Head Splitter speed), followed by 3-4 attacks that are quite fast (1-1.3 seconds before Arcanatime). So your total number of attacks per minute or whatever you want to measure by is on the high end, and Fury generation will be strong.



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
Thats just a minor tweak to demotivate the 'easy farmers'. If they would really want to pick out those 'heavy farmers', they would make way more drastic changes, this is just to demotivate most people from going AE or spamming atlas for LFFF!!!

The 'hardcore farmers' remain doing so, in the years their xp/min hardly changed, i think it even went up alot. (incarnate, brute, IO's, AE, etc etc).
It feels more like they're nerfing it slowly so it won't make such a drastic impact at once that the farmers all quit. They could have just pushed out Marty, rez nerf and ambush nerf all at once.