This game is too slow (sarcasm alert lol)




Alright all you AE'ers, PLers, farm till I drop cause .. I hate the low level stuff and just want to get my character leveled and past all that junk below 20...

Created brand new Beam/Time corruptor on Exalted and ran through the Death from below trial 4 times. Total time committed approximately 1.5 hours. level achieved 12.

Took 12 level corruptor to Steel Canyon and joined a Posi 1 followed by Posi 2 task force. All members were in the normal range of the tf (no 50's just looking for a quick badge) and even when we could stealth we tended to at least kill most. Total time committed 51 minutes for Posi 1 1 hour 19 minutes for Posi 2 and around 15 minutes in between to recruit and grab a drink, bio, ect. approximate total time: 2.5 hours level achieved 19 (about 1 bar short of 20).

Not counting level 2 which I earned in the tutorial that amounts to 17 levels earned in around 4 hours. There was a break between earning level 12 and starting the Posi tfs so I did have about 5 bars of Patrol xp to help get from 12 to 13 faster. Aside from that I did not use any XP boosters and we did not alter the mob size or difficulty to increase xp earned. Both Task Forces had the maximum of 8 members but several of the DFB trials had only 4 or 5 members along. By doing the death from below trials I earned buffs to my damage, accuracy, recharge and defense which are still active until I reach 22 or 7 days pass. I earned all of the badges offered by the trials, all three badges awarded by doing Posi 1 and 2 and additionally earned badges for defeating COT mages (Soul Binder 200 defeats) and clockwork gears ( Gearsmasher 100 defeats) both of which are required for different accolades with powers.

Now the question is.. if 17 level in one evening of casual play is not fast enough for you... why do you even bother.

I fully intend to continue this procedure with this character and will seek out a Synapse TF next which will most certainly put me above 20 level. Then by doing Sister Psyche and Moonfire I will put myself in a position to do Citadel and approach level 30 without ever doing a single mission from any contact.. Undoubtable earn additional badges toward accolades..

Just by completing Posi 1/2, Synapse, Sister P and Citadel I'll have 4 of 6 require for task force commander accolade. Sister Psyche can potentially give me enough Freakshow Bosses for Tank Buster (required for the Freedom Phalanx accolade .. along with Gearsmasher which I have already earned). Moonfire will get me close enough to do some street hunting to get the Silver Bullet (100 council warwolves) and Slayer (110 council vamprii) required for the Atlas medallion accolade. Then with a little time flying around to get the history and exploration badges I need and a few time travel mission to pick up instance badges required I will be able to increase my end and hit points. And not one of the 4 other task forces i mentioned requires more than 1.5 to 2 hours of time so lets say at most I need to play my corruptor another 6.5 to 7 hours and I will be at or near level 30. That's 28 levels in less than 12 hours. Even if someone only plays about 4 hours a night and only over weekends (friday, saturday and sunday) they can easily be level 30 after 1 weekend of play.

Of course I understand that's not level 1 to 50 in 2 hours like the old AE'ers we had back when it first went live and heaven forbid you'll actually have to leave Atlas Park and explore the confines of Steel Canyon, Skyway, Ind. Port, Striga Island and Talos in order to join those task forces but hey you'll see new and exciting things, get to meet new people and maybe JUST maybe have fun instead of just racing to see how fast you can get to level 50.

I always say there is no right or wrong way to play this game and if sitting in AE doing the same tired farm mission again and again and again is your idea of fun.. enjoy. Personally I prefer to get out and move around a bit more LOL Enjoy the game how ever you play but stay open to new and even some OLD ideas!

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Now the question is.. if 17 level in one evening of casual play is not fast enough for you... why do you even bother.
...Because some of us don't enjoy the game at that level?

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



The glaring flaw in your plan is that it requires running Synapse.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



So tell me again why farming Death from Below four times is any different to farming AE four times?
Other than the time taken of course.



Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
So tell me again why farming Death from Below four times is any different to farming AE four times?
Other than the time taken of course.
Presumably because it's officially Dev created and sanctioned content.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



I'm of a similar mind WW. I created a time/beam defender (because it is the only hero AT I don't have at 50 and I wanted to see if the set was solo friendly for the AT.) Her creation date was the day the head start began. She is now 40 and I have done very little solo with her. What I have done is group quite a bit and currently I expect her to be 50 by the end of the week. This is less than three weeks to get to iTrials and such. In a certain fantasy game getting to 50 takes about the same amount of time if all you do is dungeons. However, that game's max level is far higher. If I were to include my expectations of becoming incarnate powered I would say about a month max without any type of PLing.

Please note, I am a casual gamer that plays for only a couple hours each day. Even my days off are sporadic play. Thus, I have no understanding of the need to be in the new grind overnight. The end game grind will always be there, it's not going anywhere. I can understand the need to move beyond some of the older content, but AE is boring and the TFs are much more involved and offer quite a bit of variety. -shrug- Again, though, as Wendy stated, to each their own.



I usually run TFs in level ranges where i can't stand the content (or recently ran the content) I run about 4 - 8 alts at a time, burning off rested XP on each character and then moving onto the next one.

This allows me to gain 2 -3 levels at a time, but also puts a lot of my characters into the same level ranged. I've used CEBR to get my claw/elec brute from level 28 to 35 so i could run vanguard stuff, and I've ran task forces on my demon/thermal to get her closer to 50.

This game isn't very slow, especially if you can get on steamrolling teams. SSK does AMAZING things to the speed of this game.

Heck, running the hollows in a team STILL nets you about 10 - 12 levels, due to gaining over 2 off frostfire, and about 4 off a clear all Atta mission (i love me some troll killin)



I have to say I question the OP's definition of "casual" if it involves running the same trial four times in a row, then two consecutive task forces. That's like calling NFL players "casual" because they only play one game a week.



Only a fast way to do it if you can get a group together, which seems hard to do on Victory.



WW is trying to point out that you can do "official" content and level quickly and NOT live at AE until you are 50 or at least into SO territory enhancement wise. And how is DfB any different than an hour and a half running an old sewer team?

Travel powers at Lvl 4 has sort of done away with the need of doing the safe guard missions to get the timed flight and jump packs. And I'm pretty sure nobody would shed a tear because they forgot to run some missions in the Hollows. Well, except for playing on the ice slides in Frostfire. There really isn't any sub 15 content I can think of blueside that I would be missing out on if I went WW's route to quickly level a new character up.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Personally, I do find level 15-22ish a drag redside.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



I don't think anyone is contesting that running constantly on large teams is some very fast leveling. That being said, this method bears the caveat of having to be on a large-"ish" team for it to work, which is not always feasible depending on an individual's playtime window.

To be honest, I don't really care how someone levels, as long as they're not exploiting. The fact still remains that the very lowest levels of CoH are absolutely miserable for certain AT's and builds. Whether it be endurance problems, too few powers for a decent attack chain, "key" powers that don't come until later (Controllers pre-pets, yuck) some builds are just not as fun as they could be in that range.

I think the real issue here should be not how people are leveling (as long as they aren't exploiting, of course), but why exactly they feel the way they do about that part of the game. If certain powersets and builds are widely regarded as not fun until a certain magic level, then perhaps the game would be better served by worrying about that instead?



Game starts at level 12 with DO's for me.
Two Sewer runs is all it takes.
I couldn't be more pleased.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



I ran the sewer trial up to level 20 with one character. I ran it a few times the other day with my Grav/Son Controller and finally got him from level 30 to 32. It's a nice little run. And given how simple it is to run through, as well as how simple it is to just queue up and go, it's a supremely casual experience no matter how many times you run it... at least, in a time and place where queuing up for it works relatively quickly.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Now the question is.. if 17 level in one evening of casual play is not fast enough for you... why do you even bother.


Of course I understand that's not level 1 to 50 in 2 hours like the old AE'ers we had back when it first went live and heaven forbid you'll actually have to leave Atlas Park and explore the confines of Steel Canyon, Skyway, Ind. Port, Striga Island and Talos in order to join those task forces but hey you'll see new and exciting things, get to meet new people and maybe JUST maybe have fun instead of just racing to see how fast you can get to level 50.
Followed by...
I always say there is no right or wrong way to play this game and if sitting in AE doing the same tired farm mission again and again and again is your idea of fun.. enjoy. Personally I prefer to get out and move around a bit more LOL Enjoy the game how ever you play but stay open to new and even some OLD ideas!
... but, Wendy, you *are* implying they're doing it the "wrong" way with some of your commentary.

Now, personally, yes, I agree if someone's new to the game, or hasn't played in a while - or is even just trying out a new AT - they should play the game itself and experience the content.

But, if they've been playing a while - you know, the new Atlas (with *fewer* paths now) already has me burned out, just like the old limited Mercy Isle/Oakes path - I can see wanting to skip to where it "gets interesting." Or setting up a PVP specific character - it doesn't matter if they've seen X arc or not, they need a character for the PVP league to IO out and fill a roster spot.

There *are* legitimate reasons to zip past some content.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
I have to say I question the OP's definition of "casual" if it involves running the same trial four times in a row, then two consecutive task forces. That's like calling NFL players "casual" because they only play one game a week.

I consider it casual because of the time required.. 4 sewer trials.. 1 and one half hours. Even the most casual players can usually find an hour or two a day/week/ or whatever to make it on line and play. Posi one took me a total of 51 minutes.. Posi 2 1:19:00 .. even combined that's just over 2 hours and if done on different days again even a very casual player could easily find the time to complete them. And keep in mind I did mention this was not done in one long 4.5 to 4 hour time frame. I did the trials with a couple SG friends on one friday evening (an entire 90 minutes of play time .. along with time before and after BSing LOL). and the two back to back Posi TFs were done the following Saturday afternoon. I hardly see either of those as excessive amounts of time on line and in game.

LOL Yes GOB I realize my plan required the horror of Synapse but then again compared to the torture that once was Positron before the fix, and yeah I have played long enough to have suffred through that ordeal, Synapse is a walk in the park. Keep in mind I have also done Doc Q in the shadow shard.. all other TFs pale before the tedium that is DOC Q! Now come one really it's just 3 straigh, almost identical kill alls, followed by one of my favorite in game chores .. a patrol and then another kill all. After that you can actuallu stealth missions.. if your still awake! Besides i like having the TF commander accolade so almost all of my characters endure Synapse.. ONCE!

How is running 4 straight Death from Below trials different than sitting in the AE building and doing the same farm mission over and over and over. Well let's see...

1. I'm doing actual authorized approved content from NC Soft that doesn't, in some way, violate the EULA and doesn't require me to sneak around and use "code words" when discussing it to avoid anyone discovering what I do and reporting me. In other words I didn't create a "special" AE mission that I had to give a special name and hope the Devs looking for farms or MARTY didn't catch and remove forcing me to start over finding another way around the restrictions so I can load another mission up with bosses to kill so I can get 5 or more levels per run.

2. Aside from obtaining levels quickly, which is no different that the AE farms OR the old sewer runs in ATLAS which the trial is based on, I did them to obtain the 4 buffs I mentioned which have added me in the other things I have done with the character since my damage output, accuracy, defenses and recharge were increased.

3. After obtaining all 4 buffs and the three available badges, which I got on the very first trial, I didn't continue to run the same trial again and again until I was a level 20, 30, 40 or whatever . .. I moved on to other things. This same question could be applied to why do I do the same Incarnate trials over and over.. Answer because they are the only ones available and I am trying to get my all of my incarnate characters to a point where they have all tier 4's slotted. When new trials or at some point solo incarnate content emerges I will do those as well.

4. At least until around level 5 or 6 the only other alternative is the new tutorial arcs that have completely replaced the old arcs from the likes of Azuria. I ran those on Test and while they do a decent job of showing a brand new player how to play the game I have been here for going on 6 years. I don't need a mission that requires me to find the train station and take a "ride" to King's Row. The Trials or street hunting are the only other alternatives and .. the whole point of this thread was .. there are ways to get through the 1-20 levels without camping in AE.

5. I enjoy teaming and at the moment even 50 (+X) players have been known to show up to try out the new sewer trial. Also for what may be the first time the LFG feature is working... it is possible to simply join the queue and in a short amount of time, without the need to advertise or send tells, find yourself on a team inside the mission!

I sort of figured this thread might start up the old flames.. Look I don't care HOW you play the game. I play it the way I enjoy and if you are perfectly happy living in the AE building from 1-50 and doing the same few missions again and again.. Have fun. Personally I get very tired of doing repeats. While I do a lot of I Trials I frequently take entire weeks off from them and play my lower level characters because i just can't do another BAF or Lambda run. My point to this was simple.. A lot of players say, or at least claim, that the only reason they farm their characters is because the old content was too slow and they had seen it all too many times. They hated the lower levels and wanted to get through them quickly and on to more interesting content at higher levels. Well I took a brand new toon and in less than 4 hours of actual in game time she is now 1 bar away from level 20. That's 4 hours of play time scattered over 2 seperate days and my character is just about ready to do her cape and 2nd costume mission and head off to Talos. Essentially I could skip the dreaded Synapse completely and after a radio mission or two to hit 20 level head to IP and run a nice quick Sister Psyche and get a couple levels and I just did a Moonfire on a different character that took exactly 1 hour and 2 minutes to complete and that character went from 23 to 25 level. So .. it's very possible I could run those two and in 3 and a half more hours of play time be a level 25. In short it is quite possible that I can get my toon from level 1 to 25 in 8 hours or less of play time scattered over 3-4 days.

And now.. back to playing the game .. Let the flame war continue LOL

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Followed by...

... but, Wendy, you *are* implying they're doing it the "wrong" way with some of your commentary.

Now, personally, yes, I agree if someone's new to the game, or hasn't played in a while - or is even just trying out a new AT - they should play the game itself and experience the content.

But, if they've been playing a while - you know, the new Atlas (with *fewer* paths now) already has me burned out, just like the old limited Mercy Isle/Oakes path - I can see wanting to skip to where it "gets interesting." Or setting up a PVP specific character - it doesn't matter if they've seen X arc or not, they need a character for the PVP league to IO out and fill a roster spot.

There *are* legitimate reasons to zip past some content.
I understand what you mean Bill and if an experienced players prefers to use AE to avoid old boring content I am fine with it. But you and I both know what some of those brand new AE'ers were like after the mission archetect came out and things like the infamous Rikti Comm Officer farm emerged and allowed them to level without learning how to play the game.. even even get around in the city.

I joined a Manticore TF and one of them decided to join. I am not exagerating when I say that for 5 minutes we tried to direct this individual on how to get to the train station in Atlas Park, BIG SUPRISE, and have him arrive in Brickstown so we could start. Finally the leader gave up kicked the guy and we did the TF with 7 instead of 8.

If you know what your doing and have seen it all a thoudand times. fine play whatever you like and enjoy yourself. If your brand newfor your own sake, as well as those that may have to play with you later, do the tutorial missions and actually play outside of AE. Then you wont find yourself a 50 level asking for directions to Steel Canyon cause someone told you there was a tailor shop there and you could do a special mission and earn a 2nd outfit BUT you can't see Steel anyon on your Atlas Park map anywhere.. LOL THAT is a true story. Some guy actually said that in BROADCAST and you can imagine the responses he got!

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
So tell me again why farming Death from Below four times is any different to farming AE four times?
Other than the time taken of course.
The main reason for running it 4 times is to get each of the temp powers

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s