Random thoughts about being premium




So my main account turned premium (tier 4) saturday and I thought, hey, why not, may as well experience what it's like.

- IOs vs SOs: I mostly use common IOs with a few uniques or cheap sets thrown in while leveling, so the downgrade to SOs may not have been as big to me as it might for others, although it was noticeable - solo. Get on a team, even a two or three person one as long as there's a buff/debuff AT, and the performance loss is indistinguishable.

It sort of makes the game more balanced as a single character isn't able to annihilate everything without effort as soon as level 30-35 or so, but on the other hand certain imbalances that are masked by IOs become all the more apparent.

- access to specific features: this one is confusing. There doesn't seem to be anywhere ingame listing what is possible to do, the only way to check is trial and error or looking up that topic from the beta boards. The order in which some features are given seem a bit ackward. For example, you get market access at tier 4, but can't use IOs until tier 8, so you can theorically buy things that you won't be able to slot, and you won't have the slighest indication of that up until you try to do so.

It was nice to see that I could do most important things I tend to do with mere tier 4, which is less than 2 years of paid time if I recall correctly ; tell people, invite to a SG, use global chat channels, get in Praetoria, play AE, etc..

- misc stuff: being forced to keep the shop button on the screen at all times doesn't make me want to shop, and in games that do something similar I purposefully not pay anything, whereas I've shelled hundreds of bucks in other MMOs that didn't try to advertise their paid features.

Yesterday, I clicked on VIP to check how it went, perhaps reactivate... The slow and sloppy experience of trying to login ingame, with all the performance issues compared to a standard website, made me stop at the login confirmation screen where it asks you those two questions. That's one delayed sub/sale.

Am I going to stay premium? No, I play enough those days that I'll probably reactivate very soon, perhaps even today (using the webpage, not ingame, thank you very much).

For that weekend I did not see my enjoyment of the game decreased any, once you remove the fluff that is IOs and incarnates the core game remains pretty fun - loot has of course its purpose, something to "work" towards and keep playing, but making your own costume and beating stuff up is the most fun part if you ask me.

Premium mode is nice for casual play, and at the same time complete enough to entice to VIP (i.e. "how much time per month am I playing this again? $15 for those extra features really don't seem all that much considering that"). Thumbs up from me, with the caveat that you'd really want to make the information more available / understandable to players who may not be as invested in the game.



Just the thought I had today, that the game really could use a list of what's enabled on the account. (Well, apart from emotes and costumes, perhaps, as that would dominate the list disproportionately.)

I also agree about the in-game sluggishness of all web related stuff, either account related or the store itself. Quite a bit of patience is required, which isn't conductive to spending money.

I'm not bothered at all by the shop button. I just moved it to the top between the menus and I don't even notice it. Also kept the reward button near it. I haven't played a lot on my laptop yet (only 1366x768 res), but far as I remember it didn't bother me much even there, once I moved it out of the way.

Yes, reward level 4 is just 15 months of play, so it's not that hard to get. Me, I'm not going Premium, I'm going Free for now. I'm just curious how it'd feel trying to get a character to 50 on a free account.



Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
I have to agree about the tiered unlocking; they need something explicit in game that says "When you complete this tier you unlock access to X, Y & Z".
That's included in the game. Hover your mouse above the bar to the right of the reward shrubbery and you'll see what the different reward levels provide.



Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
I have to agree about the tiered unlocking; they need something explicit in game that says "When you complete this tier you unlock access to X, Y & Z". I can't even find any official documentation that explains it anywhere, all I've found outside of random forum threads is this: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Paragon_Rewards_Program

Am I reading it wrong or are the 'Character' and 'Account' rewards listed on that wiki page back to front?

It's using Character to mean 'all characters' and Account as 'one per account', but the game uses Character as 'one character' and Account as 'all characters on the account' doesn't it?



The shop buttons being constantly 'In Your Face' appears to have been the deal breaker for at least one of my friends that shocked me by coming back.

I'd touted up Freedom with them, they expressed only passing interest as time has given them a family etc. So I was shocked to see him on my Global list.
Sent a /Tell and he replied that he was just checking it out to see and didn't want to get me excited. That things seemed smoother in places and more complex in others.
Somehow though, in the ensuing day and a half he got overly fed up with the restrictions, even after buying points.

I think he was tier 3.

Last thing I heard from him concerning it was that he just didn't feel like being slapped over the head by the constant reminders to spend money. If he didn't feel pressured by it, he'd probably get back into the game and end up either resubbing for a period or pumping money into the store every month or so.

We're way past the drawing board though, alas. The 2 biggest issues I have outstanding are with the limited chat options avail to Free and the inability to remove the store and (pointless) reward buttons for Premiums.

I understand why they want it to be like that for non ViP's. I totally endorse it being mandatory for Free accounts. Premiums however should have the option to remove it. They have already proven that they;

A) Know how to access and use the store.
B) Proved they are willing to spend money on the game.

Giving them the option to remove it would go a long way towards retaining the positive image we've had for all these years. An image of putting community 1st.


Guess we'll see how it pans out. I'm crossing my fingers that it only hampers the enjoyment of a small minority instead of the majority of returnees...

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I'm not bothered at all by the shop button. I just moved it to the top between the menus and I don't even notice it. Also kept the reward button near it. I haven't played a lot on my laptop yet (only 1366x768 res), but far as I remember it didn't bother me much even there, once I moved it out of the way.
You are quite right, I probably made it sound like a much bigger deal than it actually is (for me, anyway). It's the principle of the thing that rubs me off the wrong way, but it's small enough that it can be stuck somewhere where it can be forgotten.



Originally Posted by General_CoH View Post
That's included in the game. Hover your mouse above the bar to the right of the reward shrubbery and you'll see what the different reward levels provide.
Yes and no. When you're Premium, the "thermometer" will tell you what unlocks at each tier. When you're VIP, it lists only the VIP benefits, so there's no easy in-game way of telling what you would have access to if you dropped to Premium.

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Originally Posted by Nihilii_ View Post
You are quite right, I probably made it sound like a much bigger deal than it actually is (for me, anyway). It's the principle of the thing that rubs me off the wrong way, but it's small enough that it can be stuck somewhere where it can be forgotten.
You can also make the Market and Rewards buttons go away in Options. (The big round ones that are by default on your UI... not the smaller "Shop" buttons that appear on various other UI elements like enhancement screens, inventory boxes, etc.)

Under Options, just scroll down to "Prompts" and enable the "Hide Paragon Market button" and "Hide Paragon Rewards button" (or words to that effect). You can always access the two via the main menu, so there's really no need to have them cluttering up your screen.

EDIT: Bad information (at least for Premium players). Can't make the Market button go away once you're Premium.



Unfortunately, while that option is available for VIP accounts, it purposefully go away as soon as you drop down to Premium. You can still hide the Rewards button, but not the Shop one. That is the gist of my complaint.

That's included in the game. Hover your mouse above the bar to the right of the reward shrubbery and you'll see what the different reward levels provide.
Oh, wow, I feel dumb. Again, you are quite right. I don't know how could I miss that, seeing as I did check the reward window and specifically that stuff on the right. I want to say it wasn't there when I checked (i.e. sync issue), but most likely my eyes or reading comprehension failed me.



Originally Posted by Nihilii_ View Post
Unfortunately, while that option is available for VIP accounts, it purposefully go away as soon as you drop down to Premium. You can still hide the Rewards button, but not the Shop one. That is the gist of my complaint.
Yeah, I see that now that I've logged into my son's Premium account to check (which I should have done before posting).



The pay-wall around IO's seems relatively odd, considering that's a feature the average player is going to run into at level 10. And it's an awful lot of money before it becomes permanent (and it's pointless messing with it at all until that time).

It might be better to have some sort of tiered system where different rarities unlock at different points? That way the level 10 noobie can make his L10 damage enhance but the end-game IO's are still cordoned off.

It would also be really nice to have a server (Justice?) marked as being oceanic. Not actually hosted there, not restricted, but just something to get sleep deprived US people and people in that timezone in the same place. At the moment it's all pretty dead (of course full f2p hasn't started).

Everyone having a personal super-group as an extended bank is also pretty sad. Great way to build community.



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Premiums however should have the option to remove it. They have already proven that they;

A) Know how to access and use the store.
B) Proved they are willing to spend money on the game.
Not really. Many Premiums (the vast majority of them at the start) will be returning players. They've never used the store and while they have paid for the game in the past they have also stopped, and may not be willing to spend currently on the game.

I'm fine with most of what games do in this respect, some of it more intrusive than what CoH does, IMO. It's mainly a psychological thing to be able to turn that off, but it's a valid desire, so the devs might want to consider it.

One middle way would be to turn the icons on every log-in, but allow to turn them off per session (but not each time you zone, please). I'm sure this would still annoy many people, but it will still allow making them disappear most of the time.



Originally Posted by Jasra View Post
Yes and no. When you're Premium, the "thermometer" will tell you what unlocks at each tier. When you're VIP, it lists only the VIP benefits, so there's no easy in-game way of telling what you would have access to if you dropped to Premium.
Right. Funny I didn't notice that. I guess it's because during beta I only played as Free and Premium, and haven't checked it since the Head Start started.

Okay, then there's definitely need for something to show these data. It's something you'd want to know if you prepare to drop to Premium.



I don't really understand the lack of ability for non-VIPs to remove the store icon. I mean, I can certainly imagine someone thinking it's a good idea, but I also think that someone was deeply mistaken about that good idea.

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Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
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Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



My Kid's account was reactivated as a premium account last week. I would not want to play as a low reward premium. The VIP is a far better deal if you are under t7 rewards. He did a respec and lost all of his IOs, and is now begging for me to get him an IO license. I am pretty sure after that he will ask me to replace all of his lost common IOs.

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Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I don't really understand the lack of ability for non-VIPs to remove the store icon. I mean, I can certainly imagine someone thinking it's a good idea, but I also think that someone was deeply mistaken about that good idea.
I agree very much with this.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
My Kid's account was reactivated as a premium account last week. I would not want to play as a low reward premium. The VIP is a far better deal if you are under t7 rewards. He did a respec and lost all of his IOs, and is now begging for me to get him an IO license. I am pretty sure after that he will ask me to replace all of his lost common IOs.
The IO license is time limited, right? Is it 30 days or something? Might be better sub till he gets bored.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
The IO license is time limited, right? Is it 30 days or something? Might be better sub till he gets bored.
$15 in Points gets them 2 Reward tokens and around 8 months of the IO license. Versus 1 month of subscription and 1 Reward token.

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Originally Posted by Justice Blues View Post
$15 in Points gets them 2 Reward tokens and around 8 months of the IO license. Versus 1 month of subscription and 1 Reward token.
Good point.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



The button really is pretty small and unobtrustive. If you want an "IN YOUR FACE CONSTANTLY" store interface, try LOTRO. :P



Originally Posted by Nihilii_ View Post
For that weekend I did not see my enjoyment of the game decreased any, once you remove the fluff that is IOs and incarnates the core game remains pretty fun - loot has of course its purpose, something to "work" towards and keep playing, but making your own costume and beating stuff up is the most fun part if you ask me.

People have been quite critical of Free and Premium play, but the core game remains very fun and rewarding. You just have to take off the Incarnate myopia goggles.

I look forward to a non-Incarnate population to play with at 50.

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Hmm I will agree that the Store button is a LOT more in your face than it needs to be.

Heck in most other games of this nature, the store is listed with the other inteface options (character info, inventory etc.) and while it might do something like shine or glow, it's a lot less intrusive.

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Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
The button really is pretty small and unobtrustive. If you want an "IN YOUR FACE CONSTANTLY" store interface, try LOTRO. :P
To be fair, "it's not as bad as this really horrible example" isn't really a great endorsement.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
To be fair, "it's not as bad as this really horrible example" isn't really a great endorsement.
I suppose not, but I honestly don't see the problem with it. Then again, I've got a large widescreen monitor, so for me at least, it really doesn't take up much screen real estate. Also, there are no popup boxes reminding me to spend points if I have them, and every single menu doesn't invite me to use the store. I find it refreshingly discreet!