Dev Chat Highlights, September 22: Flipping the Bird with Positron during the Downtime




Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post

The free reward token for 1200 points is in the game now, if you don't get it, file an appeal.
What is this?!?!?!?

Oh, and thanks for the recaps!



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
I'll agree that changing a single value in a database isn't hard if it doesn't affect any other items in the database.

Re-evaluating also doesn't mean that they aren't happy with how something is.

They may have re-evaluated the change to base storage and determined that it was where they wanted to keep it. They may have re-evaluated it and decided it should be changed but couldn't agree on what to change it to.
Yeah, and they could have said something too. Really, how hard is it to even open up a dialogue with players after 3 years of "re-evaluating" base storage?

Almost 3 years ago (11-20-2008):
Originally Posted by Sunstorm View Post
Q. Salvage Storage Racks, Why only 30 pieces of invention salvage?

A. In short, the market. The market system is designed to have a steady supply of salvage coming in. If large salvage racks were added, it would create a temporary supply problem of unknown duration until the salvage racks filled up.

Since having salvage temporarily dry up would be a big problem for all players, this number was intentionally kept low. Once the impact on the markets as a whole can be measured, we will look at adjusting these numbers again.
Having a Double XP weekend or a new AE exploit has more impact on the auction houses than base storage, otherwise VIP players wouldn't have got the increased storage they did OR being able to buy even MORE storage from the Paragon Market.

It is more than past time they do something about this.

Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
That doesn't mean that all of the players agree with the decisions they make when they re-evaluate things. But it also doesn't mean that it is code for "we won't do anything about it" as you put it.
Then they can demonstrate that. So far every single time they've said that they'll re-evaluate things they've either didn't change a thing or changed something so far behind the scenes it was completely invisible to the end user. If it is completely invisible to the end user, it might as well not exist.

This isn't just Bases, it is PVP, Badges, Drop Rates, Incarnate Table Rewards, and many other aspects of the game.

Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
You still haven't admitted you were wrong about the Praetorians choices as they level having no effect on the choice they get to make at level 20 as to whether they go hero or villain.
I can't even remember saying that, if I did.

The moral choices a player makes before 20 has no impact on 20+ play where they can switch sides like every other character.

Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
I still think losing that cap so we could store invention salvage was a great trade off.
We definitely could (and did) store event salvage in bases before the change. Now we have to leave it on characters because the storage limits are too low. The developers even acknowledged that.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Positron View Post
Everyone seems to be getting on Zwill's case about not knowing something about the game.

The game is BIG. Everyone misses something. I told a designer the other day that you can combine two enhancements that are already IN a power (i.e. not including one in your tray) and they had no idea that was in the game. Been there since launch (or a little after), not many people know it can be done because the UI was set up for simplification in this case.
Clearly Zwill needs some free character slots on his account so he can make veats and heats. I'm sure that's why he hasn't made one yet, because he just doesn't have enough slots, right? Give the man some character slot tokens and he'll have level 50 epics in no time.

Charged Aegis, 50 Shield/Elec Tank- Virtue
Frozen Thunder, 50 Ice/Storm Controller- Virtue
Lex Talionis, 50 Bots/Traps MM - Victory



Originally Posted by Indiramourning View Post
Gee, I always thougth that male widows were called widowers.....

For spiders, however, male widows are still called "widows"

Also, the male widow spiders around my place are actually not black, they are light brown, with a red hourglass, and quite a bit smaller than the females (maybe it makes them easier to eat?).

Another little factoid about widow spiders... they are essentially blind. They rely on the vibrations in their webs to let them know if something is around, and they can tell how large something is by those vibrations. That is why they don't usually bite unless they've been disturbed.



Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post

We definitely could (and did) store event salvage in bases before the change. Now we have to leave it on characters because the storage limits are too low. The developers even acknowledged that.
1 Storage Rack can hold enough Halloween Salvage for 7 new costume slots. How hard can it be to log on your Salvage Mule and restock it every now and then?



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Re-evaluating is Paragon Studios-speak for "we won't do anything about it."
Yeah, like that time when they said they were re-evaluating merit rewards and everything still costs the same and rewards the same as it did with the launch of issue 13! Remember how that's what happened?



1) Real nerds celebrate Wintereenmas.

2) You guys do know that the only thing Ironic about "Ironic" is itself? That it's title is the only real irony it has>?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
1 Storage Rack can hold enough Halloween Salvage for 7 new costume slots. How hard can it be to log on your Salvage Mule and restock it every now and then?
*cough* Candy Canes *cough*

A rack will barely hold enough for a single purchase, not including the recipes or the holiday respec (16/18 salvage racks needed to transfer enough Candy Canes to buy that).

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Yeah, like that time when they said they were re-evaluating merit rewards and everything still costs the same and rewards the same as it did with the launch of issue 13! Remember how that's what happened?
There were two very minor corrections of the end of arc merit rewards (very minor).

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
*cough* Candy Canes *cough*

How many weeks out of the year can you even trade that in?

How many minutes does it take to transfer 100 canes from one toon to anther with only 1 storage rack? 5, 10 minutes?

I'll stand by my originali statement
I still think losing that cap so we could store invention salvage was a great trade off.

I don't even know why you brought up event salvage in the first place.



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Also, the male widow spiders around my place are actually not black, they are light brown, with a red hourglass, and quite a bit smaller than the females (maybe it makes them easier to eat?).
Side note, it's been found some male widow spiders wait for the female to have eaten something so they can get away without being dinner.



Smoke & Mirrors.

Thank you Troy Hickman.

Thank you Troy Hickman.

Thank you Troy Hickman.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
I don't even know why you brought up event salvage in the first place.
Because the groups that I belong to used to use the racks as storage for event salvage and as a resource to build bases with.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



They can still do that. Now they can use it to store Invention Salvage also.

Charlie Sheen would call this winning.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
I'll agree that changing a single value in a database isn't hard if it doesn't affect any other items in the database.

Re-evaluating also doesn't mean that they aren't happy with how something is.

They may have re-evaluated the change to base storage and determined that it was where they wanted to keep it. They may have re-evaluated it and decided it should be changed but couldn't agree on what to change it to.

That doesn't mean that all of the players agree with the decisions they make when they re-evaluate things. But it also doesn't mean that it is code for "we won't do anything about it" as you put it.

Of course, we've had this discussion before about what they said and what was meant by what they said and what they really meant by what they said.
Agreed. Sometimes "we're re-evaluating" means that they do it, find no better alternative (despite the cries in the forums to the contrary. Your good idea may not fly when the coders/artists get a hold of it), and leave it alone. Doing nothing is a viable option, though you'd never know it in these forums.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by Positron View Post
Everyone seems to be getting on Zwill's case about not knowing something about the game.

The game is BIG. Everyone misses something. I told a designer the other day that you can combine two enhancements that are already IN a power (i.e. not including one in your tray) and they had no idea that was in the game. Been there since launch (or a little after), not many people know it can be done because the UI was set up for simplification in this case.
*wide grin*

Yeah, I mean, look at how many designers thought BAB was in the Phalanx!

*turns and runs before Matt can throw something at her*


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Positron View Post
Everyone seems to be getting on Zwill's case about not knowing something about the game.

The game is BIG. Everyone misses something. I told a designer the other day that you can combine two enhancements that are already IN a power (i.e. not including one in your tray) and they had no idea that was in the game. Been there since launch (or a little after), not many people know it can be done because the UI was set up for simplification in this case.
I'm not sure this particular story conveys the intended idea.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Smoke & Mirrors.

Thank you Troy Hickman.

Thank you Troy Hickman.

Thank you Troy Hickman.
You're welcome.

What'd I do?

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
They can still do that. Now they can use it to store Invention Salvage also.
I can't store multiple hundreds of candy cane salvage for the group without cutting into invention salvage storage for the group.

Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Agreed. Sometimes "we're re-evaluating" means that they do it, find no better alternative (despite the cries in the forums to the contrary. Your good idea may not fly when the coders/artists get a hold of it), and leave it alone. Doing nothing is a viable option, though you'd never know it in these forums.
In the case of base salvage it isn't an art issue, it isn't even a coding issue. It is one value in a spreadsheet and the lack of will. Even though they blew their argument that increased salvage storage would hurt the market because they are now offering that for sale account wide.

A player with more alts, higher Paragon Rewards levels, and purchased uprgades could hold more than a single group with 18 bins holding 2,500 pieces of salvage.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Side note, it's been found some male widow spiders wait for the female to have eaten something so they can get away without being dinner.
Always take the lady out for a nice meal...

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I'm not sure this particular story conveys the intended idea.
Damn good way of putting it, much better than what I wrote and subsequently deleted after making it through the rest of the thread and seeing this!



Originally Posted by Positron View Post
Everyone seems to be getting on Zwill's case about not knowing something about the game.

The game is BIG. Everyone misses something.
Not everyone. Several posters have chimed in to admit they had no idea either. I've been playing two years now, and with 25 characters there are still many power sets and a few archetypes I haven't explored--including epic archetypes. I think people realize this isn't a big deal and they're just jumping at the chance to tease a dev.

Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
"Oh, no! I see that he has Hasten on! That changes... EVERYTHING!!!!"
While unnecessarily confrontational, there's a good point buried in your tirade. Long ago, I respec'd almost all characters using the Hasten power, and removed it from them. I realized it didn't make any sense conceptually for those characters to be running around with their hands on fire. My natural origin archer, for instance. Good with a bow and arrow, but otherwise, totally normal dude. Okay, so why would his hands spontaneously combust? Ha ha ha! (They wouldn't.) Out of 25 characters, I have one magic origin hero, a scrapper with the ability to conjure fists of flame. You get my point, right? That this sucks for me? The Hasten power has been sorely missed for its practical use, and I had no idea its long-desired mutability was being held hostage by PvP concerns. In two years, I have visited a PvP zone to PvP only once.

Oh well. If this is the worst thing I have to accept about this game, then I'll be okay I suppose. This is the coolest game I ever played. *Takes a deep breath* I guess I can let go of Hasten.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



"Will there be a new currency system put into place with the next set of incarnate slots?"

Posi: "That is going to depend on how much you guys are currently banking the old currency.".
No. No. No!

If anything, use the same damn salvage, but increase quantities required.



Originally Posted by TroyHickman View Post
You're welcome.

What'd I do?
Ye gods, it works! O_O

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I appreciate the developers coming out to talk to us. It's kind of a brave move, give our proclivity for spitballs and pitchforks.

I do have to echo the WTH about Hasten's graphics though. I really don't understand the comment and can only assume it was taken out of context. Hasten is not used tactically, and if it was, you could hide it by creating an exactly identical affect using auras. We want Hasten to not have a graphic because our Ice and Psi characters are running around with their hands on fire 24/7 because the power is NOT used tactically, it is set to auto, even on SO builds, and yes, even at level 10 (at least for me). It is the costume affects of Hasten that is so hated. It's not necessarily hideous, just "costume inappropriate" and constantly on because there is nothing strategic about Hasten whatsoever.



Originally Posted by TroyHickman View Post
You're welcome.

What'd I do?

You probably took your pants off on request this time, unlike all those other times...


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse