Posi Blogs about con to the ret

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why don't you give examples Venture?



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
*cough* You're new around here, right?
I've seen your definition of 'retcon' and its way different than mine.

Retcon to me is saying Freedom Phalanx never existed or launching CoH2 without the basic staples that make CoH so easily identifiable. How do you personally define "retcon" ?



When the Council was brought in the initial pass did edit all the 5th Column missions in ways that made it seem the 5th had never existed. That got rolled back due to the outcry here when the issue hit Test.

The introduction of Arachnos introduced a whole herd of retcons involving Statesman's background. The most blatant of them was changing Maria Jenkin's "about" text, which used to say she was Maiden Justice.

Both novels contradicted canon in many places; some of those contradictions were retconned in and others are still in limbo. The writing team for CoV either didn't read the existing material or did and didn't care what it said, as they played loose and fast with canon in a number of places. One that stuck out for me was mangling the details of the Mu-Oranbega war.

There's a lot more that just doesn't spring to mind at the moment. The idea that the writers haven't ignored their own history on numerous occasions is laughable.

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Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
I've not seen CoH retcon any of its past. Its evolved with a nod to its own history while moving the story and environments forward into new creative directions. Only bad writers and editors retcon the past- and it's always because those folks lack flexibility and imagination when faced with other peoples contributions. And so they wipe the slate clean because its easier to start fresh than creatively renovate and improve upon.

Posi is *not* one of those people who hits the retcon button if he could.
Positron by his own admission has, by his own definition, allowed retcons to occur. He all but admits such in his post, when he contextually links to Going Rogue and the Praetorian Clockwork in his references to "bending" (his quotes, not mine) and retconing history. The Praetorians themselves are a significant retcon, even if their original usage was limited prior to Going Rogue.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
But I expect that they are always done with steely eyed seriousness, the same steely eyed seriousness with which the cottage rule is adhered to.
That being the same steely eyed seriousness that led to two sets getting taunt auras kludged into their mez protection powers, of course, in one case modifying a core capability of the set.

Mind you, I don't disagree with your core point. The cottage rule isn't exactly in the same form it was a year ago, though.

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Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
That being the same steely eyed seriousness that led to two sets getting taunt auras kludged into their mez protection powers, of course, in one case modifying a core capability of the set.
I would consider the changes to Energy Aura to be a powerset retcon.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post

I21 destroys Galaxy City. It was here, and now its not here (or at least, only its ruins are here). What if the devs decided to retcon it out of existence instead. There never was a Galaxy City. It wasn't destroyed, it was just never here at all. That's fundamentally different.
To be fair, Temporal Retraction isn't really out of scope for this genre however. And part of the real difficult issue if something is explicitly a retcon [as opposed to a continuity error].

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I was going to mention the Issue 3 retcon of the 5th Column into becoming The Council too, but Venture beat me to it. That made for some rather ... hilarious ... continuity errors when dealing with the story arcs of Striga where everything was rather obviously written for the 5th Column, but then needed to be reconned for being Council instead.

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You know that thing Rowling does with Voldemort being referred to as "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named"? She got the idea from the Council/5th retcon. Some of the text floating around is downright hilarious if you know the retcon happened and can spot what they did.

But I still think my favourite was Atlas. Someone described the first retcon on the plaque under his statue as "he went from being a badazz who held back the entire invasion force of the Axis by himself, at the cost of his life, to some chump who couldn't solo one of his missions".

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Originally Posted by reiella View Post
To be fair, Temporal Retraction isn't really out of scope for this genre however. And part of the real difficult issue if something is explicitly a retcon [as opposed to a continuity error].
The fact that time travel exists in City of Heroes makes that sort of retcon even less excusable. It might be cheap, but time travel isn't a retcon. The past still happened, and it doesn't have to be revoked from anyone's backstory, because from their perspective it still happened. And the unaltered past can be viewed in the Ouroboros, so it exists on a concrete level. It might be cheap depending on how its done, but its still better than "I changed my mind, it all happened differently."

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Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
OK,... So, by implication, being 'persistent' MMOs are prevented from anthology story telling?

What definition are you using of those terms?



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The fact that time travel exists in City of Heroes makes that sort of retcon even less excusable. It might be cheap, but time travel isn't a retcon. The past still happened, and it doesn't have to be revoked from anyone's backstory, because from their perspective it still happened. And the unaltered past can be viewed in the Ouroboros, so it exists on a concrete level. It might be cheap depending on how its done, but its still better than "I changed my mind, it all happened differently."

Except... Ouroboros, exists so people can't retcon stuff.

That's pretty much most of their job.

"Oh no Ms Liberty just tried to stop Arachnos forming, guess who is going to be the guy on the grassy knoll? Pro-tip its you!"

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Originally Posted by rsclark View Post

What definition are you using of those terms?
I was trying to interpret your short reply quoting my question.

(which is why it had a question mark on it)

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Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
I was trying to interpret your short reply quoting my question.

(which is why it had a question mark on it)
In order to be persistent, the gameworld must maintain continuity. It's definitional.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Except... Ouroboros, exists so people can't retcon stuff.

That's pretty much most of their job.

"Oh no Ms Liberty just tried to stop Arachnos forming, guess who is going to be the guy on the grassy knoll? Pro-tip its you!"
Ouroboros doesn't exist so people can't retcon stuff. Ouroboros Menders are not fourth wall breaking editors. You're talking about time travel, not retcons.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Ouroboros doesn't exist so people can't retcon stuff. Ouroboros Menders are not fourth wall breaking editors. You're talking about time travel, not retcons.
DTI Agent Lucsly: So you're not contending it was a predestination paradox.
Dulmer: A time loop? That you were meant to go back into the past?
Sisko: No.
Dulmer: Good.
Lucsly: We hate those.


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Praetoria was an interesting type of retcon, because there was so little information about the place pre-GR that what we got in GR didn't really contradict much of the older stuff.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
DTI Agent Lucsly: So you're not contending it was a predestination paradox.
Dulmer: A time loop? That you were meant to go back into the past?
Sisko: No.
Dulmer: Good.
Lucsly: We hate those.

Time Travel was more fun before bureaucrats got involved



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
DTI Agent Lucsly: So you're not contending it was a predestination paradox.
Dulmer: A time loop? That you were meant to go back into the past?
Sisko: No.
Dulmer: Good.
Lucsly: We hate those.

Pet peeve: predestination "paradoxes" are philosophical paradoxes moreso than physical ones. They are one of the more well-behaved versions of time travel that one can hypothesize. I tend to be a proponent of Novikov self consistency myself. In that sense, I guess you could say I like predestination paradoxes.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Praetoria was an interesting type of retcon, because there was so little information about the place pre-GR that what we got in GR didn't really contradict much of the older stuff.
Except for almost everything we knew about the Praetorians.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Except for almost everything we knew about the Praetorians.
Well, we knew that Tyrant ruled his world with an iron fist, and was threatening Primal Earth.
We knew that Neuron's clockwork were a big part of Tyrant's power.
We knew that Praetorian Earth has ben trashed in some kind of war/disaster.
We knew that Anti-matter was a rival of Neruon, and had a crush on Dominatrix, and built Nightstar as a sign of his love for her.
We knew that Mother Mayhem ran an asylum and carried out psychic experiments on the patients there.
We knew that Marauder was Tyrant's attack dog.
We knew that Battlemaiden used troops from Warrior Earth to reinforce Tyrant's power.
We knew that Dominatrix was involved with pushing fixadine.
There was even a hint that there was some kind of opposition to Tyrant.

The Praetorian update in GR was more of a shift sideways for the Praetorian AVs into new surroundings, rather than a rewrite of who they were and what they did.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
In order to be persistent, the gameworld must maintain continuity. It's definitional.
And I was trying to understand if that was necessarily true.

It may be a difference in definitions, which you hinted at earlier, but subsequent posts have summed up the answer, I think.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

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Responding to two things here that stray a bit from the course of the conversation

Originally Posted by Positron
After you’ve played through the game on a character, you know most of the stories of the game. You can now make a new character that has a background that meshes perfectly with the game world… but where is the creativity in that? CoH characters are specifically generic so that your imagination can run wild with them. You have the creative license to introduce your own background into the CoH world at this point. You would probably take care to make sure it didn’t contradict any established lore, but if you did have a great idea that you absolutely wanted to run with you wouldn’t let that lore get in your way.
When people think of creativity the default image to jump to is the creative artist, a person working with a blank canvas, making the vision in their mind a reality. But what of the creative inventor, a person limited in scope by a particular problem? They don't merely discover a solution to a problem; they invent, or create, the solution in their mind then work to make it a reality as well. However, they do so with a great number of limitations. Didn't inventing the light bulb require not only knowledge but a great deal of creativity to think about the problem of lighting in ways perhaps no one before had?

In the case of the player, the problem is "How do I create a character that meshes with this pre-established world but still stands out?" Not only is their the lore to contend with, but there are a wealth of cliches and tropes from the superhero genre to avoid. It becomes a very good exercise in creativity and thinking outside the box rather than pretending the box simply doesn't exist.

Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
Now see, I saw his closing statement still in the context of his operational position - ie what kind of boss would I be if I hired new staff to be creative but then held them back from doing the job I hired them to do? It's Posi being honest and still making the best operational decision he can make without feeling like a hypocrite.
When a designer is hired to create or redesign a logo for a company they are hired to be very creative. However, they aren't give a blank canvas with absolute artistic freedom; they are held back by a number of things: brand recognition, corporate philosophy, target market, etc. They should acknowledge and utilize these things to their advantage. This is the thing that often separates a good artist from a good designer.

So I must disagree. Asking a person to be creative in a limited space isn't hypocritical if they are well aware of the limitations and challenges ahead of time. Part of the job is in the give and take of what you can and can't do.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, we knew that Tyrant ruled his world with an iron fist, and was threatening Primal Earth.
We knew that Neuron's clockwork were a big part of Tyrant's power.
We knew that Praetorian Earth has ben trashed in some kind of war/disaster.
We knew that Anti-matter was a rival of Neruon, and had a crush on Dominatrix, and built Nightstar as a sign of his love for her.
We knew that Mother Mayhem ran an asylum and carried out psychic experiments on the patients there.
We knew that Marauder was Tyrant's attack dog.
We knew that Battlemaiden used troops from Warrior Earth to reinforce Tyrant's power.
We knew that Dominatrix was involved with pushing fixadine.
There was even a hint that there was some kind of opposition to Tyrant.

The Praetorian update in GR was more of a shift sideways for the Praetorian AVs into new surroundings, rather than a rewrite of who they were and what they did.
That's an extremely superficial set of information stated to seem detailed. Tyrant being identified as "Tyrant" is itself a retcon: the resistance might call him a tyrant but that's not his title nor his moniker. And we didn't just "know" that Mother Mayhem ran an asylum, we *went there* and defeated her, and this guy called Malaise. Only not anymore, not in the same way.

The devs tacitly admit that the Praetorians are a giant retcon because they had to forklift Maria's entire arc because the players *complained* it was now totally contradictory to the Going Rogue version of the Praetorians. Primarily because in the original canon, the Praetorians were launching secret attacks against Primal Earth first and Antimatter even had a secret base here. In the original canon Praetoria might have been recovering from a war, but so was Primal Earth, and we *visit* Praetorian Earth several times, seeing neither Praetoria nor the Hamidon blasted wastelands.

And the big spoiler reveal in the Underground trial (which I won't specifically spoil here) is itself contradicted by the original canon because in the original canon the Praetorians had contact with other dimensions besides ours. That makes the whole "Primal Earth must be destroyed now" thing totally ludicrous, unless you rewrite canon so we're the first. In fact, that glitch wasn't totally erased in the rewrite of Tina and Maria's arcs, and is still technically a serious canon discrepancy.

Canon is not about getting personalities correct, its about maintaining the history of past events.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Canon is not about getting personalities correct, its about maintaining the history of past events.
Just quoting this part so there's no dispute who this is directed toward.

I love your posts on this topic and I fear your soapbox may need replacing soon, for you have been standing on it quite a while (and for good reason).

That said, I'm going to guess you already know they stealthily retconned Tina MacIntyre's "The Praetorian War" arc with i21. I didn't even know this was worked on in the issue until I was trying to help a friend with Portal Jockey and I got to 40+ on my post-i21 mastermind. All of the sudden, it was "The Anti-Matter Collision" and (almost) gone were the Nuons. Then, boom, the headshot to the arc: A reference to Carnival of Light and a chain within the arc involving talking to Primal Vanessa DeVore about any knowledge of the Carnival of Light.

While it's somewhat nice that these characters and locales are getting a graphics overhaul, I can't help but feel somewhat saddened because they're retconning the entire origin of Praetoria itself. Eventually I suspect these arcs will be tweaked even further until they mesh completely with Going Rogue's version of Praetoria and it will be as if Praetoria originated with Going Rogue and the original canon will only be remembered by us old fogeys.

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