Poison...is killing me!
Good! Good! I'm glad you're getting noticed on your Energy/RAD.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
On a more serious note, while Poison is a bit more subtle, anyone you team with with a brain should be able to notice what you're doing. If people don't notice, stop debuffing for a bit, and when they all die, you can start again. They'll notice your contribution really quick!
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
* Thanks to having powerful and persistent debuffs that will last even when you've smashed the targets across the room.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
I like it!
Poison is interesting. Paired it with energy for that "Liquid" look! Looks nice too!
Solo it's effective (Needs to hit more though) with energy. I chose energy because poison does not offer nearly the mitigation of others and knockback does offer some mitigation.
I think people might know what I am up too...I just aint so flashy is all.
But then again I guess poison themewise should be subtle. Poison is subtle right?
It's not like I could ask for an illusionary serpent, somewhat translucent, that slithers towards my opponents, after puking it out in their deirection, which then splashes into a bubbling, frothing spray of doom!
*Takes an orange pill*
Say hello to mind control... nobody really notices that the enemies aren't swinging back or that that ambush has suddenly stopped in their tracks. Heck, you could pair them together and be the ultimate unnoticed hero.
Poison would be more impressive if it had any of the following things:
The AoE from envenom and weaken wasn't 2 inches wide.
Envenom stacked with itself once.
Envenom/Weaken provided the full debuff on enemies unlucky enough to be hugging their friends.
I mean, come on. I'd love to play the set, but jesus. Whenever I go to level my poison, I think "Oh man, gonna get closer to 38 so I can get that sweet PBAOE debuff!", but then I realize...Oh man, I gotta get to 38 before I can use that sweet PBAOE debuff. There's not really anything this set does that radiation doesn't also do, and better. At least until you hit level 38, and by then, you praise the gods that they have granted you such respite.
You're not really killing gobs of AVs during normal leveling at 1-37. (And even when you do, it doesn't matter because the debuffs don't stack.)
The animation is subtle. Since my toon "Black-Ink" colored all of her powers black, I think the main issue is that the animation is subtle. So subtle that people don't actually think Im doing anything, even though Im puking gunk at enemies and debuffing. It could be also how I have it slotted.
This is why I never say anything other than "Good job all" usually, because saying "Great Heals" or "Excellent damage" is just silly if there's a few debuffers or buffers on the team.
The only time I comment otherwise is if I notice something ridiculous in my Combat Attributes, then I'll say things like "Woo! I'm at the Resistance Cap" or "Hey, my defense is 150" (that happened with my Fort and a Vengie casting bubbler on the team)
This is why I never say anything other than "Good job all" usually, because saying "Great Heals" or "Excellent damage" is just silly if there's a few debuffers or buffers on the team.
The only time I comment otherwise is if I notice something ridiculous in my Combat Attributes, then I'll say things like "Woo! I'm at the Resistance Cap" or "Hey, my defense is 150" (that happened with my Fort and a Vengie casting bubbler on the team) |
I love you!
Poison would be more impressive if it had any of the following things:
The AoE from envenom and weaken wasn't 2 inches wide. Envenom stacked with itself once. Envenom/Weaken provided the full debuff on enemies unlucky enough to be hugging their friends. I mean, come on. I'd love to play the set, but jesus. Whenever I go to level my poison, I think "Oh man, gonna get closer to 38 so I can get that sweet PBAOE debuff!", but then I realize...Oh man, I gotta get to 38 before I can use that sweet PBAOE debuff. There's not really anything this set does that radiation doesn't also do, and better. At least until you hit level 38, and by then, you praise the gods that they have granted you such respite. You're not really killing gobs of AVs during normal leveling at 1-37. (And even when you do, it doesn't matter because the debuffs don't stack.) |
I've got a Poison MM that I like a lot, but I'm really disappointed that when Poison did get some attention because of the proliferation the changes they made, especially to MM's, were so incredibly minor. I'm thinking that was Poison's big chance, and it won't get any more attention for years.
EDIT: Forgot to add, Envenom does stack with itself, but it's only a certain part of it. The -regen part. The rest doesn't stack.
I enjoyed ya post Nyx.
I went with Beam cos its new. My beam saps npcs and then that material is turned into poisonous/medical matter. Pretty gory concept but atleast Beam and Poison contribute to eachother well. I should of called her The Recycler.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
I'm not sure what the problem is here...I've been playing Defenders for going on six years now, and that's pretty much how it IS.
Just do what I do. Pat the damage people on the head, tell them they're doing SUCH a great job, give them their gold ego star and then go back to making things easy for them. =D
I'm not the droid I'm looking for.
MA Arc ID 8121: Rapp'Mas'Ta's War. The Rikti are trying to incorporate sonic effects into their weapons? THAT can't be good. Maybe we should ask them to stop.
Ahhh, I just remembered the bit from Futurama when Bender met god: http://youtu.be/FbinE6bx8xM
There's not really anything this set does that radiation doesn't also do, and better
And it's a bit specialized, but unlike radiation you can debuff confused targets so they do more damage to themselves without also debuffing their damage output.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
Can someone confirm if Venomous Gas is still green even after you choose to color all of your powers another color???
If we can't change it let me know, and I'll just stop why I'm ahead.
I can't see why they wouldn't make this hideous power color/animation tintable, but I can't touch it in the custom power menu screen. I was thinking it might be like the other Tier 9's that you can mess with but still change colors when you select to coordinate power colors.
Ping me at @Psion or Psion2.
I can POST again!!
Anyways, one of my two main characters will now be a DP/Poison Corruptor. The set is a lot of fun so far, but... It really feels lacking outside of Weaken, Envenom, Poison Trap and Venemous Gas. There is a massive wasteland of BLAH powers right in the middle of the set that are just rehashed clones of other skills with some minor value added.
- Ohh look, Elixer of Life! Reminds me of Mutation for some reason (to name but one rez)...
- Ohh look, Antidote! Reminds me of every other mez protection (but not much can be done here)...
- Ohh look, Paralytic Poison! Reminds me of Petrifying Gaze with no secondary effects...
In particular, I would love it if something could be addressed about the tier 5, 6 and 7 rehashes. Not much can be done with Antidote, but Elixer of Life and especially Paralytic Poison could use some attention. Perhaps Elixer of Life could have a moderate debuff occur around the rezed body (rez + moderate fallout) or grant a minor AoE buff for the team (rez + moderate Vengeance-type effect granting Regeneraton. +damage, and Toxic resistance). Paralytic Poison should have a desirable secondary effect, because it is too easily skipped.
I would also love to see the splash effect added to Alkaloid, with a heal at 1/2 the value being granted in an 8' radius around the primary target. The targeting geometry on Neurotixic Breath is great if you are standing 50 feet from the spawn, but terrible if you are within 15 feet of enemies, which is EXACTLY where you will want to be once you get Poison Trap and Venemous Gas. Let's widen the cone here so that the set has a bit more synergy with this regard.
**Edited for a goof**
I can POST again!!
Anyways, one of my two main characters will now be a DP/Poison Corruptor. The set is a lot of fun so far, but... It really feels lacking outside of Weaken, Envenom, Poison Trap and Venemous Gas. There is a massive wasteland of BLAH powers right in the middle of the set that are just rehashed clones of other skills with some minor value added.
I would also love to see the splash effect added to Alkaloid, with a heal at 1/2 the value being granted in an 8' radius around the primary target. The targeting geometry on Neurotixic Breath is great if you are standing 50 feet from the spawn, but terrible if you are within 15 feet of enemies, which is EXACTLY where you will want to be once you get Poison Trap and Venemous Gas. Let's widen the cone here so that the set has a bit more synergy with this regard. **Edited for a goof** |
Tier 1) Weaken
Tier 2) Alkaselzter should be tier two and offer antidotes effects (Similar to O2 if it remains single target, or drop the status effect protection if splash added)
Tier 3) Envenom
Tier 4)Neuro Toxic Breath
Tier 5)Elixer of life
Teir 6)Antidote can remain the same if Alkaselzer does not offer status effect removal. Or
Tier 6) Hallucinogen - Single target confuse with a splash effect with a weaker mag confuse on surrounding enemies...or just a single target confuse
(Id take just about anything really that would offer something more "poison" like. Ooooh! Maybe a stun. Cobra's have poison! Cobra Strike in MA has a stun! STUNS ARE FUN FOR EVERYONE! *Bolded for fun rhyme type thing I just did there*)
Tier 7) Paralytic poison (Im fine with it...but needs secondary effect)
Tier 8) Poison Trap
Tier 9) Venomous Gas
Thats how it should go!
Look mom! I got's my dev boots on.
Sadly I think my mother would not know what a Dev is...she would prolly think I joined a cult and DEV was my dark master who made me talk about poison on public forums.
I just know that I have energy blast! And then people know that Im doing something because everything is flying around the room! |
Just try to accept the fact your debuffs ARE good..and as long as you know your using them, your helping the. Poison is never going to be a flashy shiny effect set (not sure if you can change its colors) so just accept that its debuffs will never be seen (physically) next to the hot pink rad toggles and brillant red tar patch.
I had a Thugs/Poison MM that had magenta/lilac poison to look like perfume. She was one of those sales-reps you find in the perfume section of a store. The kind that just goes up to you and sprays you. The Thugs were basically store security and customers.
I don't player her any more but I've kept her because I loved the concept.
I am not sure whats up with poison to be honest. I know alkaloid is lacking and Im fine with that. I just let people know that I am poison and they know Im not a primary healer. Thats super! Thanks for understanding!
Envenom and Weaken. These are excellent! I think! I know the numbers and checked out the details, and I figured out the issue I have with them, and that problem is accuracy issues. I know if you hit, and I mean actually hit with the power it's supposed to make things easier to hit, and make them have a hard time hitting you. It's excellent on AV's! It's excellent...or I think it is.
The animation is subtle. Since my toon "Black-Ink" colored all of her powers black, I think the main issue is that the animation is subtle. So subtle that people don't actually think Im doing anything, even though Im puking gunk at enemies and debuffing. It could be also how I have it slotted.
Either way, it misses a ton, costs a ton of endurance, and if it were not for my theme, Im not sure what my teamates, or myself think I am doing, except when we get to an AV in which I then debuff the heck out of them, and the tank/scrappers and brutes obliterate the AV with ease...and everyones like Whaoaaaa! Way to go Tank/Scrapper/Brute!
I am all like...*Under my Breath* "Yeah...way to go. Killing something I made into cotton candy for you" *Kicks a can on the side of the road*
Neurotoxic Breath...Yay something that works! It slows em down, makes em slow, not better than anything else mind you! And the cone is great! I like it! I like it a lot! Then the tar patch comes out, and the Time Manipulation starts and everyones like...Awesome slows guys. Wow, Time manipulation rules! *Kicks bigger can on the side of the road*
Elixer of life! Thanks Black-Ink! I needed that! *Is happy again moving back to the smaller can that was being kicked before. Still jilted, and yet more content knowing my blob of goop has saved a fallen friend*
Antidote! It's what it is! It's fine and dandy. It does what it should.
Paralytic Poison...I like this. I do, and I like it so much I think there should be a secondary effect like a snare/slow or something after it wares off. But, that prolly wont happen. But it works, and Ill use it and abuse it. But again it's subtle. The doms and controllers are holding things, or something flashy is happening, and somoone shouts. "Hit the Sapper! Hit the Sapper!"
"Im on it!" Kapow! The sapper is held! The controller than hits the sapper! "Thanks! Mr. Holdy McHolderson! You rule! I hate sappers"
*Grumbles* "Yeah...you rock! Saved us from endurance hell!" *Spits venom at the can and then jump kicks it into space*
Poison Trap...I know Ill like this and other people will like it to once I see it work!...*Jump Kicks a puppy holding baloons, after neurotoxic breathing on it, and then watching it slowly fly away...but slowly! Sooo very slowly*
Venomous Gas! It's green! GREEN!!! And it's not subtle at all! I shall be loved by all! LOVED!
*Uses after burner flight to save puppy holding balloons that was previously kicked, and Alkaloids it...while offering antidote!*
So in general...I like poison! I like it, and it's thematic and it's an AV killer for sure.
But no one has a freaking clue what Im doing...and Im being asked what Im doing and Im explaining but then I realized that I don't really know what Im doing.
I just know that I have energy blast! And then people know that Im doing something because everything is flying around the room!
People really appreciate my incredible knock back! Sometimes people say!
"Whoaaa! Can you...like stop doing that!" or "Wow! You really sent that things flying off our tank!" *Innocent whistle* "Yeah...I know! Thanks for noticing me...I appreciate it...love you guys....just glad to help out!"
Thats my magical Energy/Poison Corr story! I love her! Cuz I'm helping!