New This Week?




So, a new week rolls around, and I can't wait to see what the new thing added to the store this week will be. The devs have posted stating that each new week something new will be added to the store, and I for one am excited. In fact, I think that addition each week will be one of the high points for my week.

I hope that Street Justice, or some new costume item is added. What do you all hope will be added? What do you hope to see more of in the store in the coming weeks?

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I think it's a lofty goal for the Devs to give us new things in the Paragon Market every week but I'm not going to hold them to a strict schedule on that, especially now when they are just getting the major problems squared away from the release last week. Maybe in a few weeks when thing are settled down will I be more "expectant" of seeing new things on a regular basis.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



I think there is a very high chance we will see something new every week. However, that "something new" could be pretty small. Sure, once a month it'll be a new Signature Story Arc, but otherwise it could be as simple as a new hat.

And I am betting Street Justice will go live when Freedom actually launches (before the end of the month?). With Titan Weapons probably sometime in October or early November.

In any case, I hope this new business venture is successful in that the Devs are able to churn out more stuff, whether it is add-ons, one-offs, new power sets, or costume items.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



I should be a bit more clear. I am not really trying to hold them to a "new stuff every week" schedule. What I am saying is that I am excited by the possibility that we will get something new in the store every week. I HOPE we get something new this week, because I want to give them more money, but there is very little in the store that I don't have, that I also want.

If nothing new is added this week, I may still grab another costume slot.

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It's still the Head Start folks. Curb your enthusiasm.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
We should see some pretty cool stuff in the market for Halloween
Pumpkin Pie for everyone!

Make a man a fire and keep him warm for the day, SET a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.
Incarnates: K'lir(Fire/Dark Corr):Hot-House Flower(Plant/Fire Dom):Kinrad X(Kin/Rad Def):Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Crab):Two Ton Tony(Mace/WP Broot):Teeny Weeny Widow(Fortunata/Widow) : Zeroth Law (Ice/Fire Tank)



I'm hoping to see something new this week too, though with it being a "head start" I'm not really expecting anything new until Freedom goes live. Still, if they felt like putting Street Justice out there, I certainly wouldn't complain.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
We should see some pretty cool stuff in the market for Halloween
I hope that includes a full body skeleton costume set!



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I hope that Street Justice, or some new costume item is added. What do you all hope will be added? What do you hope to see more of in the store in the coming weeks?
I could use a scuba tank. Hoping they trickle out that variety of back item one offs that Noble Savage has referred to on occasion...



Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
I could use a scuba tank. Hoping they trickle out that variety of back item one offs that Noble Savage has referred to on occasion...

Scuba gear, astronaut suit, love it all!



Originally Posted by _Klaw_ View Post
It's still the Head Start folks. Curb your enthusiasm.




Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Stuff = more than one item - otherwise, you'd have said "something"
Pssst. You wanna buy some stuff?

Make a man a fire and keep him warm for the day, SET a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.
Incarnates: K'lir(Fire/Dark Corr):Hot-House Flower(Plant/Fire Dom):Kinrad X(Kin/Rad Def):Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Crab):Two Ton Tony(Mace/WP Broot):Teeny Weeny Widow(Fortunata/Widow) : Zeroth Law (Ice/Fire Tank)



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post

SWEET!!! That means there will be something at least! I am very excited now.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post




Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post

This stuff?

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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If "Stuff" = "Street Justice" then Neogumbercules =



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post

Uncurb your enthusiasm and dance, dance, dance.



It's awesome that Stuff™ is going to be released on a weekly basis, but is there a specific day we should be expecting it to come out? Like how we usually get patches and etc. on tuesdays?



Originally Posted by Mephistroth View Post
It's awesome that Stuff™ is going to be released on a weekly basis, but is there a specific day we should be expecting it to come out? Like how we usually get patches and etc. on tuesdays?
I think that a lot of the future market releases are already in the game - they really only need to switch them on rather than patch them in.

@Golden Girl

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