Your most (ab)used Costume piece?

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for females...

young face 11
long layer hair

for males...

face 6
large goatee
wrapped option in gloves



I'd have to say the Jewel Belt gets used in a lot of my designs. I'm also fond of the Justice shoulder pieces and gloves (with the plate on top of the arm). I also use Rocket Boots a whole lot, but that's more because there are no jet pack costume options.

Oh, and I use the 'Offical' police belt on any/every character it makes sense for it to be on. It's the most 'gagety' looking belt they have.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



I think I've used Wedge hair on a couple of my female characters. Also used the spike collar on a few as well.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Originally Posted by SupaFreak View Post

Very rarely do I like to show the eyes.
Oddly enough, I tend to gravitate towards Blast Goggles Up and Resistance Goggles Up so I *can* see the eyes.

Otherwise for me:

Hair: Glam, Serrated Sugar, and Long Layers gets a lot of use
Face: I tend to try to vary them, but female 16 and 20 tend to have more usage
Helmet: Round Half Helmet often is used alongside Helmet Detail 1: Warrior and one of many visors (Reflector Shield, Geo Shield, Scanner, Praetoria Police, etc)
Body: Magic Bolero with Bridal or Bridal & Lace. Also Clockwork Chest Detail
Belt: Retro and Official (helps that I have a PPD SG)
Gloves: Witch Tight, Sport, Vanguard Big, Enforcer, and Resistance as of late, previously Sleeves and Wristbands were common
Bottom: Clockwork and Clockwork w/pads are common for tech heroes
Boots: Thigh High, Witch Tight, and Victorian Steampunk are commonplace... Thigh High was VERY common, but with the introduction of Witch Tight and Victorian Steampunk, the ratios have spread out a bit. Also Sport, Motorcycle, and Strappy (for casualware) appear often.

Oddly enough, I use few shoulder pieces... if I do it tends to be Gladiator or Praetoria Police (for knight-related characters and PPD characters respectively).

OK... wow... that's a big list... Am I abusive? or do I just have too many alts?



The color black.

Almost every character I have ever made has black on their costume somewhere... usually as one of the two or three main colors.

As for actual pieces? The boots from the Martial Arts pack, chains, the various multi-pocketed belts, the Stealth chest piece, the small shoulder pads (round with a contrast edge color), ummm that's all I can think of at the moment, I am sure there are a few more.

OHHH, all of the "chin fuzz" facial hair types (soul patch, small goatee, etc.).



I love the wraps gloves and boots wirh spikes

Weapon Alpha/Logan Omega - Scrapper/Stalker - Lvl 50(+3)/23
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Thanatos Omega - Stalker - Lvl 50(+1)



Wraps gloves.
Valkyrie boots.
Reaper face detail 2 (with the off-shoulder cape scarf trick, too)
Neck Cover mask.
Chaos Leather.
Sinister boots, no pad.
Articulated Roman armor chest and shoulders.
Vanguard Big gloves.
The Incarnate Ascendant boots and gloves. Not the glowy ones though. Too expensive, too flashy.

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Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
while sitting at the character select screen a couple weeks ago I realized a lot of my toons are wearing the Sinister boots. The plain ones, not the version with the spikey shin guard.
And we still cant use them with pants GRRRRRRRRRRRRR



Originally Posted by SiGGy View Post
Shouldn't that be "I use it often - usually to connect lack-of-clothing from the Chest up to the Neck"?
Words. They are hard to use.

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Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Resistance hair 2

No one pays attention to me, cause I listen to the voices in my head.



My most abused thing isn't a single piece, it's a combination of pieces:

Sleeveless Jackets (Baron, Uniform, Biker)
Leather Straps Chest
Tee pattern

Makes a decent 2-color short sleeve option.

Pair the top with either Business slacks or the Resistance pants with the Thin Stripe 1 pattern. (Single stripe down the length of the leg.)

Generally if I use a hat it's Fedora 2, this pic was from messing with the Steam Pack in it's beta though, so it has a Steampunk hat instead.

I basically always use Supernatural Face 11.

@Oathbound Too



Tophat and English monacle. I decided to make it a running theme for every character I make when it was pointed out to me that I use those two items alot.



Fingerless Gloves

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I don't have any packs/boosters so my options are pretty much core ones.

Common to all:
- Trenchcoats are good for almost anything (and the only thing I have "extra")
- Wisp Aura have been my favorite, in the eye only but not too bright
- Colors: black, hot colors and white, as it's very hard to combine the other colors. I work with colors and I know what I'm saying here. It's very unfortunate these options are so limited. Other color combinations can't go far from their own group (like variations of green) with the exception of green with purple and blue with yellow. Also, too many bright colors that tend to not look like cloth at all.

On Females:
- Resistance hair, any, they have good textures!
- Thigh High, long legs on females looks awesome.

On Males:
- Suits are desirable almost everytime
- True story: I wish there were way more options for males to be sexier.



Got to say hoods in general. I use them a lot on my characters.

(as you can probably tell by the avatar and signature )



While I tend to rather explicitly try to make characters look different, I notice that the A.C.C.U.H.U.D. and Targeting Optics tend to get used a lot.



  • The "Heavy Chain" piece on females in particular. I can't abide the look of how character necks join to the body, especially when viewed in profile. I don't use it as a chain, but almost more of a turtleneck look. I wish either that there were more full coverage neck items, or that they would fix the necks.
  • High Heels on females. I don't like the look of thick boots on most of my characters, and without something to conceal the leg, I think the female foot/ankle/calf formation looks awful for anything but high heels. (Bare/unshod feet look ridiculous. Forget fingers on hands - I want feet that don't look like a bar of soap!)

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Fingerless/Wrapped gloves.
Sinister boots.
Tank top or Tights - sleek
Fury hairstyle.



I don't think I really have a single "most abused" costume item. But after skimming through this thread I found it interesting that many of the items other people listed here are items I rarely if ever use. I guess that's a good indicator for just how many options we do have to play with.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
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Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
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Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
The color black.

Almost every character I have ever made has black on their costume somewhere...
^This!!! Quite possibly because that is the ONLY color i personally wear

Ive been abusing the retro goggles and gas mask pieces on almost all my new guys i just REALLY like gas masks. Something about it just cries out evil to me..

black/grey black/red black/dark purple black/green i just cant stop using those 4 color schemes even if i wanted to lol



The color Black for sure

The Alpha Aura

The Vanguard top

Late favorites of mine for sure.

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The first shoulder option.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



Skin color



if we are doing colors, then blue and white, i abuse the heck out of light blue and white. it fits thematically with ice characters. probably 10-15 of my chars use blue and white as main colors, and several others arent simply because i forced myself not to use light blue and white.



Definitely robotic upper arms and monstrous legs. I build a lot of robots and alien critters in the game and spent a good amount of time making their arms and legs look as inhuman or unlike earthly analogs as possible.

What I want? More skeletal thighs that are not monstrous. These should optionally look like machine parts, insect like or as actual bone.

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