Can you do solo task forces now?




Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
can't start them w/o team mates.

Good news is that they don't take so long anymore.

I don't know of any one that can't be done in under an hour anymore if the team so desires.
one word.... Quarterfield.

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Originally Posted by Dark Energon View Post
one word.... Quarterfield.
And one spelling correctionÂ… Quaterfield

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Originally Posted by _Pine_ View Post
Holy cow necro post :O!
Well I posted a new thread and it ended up here as an add on. Unfortunately. And the new replies are based upon the old parts of the thread. Sigh.

I did see this thread in my search and noticed it was pre-freedom. So my question still stands, post Freedom.

Can you solo TFs using the same old format (start TF and one person has to log vs quit) or is there some different Freedom.



Originally Posted by Super Flu View Post
Can you solo TFs using the same old format (start TF and one person has to log vs quit) or is there some different Freedom.
AFAIK, this still works. While I haven't tested it, I'm sure if it had changed there would have been posts about it.

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Originally Posted by Super Flu View Post
Well I posted a new thread and it ended up here as an add on. Unfortunately. And the new replies are based upon the old parts of the thread. Sigh.
I've seen (and even done) that before. You go to click "New Thread" while still in a thread and click "New Reply" instead, and end up talking about your build in someone's fan art thread. ops:

Can you solo TFs using the same old format (start TF and one person has to log vs quit) or is there some different Freedom.
Yes, you can. You need enough characters of the minimum level (or higher) to meet the TF requirement. Once it's started, any number of players can /leave_team or log off, as long as at least two people remain on the team (they can be online or off, it doesn't matter, the TF will remain active). The enemy spawn sizes will be based on the number of players currently on the TF (including logged out players), so be sure you can handle the additional spawns. Also note that TF mode overrides your Boss and AV settings; they will all be full strength, even if you are set to downgrade one or both when solo (technically, you AREN'T solo, but AVs are still full strength, even if you have less than 6).

Free and Premium players can join all TFs and Trials (except Apex, Tin Mage and Incarnate Trials, which have Incarnate requirements that non-VIP accounts can't meet), which means that if you have a good enough computer or enough computers to run multiple accounts, you CAN start TFs "solo" by creating a batch of free accounts and leveling characters to the minimum level for the TFs you want to do.




There are no additional ways to run a solo TF post-Freedom

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
The enemy spawn sizes will be based on the number of players currently on the TF (including logged out players)
I think they changed it so they spawn size is set at the initial number of players, so if you start Synapse TF with 6 people and 4 of them leave the team, and the other one logs off, you will still be facing x6 spawns

I may be mistaken, tho :P



Originally Posted by Erhnam View Post
I think they changed it so they spawn size is set at the initial number of players, so if you start Synapse TF with 6 people and 4 of them leave the team, and the other one logs off, you will still be facing x6 spawns

I may be mistaken, tho :P
Originally, it followed normal spawning rules. However, people were bypassing hard missions by having everyone but one person log out, the solo player entering the mission and spawning the whole map (for 1), and then everyone else logging in and storming the map in easy mode.

The original fix was to make it so that the spawn size never dropped below the minimum for the Task Force. So for example, on a Manticore Task Force, the missions would never spawn for less than 7. However, this brought out the griefers: Groups of 3-4 players would join a Task Force, and then midway through, all quit, forcing the team to struggle through oversized spawns or disband and start over.

The final change was to make it as I listed above - spawns are sized for the actual team, but it counts everyone, even the people who are logged out. Since we can't kick the people who are logged out, some griefing is still possible, but it's less likely.




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
The final change was to make it as I listed above - spawns are sized for the actual team, but it counts everyone, even the people who are logged out. Since we can't kick the people who are logged out, some griefing is still possible, but it's less likely.
Obligatory wiki link

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Even though this is a necrothread, has anyone verified that you have to use a unique email address to create new accounts as someone mentioned upthread? I ask because I've got the same email addy on my two accounts and plan to crank up a couple more.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Even though this is a necrothread, has anyone verified that you have to use a unique email address to create new accounts as someone mentioned upthread? I ask because I've got the same email addy on my two accounts and plan to crank up a couple more.
I've had two accounts with the same email address since a couple years before this thread started.

EDIT: After re-reading, I see that I haven't actually answered your question. I don't know for sure if anything's changed. One way to check...

EDIT2: I just went to my Master Account, clicked the "Create a CoH:Freedom Account Now!" button, entered a username and password, and got an account. No email requested nor given.




Danke for the verification.

Be well, people of CoH.



You can use the same. Log in to your Master account on the NCSoft site, click the Create a Free Account button on the right side under the City of Heroes: Freedom logo. Enter the information for username and password and you are done.

I know you can do it since I just did.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Scooped ya, TJ. :P




Now I just need to create 6 more accounts so that I can solo the STF and LRSF! mmuuuhahhahaahahahahah

Fear the power of my cigar!

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Scooped ya, TJ. :P
Sort of. Your first edit was the only one showing when I submitted my post.
I'd have beaten you to the post initially but I was creating the account to verify before answering.
The timestamps for your edit show that your second edit (after actually testing it) was made after my post.

In any event, it's all good.

Bill Z can now run his solo TF's to his hearts content.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Now I just need to create 6 more accounts and PL a toon on each to level 45 so that I can solo the STF and LRSF! mmuuuhahhahaahahahahah
Fixed that for you.

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Originally Posted by ironblade View Post
fixed that for you.

Guess I'll just bug PinnBadges for pads instead after I re-incarnate myself. (hopefully)

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
The timestamps for your edit show that your second edit (after actually testing it) was made after my post.
Crap! You're right. Now I must forever bear the shame of my folly!




Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post

I have a sneaking suspicion players won't be allowed multiple free accounts. Multiple paid, sure, more money for them. But multiple free accounts would be ridiculous.
I have seven free accounts. Lets me do task forces solo without having to actually beg for fillers to help me get it started.

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



I am unsure how you load 8 instances of the game. Do you peeps have space command centers for desktops? lolololol



Two decent computers, four instances of the games on REALLY LOW settings on each?

My computer and laptop are both very low-end, and if I crank everything WAY down, I can run two copies of the game (poorly) on each.




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Two decent computers, four instances of the games on REALLY LOW settings on each?

My computer and laptop are both very low-end, and if I crank everything WAY down, I can run two copies of the game (poorly) on each.
Yeah, this.

Basically, here's my actual process.

With one instance running: log on with each character I'll use to fill, one at a time, and move them to the zone where the TF starts (can skip this step if I can start it using LFG - like the DFB trial).

Turn everything way down. WAY down. Then load up to five instances of the game on my first computer, and up to three on my second computer (basically, however many I'll need to meet the minimum to start).

Team 'em up. Start the TF. Then quit to desktop for everyone but my main.

Turn my graphics back up.

Greatly enjoy playing the TF at a slow, leisurely pace (sometimes over several days), carefully reading all mission text and clues.

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
I am unsure how you load 8 instances of the game. Do you peeps have space command centers for desktops? lolololol
Nah. While I do have two computers, both are several years old and have only had minor upgrades over the years. They are far from optimal machines. Yet, I follow Coulomb2's procedure pretty much below...

Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
With one instance running: log on with each character I'll use to fill, one at a time, and move them to the zone where the TF starts (can skip this step if I can start it using LFG - like the DFB trial).

Turn everything way down. WAY down. Then load up to five instances of the game on my first computer, and up to three on my second computer (basically, however many I'll need to meet the minimum to start).

Team 'em up. Start the TF. Then quit to desktop for everyone but my main.

Turn my graphics back up.

Greatly enjoy playing the TF at a slow, leisurely pace (sometimes over several days), carefully reading all mission text and clues.
If you are truly planning to solo a TF or Trial, the only hurdle you need overcome in terms of machinery is to get your computers over the initial bear of starting up X number of game sessions. If they can do that, they'll be fine because as soon as you have the TF/Trial rolling, you quit out of all the sessions you don't actually need, giving processing/memory power back to your single/etc. CoH instance you'll be playing in. The filler accounts don't have to be actively logged into the game for the TF/Trial to proceed, or complete, once it's been started.

Main Character: Ice/Storm/Ice Controller (Justice, 1340 badges)



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
I am unsure how you load 8 instances of the game. Do you peeps have space command centers for desktops? lolololol
Basic desktop here. I7 processor (quadcore with hyperthreading) with 12 gigs of RAM, win7, an ati 5870 vid card and the -stopinactivedisplay flag. Some down-tweaking of settings.

Be well, people of CoH.