Known Issues [Live]

Agent White



I may have missed a previous mention of this, but on the French interface, Null the Gull's dialogs still aren't translated and the ENTIRE badges tab content went "P9805642" and such on us a week or so ago.



Hello, I am in Mercy island and running the 3rd mission, finding the card keys. My navigation is stuck after I ran to the first spot. I have no idea where to go. Nor how to solve it.




any word on why trials seem to be booting to log in randomly now, and the memory leak crashes? (i'm on triumph btw.)



Since the last patch I have been booted to the log in screen multiple times when zoning. This can be exiting a mission, exiting an SG base, exiting Oroborus, or lading between zones. I get the splash screen, the progress bar moves to about 1/5 of the way and then just stops. After 30-45 seconds I get booted to the log in screen. This has happened on multiple characters and usually multiple times a night. There is no rhyme or reason that I can tell. Usually when I get booted out I cannot load anything back into the game unless I repair all files. And sometimes this does not work either.

Please have someone look into this. I have talked to other players experiencing the same thing.

Liberty Server (@enderbean)
Arcs on Live
#1460 Hometown Rivalry



Since the e-mail system started allowing attachments:

No scrolling in e-mail. Long e-mails become unreadable.

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



Right, so, I'm new both to the game and the forum. Hi.

Now that THAT is out of the way... I've definitely had a few issues. City has been using way more memory than it should, for one(Memory leak, probably?), leading to me having to shut down my computer to be able to do anything. Hopefully an easy fix. The WEIRD thing that happened today, though, was when I shut the program down and the process kept running. I didn't even notice for a few hours until it made my other programs lag horribly, and I had to terminate it through the task manager. Aside from that, though, I've been having loads of fun. Hope this helps.



Originally Posted by enderbean View Post
Since the last patch I have been booted to the log in screen multiple times when zoning. This can be exiting a mission, exiting an SG base, exiting Oroborus, or lading between zones. I get the splash screen, the progress bar moves to about 1/5 of the way and then just stops. After 30-45 seconds I get booted to the log in screen. This has happened on multiple characters and usually multiple times a night. There is no rhyme or reason that I can tell. Usually when I get booted out I cannot load anything back into the game unless I repair all files. And sometimes this does not work either.

Please have someone look into this. I have talked to other players experiencing the same thing.
Me, too. Pretty much word for word.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Weird how it isn't affecting some people. None of the people I regularly team with have been experiencing this issue.

Liberty Server (@enderbean)
Arcs on Live
#1460 Hometown Rivalry




teams in arena consntantly lose members off team - some teams show 8 others say they are not on team, some get randomly disconnected.

Excesssive Lag in RV, and Arena - folks will see icons on thier buff bars for 5 minutes - like tk or ri long after the debuff has dropped

Constant mapserve in RV.



I have noticed a couple of issues with clicking. Let me explain:

Sometimes, when I try to combine three inspirations of one kind to turn them into another, it brings up my list of recipes on hand, or executes a power that was behind one the chosen type of inspiration. (At the time, I'll actually have the mouse cursor over that power when scrolling down to choose the type I want) The selection is in front, and most of the time it works.

Sometimes, if the chosen type of insp is higher on the list, it might click another inspiration, whatever was behind the drop-down menu.

Along the same lines, when pulling salvage out to wentworths, the box that would have me use the slider, or type in how many to stash in Wentworths will be behind the wentworths trading window.

Minor issues, but bugs none-the-less.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Wasn't sure if this should be posted here or in the PvP section, but I definitely wanted to make sure a red name saw this...

Since the last patch I have noticed an extreme change in PVP recipe drop rates. On average, with killing one enemy repeatedly in an 8 hour time frame, the drop rate was an average of 3. I've noticed now the drop rate seems to be somewhere around 1 per 32 hours or more (between a 50% and 75% drop reduction over all). Anyone else experience this or know of any recent (as in last week or two) announcements to drop rate?


Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2




Protector Server
Woeful Knight (BS/Regen/Body Scrapper)
Kevin Christian (MC/FF/Primal Controller)
SilverCybernaut (Eng/Dev/Munitions Blaster)
Apixie OhNo (Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker)
Y'ru Glowen (Rad/Rad/Psy Defender)




Can we get some acknowledgement that whole costume parts have gone missing?

Thus far, the Wisp aura and the facial Tattoos (1 and 2) are gone from my costumes that had them. I'm sure I'll find more.



i was just curious if anybody else is having crashing issues when u lvl up, accessing ah, and combining enhancements. basically that is what is happening to me right now and it is basically unplayable for me atm.
curious if this is happening to other people or if it just me?

@Eternal Twilight
Friends don't let friends buy an NCSoft controlled project.
Save Paragon one more time!,4877.0.html

Petition to end shutting down CoH:



The game has become pure lag for me with only a few moments of clarity inbetween. This has made it completely unplayable. VIP head start indeed.



Here's one I'm trying to track down, but having issues finding if it is known or not (and yes, I'm bugging it ingame too)...

I know there was something about being unable to remove + and ++ enhancements from base storage and I believe they reported it was resolved - however, you can no longer keep the pluses intact and give/trade/sell those to another player. Before, if you traded using /trade or put them on the market, yes, they would lose the + and ++, but would could right-click and gift to selected player - that isn't the case anymore? I get a warning at least saying that the enh will lose the upgrades. This is really rotten given that I have several toons in different SGs and have + and ++ Hami O's in those bases - and I often need to give them from one toon in one base to a toon I have in another SG.

Additionally - when looking in base storage bins - the Christmas event "present" insps are showing up with a fast flashing/changing quantity count (the number on hand seems like it is flashing through different numbers) - I get the same flicker on some + and ++ enhancements as well, but so far haven't noticed this phenomenon elsewhere...yet.

Something else I noticed that I don't recall seeing a patch note for (though it very well might have been there) base enhancement storage bins appear to be alphabetizing things now. I was trying to put my HOs in order like usual and noticed that I was unable to put them in order: Centriole, Synth Centriole, Cytoplasm, Synth Cyto and so on - instead the Synth ones are all grouped in alpha order as are the non-synth ones. I'm generally okay with this, but personally I prefer to keep the synth and non-synth ones together - otherwise alpha-order is far better than "shove new stuff at the end if there isn't a stack already". So - yay and sadface all in one

Global @Nomme & @Nomme Again
Protector server



My best suggestion for the synth/non-synth HOs are to use 2 different bins.

Sadly, not always feasible, but it would remedy this problem.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Nomme View Post
Something else I noticed that I don't recall seeing a patch note for (though it very well might have been there) base enhancement storage bins appear to be alphabetizing things now
OMG... best change EVAH!

Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
My best suggestion for the synth/non-synth HOs are to use 2 different bins.
A nice, simple, elegant workaround for the hopelessly OCD amongst us.



Originally Posted by Nomme View Post

Something else I noticed that I don't recall seeing a patch note for (though it very well might have been there) base enhancement storage bins appear to be alphabetizing things now.
I'm not sure why this wasn't in the Live patch notes. I remember seeing it in one of the patch notes during Beta. Looking for it I found it in the August 16 Beta patch notes. A very welcome change. Should have been in the Live patch notes but with so many changes coming at once I'm surprised more wasn't accidentally left out of the notes.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
I'm not sure why this wasn't in the Live patch notes. I remember seeing it in one of the patch notes during Beta. Looking for it I found it in the August 16 Beta patch notes. A very welcome change. Should have been in the Live patch notes but with so many changes coming at once I'm surprised more wasn't accidentally left out of the notes.
While it is a very welcome change - it also points out some glaring problems with their display order alphabetization. For example, it seems that at least one (I think both, but I can't recall without digging into it further) of the To Hit Buff sets has the To Hit Buff/Endurance Reduction IO listed before the plain To Hit Buff. I presume it is due to internal naming that isn't visible to us, but the IOs in general really need to have a cleaning pass done to get all the recipes and crafted IOs consistently named to the same aspect is always in the same visual order and that the visual order sorts 'right'. It isn't the world's biggest deal for them to sort out of order in the bins, but it does make keeping up my spreadsheets a little harder as I have to deal with out of order sorting (I've figured out how to resolve it, but it will still be a pain to implement in my spreadsheets, and that is to insert a number 1-6 at the beginning of the list for each set where 1-6 is in-game sort order so I can sort my spreadsheet by that instead of true alpha order by set then by what it enhances as listed by the IO).

Anyway - I think I know why /trade no longer will allow me to move HOs between toons if the enhancement has any pluses - I suspect it is due to the new enhancement boosters. Since those aren't tradeable, I assume they want no way for one person to plus some IOs with boosters then trade-sell them to people who have ingame money but can't (for whatever reason) get boosters themselves in the Paragon Store. I could be wrong, but it seems to be to be the only reason why that one remaining method of trading/handing off plused Hamis should be closed to us (and I'd guess SO, DO, and TOs with pluses as well). Given that some people have multiple accounts and like to trade among their own accounts, I will say that not being able to trade plussed enhancements between toons/accounts should have been clearly announced before this as I was holding several enhancements for my husband that will now either lose their plusses when I give them back to him or will have to remain where they are. I have a possible workaround, but it is still a gigantic pain in the rear - and I'll be testing my workaround ASAP in case it gets closed up as well.

Global @Nomme & @Nomme Again
Protector server



Great work at making the lag spikes less lengthy with today's maintenance, but that doesn't stop me from still getting them. >/



Since I21, I cannnot create a new custom group and make new mobs for it, they all become invalid no matter what costume options (even the the simplest default ones in MA editor, or simple new costume files from tailor) are used. Any arc using any custom gropup won't test or publish

Other players today sent me their known working cvg and storyarc files, but when I load them in and try to test, it fails: and the same cvg that works for them in invalid for me.

As it stands, I cannot create any MA with any csutom mob. I think this is different form the issue in the known issues, which implies they will work.

At the end of a signifiant exchange of emails, NCSoft confirm this seems to be the case (for me) and have no estimate of resolution of issue.

From NCSoft supporty today (If I may quote here, and they've been very patient with me!): "What I do know is that people have wrote to us stating the same thing your saying. I know that we have reported the bug to Paragon, and I know they are working to fix the problem. As it is that you have wrote to us stating your problem, I think it is safe to say you know there is an issue. I have stated that we know of the issue, and that we are working to fix it. Please be patient and when a fix is released, we will let everyone know via the forums. But it would be impractical to assume that everyone is or is not having this issue."

All this is fair enough, I guess, there's plenty of other things for the devs to be working on! I don't begrudge it, but I do hope it is resolved soon. Not having workjng MA abilities is a big Quality of Life issue.

� Taosin [Sydney, Australia]
Servers: Virtue, Justice, Exalted



Interfaces don't apply any debuffs.
Verified for Diamagnetic and Reactive, assumed the same for Gravimetric and Paralytic.
Reactive DoT component still works, but then again that works entirely differently.
This conclusion is based on testing with Power Analyzer Mk III.

Duo MoITF - 26:06 | Duo MoKahn - 25:50 | Duo MoLGTF - 29:34 |



I went there on a new 22 for the first time. Pilgrim says I've already done his stuff but I haven't. The other menders all say I am too young to work for them. I can access the mission lists in the pillar. I can see (and do) levels 1-15. I can see and not do any from 16-19. Is this a known issue? Or is this somehow working as intended?



Originally Posted by EliCOH View Post
Something I didn't see listed in the known issues and I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced is under costume bugs:

Lately, the zoom in feature is wonky. Like if I have face selected and hit zoom in, I hear the usual sound effect and the zoom button turns from a + to a -, but it doesn't actually zoom in. Then when I go to, say, bottoms, the model will zoom in on the face.
This or something similar is still happening when Helmet Detail 2 is selected.