Known Issues [Live]

Agent White



I found two more instances of the bug where NPCs are not switching to/from ally/enemy.

contact: Investigator Whitworth
mission: "Eliminate Sergeant Iminez in warehouse"

Iminez and his guards don't switch to enemy/hostile after the proper dialog option. He also does not need to be "eliminated" for the mission to complete despite that being what the story asks.

contact: Chance McKnight
mission: Meet Jones' Boss

You have to beat Masamoto to a certain low health point at which he turns ally because he "has seen the error of his ways" and you are supposed to "show him mercy".
For added measure, I went ahead and finished him off before going back to Tub Ci and seeing that he didn't register me killing Masamoto.

Oddly enough, Masamoto has one more bit of dialog when you finish him off: "Please... No...".
I guess they had to put something in his dialog field for defeat despite the fact that he was intended to live, maybe?



There is, so I've read, a bug with sleep resistance. Any power that does damage will not put an enemy to sleep if they have any sleep resistance. That same enemy can be slept with a non-damaging power of the same magnitude though. I do not see that on the list of known issues though, so perhaps I've been misinformed.

If it is a bug, it has become a major hassle for my mind/emp controller. Now that Dark Astoria has been upgraded he's been adventuring there and sadly, every enemy in DA and every enemy in every DA mission has sleep resistance. This means one of his primary means of controlling enemies is 100% useless in DA.



Ive noticed a few bugs of late.

Pet AI is still screwed to buggery. My pets will either have epileptic fits, be totally uncontrollable, or just stand there scratching their butts.

Umbra Wolf wont shut up

Toons have started to do a leg sweep attack when getting the Mystic Fortune Buff

When completing an iTrial, the navigation bar containing the exit button vanishes. When its brought back, the Exit button is missing meaning that I have to quit the league to leave the mission.

Drop rates whilst using the Windfall power seem to be less than you would get without it. There have been occasions where I havent received any drops for 3 to 4 missions whilst using windfall.

Several costumes have clipping issues.

The navigation bar points to a completely different location than the actual highlighed mission.

PLEASE concentrate on fixing the bugs rather than popping out vanity pets, converters and catalysts every 2 seconds!

Rockshock (Druid Tanker), Medicat (Combat Medic), Dwarf From the North (Ice Mage), Rocket Gal (Energy Blaster), Graveborn (Undead Mastermind), Streeker (Punching Speedster), Op. Sidewinder (Recluse's pet Spider)



Originally Posted by Rockshock View Post
Ive noticed a few bugs of late.

Pet AI is still screwed to buggery. My pets will either have epileptic fits, be totally uncontrollable, or just stand there scratching their butts.

Umbra Wolf wont shut up

Toons have started to do a leg sweep attack when getting the Mystic Fortune Buff

When completing an iTrial, the navigation bar containing the exit button vanishes. When its brought back, the Exit button is missing meaning that I have to quit the league to leave the mission.

Drop rates whilst using the Windfall power seem to be less than you would get without it. There have been occasions where I havent received any drops for 3 to 4 missions whilst using windfall.

Several costumes have clipping issues.

The navigation bar points to a completely different location than the actual highlighed mission.

PLEASE concentrate on fixing the bugs rather than popping out vanity pets, converters and catalysts every 2 seconds!
Have noticed the same thing with Windfall and not getting ANY drops for several missions.

Also my Lore Pets don't seem to be doing anything. They just stand around and do not attack unless I am literally right up like 3" from the mob, even my ones with ranged abilities.

Lady Jane is acting crazy on the first Midnighter Arc from Montague. Ran this 2-3 times this week on different toons on a couple of teams and every time after we rescued her she ran around and aggro'd the entire damn cave, even running the opposite direction of where we were going to aggro several mobs and bring them back to us. Guess doing her best dual pistols tanker immitation.

Would really like to see the belts in Terra Volta fixed, I'm not sure what is more annoying at this point, that, or the fact that they still made the respec trial the weekly strike target and the last and most important part of it is bugged.

One other item I didn't see in the last few pages, when you go to the tailor and try to edit a current costume, it switches your "head" to the default mode and you have to re-apply your costume pieces and re-pay for them before you can make changes to the costume. So for example if you just want to put new shoulders on your costume, you end up having to re-do your entire mask, details, face, etc. and pay for it as well.

Coming back out of the woodwork after a couple years away from the game...



Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
Something is different about the desktop, but it's still the game that is at fault.
I wonder if it has something to do with Windows 7 64-bit (on my desktop) versus 32-bit (on my laptop).

I've noticed a lot of bugs: doors going invisible & non-clickable, all the powers disappearing from my powertrays after using an elevator, enemies still being targetable w/a little bit of health after they're dead (says 'invalid target' when I try to use a power on them, this bug might be due to lag on my end), enemies or player characters that get knocked down freeze in midair in mid-knockdown animation (for player characters, /sync or using a power will usually get them standing again).

I still get random freezes sometimes (haven't figured out the cause yet, maybe using /sync too soon after the last /sync), but only on characters I made BEFORE I22. Post-I22 characters are fine, although I still have to /leaveteam between missions. I'm NOT going to reroll all my characters. Please fix this!



New issue edited out. Guess I tinkled in someone's cheerios.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss.
"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. "



Originally Posted by damienray View Post
New issues I've noticed in the last few days - screen flickers and all power trays go blank, then a few seconds later they come back but shows I am not on a team or a league, but everyone else can still see me teamed up. If I target someone from the team they are blue and not green as if teamed or leagued. Everyone else sees me as green. Any ideas ? Where do I start ?
Actually, that's been going on for months.

The easiest way to fix it is ask the league leader to move you to another team.

Or, it will eventually fix itself.



Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
Actually, that's been going on for months.

The easiest way to fix it is ask the league leader to move you to another team.

Or, it will eventually fix itself.
Actually, it may fix itself, but, whether it fixes or not, it usually leads to a game crash for me, even after it fixes itself.
It's like it causes a memory leak that causes a delayed crash.



Just so you all know: a "Known Issues" thread is not the place to report new bugs or get help working around problems in the game.

If one were to print out all the 'known bugs and issues' in the game, it would probably be about 100 pages long. The Devs put out a much, much shorter "Known Issues" list when:

1. Players start reporting a new problem in droves and it's taking up Game Master and Customer Service time answering all these inquiries; AND
2. Their internal testing does indeed confirm it is a bug and not just players being confused about something new; AND
3. It's on the their list of 'bugs to kill' that they will purposely schedule programmer and QA time to prioritize in their schedule, replicate, diagnose, code, and test. (Which does not necessarily mean they will solve it quickly or even be successful at all.)
Putting out a Known Issues list is basically the devs saying, "Yes, we know, and we're going to attempt to fix it, please stop reporting it or asking about it, because that takes away time from being productive in other areas."

Reporting bugs in this thread is not a shortcut to getting that problem on the Known Issues list. Report bugs normally: With the in-game /bug tool or with a post in the various bug forums.

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The Known Issues list has been updated.


Kevin Callanan
Community Specialist
Paragon Studios



Wow, only 1 known issue now. Nice to see that almost all the bugs have been fixed.



I found a weird problem:
- Select a costume piece not purchased (it has the cart icon to the right)
- Save the costume.
- Now try load. It says it can't do it. Select "Attempt costume fix". Load.
- Now ALL costume pieces not purchased are hidden in the costume menus.

If you tick and untick "Only show free costumes" the problem is fixed but the costume is reset, so it's impossible to load a costume saved if it uses a non-purchased costume piece.



The Known Issues list has been updated.


Kevin Callanan
Community Specialist
Paragon Studios



The Known Issues list has been updated.


Kevin Callanan
Community Specialist
Paragon Studios