Should we be saying something about this...?




This is the kind of thing I don't understand. Human is actually the most survivable form to use at least at high level once you get LF. Dwarf Form is the one that becomes useless at high level cause of the relative lack of damage. You can teleport out and drop to human form for Build Up and Hasten and then tp back in but that greatly reduces your DPS compared to what Black Dwarfs can do. Rigging up a macro or bind to drop to human and hit SF or Build Up before switching back to tanking works also but it is riskier.
Wow, I really hate so many things that you say. Dwarf form while not ideal is not "useless because of light form." First of all, Dwarf can be activated any time and that alone makes it more versatile. Second, there is no endurance or HP penalty for using Dwarf.

I am leveling up my PB in a tri form build for the status protection and pinch survivability in Dwarf and the second attack chain from Nova as I won't be slotting IO bonuses (for recharge in this case) to get a fluent human attack chain for a few more levels.

It's not a matter of the forms, or any of the function of a Peacebringer being unusable, or even ineffective. The problem is that it is underperforming in almost every respect. That doesn't mean that all the forms and powers can't be used effectively if played right, it just means they need some tweaking.

Not using Nova as an opening strike and closer to pick off stragglers really just gimps your damage output for no good reason if you are triform. It's like people are playing another game or have never really taken a PB to 50.
I solo my Peacebringer on x3 +1 and one of my favorite openings before I go into a group is conserve power>summon my photon seekers, then switch to dwarf, teleport into a group, dwarf flare>buildup>solar flare before I start unloading my Nova Blasts. If you learn to use your knockback as mitigation you should have no trouble utilizing Nova blasts in relative safety.

Of course it isn't ideal for me- The Dark Nova is just as survivable as a Peacebringer in Light Form because of the fact that Eclipse carries over to forms. This is why I'm only using the forms on my PB until I have clarion status protection and a high recharge IO build to keep me in a human form attack chain (amongst other things.)



Just fix it. The VEATS work fine. The regular AT's work fine. The Khelds don't. And Lightform is very disappointing graphically. It's like, oh look, I am a dustbunny, you can't hurt me now! Which way am I facing? Did you know dustbunnies have fists? POW! Just saying, Lightform is not like you become a "being" of energy and light since you become formless. Would be more pleasing if you retained some physical animations, maybe like energy gremlins or similar.

Khelds might work if their level one auto armor gave mag 2 resistance to mezzes like the VEATs. I don't think that would make Khelds overpowered just as it does not make the VEATs overpowered now.

Yes, you should be saying something. Khelds will just continue to be ignored if you don't. I know some players will say, "nothing wrong with Khelds, just learn to play them", etc. but that's always been the case with every powerset in CoH that was waiting to be fixed.


"I did not say this. I am not here." -Guild Navigator



Originally Posted by Quixotik View Post
Just fix it. The VEATS work fine. The regular AT's work fine. The Khelds don't. And Lightform is very disappointing graphically. It's like, oh look, I am a dustbunny, you can't hurt me now! Which way am I facing? Did you know dustbunnies have fists? POW! Just saying, Lightform is not like you become a "being" of energy and light since you become formless. Would be more pleasing if you retained some physical animations, maybe like energy gremlins or similar.
I love the look of Lightform. You're a bonded energy being, it's great.

Like all cossie changing powers (including Kheld forms and Granite) I do wish there was an option to turn on "No FX", but it's not a major concern for me.

OMG! How like, totally kewl are these characters?!1



. Dwarf Form is the one that becomes useless at high level cause of the relative lack of damage
except that you really aren't suppose to be doing damage in dwarf form. or rather, It's not that you shouldn't be doing damage just that damage isn't the primary function. if you look at joe's numbers(which i'm assuming you havent) dwarf's ST and AoE dps damage potential isn't that much lower than human form (i wanna say around 30-40 points for both, which for a primary tanking build isn't all that bad) the big discrepancy is that PBs are doing about 100 *less* than WSs for about every dps number which is why alot of people are asking for a pb damage buff preferably on top of an entire kheld damage mod increase.

also, I also find mez protection useless at high levels too.

Human is actually the most survivable form to use at least at high level once you get LF
thats the thing, it shouldn't be. Both human and dwarf WS's can hit the damage res cap permanently, yet dwarf is more survivable because it's got mez prot and more hp. now I personally think human should get mez prot which to make that trade off with dwarf to make sure dwarf maintains it's higher survivability should probably get a higher +hp number or just increase the cap while in that form but thats a different argument.

The PB doesn't have this luxury and there is no reason why it shouldn't. People are saying that if eclipse can do what it does and have absolutely no downside, then why can't Lightform be just as good and also have no downside. No one is saying to make it exactly like eclipse via a clone, but they are saying that it should have the same level of awesome that eclipse has which because of the crash and the locking into human form(doesn't matter how "manageable" the crash is) makes it not as awesome.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
My friend had the idea that PB's should also lose build up in favor of a Rage clone which I think would be a good way to somewhat compensate for lack of Mires while maintaining the PB's self contained nature (Since you are not familiar with the Warshade, Sunless Mire and Black Dwarf Mire can be stacked pretty much all the time to keep us at the 300% damage cap with enough enemies.)
That's an awesome suggestion! I would love to have a PB with rage instead of build-up. Then it would balance out the "WS needs more bodies to stack dmg" issue between comparing both ATs

My opinion on this matter is that when comparing the two ATs, Warshades have longer lasting +dmg abilities.
  • Warshades have two tohit/dmg buffs, the human one can give the same boost as the PB build up (with 7/10 targets). The main issue here is that the PB one, lasts for 10 seconds while the WS one lasts for 30. Anyone else see this as a balancing issue here?
  • In dwarf form, warshades have the same tohit/dmg buff as in human form, that only lasts for 13 seconds. Peacebringers have NONE.

Some sort of rage component weaker than the Super Strength version for PBs instead of build up would be a wonderful solution to this! Since it's a click power you could carry it over to forms just like hasten. Then when you compare the two ATs, their damage isn't as far apart as before.



Originally Posted by Bionut911 View Post
That's an awesome suggestion! I would love to have a PB with rage instead of build-up. Then it would balance out the "WS needs more bodies to stack dmg" issue between comparing both ATs...Some sort of rage component weaker than the Super Strength version for PBs instead of build up would be a wonderful solution to this! Since it's a click power you could carry it over to forms just like hasten. Then when you compare the two ATs, their damage isn't as far apart as before.

I think that I am the unnamed friend.

My PB suggestions...

Build Up should become a Rage clone that carries over into forms.
  • I suggest that it be retitled "Divine Wrath" or "Righteous Wrath" OR to avoid arguments that are bound to arise over those titles...simply call it "Wrath."
  • I have no problem with it being just like the SS version of Rage...Surely a PB can find SOMETHING to do during the downtime with their selfbuffs and team friendly powers...e.g. glowing touch, pulsar, taunt (in dwarf) etc.
  • Perma Wrath ftw! MWHAHAHA
Light Form should carry over into forms. It should have the crash eliminated and its numbers altered accordingly. I know what you are thinking...what do YOU mean accordingly???...
  • I suggest that it be retitled, "Resplendence." I recognize that, as some have put it, it is the "answer" to Eclipse. I still don't feel that it should function in the exact same way.
  • Kill the crash/Lower the recharge (so that it can be made perma)/Drop the Resistance buff BUT allow it to provide Resistance to EVERYTHING (like Eclipse).
  • What I am picturing here is still being able to hit the resistance cap for most damage types (except psi) when in SLOTTED (for res) dwarf, or in human form with SLOTTED (for res) shields...
  • In other words slotted to ED cap for resistance Resplendence will provide appx. 50%ish resistance to everything...Yeah, I know, the numbers sound too high don't they for something that is perma...But these are MY suggestions.
Photon Seekers are not Extracted Essences. I accept that. That being said, it is apparent that they still need work...and I'm not just talking about the "wonky" A.I ...
  • I suggest that their damage be increased and/or their recharge decreased.
I don't think we need to be able to activate these powers while in Dwarf or Nova forms. What is worth mentioning though is this, if LF is changed as I have suggested then it will be substantially less risky to drop to human to activate ANY of our other powers.




I am not on board with built in Mez resistance for Khelds.
  • Team with those that give you Mez protection...
  • Use Breakfrees...
  • Take Dwarf...
  • Use Lightform judiciously...
  • Die...(and get back up again)
  • Get Clarion...



Originally Posted by AIB View Post

I think that I am the unnamed friend.

My PB suggestions...

Build Up should become a Rage clone that carries over into forms.
  • I suggest that it be retitled "Divine Wrath" or "Righteous Wrath" OR to avoid arguments that are bound to arise over those titles...simply call it "Wrath."
  • I have no problem with it being just like the SS version of Rage...Surely a PB can find SOMETHING to do during the downtime with their selfbuffs and team friendly powers...e.g. glowing touch, pulsar, taunt (in dwarf) etc.
  • Perma Wrath ftw! MWHAHAHA
Light Form should carry over into forms. It should have the crash eliminated and its numbers altered accordingly. I know what you are thinking...what do YOU mean accordingly???...
  • I suggest that it be retitled, "Resplendence." I recognize that, as some have put it, it is the "answer" to Eclipse. I still don't feel that it should function in the exact same way.
  • Kill the crash/Lower the recharge (so that it can be made perma)/Drop the Resistance buff BUT allow it to provide Resistance to EVERYTHING (like Eclipse).
  • What I am picturing here is still being able to hit the resistance cap for most damage types (except psi) when in SLOTTED (for res) dwarf, or in human form with SLOTTED (for res) shields...
  • In other words slotted to ED cap for resistance Resplendence will provide appx. 50%ish resistance to everything...Yeah, I know, the numbers sound too high don't they for something that is perma...But these are MY suggestions.
Photon Seekers are not Extracted Essences. I accept that. That being said, it is apparent that they still need work...and I'm not just talking about the "wonky" A.I ...
  • I suggest that their damage be increased and/or their recharge decreased.
I don't think we need to be able to activate these powers while in Dwarf or Nova forms. What is worth mentioning though is this, if LF is changed as I have suggested then it will be substantially less risky to drop to human to activate ANY of our other powers.




I am not on board with built in Mez resistance for Khelds.
  • Use Breakfrees...
  • Take Dwarf...
  • Use Lightform judiciously...
  • Die...(and get back up again)
  • Get Clarion...
This has been suggested before, and I ran the numbers in this post.

The salient point from that post is as follows:

THEN I weighted that result against the uptime of our new luminous Rage clone. The result brought Peacebringer human DPS up from around 112 dps to just under 134 dps. The other totals are all on the sheet on the other end of that link if anyone's interested.
To put it in context, the thread to which that post belongs is here.

For comparison, the single target warshade numbers in human form - pet damage included - was 189 dps. So while changing build up into a rage clone will increase peacebringer damage, it won't come anywhere near to closing the gap between the two archetypes.

The real disparity is the pets. Buff photon seekers, buff the archetype.

Your suggestion regarding Light Form is intriguing, but a great many peacebringer drivers - myself included - like the costume switch. It's what made me choose a peacebringer in the first place.

But at this point I'd be open to pretty much anything.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



To put it in context, the thread to which that post belongs is here.

For comparison, the single target warshade numbers in human form - pet damage included - was 189 dps. So while changing build up into a rage clone will increase peacebringer damage, it won't come anywhere near to closing the gap between the two archetypes.

The real disparity is the pets. Buff photon seekers, buff the archetype.
I completely agree with this. I'd really love a photon seeker buff along with a change to EE (I still think the fact that they can die when the AT's DPS rely's so heavily on them is very odd to me). and it is the best way to close the gap between the two ATs

but a change to rage would help the main problem that I, and i think alot of other people, have with BU is that it simply doesn't last long enough to do anything worth while in forms. WS mire last long enough to make a difference in forms while BU obviously doesn't. sure you can get one or two attacks off once you switch but it just doesn't compare to the mire duration.

I think that lowering the form change animation time would help this but the gap would still be the same between mire and BU when it comes to the buff working in forms.

I don't know if a rage clone(or something close) would be the best fix for this, but to me its the most obviuos.

I am not on board with built in Mez resistance for Khelds.
Team with those that give you Mez protection...
this doesn't always fix the problem, not to mention its horribly unreliable
Use Breakfrees...
you can only have so many
Take Dwarf...
this would be a viable option if switching into dwarf didn't take 3 seconds on top of being interruptible
Use Lightform judiciously...
using one power with an incredibly inconvenient and costly crash and a long recharge isn't good either
Die...(and get back up again)
that makes sense
Get Clarion...
which you can't use for 75% of the game.

all these options are band aides for the mez problem that khelds have, theres no point in having this hole in an AT design when khelds already have to deal with plenty of other holes.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



So while changing build up into a rage clone will increase peacebringer damage, it won't come anywhere near to closing the gap between the two archetypes.
Wouldn't matter if the dps went DOWN, its still "better" than buildup thanks to not being 30% gone because of form shifting animations; and thats being generous on how much of the buff is eaten in animation time.

As for Lighform, I don't like the big puffball form myself. After about a minute, I always feel like the puffball is standing 5 feet to the left of where my character actually is. Ive glitched out on occasion and had the glow run around in a vaguely humanoid form. I always like that better. Just a matter of personal preference though...



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
...So while changing build up into a rage clone will increase peacebringer damage, it won't come anywhere near to closing the gap between the two archetypes....

The real disparity is the pets. Buff photon seekers, buff the archetype.

Your suggestion regarding Light Form is intriguing, but a great many peacebringer drivers - myself included - like the costume switch. It's what made me choose a peacebringer in the first place...
I don't see where you have taken into account Double Stacking Wrath (Rage).
  • If you have I have overlooked it...
  • But, if you were to take into account the Double Stackage potential of Wrath would it not increase the PBs DPS a bit more?
I agree photon seekers need to be buffed.
  • However, all of the extra DPS does not need to come from altering just one power in my opinion.
  • It should be spread out a bit more, which is why I believe that Wrath (Rage) should also be incorporated.
Regarding Light Form (Resplendence)...
  • I would prefer a variety of animations for this power.
  • The current one for LF is fine if that is what you want but another, and this is what I would prefer, would allow folks to SEE their other forms (even though those forms might be altered a bit so that they are nice and shiny - interestingly enough, this is a good reason to drop the "Light Form" title of the power and to simply call it, as I have suggested, Resplendence).



And yes, everyone I agree that the form shifts should be reduced. In fact, I would prefer that they be instantaneous. It would make the gameplay experience alot more....fluid.

The thing that annoys me the most in this game is trying to switch to dwarf with my PB or WS, getting hit with a mez, and having to (try) to shift again.



I don't see where you have taken into account Double Stacking Wrath (Rage).
If you have I have overlooked it...
But, if you were to take into account the Double Stackage potential of Wrath would it not increase the PBs DPS a bit more?
implying that if they replace BU with something like rage, it would be stackable. which, honestly if they do make that change, i don't see them doing an exact port. i'd be almost certain that either the damage buff would be reduced or it wouldn't be made stackable.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by AIB View Post
I don't see where you have taken into account Double Stacking Wrath (Rage).
  • If you have I have overlooked it...
  • But, if you were to take into account the Double Stackage potential of Wrath would it not increase the PBs DPS a bit more?
I agree photon seekers need to be buffed.
  • However, all of the extra DPS does not need to come from altering just one power in my opinion.
  • It should be spread out a bit more, which is why I believe that Wrath (Rage) should also be incorporated.
I didn't take it into account - if you'll look at the spreadsheets in the first post of that thread, I've used "modernised" versions of Plasma's gold standard SO builds for the comparison because (a) the developers still continue to insist, for some strange reason, that the game is balanced around SO's. (I don't believe them, but there you are) and (b) those two builds are about even.

Throw in IO's for increased recharge and you can pretty much do whatever you want. I did do an IO'd comparison, and when I have time to search for it I'll link to it. Hell, if I get time I'll even do a double-stacked rage comparison.

However, keep in mind that a peacebringer build that can double-stack rage must be compared to a warshade build that has comparable recharge, and I'm betting that the fluffies that a high-recharge build can bring out (and with perma-hasten they will ALL be hasted) will obliterate a double-stacked rage dps chain.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Regarding this lightform stuff, it should definitely be usable in forms ( and an animation change would be appropriate, as in making whatever form basically have a white glowing aura), but I absolutely do not think it should be perma-able. Eclipse has very real downsides, which i feel people always forget to factor in when comparing the two. The crash in lightform is somewhat a relic, but it is in line with similar powers and honestly very easy to deal with. Imo they should reduce the crash for all these powers but otherwise leave them as is.

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



I wouldn't want to have Rage on another character, the crash is simply not fun.

I stand by my suggestion to change BU into a Fiery Embrace clone.

Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
Regarding this lightform stuff, it should definitely be usable in forms ( and an animation change would be appropriate, as in making whatever form basically have a white glowing aura), but I absolutely do not think it should be perma-able. Eclipse has very real downsides, which i feel people always forget to factor in when comparing the two. The crash in lightform is somewhat a relic, but it is in line with similar powers and honestly very easy to deal with. Imo they should reduce the crash for all these powers but otherwise leave them as is.
At first I was thinking that it would be unbalanced to allow perma, crashless LF because of the fact that Eclipse is a situational power (granted it's a pretty easy situation to find yourself in) but now I'm thinking differently...

Even if with perma LF PB's could always be at 85% resistance under any situation, they would still do less damage than Warshades.

They would also perform better against single hard targets (AV's) than Warshades. In that sense, it would be unbalanced, but I have a solution for that...

If LF could be made crashless and perma, Eclipse should get a resistance debuff incorporated. I know Eclipse is already super awesome and this might be overkill, but it would make Warshades more powerful against AV's when there are no enemies around.

Adding a resistance debuff to Eclipse would also make the Warshade's +4x8 steamroll even easier, but I'm ok with that. It would be a good way for the WS to be on par with other high damage, spawn melting sets... Afterall, Shades are probably one of if not the hardest AT's to play (correctly,) so I don't think it would be unbalanced to add more payoff to doing it right (especially considering the fact that most people don't do it right, due to the previously mentioned difficulty in doing so..)



Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
implying that if they replace BU with something like rage, it would be stackable. which, honestly if they do make that change, i don't see them doing an exact port. i'd be almost certain that either the damage buff would be reduced or it wouldn't be made stackable.

Here is what I related...

"Build Up should become a Rage clone that carries over into forms."

I don't see where I used the words "something like rage." In fact, here is what I said...

"I have no problem with it being just like the SS version of Rage..."

Perhaps you believe that the power should be altered in a different fashion and that is fine.

I think otherwise and I proceeded in my discussion based upon the suggestions that I had put forth.

You are inferring something that I did not imply.

This is how it plays out...

If Wrath is (a) Rage (Clone)

And Rage is capable of being double stacked

Then Wrath is (would be) capable of being double stacked

And...I am still not on board with built in Mez resistance for Khelds.



Originally Posted by AIB View Post

Here is what I related...

"Build Up should become a Rage clone that carries over into forms."

I don't see where I used the words "something like rage." In fact, here is what I said...

"I have no problem with it being just like the SS version of Rage..."

Perhaps you believe that the power should be altered in a different fashion and that is fine.

I think otherwise and I proceeded in my discussion based upon the suggestions that I had put forth.

You are inferring something that I did not imply.

This is how it plays out...

If Wrath is (a) Rage (Clone)

And Rage is capable of being double stacked

Then Wrath is (would be) capable of being double stacked

And...I am still not on board with built in Mez resistance for Khelds.

In regards to this, I could absolutely see the Dev's giving PB's an exact clone of Rage except making it a little underpowered... Heck, a majority of PB powers are already the underpowered clones of powers from other sets.



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
...However, keep in mind that a peacebringer build that can double-stack rage must be compared to a warshade build that has comparable recharge, and I'm betting that the fluffies that a high-recharge build can bring out (and with perma-hasten they will ALL be hasted) will obliterate a double-stacked rage dps chain.
I agree. But, Wrath (i.e. the Rage clone) is only one part of my proposal. I also advocate changes to Photon Seekers for higer DPS.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
In regards to this, I could absolutely see the Dev's giving PB's an exact clone of Rage except making it a little underpowered... Heck, a majority of PB powers are already the underpowered clones of powers from other sets.
First thing that came to mind...Glowing Touch and the recent change.

If it were an exact clone it woud have the same stats .

I say bring it over as is from day one. Leave those precious stats alone. And retitle it Wrath while you're at it.



Personally, I'd prefer to swap out Build Up for a ported copy of Power Siphon from Kinetic Melee which would stack up using attacks from all forms, not just human form. That way you get cross form applicability. The important point being that Power Siphon is a "Build Up" that lasts a good bit longer than the stock'n'standard 10 second Build Up powers, which is then more Forms Friendly.

You could even graft a ported Power Siphon effect into White Dwarf Sublimation (of all things...) as a way to (better) balance White Dwarf with Black Dwarf's Mire. I'm choosing Sublimation in this case, rather than Flare, simply because Dwarf Mire has a 10 second duration on it, while Power Siphon can be stacked/sustained for a good bit longer than that. Furthermore, Mire is decidedly a (PB)AoE attack mode designed self-buff ... while Power Siphon is more of an Attack Chain of powers self-buff mechanic.

As for what to do with Photon Seekers? I still stand by my notion of re-inventing them as mobile/flying Trip Mines ... where you summon 1 Photon Seeker each time you cast the power, but you can have more than 1 Photon Seeker summoned simultaneously, there the only real limit on the number you can have summoned concurrently depends on the intersection of Seeker Duration and Animation+Recharge time.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
At first I was thinking that it would be unbalanced to allow perma, crashless LF because of the fact that Eclipse is a situational power (granted it's a pretty easy situation to find yourself in) but now I'm thinking differently...

Even if with perma LF PB's could always be at 85% resistance under any situation, they would still do less damage than Warshades.

They would also perform better against single hard targets (AV's) than Warshades. In that sense, it would be unbalanced, but I have a solution for that...

If LF could be made crashless and perma, Eclipse should get a resistance debuff incorporated. I know Eclipse is already super awesome and this might be overkill, but it would make Warshades more powerful against AV's when there are no enemies around.

Adding a resistance debuff to Eclipse would also make the Warshade's +4x8 steamroll even easier, but I'm ok with that. It would be a good way for the WS to be on par with other high damage, spawn melting sets... Afterall, Shades are probably one of if not the hardest AT's to play (correctly,) so I don't think it would be unbalanced to add more payoff to doing it right (especially considering the fact that most people don't do it right, due to the previously mentioned difficulty in doing so..)
First, peacebringers should do less damage than warshades because warshades incur higher risk, it's just that the discrepancy is too large. Pb's also should do better against single hard targets than ws's because of the nature of their powers. Being balanced does not mean being the same.

What I'm reading is "let's overpower lightform and then overpower eclipse too to compensate," which (A) would never, ever happen, and (B) is a really bad idea. The only reason the ridiculous survivability of a warshade is acceptable is because of its variable and inherently dangerous nature. Giving a peacebringer perma 85% resistance out of the box with no risk or downside is ludicrously broken. Most tanks can't even compete with that, and they already do less damage (though not by a lot).

Warshades already are on par with other high damage, spawn melting sets, even taking into account the difficulty of play; if they didn't fall behind at least a little somewhere (hard single targets) they would just be god-mode.

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Personally, I'd prefer to swap out Build Up for a ported copy of Power Siphon from Kinetic Melee which would stack up using attacks from all forms, not just human form. That way you get cross form applicability. The important point being that Power Siphon is a "Build Up" that lasts a good bit longer than the stock'n'standard 10 second Build Up powers, which is then more Forms Friendly.

You could even graft a ported Power Siphon effect into White Dwarf Sublimation (of all things...) as a way to (better) balance White Dwarf with Black Dwarf's Mire. I'm choosing Sublimation in this case, rather than Flare, simply because Dwarf Mire has a 10 second duration on it, while Power Siphon can be stacked/sustained for a good bit longer than that. Furthermore, Mire is decidedly a (PB)AoE attack mode designed self-buff ... while Power Siphon is more of an Attack Chain of powers self-buff mechanic.

As for what to do with Photon Seekers? I still stand by my notion of re-inventing them as mobile/flying Trip Mines ... where you summon 1 Photon Seeker each time you cast the power, but you can have more than 1 Photon Seeker summoned simultaneously, there the only real limit on the number you can have summoned concurrently depends on the intersection of Seeker Duration and Animation+Recharge time.
Oh yes!! I like your ideas.

I was just going to post that I find Build Up pretty lacking in PB's design. I was going to suggest something like a "Range Follow Up" for PB but Power Siphon sounds good too because you can carry over the buffs to the other forms. And yes, White Dwarf's damage is really lacking in comparison to Black Dwarf.

And yeah, Photon Seekers is a piece of junk for the damage and recharge. I just got my Warshade's lvl 32 pet and man, what a HUGE difference. You can easily get more than one pet out and the pet's damage is respectable too and what's more is the pet can take damage for you as well. Photon Seekers' damage isn't that high and it has freaking 300s recharge and it's hard to control which targets receive the damage unless you stand in the middle of the crowd.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Personally, I'd prefer to swap out Build Up for a ported copy of Power Siphon from Kinetic Melee which would stack up using attacks from all forms, not just human form. That way you get cross form applicability. The important point being that Power Siphon is a "Build Up" that lasts a good bit longer than the stock'n'standard 10 second Build Up powers, which is then more Forms Friendly.

You could even graft a ported Power Siphon effect into White Dwarf Sublimation (of all things...) as a way to (better) balance White Dwarf with Black Dwarf's Mire. I'm choosing Sublimation in this case, rather than Flare, simply because Dwarf Mire has a 10 second duration on it, while Power Siphon can be stacked/sustained for a good bit longer than that. Furthermore, Mire is decidedly a (PB)AoE attack mode designed self-buff ... while Power Siphon is more of an Attack Chain of powers self-buff mechanic.
We've talked about this before. Specifically, I addressed the exact same suggestion last time you brought it up in this post

For context, the first post in that thread had the following numbers for Peacebrigers single target dps (as always, check the spreadsheets if you want a reminder of the attack chains)


Single Target:
Human damage potential (expressed in dps): 111.51
Nova damage potential (expressed in dps): 109.9
Dwarf damage potential (expressed in dps): 86.51

And Warshades:


Single Target:
Human damage potential (expressed in dps): 189.08
Nova damage potential (expressed in dps): 212.08
Dwarf damage potential (expressed in dps): 198.08

To pull figures from the post I linked to above, a power siphon clone would change the Peacebringers' damage thus:

Single Target:
Human damage potential (expressed in dps): 166
Nova damage potential (expressed in dps): 182
Dwarf damage potential (expressed in dps): 125

So - as I said in that post already - replacing build up with power siphon WON'T bring Peacebringers up to par with Warshades, damage-wise.

But moreover, let me reiterate this part of the post:

Here's the thing: we could go rounds all day about changes to Build Up that could - and would - increase Peacebringer damage, but if you take away the pet damage Peacebringers hands-down outdamage Warshades.

That's right. I said it, and bolded it for emphasis. Even with the double mires on black dwarf, white dwarf is the loser in the damage department by only 3 dps. Human Peacebringers FAR AND AWAY outdamage human Warshades outside of the pets. Even the Bright Nova does more than the Dark Nova until large groups are accounted for in the mire. It's all right there in the spreadsheets linked in the first post. Build Up vs. Mire is not the problem. Photon Seekers vs. Dark Extraction IS.
You can go and check the spreadsheets yourself, but I'll post the damage numbers sans the pets right here:

Single Target

Human: 99
Nova: 101
Dwarf: 74

Single Target

Human: 66
Nova: 91
Dwarf: 77

So by replacing build up with a power siphon clone you'd be unbalancing the archetypes as they stand outside of the pets. Furthermore - and to reiterate with another quote from the same post:

Now that's just fun with numbers; for Build Up to be a clone of Siphon Power would be impractical to the point of being a non-starter. The damage debuff would require every single power in the Peacebringer Primary to be re-coded to include a damage debuffing component that is set at zero percent until buffed by the casting of our Siphon Power clone. This, and the fact that Peacebringer attacks already have a secondary effect, pretty much kills this idea on the table.

Unless you'd like to disregard the damage debuff and go with a straight stackable damage buff, which would again require re-coding every single attack.

All to gain very little more than you could already have by buffing Photon Seekers.
I know it would be fun, it would be different and it would be flashy. But it would be a whole helluva lot of work for not enough return. As I said before, I'm not keen on this idea.

At all.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
First, peacebringers should do less damage than warshades because warshades incur higher risk, it's just that the discrepancy is too large. Pb's also should do better against single hard targets than ws's because of the nature of their powers. Being balanced does not mean being the same.
Oh I agree with this, I didn't mean to imply otherwise... I was referring to perma LFas AIB earlier said he would like it to function (which I agree with.)

Light Form should carry over into forms. It should have the crash eliminated and its numbers altered accordingly. I know what you are thinking...what do YOU mean accordingly???...
  • I suggest that it be retitled, "Resplendence." I recognize that, as some have put it, it is the "answer" to Eclipse. I still don't feel that it should function in the exact same way.
  • Kill the crash/Lower the recharge (so that it can be made perma)/Drop the Resistance buff BUT allow it to provide Resistance to EVERYTHING (like Eclipse).
  • What I am picturing here is still being able to hit the resistance cap for most damage types (except psi) when in SLOTTED (for res) dwarf, or in human form with SLOTTED (for res) shields...
  • In other words slotted to ED cap for resistance Resplendence will provide appx. 50%ish resistance to everything...Yeah, I know, the numbers sound too high don't they for something that is perma...But these are MY suggestions.

What I'm reading is "let's overpower lightform and then overpower eclipse too to compensate," which (A) would never, ever happen, and (B) is a really bad idea. The only reason the ridiculous survivability of a warshade is acceptable is because of its variable and inherently dangerous nature. Giving a peacebringer perma 85% resistance out of the box with no risk or downside is ludicrously broken. Most tanks can't even compete with that, and they already do less damage (though not by a lot).
See AIB's post that I just quoted- I don't think that would be the case. Perma LF would not provide enough resistance on its' own to reach the resistance cap-- Human formers would need shield toggles and tri/bi formers would need to be in Dwarf. It would work similarly to Eclipse- Nothing "out of the box," you'd have to build up recharge to reach that point.

As for tanks, PB's don't have a taunt aura and the dwarf taunt is not enough to hold aggro in tank fashion so it wouldn't negate tanks in any way seeing as that is the primary function of tanking.

I also don't think it would be overpowered to add a resistance debuff to eclipse. heck, Peacebringer attacks do -defense.

Warshades already are on par with other high damage, spawn melting sets, even taking into account the difficulty of play; if they didn't fall behind at least a little somewhere (hard single targets) they would just be god-mode.
Sure, when the rare awesome Warshade comes by (I'm assuming many of us here fit that bill, but the forum dwelling Kheldians are in the minority) we are able to do crazy damage... But do you really think that we kill as fast as some top notch, no expenses barred brutes or even scrappers? According to Wiki, our Damage scales are not on par with other damage dealing AT's. Factor into that the fact that we have the same Damage cap as support class characters, and I see nothing overpowered about giving Eclipse a resistance Debuff...

If anything, we should be doing more damage than brutes and scrappers (as should blasters) as we incur a higher risk and require a much higher skill level to play correctly (no running toggles and spamming our attack keys for us.)