Should we be saying something about this...?




Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Adding a resistance debuff to Eclipse would also make the Warshade's +4x8 steamroll even easier, but I'm ok with that. It would be a good way for the WS to be on par with other high damage, spawn melting sets... Afterall, Shades are probably one of if not the hardest AT's to play (correctly,) so I don't think it would be unbalanced to add more payoff to doing it right (especially considering the fact that most people don't do it right, due to the previously mentioned difficulty in doing so..)
Resistance debuffs are resisted by damage resistance. This is why your don't have a stat you can monitor in the Combat attributes tab called Damage Resistance Debuff Resistance like you do with defense.

So at 85% resistance because of eclipse a WS resists resistance debuffs at 85%.



Originally Posted by MajorTractor View Post
Resistance debuffs are resisted by damage resistance. This is why your don't have a stat you can monitor in the Combat attributes tab called Damage Resistance Debuff Resistance like you do with defense.

So at 85% resistance because of eclipse a WS resists resistance debuffs at 85%.
I was going to reply with this too, but I re-read it and realized what he's asking for is literally a "resistance debuff" to be applied to the enemy, not debuff resistance.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I was going to reply with this too, but I re-read it and realized what he's asking for is literally a "resistance debuff" to be applied to the enemy, not debuff resistance.
Wait, so he wants eclipse to give him caped resists, a full end bar, and debuff the enemies resistances so he can hit them harder?

I'll take it, but it feels greedy.



Originally Posted by MajorTractor View Post
Resistance debuffs are resisted by damage resistance. This is why your don't have a stat you can monitor in the Combat attributes tab called Damage Resistance Debuff Resistance like you do with defense.

So at 85% resistance because of eclipse a WS resists resistance debuffs at 85%.

I was talking about debuffing enemies' resistance, not the warshades resistance to resistance debuffs

..Say that three times fast...



Originally Posted by MajorTractor View Post
Wait, so he wants eclipse to give him caped resists, a full end bar, and debuff the enemies resistances so he can hit them harder?

I'll take it, but it feels greedy.

It would compensate for our damage scales being far below other damage dealing AT's, and having the same damage cap as defenders (wtf?) in my opinion.



In short my proposals are as follows...

1. Shorten transformation time. I suggest instantaneous transformations.

2. Turn PBs Buildup into a Rage Clone and call it "Wrath."

  • Wrath would have the exact numbers as Rage. It would be capable of being stacked.
3. Alter the stats on Photon Seekers
  • I recommend increasing the damage and/or lowering the recharge to increase the overall DPS of PBs.
4. Light Form should carry over into forms. It should be retitled "Resplendence." It should have the crash eliminated and its stats altered. Allow me to be more specific concerning this since it has sparked some discussion and possibly confusion.
  • Unenhanced Light Form provides 52.5% resistance to S/L/E/N/F/C/T. It does not provide resistance to Psi.
  • First I believe that Light Form (Resplendence) should provide resistance to S/L/E/N/F/C/T AND Psi.
    • But from where should the Psi resistance come? I suggest that it be taken from the other values...thus...
      • 52.5 * 7 = 367.5 (total resistance provided)
      • 367.5 / 8 = 45.9375
  • Now...Light Form (Resplendence) would provide 45.9375 % resistance to S/L/E/N/F/C/T/Psi
  • But wait there's more....
  • Unenhanced Light Form has a recharge of 1000s
  • I want to bring down the recharge time. You ask, "But by how much?" and "How are you going to maintain BALANCE?"
  • The answer is that I will use the numbers that are ALREADY in the game.
  • In other words I will lower the recharge rate by lowering the resistance in the exact proportion that is set forth in the game.
  • Follow me...
    • I suggest we lower the recharge by lowering the resistance the power provides...
    • A Simple ratio proportion...
    • 45.9375 is to 1000s as 30 is to 653.0612s
  • I am certain that I have lost some at this point. I know what you want, just please explain what you are getting at AIB. Ok, here goes.
Light Form (Resplendence) should provide 30% resistance to S/L/E/N/F/C/T/Psi.

Its recharge should be 653.0612seconds...(appx. 10 minutes 53 seconds)

Now, everyone think about what this would mean.

30% resistance could be enhanced to appx 47% resistance.

If a PB were to be in Human form with Incandesence and Enhanced shields (35% res) then the human form could be at 85% resistance cap to E/N and have 82% resistance to S/L/F/C . With resistance enhanced Essence Boost (not that i recommend this) the human form PB could be at 70% resistance to Toxic and 47% resistance to Psi. All of this is not taking into consideration any bonuses from IOs.

In Dwarf (enhanced) one would be beyond resistance cap of 85% for S/L/E/N/F/C/T and have 47% Psi Resistance.

In Nova one would have 47% resistance to S/L/E/N/F/C/T/Psi.

Its recharge 653.0612s

Its duration 180s

Could it be made Permanent?

I'll let you fine folks figure that out...


EDIT: I further suggest that the duration of the power be shortened proportionally as well. In other words...
1000s recharge is to 180s duration
653.0612s recharge is to 117.551016s duration

Think about this a bit...and how it would play out. And then get back to me on it.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
It would compensate for our damage scales being far below other damage dealing AT's, and having the same damage cap as defenders (wtf?) in my opinion.
I'd rather they fixed the damage scales and lessen transformation times.



Originally Posted by MajorTractor View Post
I'd rather they fixed the damage scales and lessen transformation times.

I would actually prefer the resistance debuff, because it would not only compensate for the damage scale issue but also make us more useful in team vs. AV fights.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
I would actually prefer the resistance debuff, because it would not only compensate for the damage scale issue but also make us more useful in team vs. AV fights.
i think the quoted exert is much more likely to happen though, and i'd be happy with it.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
i think the quoted exert is much more likely to happen though, and i'd be happy with it.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I'll take whatever I can get. If all we end up with is instant uninterruptable form shifts I would be happy with just that.. I was just speaking ideally, not necessarily realistically.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
It would compensate for our damage scales being far below other damage dealing AT's, and having the same damage cap as defenders (wtf?) in my opinion.
Wait, what? According to the same link you gave a few posts up, human form's melee damage scale is .85 and the ranged scale is .8. The Dwarf damage scale is 1.0 and the Nova damage scale is 1.2.

For comparison, a BLASTER's ranged damage scale is 1.125, so Nova's is higher than a blaster's. A BRUTE's melee damage scale is .75.

In fact, at 1.0, a dwarf's melee damage scale is tied with VEAT's, Stalkers and Blasters. It is, in fact inferior only to the Dominators' 1.05 modifier and the Scrappers' 1.125 modifier.

Nova's ranged modifer is the highest on that chart.

Even Human Form's ranged modifiers are above EVERYONE execpt VEAT's, Dominators and Blasters.

So the exact link you gave just a few posts up disproves your own assertion that our damage scales being far below the other damage dealing archetypes.

Because we're not far below. At all. In fact we're close to the top, if you look at the scales.

And what you didn't mention was that our other scalars - you know, the mez, buff and debuff scalars you can find by clicking on the link to Iakona's Power Standardization guide (at the bottom of the page) - are right at or just above the middle of ALL the archetypes, whereas our fellow damage dealers suffer with abysmal scalars in those areas.

So yeah -the defender damage cap serves to help keep us right near the middle in terms of maximum potential damage, but the damage scales are high enough to ensure that we don't have to work that hard to get there.

Never mind the fact that Warshades get the vast majority of their damage from Extracted Essences, which follow the pet scalar and - as pets - are not subject to our damage cap. Changing the damage cap would ONLY change the potential damage of powers a warshade actually personally does damage with.

And you can have your resistance debuff in eclipse just as soon as Peacebringers are brought up to par. Asking for buffs to Warshades when Peacebringers are lagging so far behind is just insulting imho.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Yeah but how do those numbers relate to the damage cap? Maybe Nova's scales are higher than a blaster, but the blaster can also do 100% more damage than Nova form. It can also run toggles for survivability, use acrobatics for mez protection, and have more than 4 attacks.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Yeah but how do those numbers relate to the damage cap? Maybe Nova's scales are higher than a blaster, but the blaster can also do 100% more damage than Nova form. It can also run toggles for survivability, use acrobatics for mez protection, and have more than 4 attacks.
I don't know that any of those has anything to do with it. i'd imagine that khelds are doing less damage because the individual powers just do less damage, have longer activation time, and have the cripple of swtiching forms to optimally buff itself. nova might have the higher damage scale but when you compare it to most blaster sets which alot are very fast activating and do pretty good damage, that is where your discrepancy is.

ideally, the damage scales probably don't need to be changed, but I think every power need to be brought under a microscope and reexamined for damage, end, rech, activation time ect. however I think it's safe to assume that this would take a fair amount of time to do and simply upping the damage scale would probably be a "quicker fix" and more likely change.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Yeah but how do those numbers relate to the damage cap? Maybe Nova's scales are higher than a blaster, but the blaster can also do 100% more damage than Nova form. It can also run toggles for survivability, use acrobatics for mez protection, and have more than 4 attacks.
Can a blaster summon enough pets to double it's damage? With nothing more than SO's and hasten, a warshade can have two extracted essences out blasting right along beside him, boosting his damage by - you guessed it - 100% WITHOUT having to worry about the damage cap at all. So no, a blaster cannot do 100% more damage than a warshade's nova.

Can a blaster cap its resistances with a single power? Show me one single power in the blaster secondaries that give him capped resistances. What is the blaster resistance cap, anyway? Is it 85% to all damage? I don't know, tbh, but even so a blaster can't reach it on his own. A warshade can.

Can a blaster increase its hit points and have mez protection at will? Never mind the fact that those hit points can likely be added to a dwarf with capped resistances.

Show me a blaster with anywhere NEAR the mitigation that Kheldians get. About all they get is the ability to fire three tier one powers when mezzed. Counting Dwarf form, Kheldians get four powers, and they do more damage with them.

I'm sorry, but while I'll stand up and shout to the heavens that Peacebringers need to be brought on par with Warshades, you're never going to convince me that Kheldians in general are hurting where damage is concerned. What damage they don't get is offset by the mitigation they do get.

Like PC Guy said, individual powers might need tweaks to recharge, activation, or even damage. But sweeping changes to damage scalars or even using the damage scalars to justify overpowering an already overpowered power like eclipse isn't going to happen.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Can a blaster summon enough pets to double it's damage? With nothing more than SO's and hasten, a warshade can have two extracted essences out blasting right along beside him, boosting his damage by - you guessed it - 100% WITHOUT having to worry about the damage cap at all. So no, a blaster cannot do 100% more damage than a warshade's nova.
it's not that simple though, there is nothing more frustrating with my WS than extracted essences dying. if the extracted essences functioned like PA or VS then i'd be in complete agreement, but the fact that they can take damage and their HP is so low makes them alot less awesome IMO.

Can a blaster cap its resistances with a single power? Show me one single power in the blaster secondaries that give him capped resistances. What is the blaster resistance cap, anyway? Is it 85% to all damage? I don't know, tbh, but even so a blaster can't reach it on his own. A warshade can.
i guess technically a blaster could hit the s/l cap with tough, temp invuln and FoN but the point is still valid.

Can a blaster increase its hit points and have mez protection at will? Never mind the fact that those hit points can likely be added to a dwarf with capped resistances.
for me, this is the same as extracted essence, if it functioned just a little differently, or in this case, if dwarf actually functioned to what one could argue is how it was designed to work with the mez function then the point would be more substantial.

if they went in and tweeked all these things for WSs and all the things that PBs need, then yea, i'd be prefectly happy with the damage they do and the trade off for the mitigation they get.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
it's not that simple though, there is nothing more frustrating with my WS than extracted essences dying. if the extracted essences functioned like PA or VS then i'd be in complete agreement, but the fact that they can take damage and their HP is so low makes them alot less awesome IMO.
Point could also be made that a blaster's build up and aim are not always recharged, and thus not perpetual damage. If fluffies die, to me it's the same thing. The difference is that with enough recharge and a little skill fluffies can be replaced almost right after they die. I've yet to see build up made perma. (I suspect it's possible to at least come very close, but at a much higher investment in IO's.)

for me, this is the same as extracted essence, if it functioned just a little differently, or in this case, if dwarf actually functioned to what one could argue is how it was designed to work with the mez function then the point would be more substantial.
Agreed. If they were going to intend dwarf form to be our mez protection then they should have fixed the confirmed bug that interrupted the transformation a LOOOOONG time ago.

And put me down as /signed for shorter - hell, instantaneous - shapeshifting animations.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Oh I agree with this, I didn't mean to imply otherwise... I was referring to perma LFas AIB earlier said he would like it to function (which I agree with.)


See AIB's post that I just quoted- I don't think that would be the case. Perma LF would not provide enough resistance on its' own to reach the resistance cap-- Human formers would need shield toggles and tri/bi formers would need to be in Dwarf. It would work similarly to Eclipse- Nothing "out of the box," you'd have to build up recharge to reach that point.

As for tanks, PB's don't have a taunt aura and the dwarf taunt is not enough to hold aggro in tank fashion so it wouldn't negate tanks in any way seeing as that is the primary function of tanking.

I also don't think it would be overpowered to add a resistance debuff to eclipse. heck, Peacebringer attacks do -defense.

Sure, when the rare awesome Warshade comes by (I'm assuming many of us here fit that bill, but the forum dwelling Kheldians are in the minority) we are able to do crazy damage... But do you really think that we kill as fast as some top notch, no expenses barred brutes or even scrappers? According to Wiki, our Damage scales are not on par with other damage dealing AT's. Factor into that the fact that we have the same Damage cap as support class characters, and I see nothing overpowered about giving Eclipse a resistance Debuff...

If anything, we should be doing more damage than brutes and scrappers (as should blasters) as we incur a higher risk and require a much higher skill level to play correctly (no running toggles and spamming our attack keys for us.)
ok I thought you were saying something different.
Still hitting the resistance cap perma with no downside or extra risk is too much. In terms of mitigation you would be outclassing pretty much everything else in the game.

Regarding killing as fast as the brutes and scrappers, in terms of aoe yes we do (outside of ae ambush farms); I've run numbers comparing top shade aoe to top ss/SD brute aoe, and the shade seriously outclasses them, believe it or not. (Ae farms don't work out so well for the shade because the pets tend to die). Fire armor should be somewhat closer, but until you add in insps or outside damage buffs, you will probably still be behind the shade numerically.
If you add insps to the game everything changes.

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



Point could also be made that a blaster's build up and aim are not always recharged, and thus not perpetual damage. If fluffies die, to me it's the same thing. The difference is that with enough recharge and a little skill fluffies can be replaced almost right after they die. I've yet to see build up made perma. (I suspect it's possible to at least come very close, but at a much higher investment in IO's.)
thats not really the same thing. if BU and aim somehow got their buff duration cut by an enemy then that would be the same thing. but just because they aren't recharged doesn't mean they aren't perpetual damage. when they are up they provide a consistent spike in damage. where as i've been in multiple situations where fluffies aren't alive long enough to get off an attack. my current WS build has 182 rech all the time and still has trouble keeping a fluffy alive in situations where there is alot of aggro or alot of AoE which in the current itrials and high level TFs aren't very rare. it's got enough recharge to keep a fluffy up when they expire but when they flat out die i'm left by myself.

for your average every day team where you're just going from mob to mob, it is true that they tend to be fine and when they do die you can replenish but I think those situations become less abundant and I don't think that making them undamagable/untargetable would make them OP especially since the DPS of a WS is so dependent on it.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



One thing I could see happening to buff khelds is to shift some of the cosmic balance/dark sustenance benefits out of those inherents and into the kheldian powers themselves much how Domination was change for Dominators.

Consider if cosmic balance/dark sustanence were made weaker than they are now (you get less buffage from your teammates) but your abilities themselves became stronger... higher res from the shields... more damage from your attacks etc... So at least when solo you'll perform better than you do now and when grouped you still see a performance boost just not quite as high as you do now.

If they felt the need to provide any level of status protection to khelds they'd prob just tack it on to one of the shields... or if they wanted to be nice they could make it a low mag protection baked into the secondary 1st tier passive much like the soldiers of arachnos have and then add additional mag protection to the higher level shields to stack with it.

Since soldiers of arachnos have wolf spider armor that provides mag 2 protection to hold/stun/sleep/immob/confuse/fear and then the bane/crab spider armor upgrade that adds 4 more mag... the devs could easily give incandescence/absorption mag 2 protection to the same stuff and an addition mag 4 added via quantum/twilight shield

Some changes like this would make soloing the khelds at lower lvls less of a hassle and still maintain the essential function of all the powers I mentioned thus not breaking the cottage rule.

I know some folks in this topic were looking for sweeping changes but I don't believe that is a realistic expectation. IF the devs revisit khelds to bring them up to speed I'd expect changes like what i listed that, while not as drastic, would essentially improve kheld performance and bring them more on par with the VEATS while keeping them essentially the same in functionality.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
So - as I said in that post already - replacing build up with power siphon WON'T bring Peacebringers up to par with Warshades, damage-wise.

So by replacing build up with a power siphon clone you'd be unbalancing the archetypes as they stand outside of the pets.

I know it would be fun, it would be different and it would be flashy. But it would be a whole helluva lot of work for not enough return. As I said before, I'm not keen on this idea.

At all.
Joe, I have a lot of respect for you and your work, but I think we're looking at this issue from perpendicular angles.

You're assuming (I assume...) that PB-v-WS needs to be balanced against each other both with and without pets involved. I'm not making that assumption. Instead, I'm looking at the With-and-Without states of damage output for PBs and WSs with respect to pets, and thinking ... why shouldn't the PB do "more damage" without pets than a WS, while a WS with pets can do more damage than a PB? The key point here is that I'm not looking for "parity" (per se) between PBs and WSs in the Have vs Have Not equations.

What you see as a "Bug" in porting over Power Siphon to PBs, I see as a "Feature" in its favor. The mechanics of Power Siphon are far more suited to the "self-reliant" nature of the PB than the "ups and downs" of being reliant on hostiles (both dead and alive) like the WS is. I see the numbers that you've provided as being a supporting argument in favor of the notion that a ported Power Siphon would be a good fit for PBs, in lieu of Build Up. I see it as further defining (and supporting) the notion that PBs and WSs fulfill different niche roles and are able to achieve similar results by radically different means. By that I mean that a WS is strong(er) against large groups, while the PB is better suited to deal with the tough few (ie. AVs). I see the two Kheldian archetypes as being counterbalanced against each other, rather than being mirror images. Where one is strong, the other is weak ... and vice versa ... *roughly* speaking in terms of situationals and flow of combat.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Joe, I have a lot of respect for you and your work, but I think we're looking at this issue from perpendicular angles.

You're assuming (I assume...) that PB-v-WS needs to be balanced against each other both with and without pets involved. I'm not making that assumption. Instead, I'm looking at the With-and-Without states of damage output for PBs and WSs with respect to pets, and thinking ... why shouldn't the PB do "more damage" without pets than a WS, while a WS with pets can do more damage than a PB? The key point here is that I'm not looking for "parity" (per se) between PBs and WSs in the Have vs Have Not equations.

What you see as a "Bug" in porting over Power Siphon to PBs, I see as a "Feature" in its favor. The mechanics of Power Siphon are far more suited to the "self-reliant" nature of the PB than the "ups and downs" of being reliant on hostiles (both dead and alive) like the WS is. I see the numbers that you've provided as being a supporting argument in favor of the notion that a ported Power Siphon would be a good fit for PBs, in lieu of Build Up. I see it as further defining (and supporting) the notion that PBs and WSs fulfill different niche roles and are able to achieve similar results by radically different means. By that I mean that a WS is strong(er) against large groups, while the PB is better suited to deal with the tough few (ie. AVs). I see the two Kheldian archetypes as being counterbalanced against each other, rather than being mirror images. Where one is strong, the other is weak ... and vice versa ... *roughly* speaking in terms of situationals and flow of combat.
It's not so much that I'm angling for symmetry between the two archetypes as it is me being pragmatic. It would be easier to justify changing one power and accomplish the same thing as the system overhaul a power siphon clone would be. And since it would only be changing one power, then the odds of getting other issues addressed would be greater. Among other things, I'd like to see instantaneous (or at least much shorter) shape shift animations and I'd like to see Light Form addressed. All that has a greater chance of happening if the magnitude of the other changes they make is along the lines of fixing photon seekers, vise changing every power to add a damage buff and a damage debuff effect.

That being said, if they did want to do something different with build up that made it more of a power siphon clone - or a rage clone, or a fiery embrace clone, or what-have-you - and they're still willing to address those other issues, then I sure wouldn't say no.

I came off harsher than I intended in my response above. Bluntness is in my nature, and when I'm busy with other things as well as posting it tends to come across in my posts. I apologize if you were offended.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



My last post has not yet been addressed (perhaps it has been overlooked, ignored or both).

At anyrate, I really would like some input on my suggestions for Light Form as I feel that this may be a path most of you would be willing to travel.

Quoting the pertinent info,

"Light Form should carry over into forms. It should be retitled "Resplendence." It should have the crash eliminated and its stats altered. Allow me to be more specific concerning this since it has sparked some discussion and possibly confusion.
  • Unenhanced Light Form provides 52.5% resistance to S/L/E/N/F/C/T. It does not provide resistance to Psi.
  • First I believe that Light Form (Resplendence) should provide resistance to S/L/E/N/F/C/T AND Psi.
    • But from where should the Psi resistance come? I suggest that it be taken from the other values...thus...
      • 52.5 * 7 = 367.5 (total resistance provided)
      • 367.5 / 8 = 45.9375
  • Now...Light Form (Resplendence) would provide 45.9375 % resistance to S/L/E/N/F/C/T/Psi
  • But wait there's more....
  • Unenhanced Light Form has a recharge of 1000s
  • I want to bring down the recharge time. You ask, "But by how much?" and "How are you going to maintain BALANCE?"
  • The answer is that I will use the numbers that are ALREADY in the game.
  • In other words I will lower the recharge rate by lowering the resistance in the exact proportion that is set forth in the game.
  • Follow me...
    • I suggest we lower the recharge by lowering the resistance the power provides...
    • A Simple ratio proportion...
    • 45.9375 is to 1000s as 30 is to 653.0612s
  • I am certain that I have lost some at this point. I know what you want, just please explain what you are getting at AIB. Ok, here goes.
Light Form (Resplendence) should provide 30% resistance to S/L/E/N/F/C/T/Psi.

Its recharge should be 653.0612seconds...(appx. 10 minutes 53 seconds)

Now, everyone think about what this would mean.

30% resistance could be enhanced to appx 47% resistance.

If a PB were to be in Human form with Incandesence and Enhanced shields (35% res) then the human form could be at 85% resistance cap to E/N and have 82% resistance to S/L/F/C . With resistance enhanced Essence Boost (not that i recommend this) the human form PB could be at 70% resistance to Toxic and 47% resistance to Psi. All of this is not taking into consideration any bonuses from IOs.

In Dwarf (enhanced) one would be beyond resistance cap of 85% for S/L/E/N/F/C/T and have 47% Psi Resistance.

In Nova one would have 47% resistance to S/L/E/N/F/C/T/Psi.

Its recharge 653.0612s

Its duration 180s

Could it be made Permanent?

I'll let you fine folks figure that out...


EDIT: I further suggest that the duration of the power be shortened proportionally as well. In other words...
1000s recharge is to 180s duration
653.0612s recharge is to 117.551016s duration

Think about this a bit...and how it would play out. And then get back to me on it."
Now, just to make the numbers nice and round how about this everyone...

Light Form's (Resplendence) new and improved unenhanced values...
  1. 30% resistance to S/L/E/N/F/C/T/Psi
  2. 660 second recharge
  3. 120 second duration
Talk to me people and tell me why you love it, hate it, or are indifferent.

I thank you in advance,




I don't see any harm in your idea AIB, but I also don't see something of that drastic a change happening either.

As it stands I don't expect any kind of overhaul or major changes to existing powers. The more realistic expectation is that numbers will be fiddled a higher damage scale with an equal reduction to the buff from the inherent so that soloing is better and teaming stays where its at. At best you could hope for some additional secondary functions added to some powers (like say 2 mag status protection in incandescence/absorption with possibly more added to one of the damage shields)

Going by history, the devs only fundamentally change a power's function as a last resort.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



Originally Posted by AIB View Post
Light Form's (Resplendence) new and improved unenhanced values...
  1. 30% resistance to S/L/E/N/F/C/T/Psi
  2. 660 second recharge
  3. 120 second duration
Talk to me people and tell me why you love it, hate it, or are indifferent.

I thank you in advance,


This seems a bit familiar to me... oh yeah. One with the Shield.
  1. 22.5% Resistance to S/L
  2. 11.25% Resistance to E/N/F/C
  3. 360 second recharge
  4. 120 second duration
  5. Max HP
  6. Mez Protection
  7. +Recovery

Did you deliberately exclude the +recovery and mez protection that Light Form currently gives from your proposal? If so it's a non-starter with me.

If not, you're looking at two very similar tier 9 powers, with one pretty significant difference.

One with the Shield can't be enhanced for recharge. One with the shield also offers no resistance to psionic and toxic. There's a reason for that.

I did a quick rundown of those numbers against the Peacebringer SO spreadsheet for human form, and with just SO's and Hasten you'll have only 16 seconds of downtime, making it easily double-stackable with minimal IO investment. Peacebringers running around with a perma-resistance cap power that requires nothing more than the mashing of a button is one thing, but to allow it to be made perma with so little investment is more than a little overpowered.

Warshades can make eclipse perma, but only with considerable IO investment, and even then they have to have enemies to use it. You're talking about handing Peacebringers perma capped resistance for no cost whatsoever.

Much as I'd giggle with sadistic glee if I had it, I don't see it happening.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
This seems a bit familiar to me... oh yeah. One with the Shield.
  1. 22.5% Resistance to S/L
  2. 11.25% Resistance to E/N/F/C
  3. 360 second recharge
  4. 120 second duration
  5. Max HP
  6. Mez Protection
  7. +Recovery

Did you deliberately exclude the +recovery and mez protection that Light Form currently gives from your proposal? If so it's a non-starter with me.

If not, you're looking at two very similar tier 9 powers, with one pretty significant difference.

One with the Shield can't be enhanced for recharge. One with the shield also offers no resistance to psionic and toxic. There's a reason for that.

I did a quick rundown of those numbers against the Peacebringer SO spreadsheet for human form, and with just SO's and Hasten you'll have only 16 seconds of downtime, making it easily double-stackable with minimal IO investment. Peacebringers running around with a perma-resistance cap power that requires nothing more than the mashing of a button is one thing, but to allow it to be made perma with so little investment is more than a little overpowered.

Warshades can make eclipse perma, but only with considerable IO investment, and even then they have to have enemies to use it. You're talking about handing Peacebringers perma capped resistance for no cost whatsoever.

Much as I'd giggle with sadistic glee if I had it, I don't see it happening.
To be fair his proposal doesnt = perma. 660 cooldown with 120 duration means at BEST with 400% recharge there'd still be 12 seconds of down time (vs the 20 seconds of downtime you could have with 1000 cooldown 180 duration.)

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30