In-game store (visibility, sales, etc.)




In-game stores give me some cause for concern. One reason is because sometimes the demands of marketing and the desires of players come into great conflict. I just wanted to bring up some issues which I have seen elsewhere and see where people stand. It would be nice to get some discussion on them before i21 is on our doorsteps. I speak of this as a former customer of Turbine who left after cringing at multiple decisions made in implementing and expanding their in-game stores.

1) Intrusiveness of the in-game store:

I understand that an in-game store must be visible and that players must be aware of the opportunities it offers them. Personally, however, littering a game with store links and buttons and reminders can be very painful for me as a player. Personally, I think the store should be accessible but out of sight unless requested. If this is not palatable to marketing, at least make the store less intrusive for VIP players than for non-paying players.

2) Sales

I normally like sales as much as the next person. That said, sales tend to make suspicious and stingy. I realize that in-game items have no inherent value, and frequent and sometimes drastic sales only acts as a further reminder ("look how cheap we can make this! it costs us nothing" har har har). Personally, I would prefer that CoH continue to deal with sales and specials just like it has for the booster packs. With the booster packs, they only go on sale occasionally, and, even then, well after the item was introduced. That way, I can happily buy new shinies the day they come out, without worrying that next week's sale will make me grind my teeth.

3) Limited time items

Do not want. Even for holidays. Avoid at all cost.

4) Permanent boosts

This shouldn't even need mentioning, but it must be said: Please don't introduce permanent boosts in power to the store. I don't care about temp powers, travel powers, and the like. What I mean is things like permanent stat boosts and store-only enhancements. There is no excuse for this (not even our stipend).

Sorry to be a bit suspicious, before I have even seen how the store functions, but I think we should all approach this with some healthy concern.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



These are perfectly valid concerns to have, and one that I personally believe you'll be pleasantly surprised with once we open beta up to everyone that the new in game store, or as we call it, The Paragon Market, is pretty unobtrusive and not "in your face" at all.

A lot of consideration and time has gone into the design of the store and it's different UI elements. We're doing everything we can to make sure that it represents the City of Heroes experience.

As to the specific items in the store, you'll all have a chance to provide feedback once we open up beta to the general public. We're looking forward to your thoughts.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Good to know, I would hate it if ingame store popped up continuously.

I have high hopes for CoX.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
A lot of consideration and time has gone into the design of the store and it's different UI elements.

If it's the same person who designed the cryptic League buttons, the new Team UI and its misclickable X button directly above the "Friends" list link, and the maddening Auction interface, we're in trouble.

The Auction scrollbar (among other interface elements) is STILL 0 pixels flush against the "GET" button for items you have spent good Inf posting for sale. It's incredibly easy to accidentally take an expensive item down and lose your deposit just by trying to grab the scrollbar.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
These are perfectly valid concerns to have, and one that I personally believe you'll be pleasantly surprised with once we open beta up to everyone that the new in game store, or as we call it, The Paragon Market, is pretty unobtrusive and not "in your face" at all.

A lot of consideration and time has gone into the design of the store and it's different UI elements. We're doing everything we can to make sure that it represents the City of Heroes experience.

As to the specific items in the store, you'll all have a chance to provide feedback once we open up beta to the general public. We're looking forward to your thoughts.
Thanks for the comments, Z. I look forward to giving informed feedback once it hits open beta.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Beta updated with a 1.8 GB patch today, I fired it up and noticed the following in the console output: "" So I guess that's an indication as to who's probably doing the back end payment & transaction stuff.

"They may be called Heroes, inasmuch as they have derived their purpose and their vocation, not from the calm regular course of things, sanctioned by the existing order; but from a concealed fount, from that inner Spirit, still hidden beneath the surface, which impinges on the outer world as on a shell and bursts it into pieces" - Some 20th Century person.



Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
1) Intrusiveness of the in-game store:

I understand that an in-game store must be visible and that players must be aware of the opportunities it offers them. Personally, however, littering a game with store links and buttons and reminders can be very painful for me as a player. Personally, I think the store should be accessible but out of sight unless requested. If this is not palatable to marketing, at least make the store less intrusive for VIP players than for non-paying players.
This, to me, is the granddaddy of real money store concerns, and a very valid one. If I may delve into "other games" for a minute, I want to describe a couple of polarly opposite experiences.

On the "Horrible! Do not want!" scale is Global Agenda. Their main menu goes something like:


Ugh... This is advertising at its worst. A blind man could see that menu button from space because as soon as you face its general direction, it slaps you in the face, yelling: "Go here! Buy stuff! Give us your money now!" It feels like the company has me by the neck and is doing its best to make me pay for things. I got into a conversation with a player over there, and he very generously mailed me a large sum of in-game money. I tried to accept it, but the game told me I needed to be an "elite agent" to claim my mail attachments. So I returned the mail and the money, but I never returned to that game.

My "I kind of like that, actually!" example comes from Spiral Knights. The only thing you can buy in that game is Energy. Granted, it's used for almost everything, but still. The way to do so is over the Energy Store, which is located on menu button with the Energy symbol on it. Nowhere at all in the game am I reminded that there's anything for sale for real money. The ONLY place real money comes up is in that store, and that store is hidden away where I'll look for it if I want energy, but where I won't run into it under any other circumstances. OK, there's one other place where the store comes up - when you run out, the game offers you to either "Go back to Haven" or "Buy energy." However, at no point do I feel like I have a used car salesman sitting on my shoulder, talking me into buying things.


I realise that Free players aren't contributing much to the game's economy. The player density may help subscribers find teams and subscribe a little longer, but ultimately, Free players are playing for free. Obviously, the goal is to inspire them to buy something. The trick is to make them feel inspired to purchase, rather than conned into getting ripped off. No-one likes commercials. No-one likes ads. No-one likes marketing intruding into their pretendy fun time like phone salesman ringing you up in the middle of family dinner. Players... ALL players, be they Free, Premium or VIP, should be treated as players there to have fun, not cash cows there to be milked.

I never paid a cent to Global Agenda, because everything about it struck me as a scam to part me and my money. The very first thing I saw when I logged in was that HUGE Market button. It made it clear that I, as a Free player, was inferior to everyone else and I really should spend more money for the game. By contrast, I dropped over $20 for Spiral Knights, because the game treated me with respect, at least as far as I can expect as a Free player. It let me play, it never rubbed my inferiority in my nose and it didn't feel like a tourist trap. Can't ask for much more than this.


The City of Heroes in-game store needs to be flush with the environment and practically invisible for VIPs. This isn't a recommendation. This HAS to happen. I, as a subscriber and a VIP, need to be made aware of the stores existence, but I do not want to see ANY advertising of ANYTHING in it unless I specifically go to the store to check for it or hear via word of mouth. I want the Paragon Market for VIPs to be as low-profile as the Consignment House, and a MUCH lower profile than the insultingly ubiquitous Merit Vendors. If you have to, make it a UI function as opposed to a real place, but don't make it so I can't run ten feet without tripping into Market representatives and advertising.

For free and premium players, I'm not so sure. The game ought to be encouraging them - positively - to buy things, and I know how much of an impact just a random banner add or a chance offer can have when it introduces you to something you like but didn't know existed. But it still has to be done in such a way that it doesn't feel like it's twisting people's arms or trying to sell them use cars. Don't be obtrusive or obnoxious. This turns people off and makes them act contrary. "You want my money so bad? Well tough! You can't have it!" Make the game seem confident and proud in its own quality and let Free players feel as though they're not EXPECTED to buy anything, but simply have the option to do so and get even more cool stuff on top of the cool stuff they already have.

In essence, don't dangle cool stuff in front of people's faces and taunt them with how they can't have it until they drop $20. That's bad. Give people a large body of cool stuff, get them to like the game and then simply offer to expand an experience they already enjoy.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



What I'd probably do is stick it in the standard Menu (you know that has costume selection, opening up the options menu etc.) in the same manner as Spiral Knights (where you scroll down through various options and the 'buy energy' is merely the bottom one).

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I think there would be a benefit from making the store part of the game world, even if it's just npcs located in all in-game stores alongside menu access.

In fact stuff like costume pieces could be picked up from a vendor in Icon, perhaps have some of those mannequins displaying some of the new shinies. It would help with immersion a little.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.

Union: @ominousvoice2059



Originally Posted by OminousVoice View Post
I think there would be a benefit from making the store part of the game world, even if it's just npcs located in all in-game stores alongside menu access.

In fact stuff like costume pieces could be picked up from a vendor in Icon, perhaps have some of those mannequins displaying some of the new shinies. It would help with immersion a little.
What would certainly be nice is an revamp to the Costume creator to get it to show/preview all costume pieces and let you purchase the costume pieces from within it.

Let's Dance!



I dunno, a "physical" in game store might be cute. Might also be obnoxious.



Personally, if Paragon Studios want to put their money where their mouth is, then having the Paragon Store be a specific building at a specific location with a unique interior and maybe some kind of low-key lore justification would be the way to go. The Merit Vendors are a prime example of how NOT to do things. They look like someone jammed his foot on the Random button (which may well be true), there are about thrice more of them than are actually needed, and just putting NPCs out in the overworld is cheap, lazy and all around a poor show. Merit Vendors are pretty much just random-button characters slapped into the world with no effort put into them.

If Paragon Studios want this to be a bold new venture that opens with a bang and wows new players and existing veterans alike, they need to put a LOT of polish on everything they introduce, such that even people like me won't have much to complain about. They can't afford to be cheap, lazy or in a rush with this thing. Striking a good balance with how visible the in-game store is is important in this regard. It shouldn't be ubiquitous and come off like adware, but at the same time it shouldn't be completely meta-game and just an option in a menu somewhere. Put in the hours, put in the money and provide something that will wow people who use it.

Paragon Studios' recent history is... Concerning. They've consistently put polish, quality of life and luxuries on the backburner in favour of cranking out more content that often comes out buggy, unwieldy and limited in scope. For this changeover to succeed, they'll need to at least open with an addition that feels like effort went into more than booting it out the door, and that it was polished and perfected, especially since a lot of that stuff will be things people will be expected to pay for. Make it shine, guys, not just "exist."

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



First, I like the concept of the store and here is the reason.

No freaking security check and confirmation of your identity needed if you have somehow changed ip since the last time you accessed your account. Unless you need to refill your supply of points or however that works. But for most long time vets the 400 points a month will probably be sufficient because we already have all the vet rewards or a large amount at any rate. And if you actually do need to buy points ahead of time you could buy them a huge chunk at a time and avoid needing to visit the account page multiple times.

But as to the way the store works I would slightly prefer that it be a drop down menu that allows me to access the store. That way if I'm on a team and see somebody with a cool new costume part or temp power I won't have to wait until I'm through playing and have possibly forgotten. I just have to wait until the team has a brief downtime and click through to the store. It could even help out in situations where a player finds that their particular power set is pretty much useless against a particular enemy. Team stops long enough to let that player buy a temp power that will be useful. Of course you are only going to see this situation at low levels.

A physical store won't be quite as good for the company either. It cuts down on impulse buys. For instance people who own Kindles wind up buying a lot more books than people who don't and that's mostly because of easy impulse buying.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
These are perfectly valid concerns to have, and one that I personally believe you'll be pleasantly surprised with once we open beta up to everyone that the new in game store, or as we call it, The Paragon Market, is pretty unobtrusive and not "in your face" at all.

A lot of consideration and time has gone into the design of the store and it's different UI elements. We're doing everything we can to make sure that it represents the City of Heroes experience.

As to the specific items in the store, you'll all have a chance to provide feedback once we open up beta to the general public. We're looking forward to your thoughts.
Moar teases plz.

What will someone like me whose bought every booster (except the party pack) be able to buy to spruce up my costume? I see two new trail auras. And am glad that i21 includes two VIP free costume sets. But what stray bits and baubles not bought via the incarnate merits can I buy? Whet my appetite!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Merit Vendors are pretty much just random-button characters slapped into the world with no effort put into them.
I'm not sure which aspect of the (non-Praetorian) Merit Vendors is worse: their awful color scheme or the fact that one chick has a belt that's unavailable to players for no apparent reason, and it taunts me.

{}... .-



Originally Posted by reiella View Post
What would certainly be nice is an revamp to the Costume creator to get it to show/preview all costume pieces and let you purchase the costume pieces from within it.
I would classify this as almost a necessity. You might decide to buy 10 new pieces if the theme sounds good, but how many are going to buy an individual piece without seeing it?



Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
2) Sales

3) Limited time items
One man's drink is another man's poison. I live for these things. Especially sales, though I prefer sales on currency to sales on items, for obvious reasons. I have paid SOE far more money playing their "free" games, thanks to sales on Station Cash, than I ever would have given them if the standard list price had never wavered. Likewise, I've been far more likely to "spend" my virtual currency on holiday/festival-themed items than on every day sorts of items.

Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
4) Permanent boosts
While I agree that this is a no-brainer, there are boosts, and then there are boosts.

For instance - offering something like the winter holiday travel IO set, that boosts all of your travel powers, for purchase with Paragon Points would be okay in my estimation. It is a "boost" but one of convenience, not personal power. Especially if the item is actually a recipe that still has to be built into an IO or set of IO's.

Likewise, a purchasable version of the Nemesis Staff, which pretty much everyone in the current game has at this point, would not fall under "too much boost", IMO.

Similarly, if they ever decided to implement store-only IOs with new procs that could only be acquired using Paragon Points, I am okay with that as long as the new procs are primarily visual in nature or a convenience feature.

Purchasing expanded recipe/salvage inventory would be a huge boost in some ways, but one I'd find acceptable. Especially given the ability to earn something reasonably similar in-game, like the Vanguard bag.

I think that we can trust the devs to know where to draw the line between handy/convenient/useful-but-not-required and must-have-can't-be-competitive-without-it boosts.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
While I agree that this is a no-brainer, there are boosts, and then there are boosts.

For instance - offering something like the winter holiday travel IO set, that boosts all of your travel powers, for purchase with Paragon Points would be okay in my estimation. It is a "boost" but one of convenience, not personal power. Especially if the item is actually a recipe that still has to be built into an IO or set of IO's.

Likewise, a purchasable version of the Nemesis Staff, which pretty much everyone in the current game has at this point, would not fall under "too much boost", IMO.

Similarly, if they ever decided to implement store-only IOs with new procs that could only be acquired using Paragon Points, I am okay with that as long as the new procs are primarily visual in nature or a convenience feature.

Purchasing expanded recipe/salvage inventory would be a huge boost in some ways, but one I'd find acceptable. Especially given the ability to earn something reasonably similar in-game, like the Vanguard bag.

I think that we can trust the devs to know where to draw the line between handy/convenient/useful-but-not-required and must-have-can't-be-competitive-without-it boosts.

I agree. Even things like accolade powers, I would be fine with (though minus the accompanying badge). Sadly, I feel like Turbine got lost in this matter. I do think our devs have better sense though, and a better publisher.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Originally Posted by reiella View Post
What would certainly be nice is an revamp to the Costume creator to get it to show/preview all costume pieces and let you purchase the costume pieces from within it.
Um ... wish granted? At least according to today's ustream. Not sure about purchasing it from within the costume creator, but apparently you can add the items to your 'cart' from within the creator at least.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
Um ... wish granted? At least according to today's ustream. Not sure about purchasing it from within the costume creator, but apparently you can add the items to your 'cart' from within the creator at least.
Yep, pretty much expected it. Such an insidious way to get more impulse buys .

Let's Dance!



A mall in Atlas Park would be a very cool way of showing up the stuff in the store - like the Icon dummies showing off the costume parts.

@Golden Girl

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