LAMDA bites




Eh, my ice/ice blaster has no issues in Lambda. Died once, due to my thinking that I could nuke a group solo...learned pretty quickly that I couldn't.

Of course, I ran a ton of BAFs before I ran Lambda, and I used some of my threads from there to unlock and slot both my Lore and Destiny slots. This way, I was already 50+3 when I ran my Lambda. Is it slower to unlock the Interface and Destiny slots this way? Yes, but still effective.

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



Originally Posted by OutaControl View Post
I've posted this before and I guess I need to again.

LAMDA is pointless to do if you're a squishy, in particular one which has just got to 50. I just died about 20+ times, if I survive not being one shot then I can burn all of my inspirations only to be chased down an slaughtered.

There is no skill in being one shot, there is no fun in spending 90% of the time in the hospital. I die casting once, I die not even casting, I die running, I die standing and fighting. There is no safe place to get like in a pack of other players since the AoE on them kills me.

And don't bother telling me it will get easier once I've level shifted because I doubt I will EVER play it once I have the absolute minimum from there.

You need to give the players some type of tools to figure out what's wrong with the character, like some way to know I need more X defense or more Y resistance and how to obtain such. Just letting them die like tissue paper .... well it just makes me want to close my account and find a game that some kind of skill is still involved.
Just starting out on the trials, you are going to die. A lot. It is frustrating, it's frustrated me on every single on of my 50s as I start them out. It DOES get better.

For Lambda, pack a full tray of purples (buy them from Leventera before each run). Pop 3 at a time when getting grenades/acids, stay with at least 3-4 others (preferable Incarnates) and try to minimize the amount of aggro you pull.

That said, you will still die. A lot. If that's too frustrating for you, don't do the trials and go back to the regular game.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, hits them over the head, and rifles through their pockets for loose grammar.



It's not just team content, it's oversized team content. If you end up drawing focused fire from stuff that's meant to harm an oversized team, you're going to eat dirt. A lot. Many of us, including me, are spoiled by being able to do just that sort of thing - take on foes that are scaled in number and level enough to be a challenge for a mid-to-full-sized team. If you do that in the iTrials, it's likely to hurt, a lot, by design.

There are things I don't like about the iTrials. If you're low HP, there's not a lot you can do about things like Siege's repeated AoEs, several of which are enough to make low-HP characters reliant on the one-shot code to survive. I'm not a fan of how frequent that sort of thing is these days. I really haven't had a problem with Lambda, though. Yeah, I die more until I get my level shifts. I try to do what's smart, be aware of the limitations of the foe AI, and stay with my teammates as much as I can. I've been fine. Maybe it's because I face things sort of this dangerous on a pretty regular basis by choice. I have a good idea where my characters' knife edge survival boundaries are.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I have played Lambda ONLY on squishies. Granted, both were level shifted, so that may be part of it, but neither had a problem. In fact, it was the one not IO'd that had it easier, since he has invisibility, which made the whole container search part a cinch. Seriously, I wasn't spotted even once, and I was able to call for assist with the containers and drop into stealth once a few people arrived. I didn't die until the Marauder battle and even then only once.



I run both trials with my Ice/Kin Corr... how he is +3 but he still dies from time to time. I die casting... Standing still (usually next to a blaster...hmmm I wonder if he is targeting thru me just for fun), running and fighting. As a squishie it is the nature of the game.

Now my Corr is fully IO'd out but only one power (Blizzard) has a purple set and I very rarely cast in in am Lamda.

I usually have no troubles getting either of the glowie stuff i just follow a Tank/Brute or Scrapper and target thur them and guess what? I am usually left alone.

It can be difficult but that is the fun of it, however if your with a good team you can breeze thru it with only a few deaths






Originally Posted by Hell_Jumper View Post
I usually have no troubles getting either of the glowie stuff i just follow a Tank/Brute or Scrapper and target thur them and guess what? I am usually left alone.
I don't target through tanks or brutes and usually get attacked only when I use AoEs, or when there are no brutes or tanks generating aggro. I do wait until a melee character is attacking the crates before I attack, but I have noticed that if I hover at maximum range behind the mob around the crates/containment vessels, I am sometimes able to destroy them without attracting any aggro. But I avoid doing that if I can.

When I run squishies through the Lambda I generally have some form of stealth. If you don't have that, the key is to fly fast and high, near the ceiling. You'll take an occasional pot shot, but usually not enough to kill you. Getting the acids is sometimes tricky, because you occasionally have to go through doors that are clogged with mobs. Sometimes I just go around the other way, or don't bother to enter that room.

To be safe, wait until a melee character attacks the target. If you start taking fire, pop a purple or two and stop attacking for a bit. Don't use AoEs, like your rad toggles, if you're taking fire.

Also, it really helps to use the geometry of the room to shield yourself from attacks. In the warehouse some of the crates are among tall shelves. If you go around the side of the room, you can get a bead on the crate while being screened from most of the mob surrounding the crate. They seem to prefer attacking the characters they can see, rather than moving to attack someone they can't see.

Over time you'll learn what gets you in trouble. Avoid doing what gets you in trouble.

I've played both squishies and melee characters in the trials and over the long haul I've noticed that I've got marginally better incarnate salvage drops on the squishies than on the melee characters (tanks and brutes). So my tactics of holding off when taking fire have not harmed the rewards I get. I do use a lot of AoE attacks and debuffs in the big fights, however, so I don't use significantly different tactics during the rest of the trial. I also used to think that the reward system was skewed somewhat, but over time I've seen the drops even out over all ATs and powersets (excluding MMs, which I have no experience with in the trials).

The OP didn't mention whether he had any auras running, but if he's playing a Fire/Rad, he should be sure to turn off Choking Cloud and Hotfeet during trials. Unless you have very high defenses, you shouldn't be in melee -- those powers will do next to nothing to AVs, and will have little effect on all the bosses in the trials either. You will just wind up getting stunned, splashed by massive AoEs, or sequestered along with the occasionally oblivious tank or brute who doesn't know what those ring thingies are.



I lol at the OP, i find lambda to be crazy easy. Even on a "squishy"

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




Odd, I tend to find the Λ trial only annoying underground, but I always get seperated

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



LambAda the Forbidden Trial!
All of my characters that i currently use in iTrials are somewhat squishy. Yeah, a couple of them have positional defenses over 50%, but overall none of them have resistances worth mentioning. Well, my PB has decent resistances in Dwarf form, but i rarely use it.

All of them rarely die much unless team wipes are ongoing.
Even my Controllers.

i suspect the OP just needs to learn a bit of (about?) control. Or maybe they've become accustomed to fighting a very narrow range of enemies and need to unlearn habits and relearn flexibility. Or maybe they're playing with a bunch of jerks who deliberately dump aggro onto them. It definitely seems like there's a PEBKAC issue at work here, the only real question is whether it's the OP or his teammates/"friends".

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
1) Before the trial even starts, open your minimap, and disconnect it from your Nav bar and move it to the side of your screen. You don't need it all the time, but during the Sabotage phase it helps a lot.
Please note: by DEFAULT, the minimap does NOT show league-mates, only team-mates. You need to open up your map options and set it to show league-mates.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



My Arch/Ice Blaster has been doing nothing but Lambda for the past few days. Does she die? Sure occasionally but not every few seconds and she puts out a ton of damage before anything takes her down. Is Lambda Pointless? Hmmmm well In the past 2 days she has managed to obtain 4 rare components and 3 very rares along with some uncommons and is now at 50 (+3).

The big things to remember is just what some others have mentioned ..

Do not attack things solo and let someone with a LOT more defense take the Alpha strike.

If you have Destiny at any tier use it and cuddle up to anyone else that can pop one to gain even more defense.

INSPIRATIONS of any size are your friend.. I have left the trial with practically nothing left in my trays and that's after resupplying in the hospital.

Don't waste threads, components, ect on Judgement or Interface until after you have Destiny and Lore to Tier 3. Yeah I know judgement is awesome and gets even better as you get higher but it doesn't give you a level shift. Now that I have both of those shifts Bosses con red and nothing is one shotting me anymore and things are dying in front of me a whole lot faster.... Judgement is at tier 2 now and I am working on 3. Then I will start moving Interface upward. As mentioned things do get easier, and more fun, when your level shifts kick in. I look at it as revenge for the beating I took previously and now when an MK Vickie rushes toward me I freeze her in place and proceed to destroy her. {at 50 +1 this same thing would have resulted in almost certain death if I hadn't perfected the art of shoot and run earning my Master of Apex TF badge}.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Please note: by DEFAULT, the minimap does NOT show league-mates, only team-mates. You need to open up your map options and set it to show league-mates.
You are a gentleman and a scholar.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Please note: by DEFAULT, the minimap does NOT show league-mates, only team-mates. You need to open up your map options and set it to show league-mates.
True, but since I was talking about sticking with your team during Sabotage I didn't think it was strictly relevant. Team/Raid leads should consider using it though to keep an eye out for people from the other team who took the wrong elevator.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



I had no trouble on my ss/fa brute today even after I got separated. He just made 50 and only has standard io's, I did get help with +rech from AM and with fast heals I didn't die once (Marauder took me close ). However on baf I was next to useless.



Originally Posted by OutaControl View Post
LAMDA is pointless to do if you're a squishy
Its harder than normal content sure, but if you're a blaster then being in content that can kill you in the blink of an eye if you're not careful, do something stupid, get lost, or fail to use appropriate inspirations should be just another day at the office. If I'm not actually paying attention and have an empty insp tray one even con master illusionist can send me straight to the hospital. So actually, being surrounded by level 54 mezzing bosses and Lts that can two-shot me are only slightly more dangerous, because its hard to get more dangerous than "can kill you in a few seconds" and the standard content can already do that.

The way I look at it, my blaster can't get any more squishy and I'm used to it: scrappers and tankers are the ones that are going to have more difficulty adjusting. And in fact it took a little bit longer for my scrapper to adjust to the difficulty increase than my blaster, because my scrapper is almost indestructible anywhere else. In the trials, I'm still plenty tough but significantly more situationally vulnerable.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The way I look at it, my blaster can't get any more squishy and I'm used to it: scrappers and tankers are the ones that are going to have more difficulty adjusting. And in fact it took a little bit longer for my scrapper to adjust to the difficulty increase than my blaster, because my scrapper is almost indestructible anywhere else. In the trials, I'm still plenty tough but significantly more situationally vulnerable.
I went through that "What do you mean I'm not durable?" transition with my main, as well. I still forget sometimes and try to do things that work in normal content but don't have a remote chance of working in a trial.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The way I look at it, my blaster can't get any more squishy and I'm used to it: scrappers and tankers are the ones that are going to have more difficulty adjusting. And in fact it took a little bit longer for my scrapper to adjust to the difficulty increase than my blaster, because my scrapper is almost indestructible anywhere else. In the trials, I'm still plenty tough but significantly more situationally vulnerable.
While that is true, in normal content, there usually aren't 30-40 mobs running around looking for someone to aggro on. Sure, formerly sturdy characters need to learn "I can't jump into that group alone", but squishies need to learn "I can't stand here in this empty area and do nothing and hope to live".



Huh. You want to quit dying. You cast powers and die. You want a way to be less squishy and more resilient and want the devs to tell you how to do so.

First. Chances are, you're running into the mobs. Stop that. Now.

Second. If you AREN'T doing that, then you're probably attacking mobs the tank has not yet aggro'd/running in before tank. Yeah, stop that.

Third. Stick together. Stay with the team at all times (not too close as pointed out first).

Forth. It does get easier.

Fifth. None of this doing it for you? Make a tank.

"My common sense is tingling."

Deadpool(to "Daredevil): See how you like it when I smack you with an interspatial distorter that will temporarily phase your brain into Dimension X!
"Daredevil": This is an ipod with a piece of masking tape attached to it.
Deadpool: It is...Ah, but for a second there, you were really worried!
"Daredevil": Idiot.



Originally Posted by OutaControl View Post
And don't bother telling me it will get easier once I've level shifted because I doubt I will EVER play it once I have the absolute minimum from there.
It is possible to play Lambda w/o being level shifted. I did it on my 5 squishies and my stoner who did not have any good stealth powers.
If you don't have stealth, then other folks have recommended inspirations and base buffs. Be prepared. This is incarnate content. It is not a walk in Atlas Park.
For my squishies, I always get an invisibility power and craft the Kinetic Dampner temp. The stun grenade and smoke bomb are useful as a distraction to make a quick get away. The stoner actually died more often than the squishies because of lack of stealth. It also doesn't help not being to escape easily since he moves like a turtle.
If you have range, use it. There is no need for you to stand in front of the crate/chamber and shoot it with a ranged power.
A lot of people have made good suggestions. Give it a go and try again. We can post as much as we want, but in the end, it is you who have to figure out what works for your toon and playstyle.



Originally Posted by crayhal View Post
For my squishies, I always get an invisibility power and craft the Kinetic Dampner temp.
Good advice. but afaik, the temp doesn't work in the trial.



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
A few days ago I did both Lambda and BAF with a controller I hadn't touched in over a year. I died 8 times total, the rest of the time I was actively playing and supporting the team. My own squishiness was irrelevant when I could cuddle other people while they were using their tasty Destiny buffs.
Awwww, I wanna cuddle people!



Originally Posted by Rodoan View Post
This is when having previous placed spares in your mailbox comes in very handy. Assuming you did leave at least 1 slot free in your inspirations window.
I *love* that trick. I'm currently running a Fire/Kin Corr through Lambda and he's mostly able to stay alive by finding an aggressive tank or brute and assisting. Plus I have Super Speed and a Stealth proc so I can zip around mostly unseen.

But inevitably I face plant a time or two, and I always make sure to have a few jumbo-size Awakens that I've emailed to myself ahead of time.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
Good advice. but afaik, the temp doesn't work in the trial.
Eep, you're right. I forgot temps don't work during trials. My bad.
If there is a buffer in the league, you can try asking for buffs. Most folks will buff without drama. Just use the info window to check their powers and ask for a shield. Even if the toon is not on your team, they can still buff you.