Flashpoint... so far (spoilers)
Adeline Kane... Kane's are related to the Batfamily either by blood or by story. This character is as of yet unheard of, but I'm betting she has something to do with the Batman story.
[Update]Checking Comic Vine confirms that this is the same character.
Also, Naif Al-Sheikh appears to be a short-lived member of the JLE.
You're not super until you put on The Cape!
Isn't Adeline Kane the ex-wife of Slade Wilson (aka Deathstroke)? Or does this happen to be a character who shares her name? I've not read any Flashpoint yet, so I can't say for certain.
[Update]Checking Comic Vine confirms that this is the same character. |
btw,,,almos all the 3 issue mini stories seem to happen before flashpoint rather than during or as origins
Guess I should contribute something...
Booster Gold #44-45: Following the events of Time Masters, Booster unexpectedly finds himself in a now-empty version of the Arizona location of Rip Hunter's secret time lab. Skeets is the only other one there, and the two deduce that something's happened as fallout from their search for Batman. They fly to Coast City to try and get Green Lantern's help (since he and Superman were along for the ride in their jaunt through time) and the military immediately assumes that Booster is an Atlantean scout of some sort, opening fire. Booster eventually figures out that he's what they're shooting at and tries to get away.
After re-evaluating their situation, Skeets and Booster decide they must be in some kind of alternate timeline and try to timeshift back to their own reality. Skeets burns out in the attempt and Booster realizes that something's happened to change the past; there's nowhere for them to escape to. The military springs their secret weapon, the creature Booster once dubbed "Doomsday," under the remote mental control of Gen. Nate Adam (Captain Atom).
During the fight with Doomsday, Booster is thrown through the home of a woman named Alexandra Gianopoulos, who he rescues and flies away to safety. After she calms down and Booster explains his story, he brushes up on his revised history and the state of the world, deducing that Professor Zoom must be behind this, somehow. He figures out the location of a chronal anomaly and heads for Gotham City, Alexandra secretly following to help him since she doesn't want to live in a world where she has to hide her own powers...
(To be continued in Booster Gold #46!)
There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Adeline Kane was Slades ex wife and mother of both Ravager and Jericho. She was one of the best supporting characters in New Teen Titans during Marv Wolfman and George Perez's run on the book until Marv and DC screwed that all up with Titans Hunt. (George had left the book by then)
The other character talked about in this comic is Enchantress or June Moone... and/or possibly Nightwitch? It's rather confusing to me.
Frances Kane, Wally West's old girlfriend, is also not related to either Adeline or the Batwoman Kanes.
"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."
Emperor Aquaman
King of Markovia (forgot his name) attempts to sign a Non-Aggression Pack with Atlantis. He's betrayed and captured by Atlantis... and used to to sink Europe and the plan to use him again...
The War between Atlantis and the Amazons is revealed to have been triggered by Mera being killed or something and Atlantis assassinating Hypolita on the day of the wedding.
Revealed that Tara Markovia is on the side of the Amazons and moved Themyscira to avoid getting hit by the sinking of Europe
Citizen Cold
Citizen Cold hero of city, but as his citizen ID he is a thug.
Mirror Master revealed to have been "killed" locked in a mirror where if he comes out of the mirror he dies or if someone comes in the mirror they die... Rogues are still villains.
Wally West Appears to be a paid assassin...and looks to die s the cliff hanger.
FrankenStein and the Crusaders of the Unknown
Frankenstein is found in the artic tundra, saving a soldier, Shieve... he goes on to form an unit with him. A scientist mutates 3 people and they become the "crusaders" making the unit a 5 man unit... they help win the war and then is betrayed and put in stasis.
They escape in 2011. In the fore ground is Superman's pod. The unit exits and decide to go to the scientist's place to see if they can find note on reversing/stabilizing their mutations.
Deathstroke and the Curse of the Ravager
Arrrr. He's a Pirate. He attacks other ships...busts metas out of a prison.
They are searching for Rose Wilson (Ravager)
more to come...
Deadman and the Flying Graysons
Nothing really happens but exposition on how Deadman, the Graysons, Dr. Fate, and the contortionist from Suicide Squad are in this world... and ends with Amazons about to attack them
It also has a map of Europe in it.
Wonder Woman and the Furies
This is a good issue and even if you don't pick up the rest of the flashpoint series i recommend reading it.
Opens "14 years ago" or Y6-8ish with Diana and a friend running on the beach of Themyscira. Diana pulls out a boat and leaves the island where she is attacked and poisoned by a Krakken Arthur sees her and helps her deal with the beast then saves her by taking her to atlantis... a month later they show up on Themyscira and propose their marriage and how they handle the outside world.
We then skip to a year ago (year 19-21ish) to the Wedding where we see Hippolyta assassinated by Artemis dressed as Garth... and Artemis telling Orm that is now his turn to do his side which implies that he's going to assassinate Mera.
Grodd of War
Do not read this unless you are ok with gore
It's basically Grodd killing things in various ways...
Has a cameo of Congorilla... and things inside him.
Kid Flash Lost
Bart and the new Hot Pursuit (someone got ahold of his suit and gear from evidence lockup) find themselves in 3011, which has been taken over by Brainiac in the Flashpoint timeline. Like Barry, KF no longer has his speed, and since the future-history that spawned him has been so radically altered he's starting to slowly fade from existence.
There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Lois Lane and the Resistance
After the Wedding, 11 months ago, Themyscira is sunk
9 months ago the Amazonians take over the UK and rename it New Themyscira
"Now" The Atlanteans sink Paris while Lois and Jimmy are covering a fashion show.
Jimmy dies and Lois is taken to New Themyscira
Jimmy is revealed to have been working with Cyborg and Lois will take his place feeding info from the inside
Lois feeds info for 32 weeks and attempts to escape...
Penny Black attempts to help her and herself get away
Artemis show up with Hawkgirl to stop them.
The Outsider
Takes place after/during the Flashpoint #1 meeting with Cyborg
Alfred Pennyworth is mentioned as working for The Outsider and is now dead
Mr. Terrific, his wife, and Japanese hero bust in, try to kill The Outsider, and get killed...
That's about it
Reverse Flash
Thawne experimenting with time travel and messing with Barry Allen which leads to Thawne killing Allen's mother.
Good read, but nothing important
And we're all caught up with all current Flashpoint info
I read Flashpoint 1 and Emperor Aquaman 1 so far. I have Citizen Cold (but haven't gotten to that one yet). Enjoying how this is all unfolding.
The CBR preview for Flashpoint #5 is up containing a big reveal
The Flash accidentally Speedforce punched reality, and it is really his fault that this crumbling dystopia exists.
I am once again reminded how long it has been since Geoff Johns has done anything that did not either make me yawn or groan.
Good grief, another "punching on the walls of reality" deus ex plot device. Next thing you know Superman passing gas can alter reality also.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
Yeah, I don't know if I buy that as the entire explanation. We'll see what happens in the rest of the issue, but I really can't see how Barry doing what Zoom says he did would cause all the different changes we've seen. Somehow, Barry pulling the Speed Force back into himself to stop his mother's murder "broke" history/reality?
And again, Zoom, Barry wouldn't have done that if you hadn't screwed up the past by going after his mother in the first place. So, no... this is still your fault because you couldn't just leave the Flash alone.
There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
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Someone needs to speed punch DC in the taint for this whole thing...
�Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid.� ― John Wayne
�Just think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are even stupider!� - George Carlin
Yeah, I don't know if I buy that as the entire explanation. We'll see what happens in the rest of the issue, but I really can't see how Barry doing what Zoom says he did would cause all the different changes we've seen. Somehow, Barry pulling the Speed Force back into himself to stop his mother's murder "broke" history/reality?
And again, Zoom, Barry wouldn't have done that if you hadn't screwed up the past by going after his mother in the first place. So, no... this is still your fault because you couldn't just leave the Flash alone. |
Seriously, how could saving his mother change things so that Bruce was killed and Thomas Wayne is the Batman? Or Superman's rocket landing and Superman being taken into govt. custody? Or the pending war with Atlantis and Thymescara?
Barry attempting to save his mother may have had some effect but I think PRof. Zoom is the one still to blame.
Considering that Barry would be restoring the original timeline where his mother lived,and considering that the original change that Zoom made seemed to have no effect on anyone other then Barry, It is pretty hard to see any of this as some sort of law of unintended consequences resulting from changing history.
Considering that Barry would be restoring the original timeline where his mother lived,and considering that the original change that Zoom made seemed to have no effect on anyone other then Barry, It is pretty hard to see any of this as some sort of law of unintended consequences resulting from changing history.
If the synopsis I have read are accurate, then Superboy punch... Er,Speed-force smack for the lose.
Every explanation for the alternate timeline and the reboot sound like a horribly incompetent rational.
I just read it and I am completely and totally mind blown at just how bad that was...
Ok so lets try to work it out... Why did the DCU change just because of Barry Allen's Mother
At moment that Flash went into the past to save his mother, pulled the entire speed force into himself.
The speed force was gathered by Bart Allen who was shot into the time effected future with Hot streak. Him trying to get back to the past caused him magically to be sent through time to gather the Speed force from those who had it in the DCU continuity and giving it to Flash to be able to run faster to restore time?
This in effect caused all speedsters based on the speed force to be drained of their powers and thus made it so Max never went to the future and Jay never got his powers. meaning that Max altered something in the past that somehow spread across the world to change cosmic history. So an irrelevant person who jumped through time to remain irrelevant was somehow relevant?
That also doesn't explain how Earth was rotating faster/slower so as to make Superman fall on metropolis rather than Smallville and Doom to arrive 10+ year earlier. Nor does it explain how that changed cosmic history to have the black lanterns be around since the reason Black Lanterns came about is because of Superman...
Of course if you backwards engineer the whole thing and realize that Flash didn't exist during the Crisis on Infinite Earths and thus didn't stop Anti-Monitor and thus the Earth should exist to begin with...
So the whole thing makes no sense...at all.
I'd prefer they'd have just had a mini comic where the 2 page spread where they ae like "3 universes a becoming 1" and then have the monitors do a quick explanation that the universe was originally 1 but was torn into 3 and then all those other things happened and now they need to reunify it for whatever reason.... make it like a 10 page comic and just release it along side the #1s for free.
It's a far better explanation than Flashpoint could ever hope to be and it doesn't make all these comics go out with a whimper...in fact it would have been better had they not even mentioned anything before now and it would have been much better done and received.
Personally, I think a better explanation for the whole thing would be "A wizard did it"
Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"
My final assessment: the world presented in Flashpoint and most of the related tie-ins actually made for a decent and interesting Elseworlds story. But it's not the equivalent of Crisis on Infinite Earths, nor should it be, but that's precisely what DC Editorial has been desperately trying to shoehorn it into being.
Standing on its own, it's fine. As the reason for the universe-wide relaunch, not so much.
Also, events in the tie-ins mostly had little to no impact on the resolution of the story.
There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
My final assessment: the world presented in Flashpoint and most of the related tie-ins actually made for a decent and interesting Elseworlds story. But it's not the equivalent of Crisis on Infinite Earths, nor should it be, but that's precisely what DC Editorial has been desperately trying to shoehorn it into being.
Standing on its own, it's fine. As the reason for the universe-wide relaunch, not so much. . |
Also, events in the tie-ins mostly had little to no impact on the resolution of the story. |
I flipped thru a few crossover issues of Marvel's FEAR event and they had minimal impact on anything, so I'm staying with the main issues except for the impending Hulk vs Dracula issues, mainly because I want to see the vamps attempt the futile effort of stopping the Hulk. It should be.....amusing.
The Flash 9-12 -
Barry Allen from an alternate universe arrives and seeks out an anomaly that uses the Speed Force
Prof Zoom is shown to be able to manipulate personal time as well as travel through time and is the one responsible for Barry's mother being killed.
Time Master: Vanishing Point 1-6 -
Haven't read this...
Act One:
Flashpoint -
Barry Allen wakes up from sleeping at his desk and is asked about the "Miss Alchemy" case while in the background is reports of Citizen Cold (Captain Cold), a hero, doing battle with The Pied Piper. He tries to race to the scene, but finds he is lacking his powers when he trips down the stairs and runs into his now alive dead mother.
Switch to Gotham where Batman is chasing Yo-Yo (Harley Quinn) to get info on Joker who has Kidnapped Judge Dent's (Two Face's) children to the ledge of the building around Crime Alley. She refuses to talk so he throws her off the building, presumably killing her. Cyborg and a group of metas try to form a group to stop Wonder Woman and Aquaman who have taken over various parts of Europe.
The group of mutants consist of the Secret Seven - Rac Shade and Enchantress (not familiar with them to say who they all are but I'm pretty sure they are not the names listed in the other comic), The Outsider (presumably Luthor), Citizen Cold (Captain Cold), Sandman, Green Lantern (Abin Sur), The Marvel Family (all combine into Captain Thunder), Element Woman (?), The Pied Piper, Farooq (possibly Static?).
All goes well until Batman declines and the others say without Batman they're out.
Barry Allen, trying to figure out what has happened goes to Wayne Manor to find it broken down and the entrance to the cave open where he finds a desolate cave with a small lab and a picture of the Wayne Family. Batman returns and messes Barry up a little. It is revealed Batman is Thomas Wayne and Bruce instead got killed in crime alley. Barry tells Bruce he comes from a timeline where Bruce survives and becomes Batman and Thomas wants that and is willing to work with Barry to get that world back... but first Barry has to get his powers back. He tries to replicate the experiment that gave his powers but appears to be burnt up and killed instead.
Slade and some pirates I think sail to close to Paris and are boarded and killed by Aquaman.
Steve Trevor makes his way into Amazonian territory looking for Lois Lane, who has been feeding Cyborg info undercover, to get her out of enemy territory... Presumably he is killed.
Batman Knight of Vengeance -
Thomas has apparently become a Casino owner, Dent a Judge, Penguin one of Wayne's operators, Gordon apparently knows Thomas is Batman. Hush, Scarecrow, and Ivy have all apparently been killed by Batman... while Killer Croc is killed in the comic with a machete to the head by Batman.
Abin Sur -
Abin is approached by Sinestro to work together to try to stop the Black Lanterns and Manhunters who have taken over a number of sectors. The guardians decide to send Abin to earth to retrieve the White entity from Earth.
Abin Sur tells the ring to find a suitable replacement if he dies while crashing the ship.
It's revealed Atrocitis killed William Hand who let Nekron into the world.
Secret Seven -
Rac Shade's Madness vest merged with him and he apparently killed the original Secret Seven, revealed to be... Black Orchid, Trigon, Klarion, Simon Magus, Stiletto, Miss X, and Rac Shade...
The other character talked about in this comic is Enchantress or June Moone... and/or possibly Nightwitch? It's rather confusing to me.
The World of Flashpoint -
Traci 13 and her family live in france before Aquaman flood it. She uses her power to teleport her father away right after her mother precogs it and says its not her fault that she doesn't save her mother and brothers... They skip ahead to Traci 13 and her father living in a secluded HIVE Base and her being more powerful now...
It's revealed that...
Jay Garrick as flash never existed.
First encounter with aliens destroyed Metropolis
Wonder Woman and Aquaman were to be married but it degenerated into war between the two groups.
Traci returns to the HIVE base in the war room to discover a plan to launch a space based weapon at Aquaman and WonderWoman to end them which would cause something like 118 million deaths... She hides as the leaders come into the room
The various "nations" leader are revealed and they vote on whether to use the weapon or not...
China - August General - No
Russia - Red Star - No
Egypt - Ra's Al Ghul in Damian's body - Yes
Japan - Dr. Kimiyo Hoshi (The good Dr. Light) - Yes
Saudi Arabia - Naif Al-Sheikh (no idea who this is) - No
The US - Adeline Kane - Yes
Germany - Captain Nazi - Yes
South Africa - Impala - No
Kahndaq - Prince Osiris - Yes
??? - 13's Father - Yes
Revealed Atlanteans kill Isis
Traci 13 tries to stop them, defeating Osiris, but is ultimately sedated and the weapon is activated...
Comment - Adeline Kane... Kane's are related to the Batfamily either by blood or by story. This character is as of yet unheard of, but I'm betting she has something to do with the Batman story.