Doctor Who: 4/6 (or 6/4)
Spoilers about "A Good Man Goes to War", obviously...
The what now? I'll admit it, I'm lost; I'll probably be OK once I've rewatched all the episodes in this series so far but right now?
So River is Amy's daughter (duh) and so was the girl in the spacesuit (apparently) who regenerated in a back alley at some point in the 60s and, presumably, is the one who killed the doctor? I would be in line with River's previous claim to have killed "The greatest man I ever knew", but then why had the clerics locked her up for it if they were the ones who wanted him dead and it's all so very confusing...
And what's up with the monks, what did the doctor do to piss them off so much? It also seems rather poor logic to "grow" a timelord to kill a timelord; I mean, there must have been really crappy timelords as well as the good ones, there's nothing particularly special about them that makes them so "dangerous".
Basically, huh?
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I want to know more about the possibly steampunk lesbian lizard and her maid.
Been guessing the big spoiler all season though, so yeah not that surprising. Though the Doctors giggle was.. creepy.
Next episodes name? AWESOME!
Little teaser for the next stuff?
Reminded me of the Darkest Night, Green lantern stuff.
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.
Before we get any further, I'd like to say:
We are not talking about the second part of The Reble Flesh, we are talking about the mid season finale, A Good Man Goes to War.
You are a week behind the UK.
This thread will likely contain spoilers for both episodes!
Torch wood season four soon isn't it?
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.
Great episode
Interesting twist with River, Amy etc and it explains why River couldn't be there during the bulk of the episode (crossing time streams).
What does it mean for the future? They could lots of stuff with River growing up so introduce her with a different actress and temprement.
And does it mean that River may have regenerated after the Library episode way back when??
Before we get any further, I'd like to say:
AMERICANS BEWARE! We are not talking about the second part of The Reble Flesh, we are talking about the mid season finale, A Good Man Goes to War. You are a week behind the UK. This thread will likely contain spoilers for both episodes! |
Don't Care! Tell me anyway!

And does it mean that River may have regenerated after the Library episode way back when??
Out of continuity, they may not have decided at the point that she was who she now is.
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We all knew it was coming but I was blown away nonetheless.
I have to wonder, what does all this have to do with the Silence? A friend suggested to me that Eyepatch is a mercenary working for them but there's A LOT more to it than that. What kind of a position do you have to be in to have command of an army of Clerics and have the authority to ally yourself with Headless Monks?
A wild guess is that Eyepatch gets Melody/River to the Silence and the Silence take her back to 1960 in an attempt to elude the Doctor but that opens up some gaping paradox-inducing plotholes.
Username: @Royal
The Alien Tyrant, 357388: Stop the reign of an evil emperor!
Spawning Chaos, 469020: Form an army of Freaks, win the Freaklympics!
The Restarian Front, 363257: Stop the invasion of an alien fleet from another galaxy!

I want to know more about the possibly steampunk lesbian lizard and her maid.

A really good episode - the show has really matured into a gripping drama.
A nice cliff hanger for the mid season finale. I'd rather we didn't have a mid season break at all, but if we're going to, then at least it's been done well.
It was good to see Rory's character get a bit more involved as well.
Besides, any episode with Dr Song is always going to get my vote

Cheers, @RoboTank
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Well we've got, what 7 or 8 years between "now" and the time that baby River ends up in the 60s (or at least, meets up with the Doctor), so plenty can happen in the meantime.
One would assume that the Doctor rescues her after the events in the 60s, but that means that she's gone an awfully long time before he manages to find her (from Amy's perspective anyway).
On the subject of the Silence; the Doctor said that Amy had been taken *before* America, so why would the Silence kidnap Flesh-Amy and "do stuff to her" if they knew that she wasn't the real Amy? It suggests that maybe they weren't in on it.
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No. The doctor who gave her his sonic screwdriver before she went to the library obviously knew she was actually going to die and not regenerate, otherwise why provide the means to keep her "alive" after she died?
Out of continuity, they may not have decided at the point that she was who she now is. |
I know they have already mentioned in a previous episode that River knows that when the Doctor meets her for the first time it will be her last. I just hope they address this bit of knowledge that must be eating at the doctor in some shape or form.
But then again in another episode River has said she has a spotters guide for the Doctors so suggesting she is around for a number of regenerations and we've only had two so they have plenty of time to address it.
Oh Mr Moffit - why do you tease us so!
I always took that to mean that when the Doctor meets River for the first time, it will be the last time that River sees the Doctor, not because she's going to die but simply because that's how her timeline works out.
That said, her claim that she's always traveling backwards relative to the Doctor doesn't ring true because if it were correct then she would never had seen what is clearly a future Doctor just before she went off to the library.
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If you start thinking about continuity in a time travel programme / film too much, you could quite easily go cross eyed
(RoboTank powers up his Ouroboros power, and ducks for cover in the past)
Cheers, @RoboTank
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Wow. I was actually right in one of my speculations in who River Song was. Was the whole River/Pond connection.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
No. The doctor who gave her his sonic screwdriver before she went to the library obviously knew she was actually going to die and not regenerate, otherwise why provide the means to keep her "alive" after she died?
Out of continuity, they may not have decided at the point that she was who she now is. |
we still have the question of how River has 1/2 Timelord DNA,
1) DNA was implanted somehow from Eyepatch lady and Company, I actually think this is the least likely. It was a LOT of effort to get specifically Amy's daughter, when anyone would've been fine. Plus if it was, if the Doctor's DNA was used, it would mean River is his daughter, and sort of preclude a romantic relationship, unless another DNA source was used.
2) Longterm exposure to the TARDIS, means a chance of a companion has a chance of siring a 1/2 TL, unlikely since it would mean that there should be a number of 1/2 TL's running around out there based on the number of companions the Doctor has had.
3) When the universe got rebooted, Rory was recreated as a TL( in his own way, he has already has had three incarnations, Rory before being erased from time, Rory the Nestine, and post universial reboot Rory)
4) Either Rory or Amy were already TLs. I actually like this idea. My thought here is, that before Gallifrey's destruction, one or more Gallifreyan children were sent out and hidden. It would sort of explain the effort to get Amy's child specifically.
I do hope the Eyepatch Lady does ultimately end up being the Rani.
the worst part is, we have to wait until Sept to see the rest of this season
Simple answer to the Libary problem? The Riversong that died was a flesh replica, stablised either from exposure to the tardis or from time travel.
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.
My google-fu is weak. Is the poem that River recites an actual poem, or was it written for this episode? I can't find out one way or the other and my knowledge of the land of poetry ends soon after the limerick fence.
Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
My word.
What an excellent episode, though I'd love to know more about some of the people seen in it.
And the next episode title for when the series resumes? How very... interesting.
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