Have We Seen The Last of Non-Incarnate Powersets?
I wouldn't be surprised if new power sets aren't really going to be done until after the Praetorian arc is finished. I'm kinda curious as to what the plans are going to be for handling the next incarnate arc personally.
If CoH goes the route of the expansion mill for instance, I can certainly see new powersets getting tossed there as well like they were with Going Rogue.
If they go free content updates, then I'm really not sure. It'd be nice for subscription-paid additions, but I'm hesitant to expect that now.
Let's Dance!
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Let's Dance!
Personally, I'd be interested to see ANYTHING ELSE OTHER THAN INCARNATE, and sooner, rather than later. If Matt Miller and his separate development team focusing entirely on end game content intend to keep working in this stuff the entire time, they're going to have to do this without reducing content in all other directions to a crawl.
Powersets being as work- and cost-intensive as they are, they seem like the first thing to get cut. It's somewhat ironic that even now with the supposedly much larger development team and budget, we're back to looking for least-cost suggestions like we were back when there were only 15 people on the team working on a shoestring budget.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Powersets being as work- and cost-intensive as they are, they seem like the first thing to get cut. It's somewhat ironic that even now with the supposedly much larger development team and budget, we're back to looking for least-cost suggestions like we were back when there were only 15 people on the team working on a shoestring budget.
Let's Dance!
Power proliferation aside, will we ever see any new non-Incarnate power sets or were electric control and kinetic melee the last new sets we will ever get?
So we're looking at a 4-6 Issue spread between powersets. What makes you think something material has changed?
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
Seriously, what makes you even ask a question like this? Prior to the last four new powersets, the last to be added were Shields and Pain. Added in Issue 13. Prior to that we got Thugs and Electric Melee/Armor in Issue 7.
So we're looking at a 4-6 Issue spread between powersets. What makes you think something material has changed? |
Let's Dance!
Power proliferation aside, will we ever see any new non-Incarnate power sets or were electric control and kinetic melee the last new sets we will ever get?
New power sets based on actual super powers, especially mainstream ones, yeah we've seen the end of them.
Personally, I'd be interested to see ANYTHING ELSE OTHER THAN INCARNATE, and sooner, rather than later. If Matt Miller and his separate development team focusing entirely on end game content intend to keep working in this stuff the entire time, they're going to have to do this without reducing content in all other directions to a crawl.
Powersets being as work- and cost-intensive as they are, they seem like the first thing to get cut. It's somewhat ironic that even now with the supposedly much larger development team and budget, we're back to looking for least-cost suggestions like we were back when there were only 15 people on the team working on a shoestring budget. |
When all this was first announced, I distinctly remember the Devs saying that the end game system would be worked on by a separate Dev team headed up by Matt Miller, and that would leave the rest of the Development staff open to do other projects. I remember thinking at the time that was a good idea, because it would give people the end game system they wanted while preserving the Devs' ability to do updates to other areas of the game. In practice, this does not appear to be what is happening at all.
As long as there is a Medieval weapon or Eastern martial art not covered by the game, there's a good chance there's at least one power set is some stage of development. New power sets based on actual super powers, especially mainstream ones, yeah we've seen the end of them. |

Didnt one of them say they were looking at staff powerset?
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
New power sets based on actual super powers, especially mainstream ones, yeah we've seen the end of them.
There aren't really very many non-weapon-based superpowers that the game doesn't already cover in some way or another.
And the ones the game DOESN'T cover are generally downright impossible to do with the game engine.
New powersets (as in, not available at launch) include: Sonic Blast and Dispersion, Archery and Trick Arrow, Thugs, Electric Armor/Melee, Dual Blades and Willpower, Shields and Pain, and the 4 we just got, Dual Pistols, Kinetic Melee, Electric Control, and Demon Summoning.
New powersets don't come along very frequently at all, and I won't be expecting any new ones until at LEAST issue 23.
Blasters will probably get at least one more secondary, and I'm betting Masterminds will get another primary or two (but probably not any time soon)
Scrappers, stalkers, tanks, and brutes may eventually get the much requested Staff powerset. (I call dibs on the name Staff Infection!)
I can't think of too many more powersets that wouldn't just be rehashed versions of existing ones, so we probably won't be seeing too many more new powersets.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
As long as there is a Medieval weapon or Eastern martial art not covered by the game, there's a good chance there's at least one power set is some stage of development.
New power sets based on actual super powers, especially mainstream ones, yeah we've seen the end of them. . |
Types of Swords
My Portfolio
I don't think its possible to run out of powerset ideas.
Actually, because of the ability to recolor them, they don't even have to stick to pre-formed concepts about what they "are." A set with a name like "Strange Forces" or "Entropy Domination" could look like just about anything.
And part of the reason "Water Control" is so desirable is for the ability to recolor it and call it not-water.
Personally, I'd be interested to see ANYTHING ELSE OTHER THAN INCARNATE, and sooner, rather than later. If Matt Miller and his separate development team focusing entirely on end game content intend to keep working in this stuff the entire time, they're going to have to do this without reducing content in all other directions to a crawl.
As to "everything else coming to a crawl", well, that's what happens when new systems keep getting added. You have the same number of people who have to support more and more areas. And the playerbase keeps clamoring for updates in those systems they're interested in and begrudge developer time spent elsewhere.
As far as "content" as in "missions with a story line", of course there will be more. There still are several full time mission writers on both teams. Once the text of an Incarnate Trial is written, what do you think all the content writers are going to do? They'll be writing more missions like Cooling and Ross and Sutter and Kal (and that mysterious new zone Golden Girl keeps talking about). Hero 1, Protean, and Dr. Aeon are still fulltime on staff, and all they're good for (as in they are not coders or artists) is writing new content, so expect it.
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I don't think its possible to run out of powerset ideas.
Actually, because of the ability to recolor them, they don't even have to stick to pre-formed concepts about what they "are." A set with a name like "Strange Forces" or "Entropy Domination" could look like just about anything. And part of the reason "Water Control" is so desirable is for the ability to recolor it and call it not-water. ![]() |
Recoloring, and Proliferation can cover about anything.
Types of Swords
My Portfolio

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I'll be surprised if we even see any proliferations before that point, let alone entirely new sets.

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Other than this, I am not sure what is left that isn't represented in the game already. Perhaps a water set, and a few forms of MM pets.
Dark control
Dark assault (which I'd think would be "low hanging fruit," but possibly put off until it had a Dark Control to pair with it.)
Gadget-based control
Martial-arts-ish Blaster secondary ("in the works," I believe, but could be remembering wrong.)
"Mecha powerset" (from the long-ago thread - still think it's a good, if rather work intensive idea.)
I'm *suspecting* the occasionally requested Longbow/Arachnos/PPD mastermind bits are getting coopted into the Lore pets. (And I do want my Nictus MM.)
Of course, we could just go through Lady Jade's powerset suggestion thread.
Powersets are pretty rare, but I suspect there'll be at least a couple more (Staff Melee is something they've been at least thinking about for ages) A new mastermind primary is also somewhat likely. And I suspect at least another round of proliferation.
"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."
From stuff that's been asked for, off the top of my head, aside from the aforementioned staff melee
Dark control Dark assault (which I'd think would be "low hanging fruit," but possibly put off until it had a Dark Control to pair with it.) Gadget-based control Martial-arts-ish Blaster secondary ("in the works," I believe, but could be remembering wrong.) "Mecha powerset" (from the long-ago thread - still think it's a good, if rather work intensive idea.) I'm *suspecting* the occasionally requested Longbow/Arachnos/PPD mastermind bits are getting coopted into the Lore pets. (And I do want my Nictus MM.) Of course, we could just go through Lady Jade's powerset suggestion thread. |
"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."
Power proliferation aside, will we ever see any new non-Incarnate power sets or were electric control and kinetic melee the last new sets we will ever get?