Making a PvP Pitch to the Devs. Need Your Input
This horse is dead, you want all the answers to the questions you have asked, just look at the 3 stickied threads in this forum. Here I will even link you to them.
An open letter to the Devs, re: PvP
PvP Community Wishlist - Finished Copy
What changes do we need?
All of the things you have asked have been brought up before to the people who could make the changes. They were mostly ignored and the biggest problem now is since there are so very few of us left, the devs just don't want to put the time into fixing the things that are broken, even the smallest of things like getting the show match results button to work again for arena matches that have completed. So change/fixing anything bigger just seems like it will just never happen. The devs would rather add animal emotes, fix little costume things like capes not flapping in the wind correctly when a character flies or make rainbow auras, etc, than put time into PvP fixes but whatever, read through those 3 threads and you will have the answers to most of the questions you have asked.
Another contributing factor is that the majority of PvEr's do not want to, nor will try PvP because their superman clone gets killed by something, and that should not happen to their superman clone because his back story says that he is unkillable.....
RIP:Southern Comfort PvP,PE PvP,INTEGRITY PvP,After School Special PvP Test SG's,TPvPL Season1+2 Runner ups
My 2 cents on the matter here. I believe the changes, major changes that were made when I-13 hit was to compromise the new Incarnate System and it's contributing abilities. I think somewhat of th new changes can be reversed back to pre- issue 13 to a certain degree or respectful percentage. Also the travel supression should be granted to melee based AT's since they lack range abilities. Swing on an AT and it's travel-supressed. the DR could be reduced as well allowing those who have worked hard to tweaked and maximized their specific toon to shine where credit is due versus "My new-pvp-dog-collar-&-leash-enforced-by-the-developers" so I don't be too almighty.
I'm just saying.
Hey PvPers
![]() I'm here to get your opinions on the current state of the PvP game because I wanna bring it up to the Dev team at the next available opportunity. I love PvP, especially in superhero games, and I was really sad to see the mass exodus that came with I13's changes. So I've got a few questions for you all. First off, what's wrong with PvP in relation to the old system? From what I can tell the current PvP game bears no mechanical resemblance to the PvE game. Nothing seems to make sense so it's really difficult for the new PvPers the Devs tried to accommodate to get into the swing of things. So what aspects of pre-I13 PvP do you think need to be reinstated? Second, what additions/changes are really needed to make PvP more accessible to new people? Anyone who's PvPed in any game knows that breaking into it is tough. You're bound to get beaten a lot before you start to get the hang of things and rack up victories. That's all well and good but those early strings of loses do make players shy away from the PvP scene. So what do you think should be done to help new players get acclimated without penalizing those who PvP frequently and have already honed their skills (And IO'd out)? Finally, how can PvP be made more appealing overall? The Devs have done a little work in this department by putting in PvP temp powers and IOs but more needs to be done. Aside from the fun factor, what else should be implemented to attract players to PvP? Thanks for any input you guys can provide. I know a lot of people say PvP is dead and that the Devs don't care about it but I really wanna try to do something here. |
they ended up being very productive since it was just rehashing everything in stickies.
Psy is right, horse is dead, devs could give 2 s**ts
Bring it up all you like, you'll get the same dodge that we've gotten since i13 glhf though.
Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.
I've read the stickied threads and there's plenty of good stuff in there. I asked because I wanted to get the most current input possible so I wouldn't just be trowing the same old argument if parts of it were no longer valid.
I understand the frustration at the lack of attention and, in some cases, downright dismissal by the Devs. If you really wanna give up then what's the point in continuing to drudge along with PvP the way it is? As someone said in one of those threads, if everyone stops complaining nothing's gonna get done.
Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+

did you miss were Z, about 3 months ago, made 3 threads that asked these exact same questions that were multiple pages long?
they ended up being very productive since it was just rehashing everything in stickies. Psy is right, horse is dead, devs could give 2 s**ts Bring it up all you like, you'll get the same dodge that we've gotten since i13 glhf though. |
I just wanted to touch on a couple things, you know, in the vain hope that someone out there is listening.
First and foremost:
Lose travel suppression. Period. It was the single most unique element to the PvP side of this game. Also the single most fun - and yes, I am primarily a melee player. I'm sorry but Suppression alone basically destroyed the PvP game for me. FFS. Bring back my flying stalkers and my SJ/SS jousting!!
At the very least give us our full non travel power speed when suppressed from travel speed.
Okay, with that out of the way, let's get more general.
I resubbed to the game when CoV came out specifically for the promise of PvP. I stayed to fiddle with the stuff that was new at the time, but I *really* wanted there to be viable PvP element to this game. More importantly, I *really* wanted the zone PvP thing to play out. For a while it did. Were there whiners? Naturally, but that's inevitable.
Now that GR has dropped and we are a couple issues into Incarnate content, I see a tremendous opportunity for a PvP revival in the Cities. Imagine the awesomeness that could have been zone PvP - goldside 50s invading Primal zones and vice verse. Of course that notion is predicated on the assumption that there will ever be an option to play out goldside past 20, but that's another discussion entirely. None of this, naturally, does anything to resolve the mechanics; I only mention it as a tangential thought. A possible inspiration for the PvP community to reunite in force and renew the call for changes rather than just giving up.
Either way, here's yet another "on again off again since CoH launch" player that really would love some attention given to the PvP game.
To (not really) answer your other two questions, I think the key to answer #3 lies in answering #2. MMO PvP suffers from one inherent flaw, and that is that any player with a gajillion of FakeMoneyUnits (tm) invested in PowerfulGameShiney (tm) is automatically going to be at an advantage to any player who wants to get started in PvP. Conversely, any attempt to equalize things (see Issue 13) is doomed to meet with failure. I don't have an answer for this, it's just an observation. A limited and probably flawed one at that.
Simply put - if there were some way to make PvP more accessible to the general player base (ie players who don't have stockpiles of the best IOs and billions of inf) it would be, by extension, more appealing overall.
That said, if anyone knows where I can find some "Not Overly Serious, Just for the Fun Of It, FOTM's With 100 Billion Invested Not Necessary PvP," shoot me a gleemail to @Angrytown. I'm happy to server hop to find it.
Fixed that for you. ;P
But in all seriousness, that saying doesn't really work for PvP.
Favorite Hero: Computer (Empathy/Energy Blast Defender)
Favorite Villain: Gimp Computer (Fire Control/Psionic Assault Dominator)
I've read the stickied threads and there's plenty of good stuff in there. I asked because I wanted to get the most current input possible so I wouldn't just be trowing the same old argument if parts of it were no longer valid.
although i'd also advise that you take a look at Z's threads that he made since most of what you're asking for can be found in them and is very recent
I understand the frustration at the lack of attention and, in some cases, downright dismissal by the Devs. If you really wanna give up then what's the point in continuing to drudge along with PvP the way it is? |
As someone said in one of those threads, if everyone stops complaining nothing's gonna get done. |
there really is no point in trying anymore. it's not right, it's not fair but dats the way baseball go.
Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.
thats the thing. those arguements used then are still valid because there have been literally 0 changes. none. zip. zilch. nada. they put the thing in and haven't made one change.
No more input from the player base is necessary. The ball is in the devs' court, as it has been for years. Unfortunately, that's the whole problem.
Exactly. If the devs ever decide to work on PvP, all the info is readily available to them. The same advice given 2 years ago still applies today, since nothing at all has been changed.
No more input from the player base is necessary. The ball is in the devs' court, as it has been for years. Unfortunately, that's the whole problem. |
Problem is that the devs do not care about PVP in this game whatsoever, it is more important for them to add tails and new fancy colours, new screen shots and all stuff PVE in pink bows to care less.
The silence from the Devs speaks volumes on this.... the less the speak... the louder they tell us they do not care.... Spend your money on a $10 ******, you will get better blow...erm feedback for your money.
like psy said.. we have been arguing about this since.. a couple off week before i13 was live.. and the devs did nothing..
But if you want a real answer here it is..
Get rid of DR
Get rid of Travel Suppresion: and keep it for melee toons .. so if a melee toon hits you.. you get suppressed and the melee toon is suppressed.
Get rid of Heal decay
I liked the mez changes because getting perma held was supper annoying.. but now getting mezzed is ok.. and a dom/troller is still a powerful toon on the field..
I also like the changes to tough applying to all dmg
raising dmg was also nice.. also raising the dmg for slower attacks is great idea.. because in pvp slowing down or stopping is a death sentence..
If they took the first things out, kept the others, and we have our incarnates, then pvp would be alot better..
Iron-Blade 50kat/invul Iron Ascension 50trifpb Cinder Reborn 50fire/kin Zaha'doom 50triws Cindered Stones 50fire/ston ColdFusion 35 ice/rad Iron Ash 50 Fir/WP
Iron Wind km/regen Iron Static elec/reg Psy Entity 50 psy/dev Iron-Assassin 50 nin/nin
You're bound to get beaten a lot before you start to get the hang of things and rack up victories. That's all well and good but those early strings of loses do make players shy away from the PvP scene.
Even in a balanced game, when playing against other dedicated players, there is still a large learning curve, as you're no longer dealing with predictable AI. The reward or feeling of accomplishment for such effort just isn't worth it to most players, and for whatever reason, both valid and invalid, it leads to lack of participation. You'll only have a limited capacity and/or window of influence to shift these types of ideas through game mechanics, but given some exceptions, it starts with a state of mind. Willingness to dip your feet in the water is different than an honest attempt to swim, as a goal.
Thanks for any input you guys can provide. I know a lot of people say PvP is dead and that the Devs don't care about it but I really wanna try to do something here. |
In relation to the topic at hand... "Pitch" begins with a "B"
I think they could come at it from a different angle and do quite well, without making serious changes to the game. Was talking with a few people yesterday who say the same things we all hear: "WOW & WHO have great PVP, I wish it was like that here". Never having played either, I asked what was so great about them? The answer: objective-based PVP.
My first thought was that the PVP Zones covered this quite well. They do, in zone play. I maybe missing something, but there are no objective-based option in Arena, right? So add some king of the hill, capture the flag, and other options to Arena and you should have a happier group of PVPers.
As far as the typical issues go...
Travel Suppression: Not a big deal. It exists in PVE, so why not PVP? Slot your unsuppressed movement powers to get that tiny extra edge if you need it.
Heal Decay: Terribad. This is one of the things that would put new players off. You can wear down anyone eventually and badgering someone new to the point of repeated deaths isn't helpful. It takes a concerted effort to keep players alive under fire and that effort shouldn't be punished. Switching targets should be encouraged.
Diminishing Returns: Not sure about this, but it seems to counteract itself. If both offensive slotting and defensive slotting feel equivalent effects, then why bother? It seems like an unnecessary complication. Plus, it hurts buffers and debuffers, which could use more PVP interest.
Mez Changes: Probably good. Short-term guaranteed mez without perma-mez possibility is probably the best possible option for keeping mezzers relevant in PVP.
Resistance Changes: Terribad. Free resists for squishies may make them a little more viable solo, but it voids the helpfulness of buffers. Taken with DR, buffers are useless. I can't even begin to understand what they were thinking by making resists universally applicable. Maybe they didn't want everyone to play Psi? How'd that work out?
like psy said.. we have been arguing about this since.. a couple off week before i13 was live.. and the devs did nothing..
But if you want a real answer here it is.. Get rid of DR Get rid of Travel Suppresion: and keep it for melee toons .. so if a melee toon hits you.. you get suppressed and the melee toon is suppressed. Get rid of Heal decay I liked the mez changes because getting perma held was supper annoying.. but now getting mezzed is ok.. and a dom/troller is still a powerful toon on the field.. I also like the changes to tough applying to all dmg raising dmg was also nice.. also raising the dmg for slower attacks is great idea.. because in pvp slowing down or stopping is a death sentence.. If they took the first things out, kept the others, and we have our incarnates, then pvp would be alot better.. BUT THIS IS MY OPINION OF COURSE. |
And yes PLEASE drop DR, it really SUX for those who have tweaked their favorite toon/s that went axtra lengths to ebstablish accolades, super rare enhancers and other abilities and effects. This is where and how a true Hero/Villain shines in the mist of war.
See my signature!
RIP:Southern Comfort PvP,PE PvP,INTEGRITY PvP,After School Special PvP Test SG's,TPvPL Season1+2 Runner ups
I've read the stickied threads and there's plenty of good stuff in there. I asked because I wanted to get the most current input possible so I wouldn't just be trowing the same old argument if parts of it were no longer valid.
I understand the frustration at the lack of attention and, in some cases, downright dismissal by the Devs. If you really wanna give up then what's the point in continuing to drudge along with PvP the way it is? As someone said in one of those threads, if everyone stops complaining nothing's gonna get done. |
Horrible Idea, why do you think that in every organized league since the ability to turn off TS that the standard is TS off............oh that's right, it is because the movement speed was one of the major things that sat this game's PvP apart from other MMO's.
Travel powers in combat were the single most unique thing about PvP in this game. Full Stop. Period. /Thread. No conditions. TS is in opposition the the entire theme of the game: super powered beings.
It was the only aspect of it that ever made me interested in investing the time and FakeMoneyUnits into PvP in an environment where I knew going in that I would never have as uber a build as the hard core players. And I didn't care, because it was fun.
TS is the opposite of fun. Again, simply one players opinion.
This. Freaking this. I am a mostly melee player and I support this.
Travel powers in combat were the single most unique thing about PvP in this game. Full Stop. Period. /Thread. No conditions. TS is in opposition the the entire theme of the game: super powered beings. It was the only aspect of it that ever made me interested in investing the time and FakeMoneyUnits into PvP in an environment where I knew going in that I would never have as uber a build as the hard core players. And I didn't care, because it was fun. TS is the opposite of fun. Again, simply one players opinion. |
the whole goal of ts/hd/dr and the terrible changes to mez were to make pvp easier for that 97% someone was talking about. Castle got it into his head that if you dumb it down - they will come. No one came. Pvp in this game is like my aunt betty, barely breathing, and about to kick the bucket. Add in incarnates and pvp is just button mashing now. Arena took some skill, builds were varied - most toons were viable in pvp. now....not so much.
Castle got it into his head that if you dumb it down - they will come. No one came |

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.
Forget any changes to the current pvp system. The immediate problem is that there aren't enough players involved in pvp for the bean counters to justify the devs making changes. To get more players involved they need to goal-oriented pvp. Some sort of capture the flag type of encounter (fix base raids too).
Back when base raids still worked my sg fought another group. Well got 300 kills and they got none. At the end, THEY claimed victory because they had destroyed our generator. A lot of the playerbase in this game would get involve in pvp if there were rewards and objectives that did not solely involve killing other players. If there was a capture the flag type of option, it would serve as more of a bridge between pve and what we generally consider pvp. A certain percentage of those players would probably then transition to zone or arena pvp after learning how to handle themselves in goal oriented matches.
Of course people have requested CTF style pvp for years and its been ignored as well. But at this point, no tinkering with pvp dynamics is going to bring in a viable pvp population. Even if they rolled it back to i12 rules, at best maybe some of the vets that quit over i13 would come back. They need to do something that will get some of the mainstream playerbase on board. If they got more players involved, they could then justify undoing some of the damage they did with i13.
Castle got it into his head that if you dumb it down - they will come.

There was a strong PvP community for years and I don't think he ever even had a clue. That, or neutering the system was his way of slapping all of those troublesome **** talkers in the face.
Forget any changes to the current pvp system. The immediate problem is that there aren't enough players involved in pvp for the bean counters to justify the devs making changes. To get more players involved they need to goal-oriented pvp. Some sort of capture the flag type of encounter (fix base raids too).
Back when base raids still worked my sg fought another group. Well got 300 kills and they got none. At the end, THEY claimed victory because they had destroyed our generator. A lot of the playerbase in this game would get involve in pvp if there were rewards and objectives that did not solely involve killing other players. If there was a capture the flag type of option, it would serve as more of a bridge between pve and what we generally consider pvp. A certain percentage of those players would probably then transition to zone or arena pvp after learning how to handle themselves in goal oriented matches. Of course people have requested CTF style pvp for years and its been ignored as well. But at this point, no tinkering with pvp dynamics is going to bring in a viable pvp population. Even if they rolled it back to i12 rules, at best maybe some of the vets that quit over i13 would come back. They need to do something that will get some of the mainstream playerbase on board. If they got more players involved, they could then justify undoing some of the damage they did with i13. |
"If I want to play a PvP game, I'll play an FPS/2D Fighter, etc."
"If I want to play a PvP MMO, I'll play GW/WoW, etc."
No matter what change you end up implementing, you aren't going to pull the casual player base into the fold simply due to the fact that this game is carebear city. People don't want to turn around and punch the person they've been singing Kumbaya with for years.
People don't want to turn around and punch the person they've been singing Kumbaya with for years.
I do. But then I'm a friendless Zone Farmer. PUNCHFASE!
PvP is dead. PvP is dead because the developers don't feel there is enough of an incentive to repair it.
What was broken back then remains broken now, so the solutions laid out by some of the communities smarter players that could and would repair PvP are still valid.
The caveat: The developers don't have enough incentive to care.
Hey PvPers
I'm here to get your opinions on the current state of the PvP game because I wanna bring it up to the Dev team at the next available opportunity. I love PvP, especially in superhero games, and I was really sad to see the mass exodus that came with I13's changes. So I've got a few questions for you all.
First off, what's wrong with PvP in relation to the old system? From what I can tell the current PvP game bears no mechanical resemblance to the PvE game. Nothing seems to make sense so it's really difficult for the new PvPers the Devs tried to accommodate to get into the swing of things. So what aspects of pre-I13 PvP do you think need to be reinstated?
Second, what additions/changes are really needed to make PvP more accessible to new people? Anyone who's PvPed in any game knows that breaking into it is tough. You're bound to get beaten a lot before you start to get the hang of things and rack up victories. That's all well and good but those early strings of loses do make players shy away from the PvP scene. So what do you think should be done to help new players get acclimated without penalizing those who PvP frequently and have already honed their skills (And IO'd out)?
Finally, how can PvP be made more appealing overall? The Devs have done a little work in this department by putting in PvP temp powers and IOs but more needs to be done. Aside from the fun factor, what else should be implemented to attract players to PvP?
Thanks for any input you guys can provide. I know a lot of people say PvP is dead and that the Devs don't care about it but I really wanna try to do something here.
Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+