Steven Moffat Hates Spoilers




He really, really hates spoilers: "You can imagine how much I hate them. It's only fans who do this, or they call themselves fans. I wish they could go and be fans of something else."

At least he appreciates that there are fans who want to stay spoiler-free. "The tragedy is you have to work hard at that now."



"But True Gentleman," I hear someone in the back ask, "Is that statement you quote truly evidence of him really, really hating spoilers?"

Well, he goes on to say: "To have some twit who came to a press launch, write up a story in the worst, most ham-fisted English you can imagine, and put it on the Internet... I just hope that guy never watches my show again, because that's a horrific thing to do. It is exactly like that boring man in the pub who waits until you’re nearly finished your joke and jumps in with the punchline, and gets it slightly wrong. You hate that guy, you just hate those guys too – can you imagine how much I hate them?"

So, yes, I can imagine how much he hates them - and it's a lot.



Ha, the Moff's hilarious, very self deprecating.

I understand his frustrations though, esapecially since I'm trying to remain spoiler free. I don't even like the "Next week" bits at the end of episodes.



Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
I don't even like the "Next week" bits at the end of episodes.
Back in the old days, a Doctor Who serial would end on a cliffhanger with just the stutter start of the theme music and a fade-in into the howl-around or slit-scan credit sequence! If it was the end of the serial, then there wasn't even a cliffhanger!! That was all we got, and we liked it!!!



I will add to that, before this season of Dr Who aired on BBC America, there was a teaser/documentary that had aired called "Dr. Who in America" that was showing behind the scenes filming of the episodes. I was highly annoyed that it gave away the big plot point of episode one and pissed that it showed a pivotal scene that I won't discuss in episode 2, ruining watching the show for me. I was expecting "behind the scenes" about the filming and the cast, not for them to air important scenes from the show out of context and story.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I'm betting that there will be some hapless twit in some future Doctor Who episode who loves to spoil things and winds up in a gruesome end.
Good lord, please let us not have another episode devoted to meta-commentary about Doctor Who fandom.



I can understand his problem. First off he is right no one likes to have an episodes plot and twists ruined.

My problem is that i like to read and take part in discussions and guess work. So even though i dont seek out spoilers, many times the people that do will work themselves into those discussion on movies and tv shows and ruin it for many.



Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
Ha, the Moff's hilarious, very self deprecating.

I understand his frustrations though, esapecially since I'm trying to remain spoiler free. I don't even like the "Next week" bits at the end of episodes.
The TV show Friends used to be the worst at this, giving away every single thing that was going to happen.

What Lies Beneath was completely spoiled by the trailer.

The original Planet of the Apes was spoiled by the freakin' POSTER.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
I can understand his problem. First off he is right no one likes to have an episodes plot and twists ruined.
I don't really mind it, myself. If the episode is worth watching, it's worth watching whether I'm surprised by some dramatic reveal or not.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Personally I avoid spoilers. My favorite part of watching a movie or a TV show is being surprised by a plot twist or sudden revelation. There's that moment when the puzzle pieces in your head all come together and you see the big picture, and you only get that feeling once. They're called 'spoilers' for a reason; for me, they spoil the experience.


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I barely labour myself to watch Matt Smith/Moffat combo of bordeom, why I would seek out spoilers I have no idea!

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



I was looking at youtube video's of Neil Gaiman talking about his upcoming episode released by the BBC, and right in the middle of one completely out of nowhere is a MASSIVE spoiler which is almost certainly from the finale of the episode. And the worst part, it has NOTHING to do with what Neil is talking about in his interview.

Sure its several things I guessed would be in the episode, and hoped to see. But what would have been a "YES!!!!" reveal/moment is now spoiled because I know who she is, I know what happens to them, and I know how he fixes it.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
The original Planet of the Apes was spoiled by the freakin' POSTER.
The original posters had the resolve to keep the famous last scene out of the picture, but the DVD release had no such scruples. That encapsulates the difference between contemporary marketing and the old school. It's as though the entertainment industry has become so uncertain of its audience that leading with the most important element is the accepted tactic, even at the expense of surprise and suspense in watching the actual movie.

As for the current Doctor Who season, while I probably ought to have stayed away from the teaser trailer, there's no way I'm watching any video clips in any form now that things are under way. TheHawkes's comment has only strengthened my resolve.



Wise move. I only watch the Confidentials until after I've watched the episode, and now they're going a little American (pardon the inference) by having Prologues you can watch online and then the little thirty-second teasers at the end.

Moffat may complain, but BBC are shooting him in the foot a bit.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Interestingly here in the UK the Confidentials actually air after the episode (straight after it's finished on BBC1 you'll get Confidential on BBC3), didn't realise it was the other way around for the Americans.

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Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
The original posters had the resolve to keep the famous last scene out of the picture, but the DVD release had no such scruples. That encapsulates the difference between contemporary marketing and the old school. It's as though the entertainment industry has become so uncertain of its audience that leading with the most important element is the accepted tactic, even at the expense of surprise and suspense in watching the actual movie.
I'm sorry but by the time the DVD's came out if you didn't know that it was on Earth all along you've been living in a cave.

But in case you missed some other movies

[spoilers ahoy]
The Big List of Movie Spoilers

Darth Vader is Luke's father.

Norman Bates is his mother.(1960)

Norman Bates is still his mother. (1999)

Faye Dunaway is both the sister and the mother.

Darth Vader is CP30's father.

Thelma and Louise die.

Janet Leigh dies.

Obi-Wan Kenobi dies.

Leo dies. But Kate doesn't, but she's fictional so it doesn't count.

Capt. Tom Hanks dies.

Bambi's mother dies.

James Bond's wife dies.

Qui-gon Jinn dies but Jar-Jar doesn't.

Mel Gibson dies in a kilt.

Bruce Willis is dead.

Everybody aboard dies (even Clooney!)

Jesus? Dies.

She's a guy.

It was all a dream featuring the farmhands.

Truman finds the exit.

The falcon's a fake.

Rhett leaves.

The train robber shoots his gun right at the audience.

He has Fredo killed.

The blind flower girl can see the Tramp now.

Ingrid leaves on the plane.

Who is, in fact, on first.

Rosebud's the sled.
[/spoilers ahoy]

[url=""]Lady Shadow[/url]



Originally Posted by Halcyon_S View Post
I'm sorry but by the time the DVD's came out if you didn't know that it was on Earth all along you've been living in a cave.
Seconding the duh. The Statue of Liberty was the clincher.

Movie Spoilers
Annotations for some of those? The Faye Dunaway sounds interesting.

Oh yeah, and boo to Mr. Moffat. I don't watch Dr. Who and I have no trouble whatsoever not knowing a thing about his storylines. You have to be frequenting forums and videos and news that is ABOUT Dr. Who to be spoiled for Dr. Who.

And it is NOT the right of creators to decide how people digest their stories. People decide how they want to digest stories. Whether it is the wrong way or not, like reading the final pages of a book first to decide whether it ends in a way you care about and is worth buying the book. Or deciding you don't want to watch that movie/read that book that everyone else is watching/reading, but you want to know enough to not be confused all the time when people keep talking about it, so you read the super detailed spoiler notes (or watch the parent's notes for kids when deciding what material you want them having).

You certainly wouldn't pick people who blather on the internet to watch your supersekrit show if you don't want them blathering on the internet about it.

My pet peeve is people who refuse to acknowledge it when I tell them my character has unlimited power. If I rp attack them they are of course disintegrated beyond the ability of any hospital or magic to restore. Yet despite this they refuse to delete their characters and still keep playing them as if nothing happened. ~Mandu, 07-16-2010



Originally Posted by Halcyon_S View Post
I'm sorry but by the time the DVD's came out if you didn't know that it was on Earth all along you've been living in a cave.

But in case you missed some other movies

[stupid snarky list redacted]
Every movie is experienced for the first time by somebody. You can avoid spoilers by not reading about the film, but putting the twist ending in the movie's marketing is a dick move.

Seeing a movie or TV show "cold" is always the best way to see it, because you get the experience of the story unfolding for the first time. I really feel sad for kids these days, because there is so much information out there and their culture seems predicated on knowing the answers ahead of time. What a dull life that has no surprises. No sense of adventure, no thrill of discovery. Just pseudo-hipster dillweeds spoiling things for everyone because they think it's cool or something.

My 13-year-old cousin saw The Terminator for the first time over the holidays. He didn't know anything about it and was completely blown away by the film and by the cool ending. He raved about it for months. Because it really *is* a cool movie, something the emo kewl doods refuse to recognize. Good thing someone like Halcyon wasn't around to ruin that experience for him.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



What's annoying about the internet is most people only stick to the spoiler code for a week or so, then just assume that everyone knows. It wouldn't be so bad if spoilers were relaxed a week or so after a movie is released, but I'm talking about months in advance.

For example, if it came out that Batman dies in the next movie, people would stick to spoilers for maybe a week (I'm being generous), then it would be assumed that everyone knows.

It's tough to follow pop culture online and enjoy new movies, TV, etc. I'm a big fan of Survivor and I basically have to avoid all mentions of it on the internet. Which is too bad, I'd love to discuss it with more people.



On the flip side though, for some of us, it can be very hard to not look at them.

Case in point, I've just woken up in the UK and am getting the last Smallville ep. I know there's a thread on this forum about it. The temptation to read it is INCREDIBLE!!!!

But I'm fighting it.....I really am!!!


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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Every movie is experienced for the first time by somebody. You can avoid spoilers by not reading about the film, but putting the twist ending in the movie's marketing is a dick move.
When it's 30 years later you get less sympathy from me, it's like my friends GF who got pissed when we were talking about Empire Strikes Back and she got mad because she hadn't seen it yet.

[url=""]Lady Shadow[/url]



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
My 13-year-old cousin saw The Terminator for the first time over the holidays. He didn't know anything about it and was completely blown away by the film and by the cool ending. He raved about it for months. Because it really *is* a cool movie, something the emo kewl doods refuse to recognize. Good thing someone like Halcyon wasn't around to ruin that experience for him.
If hearing the ending would have ruined the experience for him, it wouldn't be a "cool" movie. The real problem is all the ADD-headed buffoons who think things can't be enjoyable when they're not shiny and new. Those kids need to get off my lawn, where the grass is old and dry and I like it that way.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound