22 -
I liked it a lot, but since I've never read the comic it was based on was it intended to thumb it's nose at The Authority?
I wonder what would happen if I wore that to the LA Doctor Who Con next year....
When it's 30 years later you get less sympathy from me, it's like my friends GF who got pissed when we were talking about Empire Strikes Back and she got mad because she hadn't seen it yet.
Quote:I'm sorry but by the time the DVD's came out if you didn't know that it was on Earth all along you've been living in a cave.The original posters had the resolve to keep the famous last scene out of the picture, but the DVD release had no such scruples. That encapsulates the difference between contemporary marketing and the old school. It's as though the entertainment industry has become so uncertain of its audience that leading with the most important element is the accepted tactic, even at the expense of surprise and suspense in watching the actual movie.
But in case you missed some other movies
[spoilers ahoy]
The Big List of Movie Spoilers
Darth Vader is Luke's father.
Norman Bates is his mother.(1960)
Norman Bates is still his mother. (1999)
Faye Dunaway is both the sister and the mother.
Darth Vader is CP30's father.
Thelma and Louise die.
Janet Leigh dies.
Obi-Wan Kenobi dies.
Leo dies. But Kate doesn't, but she's fictional so it doesn't count.
Capt. Tom Hanks dies.
Bambi's mother dies.
James Bond's wife dies.
Qui-gon Jinn dies but Jar-Jar doesn't.
Mel Gibson dies in a kilt.
Bruce Willis is dead.
Everybody aboard dies (even Clooney!)
Jesus? Dies.
She's a guy.
It was all a dream featuring the farmhands.
Truman finds the exit.
The falcon's a fake.
Rhett leaves.
The train robber shoots his gun right at the audience.
He has Fredo killed.
The blind flower girl can see the Tramp now.
Ingrid leaves on the plane.
Who is, in fact, on first.
Rosebud's the sled.
[/spoilers ahoy] -
Quote:Rifts vampires don't look anything like H.R. Geiger though, what was the same?Just got back from seeing this movie. Honestly it was a big meh.
To much failed character development and not enough vampire asskickery.
The whole time I was watching the movie I was like did the writer of this buy a bunch of Rifts rpg books and rip them off (the visual style).
The vampires looked like something from an H.R. Gegier painting.
Really not worth paying to see it in 3D. -
Quote:From all he's said I think he's human, he just has the memories from being an auton in that version of the universe.I'm still unclear on what Rory is. Amy 'reset' everything at the end of last season, so he should be human. But he has memories of waiting 2000 years for her, which means he's an auton.
Hey, this could be the source of the schrodinger fetus. Is Rory an auton or not? Amy might not have decided. That would determine whether or not he could sire a child. -
So... is Belasco in the movie, or is that some other Red guy with swords and who can teleport?
I admit, I was impressed with it though at first I thought they were going to have his date BE the Evo-Bunny in human form, but I liked what they did much better.
It could be worse... it could be using Palladium's game rules?
<sniffles> I... I love you!
or be like charles bronson
[/ QUOTE ]
What they gave Thug MM's rope too? -
/ghide is great and all, but if you're in a channel your friends still see you on the Channel Members window. Is there anyway to hide yourself in that menu as well as the Global Friends list?
Halcyon -
Yup, Rosh Hashanah, and to the original poster, it sounds like the 'event' will be lasting a few days, so enjoy your day in Temple, think about your sins, and then after sundown tonight log on and kick some evil-butt.
Oh, and look at it this way, I'm in the same boat, but I had to WORK today so I could get Yom Kippur off.