Oct 19th will be a day that lives in Awesome!




Gamma World

Oh baby can't wait for my black-ray pistol!!!!!!!!!!!

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



I thought this was about Hulk.


- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Heh, I didn't say 10/19 would be a day that lives in smash!

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Nothing that uses 4th Edition may be associated with me. Convert it to Pathfinder, then we'll talk.

[B]The Once and Future Official Minister of Awesome[/B]
[I]And don't you forget it.[/I]



I prefer 2nd edition GW myself, though while I liked the expanded mutation charts of the 3rd edition, I did not like the ruleset or the background.

Some of the versions, such as Alternity, made me roll my eyes. I liked the ability to 'double' your mutation, and the number of mutations that were available in 2nd edition/3rd edition.

I did not like the human centric aspect that the later editions took on, making it impossible for a mutant to use high tech as it was designed genetically for 'humans' which were actually aliens.

I will keep an eye out for the consensus of the boards as well as checking it out when it comes out. Any of this foolish "humans are aliens and are the only ones that can use high tech" and I will ignore the game on general principle.



Originally Posted by Manofmanychars View Post
Nothing that uses 4th Edition may be associated with me. Convert it to Pathfinder, then we'll talk.
In this case I can't complain since the last time I actually picked up a Gamma World rule book was way way back in the mid 80's. I think I might enjoy GW using the 4th Ed rules set (and to help grind a dead horse into fine powder - I'ma 3rd Ed D&D guy myself).

And agreed, on the human centric thing, I could do without that as well - It sounds like they created that rule as an easy way to balance things.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



I still have my original boxed set of Gamma World from 1978, we had a blast playing it. I haven't played 4th Edition, using Pathfinder myself, but I might give it a try.

I wonder if Wizards will make a Living Campaign for Gamma World to try and boost sales?

"I used to make diddly squat, but I've been with the company for 16 years and have had plenty of great raises. Now I just make squat" -- Me

Pediatric brain tumors are the #1 cause of cancer related deaths in children.



Fallout: New Vegas comes out on that day as well. Never got into D&D so GW doesn't interest me that much.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Speaking of which, how bad *** would it be if somebody did a GW mod using the current Fallout Game - I'd pay real money for it!!! (no seriously)

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Originally Posted by Manofmanychars View Post
Nothing that uses 4th Edition may be associated with me. Convert it to Pathfinder, then we'll talk.
I'm honestly curious, since I've not tried Pathfinder myself, but is it demonstrably different from 3.5e D&D? I mostly ask because for some reason I've never quite been able to pin down, I just don't like 3e and 3.5e D&D.

4e isn't my favorite and it's a little MMOish, but it can be fairly solid fun nonetheless (for me anyway).

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
I'm honestly curious, since I've not tried Pathfinder myself, but is it demonstrably different from 3.5e D&D? I mostly ask because for some reason I've never quite been able to pin down, I just don't like 3e and 3.5e D&D.

4e isn't my favorite and it's a little MMOish, but it can be fairly solid fun nonetheless (for me anyway).
Pathfinder buffs the default classes so that they're as powerful as all the various splats from other books, but the rules are more or less identical, because it uses the OGL.

[B]The Once and Future Official Minister of Awesome[/B]
[I]And don't you forget it.[/I]



I hate 4e and I don't like what WotC has become, but I've owned every version of Gamma World and I'll probably have to buy this one. Sigh.

I wonder what fatal flaw the game system will have this time? It's a tradition that every version of GW has a horrible, game-breaking flaw. In version 1, characters could sit in radioactive areas and receive positive mutations until they became gods. In version 2, a new armor system made anyone who wore leather armor immune to metal blades. I forget the version 3 flaw; I own it but never got anyone to actually play. It'll probably be the same this time.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
I'm honestly curious, since I've not tried Pathfinder myself, but is it demonstrably different from 3.5e D&D? I mostly ask because for some reason I've never quite been able to pin down, I just don't like 3e and 3.5e D&D.

4e isn't my favorite and it's a little MMOish, but it can be fairly solid fun nonetheless (for me anyway).
it depends on what you didn't like about 3/3.5. PF does make some very nice tweaks that clean some of the system up, but it's still essentially the 3.5 ruleset. there were a few tings from the Beta test of the game i wish they'd kept in, but that might've been too much a departure from the ruleset than paizo was comfortable with. im running a Pathfinder campaign now, but im using some extra stuff from a supplement called Trailblazer. Which has really seemed to hit it off with my group.

OTOH, 4E isn't bad. there's a lot of stuff it does that works well, and like any other system there's a lot of stuff it does that doesn't. i like playing the game, but i don't (atm) ever see myself running a 4E campaign.



Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
4E isn't bad
This is the single greatest lie ever uttered.

[B]The Once and Future Official Minister of Awesome[/B]
[I]And don't you forget it.[/I]



Originally Posted by Manofmanychars View Post
This is the single greatest lie ever uttered.
I know how you feel. I have a similar reaction to people saying 3/3.5e is any good.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
I know how you feel. I have a similar reaction to people saying 3/3.5e is any good.
What's it like to be wrong all the time?

[B]The Once and Future Official Minister of Awesome[/B]
[I]And don't you forget it.[/I]



Originally Posted by Manofmanychars View Post
What's it like to be wrong all the time?
If only fun weren't subjective. It'd make these sorts of things less silly than giant, "NO U!!!" matches.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by oliin View Post
if only fun weren't subjective. It'd make these sorts of things less silly than giant, "no u!!!" matches.
Oh, okay, I got it.

NO U!!!

[B]The Once and Future Official Minister of Awesome[/B]
[I]And don't you forget it.[/I]



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
I hate 4e and I don't like what WotC has become, but I've owned every version of Gamma World and I'll probably have to buy this one. Sigh.

I wonder what fatal flaw the game system will have this time? It's a tradition that every version of GW has a horrible, game-breaking flaw. In version 1, characters could sit in radioactive areas and receive positive mutations until they became gods. In version 2, a new armor system made anyone who wore leather armor immune to metal blades. I forget the version 3 flaw; I own it but never got anyone to actually play. It'll probably be the same this time.
3rd editions flaw was teh ACT system they used, and were using for Marvel Super Heroes and their Conan RPG.

I think their Raiders of the Lost Ark RPG used it as well.



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
Fallout: New Vegas comes out on that day as well. Never got into D&D so GW doesn't interest me that much.
Fallout basically IS Gamma world....

But jeez, 40 bucks? I'll stick with my original and 2nd ed. Mix and match the rules with Macho Women With Guns, and you've got yourself a rollicking good game.

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Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
Fallout basically IS Gamma world....
Guess we know when the bombs get dropped since it is too much of a coincidence for two decent to great post-apocalyptic games being launched on the same day.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



It strikes me as funny when people glorify or bash a particular game system.
I happen to be running and playing in both pathfinder and 4E at the moment.

(yes, 4 games a week....I am struggling to fit it into my schedule to say the least)

There are things I prefer about each system, but amazingly, I enjoy both.

Preference is fine, but to label either 'bad' seems strange to me.



Originally Posted by Umbra_NA View Post
It strikes me as funny when people glorify or bash a particular game system.
I happen to be running and playing in both pathfinder and 4E at the moment.

(yes, 4 games a week....I am struggling to fit it into my schedule to say the least)

There are things I prefer about each system, but amazingly, I enjoy both.

Preference is fine, but to label either 'bad' seems strange to me.
Agreed. I may have made my choice abouyt 4e, but if it floats your boat, sail on. I find myself lamenting the change in system due to trying to find players that may not like the old system but like the new. That is a different issue.



I have had that problem as well. Quite a few times I was unable to merge gaming groups due to a player or two 'hating' a particular game system. The end result is me in too many games now



Originally Posted by Umbra_NA View Post
It strikes me as funny when people glorify or bash a particular game system.
I happen to be running and playing in both pathfinder and 4E at the moment.
I'm never going to honestly go and say that any variant of 3e is bad truth be told. I might joke about it, but it isn't a bad game by any stretch. It's just a game I find decidedly unfun and and I don't like aspects of it but it's I can't point at anything and say it's specifically bad.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812