Oct 19th will be a day that lives in Awesome!
Being an old school Gamma Worlder, I tend to think the game is best when it has a system of its own. I didn't care for the d20 version at all, and I won't be bothering with this new version.
I suspect one could simply do better with another system using the wealth of background from 1-3rd editions.
Too many alts to list.
Being an old school Gamma Worlder, I tend to think the game is best when it has a system of its own. I didn't care for the d20 version at all, and I won't be bothering with this new version.
I suspect one could simply do better with another system using the wealth of background from 1-3rd editions. |
Hero system was never something I like for realism.
At times, a dedicated system is much better than a generic one.
I always wanted to run the world in GURPS. It gave the inherent balance back and allowed a great deal of flexability for the player. I just have issues with having to pay points for everything, particularly in a system where you are lucky to get 6 points in 3 game sessions, and everything costs 25 points or more. (Upgrading after creation could be more expensive. I know that the points varied from a couple for a skill up to alot for a new advantage. Yet a disadvantage could be added and completly ruin your character with no benefit to you.)
Hero system was never something I like for realism. At times, a dedicated system is much better than a generic one. |
Too many alts to list.
3.5 made me start hating DnD in general, couldnt stand it anymore, gave up GMing & Playing for many years.
4th made me skeptical, I was on the I hates it bandwagon, until I tried it finally(on the behest of a friend running a game, I was like sure, free whiskey & hanging out with friends, Im there.)
I really enjoyed it, it reminded of the fun I use to have back in 2nd. I liked it so much, I went out bought 8 books & G.M. for first time in 4yrs. So, 4th may have its haters or folks who like it, but to me it brought back some fun, thats really all that matters in the end.
Having Fun
I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.
3.5 made me start hating DnD in general, couldnt stand it anymore, gave up GMing & Playing for many years.
4th made me skeptical, I was on the I hates it bandwagon, until I tried it finally(on the behest of a friend running a game, I was like sure, free whiskey & hanging out with friends, Im there.) I really enjoyed it, it reminded of the fun I use to have back in 2nd. I liked it so much, I went out bought 8 books & G.M. for first time in 4yrs. So, 4th may have its haters or folks who like it, but to me it brought back some fun, thats really all that matters in the end. Having Fun JJ |

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------

Yes, I did cut my teeth on 2nd Edition. I was 14, so that was 20 years ago, from there I learned to play Vampire: Masquerade, RIFTS, Legends of the 5 Rings, Heroes, dabbled in some GURPS(so little I barely remember any of it), Shadow Run, Cyberpunk.
Was out loop for some time, came back in my late 20s to play 3.5 for bout year, really was not having any fun what so ever, so at 30 I stopped playing/GMing everything.
We even took Star Trek game someone had & mixed Cyberpunk set up into it, called it Cyber Star, that was fun.
I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.
I cut my teeth on 2nd edition (actually on the blue box Basic D&D), and I hate 4ed. I like to roleplay, and 4ed feels more like playing a computer game without the graphics. It doesn't even have a proper alignment system.
I heard at my local game store that there will be an opening game day for Gamma World. I may sit in and see how it runs.
New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.
On a related note, I just found this.
Looks like it is set up for 1st or 2nd edition Gamma World.
i dig M&M, but the only problem is that i think the system tends towards being a bit TOO generic. once you figure out attack/defense bonuses, it's pretty much all just flavor from there. at least in 2nd edition, there is a 3rd coming out in a month or so.
As for the generic business, yes it would be extremely generic. However that's how you can make balance work (IMO). Beyond basic mechanics of how things work, and those should be independent of color, everything should be changeable.
A laser should be a lightning gun, should be a heat beam and whatnot. You just add in special effects later. This allows you to get the balance right up front, and then start filling in color later without screwing up the balance.
I suppose the twinks in all of us (and I min max like a madman) won't like it, but it (again IMO) makes for a better system. You don't end up with RIFTS like abominations.
Too many alts to list.
Ignoring the 4th ed/3rd ed/etc debates, I was excited about Gamma World.
Then I read this article. Everything's done with cards? That you have to buy ******* booster packs for? What. The. ****.
Yeah, boy... well at least my card loving nephews will dig the game. It would have been nice for an optional system (daygonit Hasbro, why must you be in it to sell games! ), perhaps there is a work around. I'll still get game all the same.
On another note, at least its not the Ravenloft BOARD GAME!

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------

Actually 3rd edition is effectively out already in the DC Adventures book. I picked that up a couple of weeks ago and the rules were completely different from 2nd Edition M&M.
As for the generic business, yes it would be extremely generic. However that's how you can make balance work (IMO). Beyond basic mechanics of how things work, and those should be independent of color, everything should be changeable. A laser should be a lightning gun, should be a heat beam and whatnot. You just add in special effects later. This allows you to get the balance right up front, and then start filling in color later without screwing up the balance. I suppose the twinks in all of us (and I min max like a madman) won't like it, but it (again IMO) makes for a better system. You don't end up with RIFTS like abominations. |
Anywho, looking forward to laying hands on that when it comes out, and when ive got the cash for it.
As for Gamma World. Ill wait for my friends to pick it up and thumb through it. Ive no real interest in dumping anymore cash into 4E than what i absolutely need to play the game.
Ignoring the 4th ed/3rd ed/etc debates, I was excited about Gamma World.
Then I read this article. Everything's done with cards? That you have to buy ******* booster packs for? What. The. ****. |
Actually that's interesting. Reminds me of the original printings of Deadlands and it's sequel. You used playing cards though out the game. As well as poker chips. I never looked at the D20 version, but I could not fathom how they made those rules into a GURPS version.
It could be worse... it could be using Palladium's game rules?
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