Back from Iraq, returning to City




Well I've been away from CoH, and most of the internet, for about 8 months now. Really looking forward to getting back into the game, and I'd like to roll a couple new toons upon my return. Seeing as I'm 2 Issues behind, I have a lot of catching up to do. I'm wondering, is there an AT that's begun to stand out in the new content, or power sets? I know everyone plays what they enjoy, I've always done the same, but I'd like to get any recommendations I can. The more reasoning behind why you have been playing your specific toon, the better. I've been reading up for the last couple days and I've seen some threads on Fire/Cold Corrs and Invul scrappers that have grabbed my attention...



I can't help you too much on the question you asked, but I did want to thank you for your service.

Welcome Home!



Originally Posted by AF_Bill View Post
I can't help you too much on the question you asked, but I did want to thank you for your service.

Welcome Home!
Thanks much. Glad to be home!



A Fire/Cold Corr might be a good choice. Really good damage, great debuffs against single targets and AoE, and the shields would help the team out a lot to reach the incarnate soft cap for Defense, which is higher than in normal content.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
A Fire/Cold Corr might be a good choice. Really good damage, great debuffs against single targets and AoE, and the shields would help the team out a lot to reach the incarnate soft cap for Defense, which is higher than in normal content.
Yeah what little Ive read so far about the Incarnate content mentions the higher cap and I was kinda pleasantly surprised to hear it. With all the bad assery we can accomplish on our toons these days, it's nice to get some more challenging stuff to take on (Im guessing, lol)

Good points on the Cold buffs. Pretty much everything I read about the Fire/Cold toon was it was a dps beast.



Welcome back.

I've been wanting to roll a fire/cold corr for a few days now, but I get the the costume screen and realize I don't have a concept yet. No concept, no costume, no toon. And I'm currently working on dinging 50 on my crab.

Aett pretty much covered all the reasons why it's liked so much. It's pretty much that fire rocks, and so does Cold. Together they're awesome



Welcome home! Thank you for your service.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Originally Posted by Tauge View Post
Welcome back.

I've been wanting to roll a fire/cold corr for a few days now, but I get the the costume screen and realize I don't have a concept yet. No concept, no costume, no toon. And I'm currently working on dinging 50 on my crab.
Thanks! I'm actually still on my way home. Sitting in Singapore for about a week, then back to Japan (home station). But when I get there and get some time off, it's gonna be CoH for days straight :P

And I'm with ya, concept just makes things more fun.



The beauty of Fire/Cold corruptors is that they are extremely good at lot of things. Fire Blast provides very high DPS. Whether it's Single target DPS or AoE damage. And recently with the T3 reactive Interface proc from the Destiny Slot Rain of Fire turns into a Blizzard clone (so do all rain powers). Cold Domination is another great set as well. As people mentioned above the shields will help your teammates (and league-mates) bridge the gap between their 45% defence toons and the increase base to Hit for the enemies in the trials (I believe their base to hit is 64% as opposed to 50% like the old content). There is also Sleet. Which is simply an amazing debuff with high -Def and -Resist in a large area of effect, and the chance to knock enemies down which also provides some measure of damage works beautifully with the T3/T4 reactive DoT proc from Interface slot mentioned above. Then there's Benumb, which is (IMO) the best single target debuff in the game. -Regen, -DMG, -Recharge, and also minimizes the effects of the secondary effects of enemies attacks. For example Ghost Widow's hold and heal in STF will be affected by Benumb, so the hold will last less time and the heal will heal for less Hit Points (the latter holds true for the healer Nictus in iTF, too) and many other examples. And then there's the beauty that's HeatLoss. AoE -Resist, massive -recharge and -recovery, and a big Endo and Recovery boost to you and your teammates.
The only problem with Cold Domination is that it's expensive to get those debuffs down to perma level (or close to it), but once you get there, your toon will be awesome, even without all the new incarnate slots.

@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor



Wanted, you're like a Fire/Cold salesman. I feel like coughing up a down payment! After reading you post, is it safe to assume Fire/Cold Corr's get some work done trying to solo AVs? Not really worried about it as much as I want a well rounded toon that does well in the new content, but that's alot of debuff...



You seem pretty set on your fire/cold, but I'd like to offer my suggestion anyway. Try a warshade.

For what it's worth, my Warshade was far and away the most fun I've ever had playing this game. So much fun that I wrote a guide for it, as well as a few other entertainment pieces. The link for the guide is in my sig.

Originally Posted by The MFing Warshade
At its height, The MFing Warshade will have 300% damage bonus, 85% resist all, well over 50% tohit bonus, three damage dealing pets in tow, a ranged AoE attack chain, and the ability to refill both bars more often than I blink. It can also perma stun ten targets, perma hold one, and even stun bosses in a single shot. It has mez protection with an 80% hitpoints bonus on demand. It can even shrug off defeat twice every five minutes.
That being said, I would also like to thank you for your service. I had the opportunity to serve, but I chose an easier road. You are a better man than I, and I very much respect and thank you for your service.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



What server are you on? Welcome back. I'll be happy to help you get back in the game. PM me. I'm on Freedom and Union.



Originally Posted by Wanted_NA View Post
And recently with the T3 reactive Interface proc from the Destiny Slot Rain of Fire turns into a Blizzard clone (so do all rain powers).
Public service announcement: don't expect that to stay in game forever. I think there's widespread expectation that the proc will get changed to the "one roll every 10 seconds" like other procs. Currently it turns every rain power into a nuke, which while totally awesome, is also absurdly overpowered.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Wanted_NA View Post
And recently with the T3 reactive Interface proc from the Destiny Slot Rain of Fire turns into a Blizzard clone (so do all rain powers).
Just a minor adjustment: Its the Reactive Ability Tier in the Interface Slot. Destiny is another type of Incarnate slot.

Don't I know you???



Originally Posted by Goliathan View Post
Wanted, you're like a Fire/Cold salesman. I feel like coughing up a down payment! After reading you post, is it safe to assume Fire/Cold Corr's get some work done trying to solo AVs? Not really worried about it as much as I want a well rounded toon that does well in the new content, but that's alot of debuff...
I'm very passionate about Fire/Colds because it's one of my favorite toons in the game. Very, very closely matching my all time favorite toon (Fire/Fire blaster).
My Fire/Cold corruptor was able to solo a lot of the AVs and a few Giant Monsters (not all because I have her built for ranged defence, which doesn't help much against the likes of Adamastor for example) before Issue 20 came out. I admit I haven't tried it before I19 on her, but I'm pretty sure she would've still been able to do it regardless.
Another great point of Fire/Cold corruptors: It doesn't require a multi billion build for them to be able to do that either. Naturally the more you invest in it the better the performance, but doesn't mean that a moderate build can't accomplish a lot either. Mine isn't exactly cheap, but I've seen builds on the board that are easily 2-3 times as expensive as mine as well.
But yes, a Fire/Cold corruptor is exactly what you're looking for: A well rounded toon that does (very) well in the new content.

Also, as Dechs suggested a well built Warshade is also is a pretty sturdy toon that's quite flexible, but I've had a hard time getting into them personally..although I have friends who absolutely love theirs, I should give mine a second chance sometime, lol. But from my experience you'd have a whole lot easier time getting on teams with a corruptor than a warshade though.

@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor



Originally Posted by dougnukem View Post
Just a minor adjustment: Its the Reactive Ability Tier in the Interface Slot. Destiny is another type of Incarnate slot.
Lol whoops, sorry about that.

@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor



Originally Posted by Wanted_NA View Post
Lol whoops, sorry about that.
No worries...they all blend together when I look at them anyways lol

Don't I know you???



I will 2nd or 3rd or whatever the fire/cold corr. It is alot of fun and some really sick damage. Absolutely grab Interface - Reactive and go the fire damage DOT route in that slot.

The only thing I do not like about my fire/ice corr is no heal since my builds do not have room for medicine pool and my Destiny slot has the recharge path in it.

And welcome back and thank you for your service in Iraq.



The only problem I foresee for fire/cold corruptor relates to the sets being possibly too good.

Between all the primaries you'll want and all the secondaries you'll want, that leaves few choices for a travel power, Medicine pool (if you're into that), self-defense toggles, and other pool powers. Thank goodness for inherent Fitness.



With the new content, you need to be able to dish out significant damage against +4s, AND survive their attacks. Someone mentioned Fire/Cold Cor, i might say Fire/Traps. You get some decent AoE buffs and debuffs and you don't have to spent time applying shields.

It should be noted though, that one of the Incarnate power types is all ABOUT AoE defensive abilities. And another Incarnate power type is a crashless AoE nuke. And another is Pets. So you can have the "worst" power-combo in the game and STILL be effective in the incarnate trials once you've gotten even the tier 1 abilities in each Incarnate tree.

Just my 2 cents. And, oh yeah, welcome home! I too, thank you for your courage and service!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Nobody said it, but I will add: Demon Summoning is very fun. Masterminds are not the end all be all of the incarnate content ( ok they kind of get the shaft :P ), but my Demon Summoning/Thermal mastermind is a juggernaut in the level 40 content. I think it's a lot of fun.

Another thing that may have slipped under the radar. Masterminds with dark mastery were buffed in that the twilight grasp heal radius is bigger at the corruptor defender radius.

Lastly, thank you for being our nation's hero in the real world. There is nothing like an all-volunteer fighting force.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



Seriously, thanks for all the well wishes. Most appreciated.

Yeah, I will definitely give the Fire/Cold thing a shot. Probably gonna roll a couple others too, as I get 2 weeks off after I get home, I'll have time to play. Looking at a DM/FA Brute and maybe a Arch/TA Corr. I've been CoH Jones'n for quite a while and I've saved up a few names and concepts during what little off time I've had.

I play on Liberty and Freedom, Residentx10, so I'll keep that in mind. Thanks much!



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
Public service announcement: don't expect that to stay in game forever. I think there's widespread expectation that the proc will get changed to the "one roll every 10 seconds" like other procs. Currently it turns every rain power into a nuke, which while totally awesome, is also absurdly overpowered.
It was confirmed during last nights UStream chat that currently it is WAI. Whether they change their minds and say they no longer want it to do that, who knows, but its not a bug they are aiming at squashing straight away.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
It was confirmed during last nights UStream chat that currently it is WAI. Whether they change their minds and say they no longer want it to do that, who knows, but its not a bug they are aiming at squashing straight away.

That's kind of surprising, and equally intriguing... *mutters to himself... "3 more days until I'm back online, 3 more days until I'm back online...."