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  1. You know...I knew that all the markets are connected, but for some reason I just...forgot it.
  2. The main reason for the rampant inflation is the lack/low amount of inf sinks in the game. When the game originally came out the primary inf sink were SOs. I think they wanted prestige to be another inf sink, but that is insufficient as many people either don't run in SG mode or don't donate massive sums to their SG, or are like me and don't have an SG. People don't use SOs near as much as they used to. So what else is there to remove inf from the game? Most other MMO's that I've played have sufficient currency sinks to at least slow inflation. It still happens, every time Devs of any MMO increase supply without increasing amount of currency removed from the game inflation happens.

    An interesting thing to think about, though, is that perhaps marketeers should be lauded and not cursed. What do most marketeers do with all the inf they make? If what I've seen in this forum over the last few days is any indication, they sit on it. They are in essence one more currency sink in the game removing millions, or more, of inf from the market each day. Yes, they are adding it to their own horde, and yes they may spend like a pirate fresh into port, but, unlike a pirate, they always try to increase or maintain their current hordes.

    Think about what would happen if all of the marketeers went on a spending spree this weekend. Tens of billions, or more, of inf suddenly hitting the market and spreading out among people. You think prices are bad now, imagine after that.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    ... I can't help with the return of the money, but I went out in sympathy and spent 75 million on a Masterwork Weapon. Wasn't even just extra zeroes, because it was 75,010,908. I'm still not sure what I was thinking.

    So I'm in his corner!
    If you play on Freedom, I saw that bid in the market history. I remember a WTF? crossing my mind because if wasn't just extra zeros.
  4. Again. One person's story is NOT statistically significant. Even if you've run a dozen runs on a dozen characters, that's only 144 runs out of the potentially tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of reward rolls.

    Also, how much of these stories is really just hyperbole? I'm not accusing people lying, but I do know human nature, and when people get frustrated they start to exaggerate, whether consciously or not, people will say things take longer or happen more or less often than they did. Back when I worked for the mouse, we always said to subtract 45 minutes from any wait time that a guest told us they waited and that would be their actual wait time. And you know what, it was a pretty good estimate.

    How much of you really have been keeping a tally of all their rewards? Not most, not the ones over the last week or month, every single one. Only the devs have that information, and if the percentages in the data are near where they expect them, then I'm inclined to believe them.
  5. Random is random.

    There are misconceptions about the reward system. I can't find the post at this moment, the devs have explained that the reward system works basically like this: If you sit on your hands, 10 threads, if you participate, then a you get a random reward. People who get a bunch or rares, and very rares, are just lucky people. People who don't are unlucky. Anecdotal evidence of certain ATs getting more and better drops, is not enough to say that the devs are wrong or lying or something. Even if it were evidence you could use, 10-20 (or whatever the total number) stories is not statistically significant.
  6. SS/Fire is FotM(Year?Decade?Century?) especially for farming certain AE mishes.

    If you've got access, everyone loves when a VEAT is around. My personal favorite is the Crab. Mine is a AoE and defensive machine. And with all my pets out (not Lore pets yet) I can crank out some decent single target damage too.

    Supposedly, Widows, Forts and Banes are really good too, but really who cares? Crabs are just that awesome.
  7. One thing to remember is that Storm is not like most other powersets in the game. You can't just mindlessly drop the same buffs in the same way every time. Each spawn, each map, each situation will be a little different and require different tactics each time. You've always gotta be thinking on your feet.

    And remember on teams, storm is a scalpel not a sledgehammer. Use gale to push mobs into the wall, not down the hall. Get yourself into position, before you turn on hurricane, so that it blows the mobs into the corner, don't run it non-stop blowing mobs everywhere. Etc.
  8. Welcome back.

    I've been wanting to roll a fire/cold corr for a few days now, but I get the the costume screen and realize I don't have a concept yet. No concept, no costume, no toon. And I'm currently working on dinging 50 on my crab.

    Aett pretty much covered all the reasons why it's liked so much. It's pretty much that fire rocks, and so does Cold. Together they're awesome
  9. Barrier does look similar to how I remember the old sonic graphics. I don't have any problems with it, nor did I have problems with Sonic, nor do I know anyone having problems now or back them.

    This does need to be further explored by the devs and the community, and should be changed if it's an issue. I've looked, albeit briefly, for images of the old sonic powers, but didn't have any success. If someone does have screens, or better yet video, of them, perhaps a comparison can and should be made.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post

    They STARTED? What time was this? And on Freedom, or somewhere else?
    Yeah, it happened last night on Freedom. They hit most of the more populated zones, but for the most part everything was focused on PI. The fight in PI1 went on for the entire event. Was pretty fun even though the lag was...what you'd expect with 30-50 people fighting masses of EBs and GMs.