Sgu 5/9
The planet blew up because of an attack though didnt it? It wasnt a failure of the gate wasnt it a sabotage to the connection process?
Also not covered in the series: We don't know what passes for a Milky Way Galaxy News Network, but word would tend to spread when whole planets start exploding. The spin on these stories is not likely to be favorable to Stargate Command.
Okay you lost me, I need more specifics cuz I'm not sure what your referring to. Sorry for being confused.
If this power source was so awesome was it not used in anything that needed a lot of power like for instance the puddle jumpers? If not what the hell was powering them?
The Zero Point modules, why was there no facility for making them in the city? Why the hell would you leave home with out that?
If this power source was so awesome was it not used in anything that needed a lot of power like for instance the puddle jumpers? If not what the hell was powering them? |
But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius
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But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius
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The Zero Point modules, why was there no facility for making them in the city? Why the hell would you leave home with out that?
If this power source was so awesome was it not used in anything that needed a lot of power like for instance the puddle jumpers? If not what the hell was powering them? |
Oh there clearly is a ZPM manufacturing plant in the city. The problem is that they haven't found it or else figured out what it is yet. When the ancients took over the city for a while they promptly built more ZPM's using the cities resources. So the tech is there in the city. They just never identified it in the series. Now that the city is on earth at some point they will finally figure out the trick of it and be able to manufacture them to order.
The planet blew up because of an attack though didnt it? It wasnt a failure of the gate wasnt it a sabotage to the connection process? I think it would be more like a "what can you give us to make it worthwhile" and then on a limited run. Like i mentioned like one connection a month or every other month. Just enough to get supplies shift off people when their tours of duty are up or for shore leave etc. Just to get rid of that one apsect of the show that was the most boring and totally over used in the story lines.
KIVA: We're under attack. Can we dial the ninth chevron? RUSH: Not without blowing everything up. |
OVIRDA: Twice this has been attempted, and twice the planets were destroyed by a catastrophic chain reaction. TELFORD: The overload at Icarus was a direct result of the enemy bombardment. In the second case ... OVIRDA: We acknowledge there were mitigating factors in both cases. Nevertheless, our scientists believe Doctor Rush's solution is inherently dangerous. WOOLSEY: Which is why we asked you to come here, sir. We have a new solution. |
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
Weren't they also getting power from that underwater facility after they found it?
Earth used one for the chair/defense system and one for the intergalactic ship and one stayed back at Atlantis allowing them to dial earth for reports every few days.
But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius
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Oh there clearly is a ZPM manufacturing plant in the city. The problem is that they haven't found it or else figured out what it is yet. When the ancients took over the city for a while they promptly built more ZPM's using the cities resources. So the tech is there in the city. They just never identified it in the series. Now that the city is on earth at some point they will finally figure out the trick of it and be able to manufacture them to order.
as for the likeable characters... bwah hahahahahahahaha, good one, well written, an excellent lampooning of cliché ridden drivel.
And the puddle jumpers? or was that just glossed over?
as for the likeable characters... bwah hahahahahahahaha, good one, well written, an excellent lampooning of cliché ridden drivel. |
The writers of Universe purposely went as far from those other shows as possible... which could have been a good thing, but dark and gritty for the sake of that doesn't work all that well. You can reinvent a sci-fi series, as Star Trek shows, but you can't make it too different from the original, or you lose fans. And you still need characters that you like.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
But for all we know they have their own power cells on a much smaller scale than the ZPM's and just like them they could last for years before needing to be replaced.
So sorry to disappoint you but that isn't the huge Gotcha you want to think it is.
as for the likeable characters... bwah hahahahahahahaha, good one, well written, an excellent lampooning of cliché ridden drivel. |
Awww sour grapes huh. No matter how much you want to trash those two shows the simple fact remains that they had fanbases large enough to keep them on the air for years. (SG1 - 10 years, SGA - 5 years) While SGU which aired Oct, 2009 didn't have the fanbase to keep it from getting cancelled 1 year later in Dec, 2010.
So as much as it galls you, yes the viewers felt the shows were better written and had more likable characters.
What about them? They never went into detail about what their powersource was as I recall. If they did need to recharge off the city's grid they wouldn't use more than a fraction of power, and then only when they need to be recharged.
But for all we know they have their own power cells on a much smaller scale than the ZPM's and just like them they could last for years before needing to be replaced. So sorry to disappoint you but that isn't the huge Gotcha you want to think it is. |
Awww sour grapes huh. No matter how much you want to trash those two shows the simple fact remains that they had fanbases large enough to keep them on the air for years. (SG1 - 10 years, SGA - 5 years) While SGU which aired Oct, 2009 didn't have the fanbase to keep it from getting cancelled 1 year later in Dec, 2010. So as much as it galls you, yes the viewers felt the shows were better written and had more likable characters. |
SG1 and SGA are different show types. And they are different genres.
SGU is a drama serial.
SG1 and SGA are more comedy one-shot stories
When you switch like that you are going to get a massive negative feedback and it's going to take a while to get numbers back, much longer than a new brand.
The Puddle Jumpers have their own power source and it was discussed. They had a system that the PJs could be tied into the city for some reason... I forget why but it was only enough for emergency power or some such.
It's not as straight forward as that. SG1 and SGA are different show types. And they are different genres. SGU is a drama serial. SG1 and SGA are more comedy one-shot stories When you switch like that you are going to get a massive negative feedback and it's going to take a while to get numbers back, much longer than a new brand. |
Well just saw the season finale episode and thought it was another good one.
Sure not much of a 'cliffhanger' but then again, it's canceled a way we know that Eli lives (no way they'd kill him right?
I was expecting them to have some sort of cliffhanger where they're "about to die" from the drones yet again and then the season premiere would have another alien race (or some brilliant idea) save them.
Thought it was done well enough
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SGU did have a decent series finale. A ride off into the sunset scene is much better than using some Deus Ex Machina to get home which is what Voyager did. Although the Deus Ex Machina of Voyager at least had Voyager destroying Borg and the Death of the Borg Queen.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
SGU did have a decent series finale. A ride off into the sunset scene is much better than using some Deus Ex Machina to get home which is what Voyager did. Although the Deus Ex Machina of Voyager at least had Voyager destroying Borg and the Death of the Borg Queen.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
they are still planning to continue the series somehow >.>
They might have had an idea that the series would be cancelled so they aired a season finale that could pass as a series finale if needed. Far safer to do that, then have a cliffhanger for a series finale like some shows I could name.
The SyFy channel sprung the cancellation on MGM after the second season had finished shooting and they were on break before starting the third season.
Executive producer and Gauntlet co-writer Joseph Mallozzi revealed on his blog that in the storys original pitch, the identity of the person who stayed outside of the pods came down to a coin-flip
and was to be left ambiguous at the seasons end, setting up a fascinating character study for the start of Season Three. The original pitch had Young and Rush as the last two men standing, Mallozzi said. With one, lone serviceable pod remaining, they argue, then make the decision to let fate decide. They flip a coin. Winner makes the sacrifice and stays out; loser goes into stasis. The coin flip is made and, as it descends, we FADE OUT, not knowing the results. One of the possibilities this particular ending set up was a Season Three opener which finds Rush, three years later, a little loopy from his time alone. As he goes through his daily maintenance of the ships systems, he converses with members of the crew who, it turns out, are hallucinations. Suddenly, the gate activates. A bewildered Rush hurries to the gate room in time to see Telford lead a rescue op through. Turns out, after several years, Earth finally acquired a means to dialing Destiny. Of course, the rescue turns out to be short-lived as it ends up being a hallucination as well when, in the episodes final turn, we discover Rush in stasis (he was the one who lost the coin toss), evidently dreaming, while Young maintains the solitary existence as Destinys caretaker. Eli contemplates what may be his brief future in the final moments of SGU's finale. Mallozzi said that, while it was a cool idea, it suffered from a number of problems that eventually prompted the shows producers to rule it out. In addition to the fact that the antisocial Rush would be quite happy to live by himself on the ship, it suggested a season opener that was low on action. Making Eli the one who sacrifices himself in the end brought the fan-favorite character to a new point of maturity, bringing his journey full circle. In the full post, Mallozzi also discusses possible solutions to the conclusion that they ended up writing and filming. Though the writers hadnt settled on how to resolve the fate of Eli and the rest of the crew, or how much time would have passed when they woke up, they brainstormed a lot of different scenarios, including: Eli fixes a pod Eli taps some hitherto unexploited power reserve which allows him to extend life support for three years Eli manages to survive the three-year trip by routing sufficient power to keep life support active in the shuttle Eli fails to fix the pods or extend life support, so he survives by sitting in the chair and uploading his consciousness to Destinys computer Rescue comes in the form of some outside force, such as a new portable power supply from Earth (which has figured out how to dial Destiny in the intervening three years) or an advanced military contingent of the crews descendants (from Common Descent and Epilogue) |
I said that they might have had an idea that the show might end not that they weren't planning for a third season. It is the whole idea of hope for the best, but plan for the worst. The beauty of the series finale is that it works as a series finale or as a season finale. There is no cliffhanger so people aren't irritated about what will happen to save the crew. The third season premiere could have been included flashbacks of how Eli saved himself or a Kino message to the crew and Rush finds that Eli used the chair, but no sign of Eli anywhere.
If I was doing it, then I would set it so that the Destiny crew is woken up by the new inhabitants of Destiny. I seriously doubt that the Destiny crew was the first stowaways on Destiny and they won't be the last.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
I said that they might have had an idea that the show might end not that they weren't planning for a third season. It is the whole idea of hope for the best, but plan for the worst. The beauty of the series finale is that it works as a series finale or as a season finale. There is no cliffhanger so people aren't irritated about what will happen to save the crew. The third season premiere could have been included flashbacks of how Eli saved himself or a Kino message to the crew and Rush finds that Eli used the chair, but no sign of Eli anywhere.
If I was doing it, then I would set it so that the Destiny crew is woken up by the new inhabitants of Destiny. I seriously doubt that the Destiny crew was the first stowaways on Destiny and they won't be the last. |
Crap. Just heard the news as well,David Blue (Eli Wallace) posted on his Twitter account. Apparently, nobody decided to tell us ahead of time. My rep heard it online. Seems they canceled SGU. Look out for the back half [of Season Two," Blue added. "Really proud of it. Shame, because where they leave Eli is frakkin' cool. REALLY wanted to see where it went. But I appreciate all of your continuing support in all my future works, as well. Hope you'll come along for the ride!" |
"To find out SGU is canceled first from my tweeps is the power of Twitter," Ming-Na (Camille Wray) wrote. "I'll miss my SGU family very much! Thank you for your love and support!" |
"David Read from GateWorld called and informed me," stunt coordinator James Bamford wrote. "Moments later, it appears on Twitter ... Much LOVE to EVERYONE involved in the SG franchise. It has been an honor and pleasure working alongside you all." |
If you didn't see it; rant from creator of Gateworld and a response from SyFy.
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Even if not they made it very VERY clear in the episode that the Destiny's life support systems couldnt not compensate for the temperatures that would have been reached in the ship on their own. Why the three that remained used the suits. Destiny was only able to compensate down to the level that the suits made up the difference.