Sgu 5/9




I hope that works out for them and the fans.



Since when have the words "A movie is not going to happen" meant anything in the world of money? If the series sells well on dvd and and gets good ratings at the rerun level then suddenly it will be "Oh yeah. We had plans for a movie all along. We just wanted to wait until the right script came along and none of the actors were busy with other projects."

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Absolute LOL at this:
Yeah, that was pretty darn hilarious. Made me smile as well.

For SyFy's response, are they only counting people watching the TV at the time of the show's airing (not anything later)? Just curious, as I know I often pick up things later, and in the case of Stargate SG-1, I watched that puppy exclusively on DVD via NBC reruns, Netflix checkouts, and then buying the whole series on disc. If they're only counting ratings of the first viewing, that does discount a lot.

I dunno, I do have a lot of bias against all these specialty Cable networks becoming less special (sure the History Channel could jokingly be called the "Nazi Channel" for all their WWII stuff, but at least it used to have... history, rather than some drivel about guys selling stuff at a pawn shop). Still, it seems like niche networks are going to lose a lot when they try to be like the other guys. I check out The History Channel or Sci-Fi because of that unique content: I can watch wrasslin' or reality TV on a lot of other channels already.

I think I'd also be more okay with the SG:U stuff if they seemed to have more plans in place for other sci-fi shows, but that seems iffy, from the direction they are going.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Yeah, that was pretty darn hilarious. Made me smile as well.

For SyFy's response, are they only counting people watching the TV at the time of the show's airing (not anything later)? Just curious, as I know I often pick up things later, and in the case of Stargate SG-1, I watched that puppy exclusively on DVD via NBC reruns, Netflix checkouts, and then buying the whole series on disc. If they're only counting ratings of the first viewing, that does discount a lot.
I believe the numbers that the Syfee rep said they were using were based on the air date +7 days. So everyone that tuned into SyFy the whole week after each episode to watch it.

Now it only makes sense that they don't count people that go to their competitors to watch the show because they don't make money off of them (MGM made SGU not SyFy. So MGM makes money off of SyFy's competitors). Advertisers want to reach the most people for the money they spend on commercials, so if they have to choose between a show that draws 10 million people and a show that draws 2 million people then the channel with the low rating show loses out.

As unfortunate as it is that not all the fans get counted it's just good business to drop a show that isn't pulling in the ratings.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Webcomic comment on the cancellation of SGU and the folly of the Nielsen rating system.
I didn't say I liked the nielsen system or that it wasn't flawed. What I said was that the thing I don't blame Syfy for is not counting the people that go to a completely different broadcaster to watch the show.