Thoughts about what the remaining incarnate slots might be?




Ok so far we have:
1) A Global Enhancement Slot
2) A slot that adds a secondary effect to your powers (*I could see them adding additional Incarnate Enhancements for this slot, that adds a chance for a specific mez type)
3) A PBAE Buff/Heal power
4) A Pet Power
5) An AE damage power
So here are my guesses in no particular order,
1) Some sort of Passive Power
2) A PBAE Debuff Power
3) An AE Control Power
4) A ST attack power of some sort( with a Range and Melee branch)
5) A second Global Enhancement Slot



According to Positron, the Omega slot is "awesome", and "worthy of the name" - although there are also further increases in our power beyond it, as these 10 slots aren't all we're getting - the Incarnate system is designed to be endless

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



It isn't?? ;-), hops in my TARDIS to take a look, but wait a minute I have seemed to have misplaced it when I left it invisible



I actually know what they are, but if I were to talk War Witch would be summoned to my home to personally administer a whipping I'm told, and my wife would not take kindly to that.



Originally Posted by Wooden_Replica View Post
It isn't??
Nope - there's no end to the Incarnate system, anymore than there's an end to the TF system, or the story arc system, or the badge system.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Shadow clones of your character, with more clones for each rank up. Left side of the tree is more damage, right side causes each additional clone to have an auto-debuff/mez aura of Confuse, -Perception, etc.

Do it, developers. DO IT.

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Remember kids, crack is whack!

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Nope - there's no end to the Incarnate system, anymore than there's an end to the TF system, or the story arc system, or the badge system.
Which is to say -- they will all end eventually.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
Which is to say -- they will all end eventually.
In the end... well, there's the end. Right?

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Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
According to Positron, the Omega slot is "awesome", and "worthy of the name" - although there are also further increases in our power beyond it, as these 10 slots aren't all we're getting - the Incarnate system is designed to be endless
I'm actually rather curious to see how the transition from Praetorian Raid content to Next Thing will be handled.

There is a very real power inflation risk at play, and then the subsequent question of catching up. Should be interesting to see how it plays out.

Let's Dance!



I heard one of them builds a cottage at your current location.



Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
I actually know what they are, but if I were to talk War Witch would be summoned to my home to personally administer a whipping I'm told, and my wife would not take kindly to that.
You never know...some people are into that kind of thing...






Originally Posted by reiella View Post
I'm actually rather curious to see how the transition from Praetorian Raid content to Next Thing will be handled.

There is a very real power inflation risk at play, and then the subsequent question of catching up. Should be interesting to see how it plays out.
Some kind of storm arriving, perhaps?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Some kind of storm arriving, perhaps?
Unless it's also looking for the invisible tardis.

Which isn't inivisable, so that's half the issue they have in finding it.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



there will be:

Some sort of armor toggle, probably typed, with branches of larger protection for fewer types, or less protection over all (or most) types.

A control type power, either extra-large mag, or extra-long duration.

A utility-type power would be a unique choice - offer universal travel as one option (super-speed on the ground and fly through the air), extreme range teleporting - recall friend across zones, teleport using the map, maybe even a soft-control option to stack several effects at once - immob/slow/-recharge/-end/-dam



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Shadow clones of your character, with more clones for each rank up.
Someone's been watching too much Naruto.



Genesis: ST nuke attack
Hybrid: 100% chance for additional damage of X type, rank increases damage/adds secondary effects
Mind: Toggle self buff, one for damage, one resistance, one defense, one regen. Level shift
Vitae: Click buffs, one self heal/regen/+hp, one +def/+res, one ally heal/regen/+hp, one ally +def/res. Temp level shift

Those're my thoughts on the first four.. Now I have a few theories on Omega;

Fully customisable power. Choice of Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, Mez (really high mag) or Debuff (% unresistable). Each one you can customise from a choice of effects linked to damage type (with scaling damage depending on choice), enemy effect etc. All the same animation times, all the same endurance/recharge/mag depending on tier. Each give a short term level shift with every use, with only Very Rare ranked ones being perma-able with constant use (I'd think recharges would be t1-60s t2-45s t3-30s t4-15s with level shift at a 16 second duration to make up for the lag of it kicking in), only effected by Alpha slot.

Another Alpha Slot, working like a Hami-O enhancing only 2 things but up to full 45% with the same ED ignoring ratios for both. Acc/Dam, Def/Res, Heal/Rech, Mez/Endred. Tiers add level shifts (t1 0, t2 +0, t3 +1, t4 +2) only available during Incarnate content, trees add additional secondary effects to powers;
Acc/Dam adding chance for immobile or chance for -res/-def
Def/Res adding chance for hold or chance for -tohit/-dam
Heal/Rech adding chance for stun or chance for -rech/-end
Mez/Endred adding chance for knockdown or chance for -speed/-secondary effects
Mez all Mag 2 for 8 seconds, highest chance being 50%, knockdown 75%. Debuffs only 50% chance, tier increases magnitude by t2-2.5%, t3-3.5%, t4-5%, they stack with Interface.

Each tree offering a change/increase to base numbers/multipliers/caps. Increase of HP/damage cap, increasing base damage multiplier by a small amount plus level shifts, things like that -if- at all possible, which I doubt but it'd be pretty amazing if it were

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



I'm thinking the next powers will be

1) Melee or ranged ST power.
2) a hold or immob power
3) a debuffing power
4) Passive buff power like Alpha but different effects.
5) Damage aura power.

@Radmind - Justice Server
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1 Choice of 4 theme songs... Smurf, My Little Ponies, Banana Split Show, The Peoples Court
2 A Narrator to read all those new Boxes. James Earl Jones, Sam Elliot, Bobcat Goldthait, The narrator of the Superfriends
3 Aura Your basic elemental ones plus Pigpen from peanuts
4 Translator - your choice of Resistance or Preatorian Clockwork
5 The Awesome Button

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
According to Positron, the Omega slot is "awesome", and "worthy of the name"
Confirmed, Omega slot unlocks animated hair.



Genesis: Summons one of these. The pet only has one Auto Power, which is +Nostalgia. Also, it yells at you every once in a while.

Hybrid: New travel power. Lets you drive a Hybrid car of your choice. Fully cutomizable, of course.

Mind: Gives you a new mind. No really. Whenever you press that button a new brain is shipped to your home address. It's the /pizza of City of Heroes. Only it gives you brains.

Vitae: Drink a bottle of Vitae, Primal Earthling! There's only one way to get the Incarnate-level thirst quenching flavor-flava of pure Power - and it's through the Vitae Incarnate power! (Unlocking this Incarnate power only unlocks the /DrinkVitae emote. There is nothing to slot in it and it cannot be leveled up. 0 calories, 0 sugar, 0 to HERO.)

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Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by Blood_Beret View Post
1 Choice of 4 theme songs... Smurf, My Little Ponies, Banana Split Show, The Peoples Court
2 A Narrator to read all those new Boxes. James Earl Jones, Sam Elliot, Bobcat Goldthait, The narrator of the Superfriends
3 Aura Your basic elemental ones plus Pigpen from peanuts
4 Translator - your choice of Resistance or Preatorian Clockwork
5 The Awesome Button
Are we talking old My Little Pony or "Friendship is Magic" My Little Pony? Because I could go for the latter. And having James Earl Jones narrate for my character would be worth it.

Seriously, though, if you look at the kinds of power in the game, we're missing an armor toggle, a control power, a powerful single target attack, and a utility power like Stealth, Build Up, Boost Range and so on. Spread those out among the four, and do something nuts with Omega.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



I have a hunch Omega is going to let you slot all 4 trees from Alpha at once.

Just a hunch though.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



My guess
1)Hybrid Armor/damage aura
2)Vitae A aoe Debuff Power
3) Mind An AE Control Power
4) Genesis A ST attack power of some sort for Range and Melee
5) Omega a super attack that buffs you and your team while you Aoe attack and mez and debuff them or lets you slot a 2nd tree in 4 slots of your choice



Total Radial Freem is going to the power you slot into Omega.

Let's Dance!



First let's look at the names...

Hybrid - a cross between 2 or more things. Defesnsive ste/offensive Set , a Buff/Debuff power or it could be like Fire/Cold, Cold/Energy, etc

Vitae - usually refers to life. Whether it be regen, recovery, rez, maybe even some Resist, defense, or status. Or could be more of a drain life, damage foe and heal self, -recovery/recovery, etc

Mind - Confuse, Hold, Sleep, Fear or maybe mental defense/resist, status Protection or Psi resist or damage

Genesis - Creation / Life I see this could be similar to he definition of Vitae. or could be a pet, or buff/heal

Omega - The end... Dragon Slave, Giga Slave, Ragna Blade Special thanks to "Slayers"

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill