So now CoH is a "raiding" game.




Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I once attempted to solo the ITF with my claws/sr scrapper. I got all the way to the last battle and found myself ripped apart by the auto-hit fluffy.

Now that I have a huge self heal, a tighter attack chain and massive fire DoT spewing out of those attacks, thanks to incarnate abilities, I'm betting that I can take that pesky fluffy out before it can kill me.

That's one example of many I can come up with.
I'm not sure I'd use an example involving a substantial rule workaround, but I get your point.

My larger question is: were you forced to do this, or did you choose to do it?

(Yes, I have asked this sort of question on this topic before - I've heard a number of people saying the feel forced to do the Trials, while to me they have walys felt as voluntary as any other part of the game, so I'm just trying to get differing opinions.)

Thanks for the feedback!

"Strength of numbers is the delight of the timid. The valiant in spirit glory in fighting alone."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Still CoHzy after all these years...



Originally Posted by Finsplit View Post
This is (one of many) reasons I'll never touch the iTrials -- the idea of doing the same tiny handful of missions on the same character, night after night, just to chase shinies is antithetical to my playstyle.
The best approach to them is actually to cycle characters after you've run one of each trial on a single character in a day, so that you get an Empyrean Merit for every trial you run. It still doesn't change the fact that you're running the same three trials, and I would agree with anyone who said that there should have been more trials at I20, but it certainly helps alleviate the grinding feeling to an extent, and gives you more overall progress to boot.



Originally Posted by Tetsuko_NA View Post
I'm not sure I'd use an example involving a substantial rule workaround, but I get your point.

My larger question is: were you forced to do this, or did you choose to do it?

(Yes, I have asked this sort of question on this topic before - I've heard a number of people saying the feel forced to do the Trials, while to me they have walys felt as voluntary as any other part of the game, so I'm just trying to get differing opinions.)

Thanks for the feedback!
Forced to do what? Solo the ITF? No, I was not forced to attempt it. Forced to run trials in order to get my incarnate slots filled? Yes, if I wanted them done in a timely manner.

I'm not sure what kind of farming/content BeefCake was running with his dom. I've little doubt that he's far more efficient at it than I am.

I'd be curious to determine exactly how much real time it would take to get even T3*5 using soloable content as it stands right now with my warshade.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Vice_Virtuoso View Post
The best approach to them is actually to cycle characters after you've run one of each trial on a single character in a day, so that you get an Empyrean Merit for every trial you run. It still doesn't change the fact that you're running the same three trials, and I would agree with anyone who said that there should have been more trials at I20, but it certainly helps alleviate the grinding feeling to an extent, and gives you more overall progress to boot.
I have one hour -- 90 minutes on a good night -- of playtime each night. Doing all three trials on one character in a day, let alone doing them on multiple characters, is the stuff of fantasy. (Well, not really fantasy, since I don't want to do the trials at all, but you know what I mean.)

34 heroes,
20 villains, Victory, Justice, Infinity, Virtue, Triumph, Exalted -- some more active than others



Originally Posted by Vice_Virtuoso View Post
it certainly helps alleviate the grinding feeling to an extent, and gives you more overall progress to boot.
As a big naysayer to the current raid system, I do agree that switching out characters is a good way to avoid the feeling of a grind. Unfortunately, from my experience at least, the minimal rewards for a single raid are such that you just replace the negative "grinding" feeling with a negative "didn't really accomplish anything" feeling. Fixing one problem by replacing it with another...really isn't fixing anything.



Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
I'm still surprised people are complaining about getting actual Endgame content that allows progress passed Level 50 after SEVEN YEARS!
They'll get used to it - just like all then other changes to the game over the years

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Some of us assumed that we'd be getting, y'know, something City of Heroes style
Which we did

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
No, I don't like it and I will continue to say it until I freaking quit for good. FEEDBACK is what the Devs use to make decisions and if we all drink Enriche and be good little farmers then the Devs believe all is well. All is NOT well and I would like some hard numbers on how many players get to tier 4 on ANY characters. I will bet a lot of players never bother getting Alpha and after one or 2 trials never go back.

The forums are a small sliver of the player base and don't confuse signal to noise ratio of the apologists as fact. I would like numbers.
If you want numbers, there's a 4th Trial coming in I21, and a lot more being added afetr that

The devs datamine a lot - that's one of their main lines of feedback - and the results of that datamining are more Trials.

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
Vast difference in - mindset.

Devs saying we hear you and we will look into it - is vastly different from Devs saying we know some of you love to solo and we have it planned and it will take time to implement.

The very fact they had to wait for feedback for a solo path to be looked at astounds me.
Any solo path will always be quite a bit slower than the main Trial path - the Incarnate system is designed around Trials, so that's the important part to get right first - a solo option is more of an add-on.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The devs datamine a lot - that's one of their main lines of feedback - and the results of that datamining are more Trials.
When the raids are the only meaningful way to progress, it's no surprise that people who don't like raids are raiding. If they offered story arcs or even TFs in place of such, would the data mining show such good numbers for raiding, I wonder.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
When the raids are the only meaningful way to progress, it's no surprise that people who don't like raids are raiding. If they offered story arcs or even TFs in place of such, would the data mining show such good numbers for raiding, I wonder.
I wish there were a checkbox I could click whenever I logged in that said "I am not playing incarnate content because it sucks." Other than canceling my account, I have no way to tell them that their current drive in producing content is doing absolutely nothing to retain me as a customer. That's the problem with the binary nature of subscription voting. I need a line item veto. "Please use none of my subscription money to produce incarnate content, as it benefits me none at all." Currently, every time I pay, I feel like I am subsidizing someone else's enjoyment by giving money to people who don't care if I'm having fun.

If I could stay VIP and pay less to not get incarnate access, I would.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I'd be curious to determine exactly how much real time it would take to get even T3*5 using soloable content as it stands right now with my warshade.
Bill, if I had to guess, I'd say about about 3-4 weeks running about 3-4 hours a day. Yes, I know people can't always match other people's game play. But that's what it took me. And comparing that to my other characters I did run through the trials, it was a great deal longer as it normally took me about 3-5 days to get fully slotted abilities running trials. But than again, I did run a lot of trials.

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Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
To the OP: In a game scheduled to revamp 66% of the level 1-10 experience, and scheduled to add a new 20-25 zone, I cannot accept your premise that leveling and playing characters at any level you wish has been abandoned.

It's not wrong for you to have an opinion. It is however inaccurate in the extreme to narrowly define the parameters of that opinion then try to claim it represents an absolute condition.

Sure lots of people are running Trials now. That's because we've been playing for years and for the most part have to shelve most characters we get to 50 because there is not much to do. You should generate some tolerance for a community that is embracing the new shiny thing for a while, because it's normal.

Just like most of the game's systems, you're not obligated to participate if you don't like it. It's not terribly hard to find people who agree with you and do things with them, until the developers get around to expanding the system with some options more to your liking.

Until then, please be more polite to the people who have been asking for things like this and enjoy them.
I respect that people like raiding. I said as much in my original post. That said, I haven't played enough with the latest conversion rates to see if solo play is a viable way, with those rates, to gain incarnate shards so I will refrain from comments until such time that I have more experience with the just released issue.

As an aside, I completely agree with Billz that the inability to start task forces and even trials with smaller groups is baffling to me. This is one of those weird idiosyncratic things that the devs cling to that provide no benefit to the game.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Forced to do what? Solo the ITF? No, I was not forced to attempt it. Forced to run trials in order to get my incarnate slots filled? Yes, if I wanted them done in a timely manner.

I'm not sure what kind of farming/content BeefCake was running with his dom. I've little doubt that he's far more efficient at it than I am.

I'd be curious to determine exactly how much real time it would take to get even T3*5 using soloable content as it stands right now with my warshade.
(emphasis added)

And that's just the difference between my experience and yours in this matter. I have never felt forced because I always felt seeking the rewards in the first place was my call.

Just a perception thing, I suppose.

That being said, of course, more options that appeal to more people is better. Fortunately, this game has a history of taking common MMO conventions and implementing them in better ways than most, so I'm still looking forward to what the Devs will do with the system.

"Strength of numbers is the delight of the timid. The valiant in spirit glory in fighting alone."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Still CoHzy after all these years...



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Any solo path will always be quite a bit slower than the main Trial path - the Incarnate system is designed around Trials, so that's the important part to get right first - a solo option is more of an add-on.
Building the endgame around Trials is beyond ridiculous and silly; it's an insane way to plan a game. Still shocked so many of you have bought into it - the lure of new shinies and 'keeping up with the Joneses' must be too tempting to resist.

Slower is fine
Solo is divine.



Originally Posted by Beef_Cake View Post
Bill, if I had to guess, I'd say about about 3-4 weeks running about 3-4 hours a day. Yes, I know people can't always match other people's game play. But that's what it took me. And comparing that to my other characters I did run through the trials, it was a great deal longer as it normally took me about 3-5 days to get fully slotted abilities running trials. But than again, I did run a lot of trials.
I think that 112 (4*4*7) hours to get T3*5 based on the existing conversion rates is highly optimistic for anyone to do solo. Farming ITFs and being sure to get in the WTF... that might work.

BZB still needs 3 T4s. I think he's already good to go with a pair of T3s on a couple of those. I'll see what I can do and how long it takes me to finish him up with nothing but shards.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Tetsuko_NA View Post
And that's just the difference between my experience and yours in this matter. I have never felt forced because I always felt seeking the rewards in the first place was my call.
So is playing the game in the first place. If we can't talk about the requirements and consequences they have placed on the game in terms of people actually playing it, then we may as well remove every post on the board and replace it with the word "Bluhhhhhh" repeated over and over, because we have nothing else to talk about.

Just preface every post everyone ever makes with "If I wish to play the game".



Originally Posted by Fritzy View Post
Building the endgame around Trials is beyond ridiculous and silly; it's an insane way to plan a game. Still shocked so many of you have bought into it - the lure of new shinies and 'keeping up with the Joneses' must be too tempting to resist.
Or maybe quite a few players actually like the Trials?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Fritzy View Post
Building the endgame around Trials is beyond ridiculous and silly; it's an insane way to plan a game. Still shocked so many of you have bought into it - the lure of new shinies and 'keeping up with the Joneses' must be too tempting to resist.

Slower is fine
Solo is divine.
I'm still doing trials because I enjoy large-team content, not because there's anything left to earn. (It's also why I join at least one Hamidon raid a week.) I'd rather spend my time in a group even if I don't earn anything useful, than do stuff alone even if I can get a decent reward. In fact, before 20.5 it would have been more advantageous for me to spend my time soloing tips than continuing to run trials.

The more the merrier.



Originally Posted by ScottyB View Post
I'm still doing trials because I enjoy large-team content, not because there's anything left to earn. (It's also why I join at least one Hamidon raid a week.) I'd rather spend my time in a group even if I don't earn anything useful, than do stuff alone even if I can get a decent reward. In fact, before 20.5 it would have been more advantageous for me to spend my time soloing tips than continuing to run trials.

The more the merrier.
Same here. I don't GRIND the trials like I did when i still had stuff to earn (well, actually now I do have stuff to earn, need to get the new lores up and running) but I still run 'em.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Doesn't have to be a raiding game the choice is yours, you can do lvl 50 Content, incarnate Content, any tf, Normal Trials, Ourobos and even AE Content like make your own Content, there alot you can do and Games like Wow kind of force you to do Raids and team with people, where Coh does not.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
Doesn't have to be a raiding game the choice is yours, you can do lvl 50 Content, incarnate Content, any tf, Normal Trials, Ourobos and even AE Content like make your own Content, there alot you can do and Games like Wow kind of force you to do Raids and team with people, where Coh does not.

And yet only one of these things leads you to the so-called "incarnate levels" of power.

It's like saying no one should have comments about how the game plays at level 50 since they can just sit with enemies at level 40 and never advance "unless they want to."

Why not go back now and make the rest of the game as exhilirating as the Incarnate content. We'll start with making you repeat the mission to unlock the Midnighter Club 15 times instead of once.

PS I am positive someone is going to respond and say "You don't need incarnate level powers anyway." Well, no, you don't. You also don't need APPs or PPPs or a tier 9s. That is not an excuse to the main obstacle to acquiring these things being how boring the path is, due to a combination of extremely grindy content and having to sit around for 15 to 20 minutes between runs.



Originally Posted by Vice_Virtuoso View Post
I can't help but wonder why people play an MMO if they insist on soloing the majority of the time. There are thousands of better single-player experiences out there, which don't have a monthly fee attached.
I think CoH is one of the best 'single-player' games I've ever played. it's certainly the very best single-player superhero game I've ever seen, and as a bonus it comes with the option to utilise truly excellent AI bots and is equipped with loads of cool chatrooms with instant access to other people playing the same game, if i need advice on a level or boss or slotting or, you know, just fancy chewing the fat with the people I've come to view as friends in the 7 years I've been playing.

Steam chat on Fallout New Vegas is rubbish compared, really.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Beef_Cake View Post
I will agree the conversion rates are pretty bad. But taking that into consideration, my Fire / Psi dom has never touhed a trial and yet she is already unlocked all her slots and have abilities slotted in them.

I have the following:

Pyronic @tier 3
Interface @tier 2
Destiny @tier 3
Lore - not slotted yet, I was waiting for the new pets we got yesterday

I use my dom for farming and playing normal content a lot. So I took my shards and converted them to threads, and again I wasn't happy with the conversions but I still did them and it worked out fine for me. So it can be done, regardless of how much we dislike the conversions. But the length of time it took me was a little longer than my others that did do the raid content, but not astronomically longer.
aye carumba! Using shard to thread conversion wow that must have been so many shards



Originally Posted by Vice_Virtuoso View Post

Arkham Asylum, the PSX/PS2 Spiderman action games, hell, even MVC3 feels more "comic-booky" to me. This is kinda subjective, though, and it would depend a lot on which Age of comic books you like.
Spiderman 2 on the PS2 was a great Spiderman game, but when I tried to roll up a Blaster, I dunno, I couldn't seem to make it work.


Soloing feels like the quickest way to make this game feel stagnant, and teaming the quickest way to reinvigorate it.
To you, maybe. To me, soloing is great fun. Really, it's awesome. I seriously LOVE to solo. I like to chat in the channels while I'm doing so, and if I want to i can park my toon and go make a coffee or check Facebook. I can have CoH open in a wondow all evening, leave my toon in a mission lobby whilst I eat dinenr if i need to or want to. Teaming feels restrictive to me because i am invariably beholden to other people whilst I'm teamed.


Say you're playing a Defender, and you end up on a balanced team of 8. You're going to be blasting a lot more than buffing, debuffing, or healing. And then say that team disbands, and the next team you end up on happens to be a six-man team of you, a brute, and four blasters. Your role is going to be significantly different on that team -- you'll barely have time to be using your secondary to keep the rest of your team alive. That dynamic of different teams simply vanishes when solo -- every mission you solo feels the same.
To you, maybe. I'm a mild internal RPer, lol, I guess, so each toon definitely feels different to me. I also play AE story arcs a lot, which means I don't have to repeat narrative content as often as ifi was just doing canon content. Also, whenever I'm on a team of 8, whatever the mix of ATs, it usually always just feels like a big mess of powers and effects going off, ie very samey.


I look at your (and everyone else's, not particularly singling you out here) join date, and then I imagine spending that many years playing this game mostly solo, even accounting for taking breaks for a few months every once in a while. It would drive me absolutely mad -- literally throw-him-in-a-padded-room insane -- out of the boredom and tedium.
And that's why you shouldn't solo, then. Lucky for you that you've got team-focussed iTrials to do to get your incarnate stuff. Yay for you. I am actually happy for you. It'd be nice if you'd feel the same about we 'who prefer to solo' getting our promised boon lol.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Fritzy View Post
Building the endgame around Trials is beyond ridiculous and silly; it's an insane way to plan a game. Still shocked so many of you have bought into it - the lure of new shinies and 'keeping up with the Joneses' must be too tempting to resist.
When I tried playing WoW, I came to the conclusion that the reason why its players liked the hideous repetitive over-and-over-without-end of its raids was that they were cretins.

It looks like NCSoft thinks that catering to the whack-a-mole crowd worked for Blizzard, so it might work for Coh, too.

I think they're right, and it sort of makes me a little sad, but the Trial-lovers pay their subs too, and NCSoft are here to make a buck, and if they make a buck then I can still play, so I have to accept the Raids and hope they keep introducing solo stuff too. I21 is giving us a new zone, someone upthread said they're revamping 2/3 of the 1-10 content (what's that all about?), and more trials can't take that much time and effort etc to make, so I'm hopeful.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."