Doors not able to be opened in mission.
I am on Triumph, in Praetoria, and since last night, I have had serious problems in missions in Praetoria, regardless of which Praetorian toon I am playing. On certain missions (which appear to all use the same map), I will get to a spot where the map tells me I should be able to go through a door to continue, but the door is red, and unopenable.
I have noticed that if you look closely at the door, there appears to be another door or entryway z-fighting with the red door. Also, enemies seem to be able to walk through the walls near the door and attack me. This has happened on three missions and two toons, and needless to say, I am unable to complete the missions. Any ideas? |
This has happened to me twice as well. Both times I petitioned support and was teleported to the mission goal, though, so I can't complain. Just be prepared for a 15+ minute wait.
I have had this happen to me as well, especially on Dr Steffard's missions. I bugged it so hopefully it'll get looked at. Had to use auto-complete on mine.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

I had this happen just yesterday with a friend who was just getting into this game. He ran into some glitch that did not allow him to complete a mission just prior to this. It took 5 hours to get a GM to fix it. Then we ran the next mission in the arc and the doorway did not work, obviously a closed doorway overlayed on a working one. My friend used his auto-complete button and then the very next mission we run into the same problem again.
Now we have to wait for 3 days before we can skip the next mission. I kind of doubt after this if my friend will be willing to continue playing the game, Praetoria is just way too buggy.
There's a patch going up tomorrow, I'd be shocked if part of it isn't to fix this bug.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
This happened to me twice Sunday on Triumph. Very frustrating. And since it's not listed as one of the fixes in today's patch, I assume it's still a problem.
This would be much less of an issue if you had a way to progress around these missions but because of the linear nature of this zone that is not possible. Hell, there aren't even any newspaper missions just to pass the time.
Meanwhile Praetorian characters are trapped in this zone unable to escape until they get to level 20. Unfortunately they can't get to level 20 because of the untested maps that we constantly run into.
I have other characters I can play in other zones so this does not affect me as much. New players on the other hand, especially since they are forced to make a Praetorian character first off, do not have that option. For these new players these broken maps can be a game breaker.
I am really disappointed as I really championed this game as being so much more fun than other games and then we run into so many problems...
praetorians may not get a newspaper/radio but they do get special contacts with unlimited repeatable mishs (which are essentially the same since you have to call them to get mishs)
i think theres 2 different ones depending if you are resistance or loyalist

Thanks, I hadn't realized that. I'm always following other people around on their missions in that area.
praetorians may not get a newspaper/radio but they do get special contacts with unlimited repeatable mishs (which are essentially the same since you have to call them to get mishs)
i think theres 2 different ones depending if you are resistance or loyalist |
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Stuck in one now. It's an ambush mission, so even getting teleported there wouldn't allow completion.
Had this happen to me 3 times in the past 24 hours. I autocompleted the first one, waited a half hour for a GM to fix the second one, and am sitting in the map for the third right now. This is making Praetoria unplayable and desperately needs to be fixed...soon.
Dark Armor/Stone Melee Tank Guide [I12]
the current patch on test should address this door issue, im guessing it wont be out for at least another week though, prolly to coincide with the steampunk pack release

This has happened to me 5 times since I20 went live. Most of them are in the Labs (red door on top of blue door). You can usually open the blue door but the red door still blocks you. Also, there was one mission where a "stairs" door was behind a piece of equipment so you couldn't see it or get to it. I found it by having a GM teleport me past it, and using the stairs down after completing the mission.
It seems that their QA has dropped the ball on this one.
I have noticed that if you look closely at the door, there appears to be another door or entryway z-fighting with the red door. Also, enemies seem to be able to walk through the walls near the door and attack me. This has happened on three missions and two toons, and needless to say, I am unable to complete the missions.
I am now able to spot these doors on top of doors (on my computer, they blink as you move since one door is darker than the other). If you are successfully able to open the blue door, that is when they are able to walk through the walls. I think they are wandering enemies stuck since they can't use the closed blue door either.
Add me to the list of people quite frustrated by this door bug. I filed a bug report for each of the doors I encountered but I simply don't have the time/patience to wait for some GM to come along and save me. When I have City of Heroes open, I can't really do anything else because of how the game changes my computer screen. It's very frustrating, especially since neither WoW nor Aion does this to me.
Can't they do a hotfix or something? Maybe take the maps with this error out until it's fixed?
The fix is already on the test server. When it is published to live, this will be fixed. There is no possibility of a 'hotfix' or temporary solution before then.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Add me to the list of people quite frustrated by this door bug. I filed a bug report for each of the doors I encountered but I simply don't have the time/patience to wait for some GM to come along and save me. When I have City of Heroes open, I can't really do anything else because of how the game changes my computer screen. It's very frustrating, especially since neither WoW nor Aion does this to me.
Anyway, I'm thrilled that this is finally being fixed and eagerly await the push to Live. The only character I've been wanting to play is my Praetorian Dark/Psy Defender, and I've had to let her (and consequently the entire game) sit until this has been fixed.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
I'm not sure if I've experienced the same bug, but I occasionally do encounter doors that appear to not open. Walking forward into these "closed" doors teleports me forward into the room. I'd suggest seeing if that works with you.
TW/Elec Optimization
When I have City of Heroes open, I can't really do anything else because of how the game changes my computer screen.
And add me to the list of people who also have experienced this door-on-a-door bug. There is even a blue door in the Lambda Lab that opens to expose a Red door you can't pass through.
I've experienced this bug many many times. And I'm stuck in it again!
And the GM's are SLOW as molasses on a cold tin roof.
Corrected several instances where two doors (one unopenable) were appearing in certain Praetorian Tech maps. |
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I am on Triumph, in Praetoria, and since last night, I have had serious problems in missions in Praetoria, regardless of which Praetorian toon I am playing. On certain missions (which appear to all use the same map), I will get to a spot where the map tells me I should be able to go through a door to continue, but the door is red, and unopenable.
I have noticed that if you look closely at the door, there appears to be another door or entryway z-fighting with the red door. Also, enemies seem to be able to walk through the walls near the door and attack me. This has happened on three missions and two toons, and needless to say, I am unable to complete the missions.
Any ideas?