I Demand....




... That there be a short "Quiz" before a player can choose "helper" as thier title. Make it so! Allowing some of these folks to have that title is just... um... yeah.



I demand another beer.



Originally Posted by Rick Astley View Post
I demand another beer.
All I've got is rum. Good enough?






Originally Posted by Rick Astley View Post
Woot. A glass for everybody, then. I'll go hit my stash.

Hey, if makes you feel better, EverStryke, I know how you feel.



From outside viewpoints, I can see a simple solution...

Just let the "helper" and "help me" tags be the only thing colored. Alternately, just give up and let everyone change their name color to whatever they want, but that opens a whole different can of worms.

It would be fun to have gm's pose as "help me" and "helper" and approach those using the system for purely cosmetic reasons. If a helper refuses help, tag em to not take that flag anymore. If an offer to help is met with hostility or "I know how to play the game." Type arrogance, do the same.

I know it does not hurt me, but some are seemingly offended by this. It is the unintended use of the feature, and how its spirit was rendered null within seconds of going live.



It is never truly gone, as long as there is someone left to remember.



Originally Posted by EverStryke View Post
... That there be a short "Quiz" before a player can choose "helper" as thier title. Make it so! Allowing some of these folks to have that title is just... um... yeah.

Okay so not that I don't see you point but exactly how is this test administered and what Dev has the time to stop dealing with multiple bugs that sprung up from I-20 and/or working on I-21 to design a "helpers test"? I'm sure there will be players out there chosing the helper tag that have no business trying to HELP anyone .. Since they are pretty helpless themselves. But what classifies a player as worthy of helper status? I have going on 6 years in game, multiple 50 levels from almost every AT (Red and Blue side), my badger has completed every TF and Trial in game at least once and between the other 30 + characters I own I have done every one multiple times. And even I am willing to admit I don;t know or have everything memorized but I always have Paragon Wiki running in the background and if I don't know the answer I can look it up FAST.

But a player with 6 months in game and a grand total of one 50 level knows more than a player with 1 week in game so who is to say that player can be a helper?

Fact is I see a lot of players running with no title meaning they chose not to participate at all.. Know enough to play without help but no desire to be bothered answering anyone else's questions. So if a player is willing to volunteer to TRY to assist why limit them? HOPEFULLY they have enough sense that if they don't know something they just say so or ASK for help in chat rather than just make stuff up.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Even not having a title doesn't mean anything. I'm more then happy to answer any questions someone might ask me, but I don't want the title over my head all the time, so I don't use it. I've actually taken the proactive step of asking someone with a help me title if they do require help. All in all, I'm not entirely sure the help system as a step in any direction except confusion.

Don't say I'm out of touch with this rampant chaos your reality

Evilly Yours, Fey Bot/Trap MM



I logged into Nova Praetoria the other night to wait for my friend to log on. I was impressed with the amount of Heroes running around, a good dozen or so. More than I'd seen greyside since GR launched, anyways...

A few of them had the Helper title. I'd personally declined the option on the grounds that I didn't want a bright shiny yellow name. Regardless of that, I was still approached by a 1st time player asking for help. They asked me for help, when my name was normal, and at least 4 other heroes were standing nearby with the Helper tag...

I checked and saw that they indeed had not a single badge, no vet badges, no badges at all... This really was a new player! It was her 2nd hour in game and she couldn't find Praetor Duncan to train to level 2.
Even though we were stanfding 10 feet from her!

This really made me smile. I recall being that new to the game. So I took her under my wing since I was just standing around waiting anyways.
Led her to Duncan. Assisted her with the power choice, explained a bit about enhancements and then led her to the Tailor in Imperial so she could adjust her look.

I've always been a helper. At least for the last 6 years I have been, once I knew enough about the game to offer assistance. Joining PCSAR mainly because I like helping others. I need no neon tag to do so.

That said, I do see your point. I was asked by a 3 month vet how to get the gold name. I explained to them the significance of it and they just chuckled and said they couldn't help anyone but wanted their name to stand out in a crowd...

Aside from that. On the one toon I did choose the helper title on, my PCSAR patroller, I've not once been asked for assistance...

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by EverStryke View Post
... That there be a short "Quiz" before a player can choose "helper" as thier title. Make it so! Allowing some of these folks to have that title is just... um... yeah.

I agree that 'Helper' should be defined better. Although when I saw the thread my mind did this:

"That's right! we demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"



Took Helper because i am a 5 years Veteran Player of Coh, I no alot, if you a farmer or a Noob or Newbie who took it, go Die in Hell Fire, I think this helper System should be giving to Veteran Players who got more of a year of Playing Coh, in order to be call a helper.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
I think this helper System should be giving to Veteran Players who got more of a year of Playing Coh, in order to be call a helper.
Veteran status does not equal player experience/skill.



Originally Posted by Silver_Tooth View Post
Veteran status does not equal player experience/skill.
Truth be told!.... haha!

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



This is just my point of view on this matter:
What i did before was when it comes to content that i haven't done and i need to do, i use help me and when it comes to content that i already know and i can be of good help, i use helper.

I remember a veteran player that asked me why if i was level 50 i use the help me option and i answer me because this will be my firsts BAF and Lambda trials and i don't know anything about them, so i not gonna lie and use helper for that. Now i can use helper when it comes to the incarnate trials since i even know how the rules are for doing the master badges.

It can be a good idea but in my opinion help me and helper can't be based on the level of any character. It mus be based on their personal knowledge and there is people here who can carry that all the time.

If they decided to implement that, no problem with me either.



i suspect the OP received the pop-up allowing him to select "Helper" as his status and realized, "Holy crap! They'll let anyone claim that they're a helper!"
i know i had the same realization.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Yunalesca View Post
This is just my point of view on this matter:
What i did before was when it comes to content that i haven't done and i need to do, i use help me and when it comes to content that i already know and i can be of good help, i use helper.

I remember a veteran player that asked me why if i was level 50 i use the help me option and i answer me because this will be my firsts BAF and Lambda trials and i don't know anything about them, so i not gonna lie and use helper for that. Now i can use helper when it comes to the incarnate trials since i even know how the rules are for doing the master badges.

It can be a good idea but in my opinion help me and helper can't be based on the level of any character. It mus be based on their personal knowledge and there is people here who can carry that all the time.

If they decided to implement that, no problem with me either.

Good point.. Your right I never thought about that when I showed up for my first Lambda Trial sporting a helper tag. LOL I had done one BAF trial on Beta that failed on the escapee portion so I didn't even know how to finish that one.

Still a "GOOD LEADER" on those takes the time to explain what they want done. Heck that first week I was even on one BAF where the leader passed out URLs to a map of the facility showing the escape routes and explained exactly where her want us to set up to prevent it. After a couple everyone knows the routine so its just a question of who is doing what?

The same is true of any Task Force that requires special strategy to complete.. a good leader will make sure everyone on the team knows what he or she wants before that situation comes up.

I suppose everyone has their own opinion on what the TAG means but I saw it as a way to identify myself to new players with basic questions like the one post here where the player showed the new arrival where to find the trainer in Praetoria. Stuff like that used to require a player to broadcast zone wide and could result in being made the butt of jokes about being a N00b and that was if the poor player even knew how to broadcast! Fortunately that doesn't occur too often we have a very friendly and helpful community but while one player may be making a light hearted joke a new player with some BAD experiences from other games may take any joke the wrong way. With the helper tags that same new player can send a tell to ONE person that has identified themself as someone willing to assist and not tease. Of course that's assuming they know how to send a tell

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



I'd rather not pick any option. Why would I want my name to be an ugly yellow or purple? Yuck!

Pinny - Scrapper
Shadewing - Defender



Originally Posted by Pinny View Post
I'd rather not pick any option. Why would I want my name to be an ugly yellow or purple? Yuck!

Well the Yellow is ugly, although since I wear a lot of purple IRL, I would consider going purple.



I demand people stop randomly reading my fortune - it pisses me off when I'm using the market, levelling up, sorting through storage.


"And this me hitting 'ignore."

Drive by fortune readers get slapped with a global ignore from me.



Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post

Well the Yellow is ugly, although since I wear a lot of purple IRL, I would consider going purple.
Yeah, I went purple because I liked the color. I know it's not what the system was designed for but so far no one has wasted any time randomly offering me help so I don't think it's hurting anyone. I guess it might make people less likely to listen to me when I'm offering advice, but I don't have that much experience anyway so that's no great loss.



To the OP...you could just start sending tells to the one with the HELPER title asking for help.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by EverStryke View Post
... That there be a short "Quiz" before a player can choose "helper" as thier title.
No. A short quiz is not enough. They must be able to consume an entire Meatball Deathstar in one sitting before I'll acknowledge the title of "Helper".

"Misbegotten Moon"---Fighting stupidity with stupidity.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
I demand people stop randomly reading my fortune - it pisses me off when I'm using the market, levelling up, sorting through storage.


"And this me hitting 'ignore."

Drive by fortune readers get slapped with a global ignore from me.
I have a buddy who always waits until the heat of battle is on and someone is dying. Then hits them with a fortune to see if they'll die trying to hit the accept button instead of the inspirations or the powers they needed to stay alive. Split decisions under stress are hilarious on occasion.

Magus and Geas! T9 power! Hibernate! Phase! T3 Purple or Green! No no no a button in the middle of my screen that has a chance to give me a tiny survivability buff! Shiney!

Logic is great.

As far as the OP's statement goes. I'd have to agree with a previous post and say that anyone actually willing to help should be given the tag, vet rewards or not. "Helper" could simply mean that you're happy to help an unknown kill 5 hellions so they can get to the next door mission. Helper should define your willingness to actually help if you can, and not put into the light how much you do or don't know about the game.

Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Good point.. Your right I never thought about that when I showed up for my first Lambda Trial sporting a helper tag. LOL I had done one BAF trial on Beta that failed on the escapee portion so I didn't even know how to finish that one.

Still a "GOOD LEADER" on those takes the time to explain what they want done. Heck that first week I was even on one BAF where the leader passed out URLs to a map of the facility showing the escape routes and explained exactly where her want us to set up to prevent it. After a couple everyone knows the routine so its just a question of who is doing what?

The same is true of any Task Force that requires special strategy to complete.. a good leader will make sure everyone on the team knows what he or she wants before that situation comes up.

I suppose everyone has their own opinion on what the TAG means but I saw it as a way to identify myself to new players with basic questions like the one post here where the player showed the new arrival where to find the trainer in Praetoria. Stuff like that used to require a player to broadcast zone wide and could result in being made the butt of jokes about being a N00b and that was if the poor player even knew how to broadcast! Fortunately that doesn't occur too often we have a very friendly and helpful community but while one player may be making a light hearted joke a new player with some BAD experiences from other games may take any joke the wrong way. With the helper tags that same new player can send a tell to ONE person that has identified themself as someone willing to assist and not tease. Of course that's assuming they know how to send a tell
I totally agree with your opinion about this Wendy. Everyone has their own opinion about what the tag means, but in areas when some newbies are, like the starting ones, i use the helper and i always look around. This days newbies are hard to come, but i always helped them in all that i can. Some of them comes from bad experiences from other games, and just like you, i always do the same to not even make some kind of joke, until i know them better.
What i can say one more time about a post of yours, you always contribute to anything when you make your opinions.

I was remembering your stories and opinions in our thread that we were talking about the alignment for our Soldiers of Arachnos. I remember that you told me that your main character is your Crab Spider, which mine is my main character too. Happy is just a little word in how i love her and now with the incarnate powers, that's will never stop!



Ohh a PCoHH (paragon certified City of Heroes Helper) test. We could run webinairs and charge for the test.....Then make them recert every few years. Nah that would be wrong.

I demand a title that says "Forgot" with a description that explains the 84 month badge doesn't mean I know the answer.

And yes I still want my missing forum posts back, maybe not the actual posts, but at least the count.

Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
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I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---