Class Project

Adeon Hawkwood



Hello Everybody,

I am a student at the Art Institute of Boston in a class called Interactive Game Design. I am currently doing a report on the archetypes and how ones experience varies greatly between the vast choices of the game. I am attempting to group the archetypes into different roles within a team.
Now correct me if I'm using the wrong terms but this is what I have so far...

  • Damage Dealer
  • Tank
  • Healer
  • Buff/Debuff
Feel free to let me know more regarding this topic
Thank you



Originally Posted by MattSP View Post
Hello Everybody,

I am a student at the Art Institute of Boston in a class called Interactive Game Design. I am currently doing a report on the archetypes and how ones experience varies greatly between the vast choices of the game. I am attempting to group the archetypes into different roles within a team.
Now correct me if I'm using the wrong terms but this is what I have so far...
  • Damage Dealer
  • Tank
  • Healer
  • Buff/Debuff
Feel free to let me know more regarding this topic
Thank you
Where does Control(Dominators/Controllers) fall in this classification?

I would probably change the "Tank" role into "Aggro Management" in order to fit Control into this taxonomy.



Originally Posted by MattSP View Post
Now correct me if I'm using the wrong terms but this is what I have so far...
  • Damage Dealer
  • Tank
  • Healer
  • Buff/Debuff
The problem with this is two-fold. First off most ATs fit into more than one category. Secondly Healing is not a category by itself. There are no Healing ATs, instead a number of ATs with Buff/Debuff powers get healing powers as well. However it's important to realize that in terms of damage mitigation healing powers are a LOT weaker than other forms of damage mitigation.

If you go with:
  • Damage Dealer
  • Tank
  • Support

That does give you a rough framework but most ATs will fit into multiple categories. Additionally some ATs can change category based on different power sets and builds. For example a Scrapper with Shield Defense will be much "tankier" than a Scrapper with Super Reflexes. This isn't because Shield Defense is inherently tougher than Super Reflexes but because Shield Defense is one of the few Scrapper secondaries with some aggro management capabilities.

The other issue is is the idea behind "Support". There are 6 ATs that have what I consider support powers in one of their power sets. However, depending on the AT and the exact power set the support they provide can vary substantially. Additionally Tanking can also be viewed as a form of support, it's damage mitigation by inducing enemies to attack the target that can most effectively handle it.

However with that in mind here is how I would class the different ATs, I have listed which categories each AT mostly falls, roughly in order of how common/important the category is.

Blaster: Damage
Defender: Support/Damage
Controller: Support/Damage (more support than the Defender, but less damage and damage comes later)
Tanker: Tanking/Damage
Scrapper: Damage/Tanking (Tanking ability depends a lot on the Scrapper's secondary but all Scrappers can at least take an alpha strike reasonably well).
Warhade: Damage/Tanking
Peacebringer: Damage/Tanking/Support

Brute: Damage/Tanking (has the aggro management of a Tanker but the damage and survivability of a Scrapper)
Corruptor: Damage/Support (basically an inverse Defender)
Dominator: Damage/Support (like a Blaster combines melee and ranged damage but also adds a Controllers ability to control mobs)
Mastermind: Damage/Support/Tanker (Tanking is doable with most MMs but requires build choices not all MMs choose to use)
Stalker: Damage (similar to a Scrapper but a focus more on attacking single tough targets instead of AoE, can theoretically do some tanking but doing so goes against their main playstyle)
Arachnos Soldier: Damage/Support (along with Widows is the least Supporty of the Support ATs, some SoAs also do a bit of Tanking but this is not a hugely common build style)
Arachnos Widow: Damage/Support (along with Soldier is the least Supporty of the Support ATs)



Well, first off I'd say that healer is definitely a sub-type of buff/debuff, not a category of its own. Apart from that, I'd more or less just add the category 'control', and note that control and tanking are related.

The real thing I'd think about, though, is how the archetypes generally fulfill more than one role. Tanks are aggro management with a side of damage, controllers control and buff, defenders buff/debuff and blast, doms control and do damage, masterminds often do damage, buff/debuff *and* aggro management... etc. Every archetype other than maybe blasters fall into more than one category.

edit: bah, cross posted. Basically, what he said.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Hero ATs are pretty much cut clear into the classic D&D archetypes

Tanker: Aggro Management
Scrapper: Damage Dealer
Blaster: Damage Dealer
Defender: Support (buff/debuff/heal)
Controller: Support (crowd control)

Note that while Tankers, Defenders and Controllers can deal damage, their role in a team isn't that of "Damage Dealers" because they don't (typically) excel at it and there are better things they can do that define their role in a team (such as aggro management, buff/debuff and control, respectively).

Now, for villain archetypes it's a bit more complicated since they all can be considered profficient damage dealers, so each archetype's role in a team is defined by that which they can do that other's can't

Brute: Aggro Management
Corruptor: Support (buff/debuff)
Mastermind: Support (buff/debuff)
Dominator: Support (crowd control)
Stalker: ???



In my opinion, at the highest level, I see:

  • Damager
  • Controls
  • Buffer

Damager is obvious and Buffer is anything that makes an ally more effective or survivable.

Controls is the tricky one because it encompasses:
  • enemy aggro management (taunt, gauntlet , provoke, or just threat level)
  • enemy disablement via mezzing (shut down with stuns, holds, sleeps and fears)
  • enemy movement hinderance (immobs, slows, knock downs, knock ups, repels)
  • debuffing enemy effectiveness (-tohit, -def, -res, -dam, -regen, -recov)

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Originally Posted by MattSP View Post
Hello Everybody,

I am a student at the Art Institute of Boston in a class called Interactive Game Design. I am currently doing a report on the archetypes and how ones experience varies greatly between the vast choices of the game. I am attempting to group the archetypes into different roles within a team.
Now correct me if I'm using the wrong terms but this is what I have so far...
  • Damage Dealer
  • Tank
  • Healer
  • Buff/Debuff
Feel free to let me know more regarding this topic
Thank you
Hi from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh.

This is a really tricky question in regards to this game. There's a whole lot of overlap if you distill the archetype listing down to that level; although I actually don't see a need to have Healer as its own if you are going to distill things down that far, healing is just buffing hit points and even the most Healer-ish powersets available here have a strong focus on buffing other aspects as well . It really isn't possible to use that list with this game though...

Blasters, Scrapper, Stalkers, and Brutes are all obviously damage. But Brutes can manage aggro as well, Scrappers can do a decent job of it too (and some Scrappers are actually pretty damn good at it). And then, depending on powers, Defenders, Controllers, Dominators, and Corruptors are all capable of dishing out some serious hurt. Even Tankers are still capable of laying down the pain. And Masterminds too.

Aggro management/control: Obviously Tankers, but then Brutes and Scrappers also can take on this role as mentioned. Masterminds also fill this role. And then Dominators and Controllers for the ability to lock down enemies. And then I've also seen a few Defenders who can tank with the best of them. And every archetype has access to at least a couple status effects, giving them their own form of crowd control.

Buff/Debuff: Defenders are the obvious first choice here. Then you have Controllers and Corruptors who both have access to many of the same (de)buffs as Defenders. And then there's many powersets for other archetypes that have some form of minor (de)buffs. And Masterminds too.

And I haven't even mentioned the Kheldians or Soldiers of Arachnos yet. They pretty much take the whole archetype idea and throw it out the window. Whatever you want to do with it, there's a build possible for it.

The "Holy Trinity" just doesn't exist in this game. Sure, a lot of people build their Blasters to be just damage; a lot of people build their Tankers to be able to take the hardest hits; a lot of people build their Defenders to focus on buffing; but to say that all Blasters are just there for damage, or all Tankers are just there to be meat-shields, or all Defenders are just there to keep everyone else buffed, well, that's taking a lot away from each of them. Each of the 14(16 if you count the separate branches of the SoAs) archetypes here are an archetype; and they each have their own definitions. If you say that Defenders, Corruptors, Controllers, and anyone else who brings significant buffs to a team are all under the category of "Buffs"; it muddles things. They all bring something unique and have different roles.

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
Apart from that, I'd more or less just add the category 'control', and note that control and tanking are related.
Tanks are like a specialized Dominator subtype.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Brute: Damage/Tanking (has the aggro management of a Tanker but the damage and survivability of a Scrapper)
I agree with most of what you said here and I suppose this is a somewhat offtopic nitpick, but how does a brute that has higher hp caps and higher resistance caps equally survivable to a scrapper?

On topic- it is difficult to shoe horn most of what this game offers into single roles. With pool powers and now incarnate abilities, anyone can become a buffer, aggro controller, or long range damage dealer.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



I think things are divided into:

1) Ranged
2) Melee
3) Control Regulation (limiting)
4) Redirection of Fire (Aggro management)
5) Force Regulation (force increasing or decreasing)

A primary and secondary would be usually, although not always mainly made up of two of these things, and scales to the AT.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



I'd go with Damage, Support and Control. All ATs do these things to varying degrees of specialization.

Tanking/aggro control being under Control, all buff/debuff/healing being under Support. Even the 'pure' damage AT (Blaster) has some control powers.

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans




I call those:
1. Offensive support
2. Defensive support

Defensive support is buffs, heals, anything done on your fellow teammates to increase survival of effiency of the team. Offensive has the same increase goal, but by affecting your enemies. Stun, immobilizing, lowering hit or damage, degen.

This will rule out the 'healer' class, a thermal troller or defender can heal, but also have lotsa buff and debuffs, so they are mixed support. /TA cant heal at all, it focus completly on debuffing enemies, full offensive support.



This game only has two AT categories.

Doing damage to stuff and debuffing some stuff and probably some mezzes or buffing some stuff and maybe some heals.


Doing damage to stuff and buffing or debuffing or mezzing some stuff and probably some heals.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



It is even tough to categorize powersets within ATs . . . Controllers can tank with Phantom Army (and Phantasm's decoy), Animate Stone and Singularity. A Fire/Kin with high Defense should more properly be considered a Damage Dealer.

An Ill/Rad alone can do blasting, controlling, buffing and debuffing and tanking, and is probably strongest at tanking and debuffing.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
It is even tough to categorize powersets within ATs . . . Controllers can tank with Phantom Army (and Phantasm's decoy), Animate Stone and Singularity. A Fire/Kin with high Defense should more properly be considered a Damage Dealer.

An Ill/Rad alone can do blasting, controlling, buffing and debuffing and tanking, and is probably strongest at tanking and debuffing.
Exceptions that confirm the rule

By default they cant do such, it aint a inherent part of their AT. A blaster with FoN and few toggles can 'tank' too, but only in certain situations (like PA initialy was used for Hami).

Maybe fire/kin is a 'high damage dealer', but the AT controller as whole, just aint.



I see lots of variation in how people define "role"

Personally these roles below are the ones I agree with the most.

Originally Posted by Silas View Post
I'd go with Damage, Support and Control. All ATs do these things to varying degrees of specialization.

Tanking/aggro control being under Control, all buff/debuff/healing being under Support. Even the 'pure' damage AT (Blaster) has some control powers.
Functionally a Tanker and Controller/Dominator accomplish the same thing through different means. A Tanker primarily controls aggro in the battlespace through "Taunting"; a Controller/Dominator does so through various forms of mezzing. IMO they fill the same role.

The Support role is interesting in that some have made a distinction between Buffs and Debuffs. IMO these are two sides of the same coin. An example illustrating this point is a -To Hit Debuff vs. +Def Buff. Functionally they serve to reduce a foes chance to land an attack. IMO they serve the same purpose but do so through distinctly different means. There are many more but a -Res Debuff vs. a Damage Buff would be another example.

Note that all the ATs fill the Damage role but for some its their primary purpose on a team.

For this study I think you will have to accept that All ATs are capable of filling all three roles in varying capacity. On a macro level, having ATs that are capable of bluring the role lines highlights the real beauty of the City of Heroes game design.



Originally Posted by magikwand View Post
I agree with most of what you said here and I suppose this is a somewhat offtopic nitpick, but how does a brute that has higher hp caps and higher resistance caps equally survivable to a scrapper?
Fair point. I was generalizing somewhat. To be completely accurate a Brute has, on average, slightly higher survivability than a scrapper, slightly lower damage than a scrapper and aggro management that is almost, but not quite, as good as a Tanker's.

I tend to describe Brutes as having the damage/survivability of a Scrapper because while that is not quite 100% accurate it's close enough for most purposes. Brutes and Scrappers have the same numbers for their secondary powers and neither can reach the resistance cap anyway without outside buffs or god-mode powers so to a first order approximation their survivability is pretty much equal. All other things being equal the Brute will be slightly more survivable than the scrapper but the difference is small enough that it would be hard for the average player to notice the difference.



Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
Hero ATs are pretty much cut clear into the classic D&D archetypes

Tanker: Aggro Management
Scrapper: Damage Dealer
Blaster: Damage Dealer
Defender: Support (buff/debuff/heal)
Controller: Support (crowd control)

Note that while Tankers, Defenders and Controllers can deal damage, their role in a team isn't that of "Damage Dealers" because they don't (typically) excel at it and there are better things they can do that define their role in a team (such as aggro management, buff/debuff and control, respectively).

Now, for villain archetypes it's a bit more complicated since they all can be considered profficient damage dealers, so each archetype's role in a team is defined by that which they can do that other's can't

Brute: Aggro Management
Corruptor: Support (buff/debuff)
Mastermind: Support (buff/debuff)
Dominator: Support (crowd control)
Stalker: ???
It has come to my attention, after reading other poster's insights, that Control and Aggro-Management would fit better grouped together in the Crowd Control category (instead of listing Control under Support)
Which would leave us with

Tanker: Crowd Control (-> Aggro-Management)
Controller: Crowd Control
Scrapper: Damage Dealer
Blaster: Damage Dealer
Defender: Support

Brute: Crowd Control (-> Aggro-Management)
Dominator: Crowd Control
Corruptor: Support
Mastermind: Support
Stalker: ???



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Fair point. I was generalizing somewhat. To be completely accurate a Brute has, on average, slightly higher survivability than a scrapper, slightly lower damage than a scrapper and aggro management that is almost, but not quite, as good as a Tanker's.

I tend to describe Brutes as having the damage/survivability of a Scrapper because while that is not quite 100% accurate it's close enough for most purposes. Brutes and Scrappers have the same numbers for their secondary powers and neither can reach the resistance cap anyway without outside buffs or god-mode powers so to a first order approximation their survivability is pretty much equal. All other things being equal the Brute will be slightly more survivable than the scrapper but the difference is small enough that it would be hard for the average player to notice the difference.
I'm assuming you're talking about to all types, since Fiery Aura and Electric Armor both hit the resistance hard cap of the "specialty" type (Fire and Energy damage) for their respective ATs without god mode powers. With that assumption, even Tankers don't resistance cap everything and the only qualifying AT is a Warshade using Eclipse.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
I'm assuming you're talking about to all types, since Fiery Aura and Electric Armor both hit the resistance hard cap of the "specialty" type (Fire and Energy damage) for their respective ATs without god mode powers. With that assumption, even Tankers don't resistance cap everything and the only qualifying AT is a Warshade using Eclipse.
Good point I was talking more about the general case (can you tell I don't play melee types a whole lot). You are correct that Tankers do not resistance cap themselves either but they get closer to it than Brutes/Scrappers. Brutes are slightly more survivable than Scrappers but the difference in their survivability is a lot less than the difference in the survivability of Brutes and Tankers for the same powerset.



Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
It has come to my attention, after reading other poster's insights, that Control and Aggro-Management would fit better grouped together in the Crowd Control category (instead of listing Control under Support)
Which would leave us with

Tanker: Crowd Control (-> Aggro-Management)
Controller: Crowd Control
Scrapper: Damage Dealer
Blaster: Damage Dealer
Defender: Support

Brute: Crowd Control (-> Aggro-Management)
Dominator: Crowd Control
Corruptor: Support
Mastermind: Support
Stalker: ???
I have always been under the impression that MMs were meant to be more Crowd Control (-> Aggro-Management) rather than Support.
edit: I mean I seem to remember reading that in the past related to design intent.

And Stalker has to be damage, right?
And I tend to think of Brutes as damage first, also.
edit: these two are my thoughts.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Aggro management is obtained by establishing the highest threat. Given that threat rating can be created by any of these things: debuffs, damage, proximity, taunt control I kept it seperate.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



So, did you get an A?



[note: I skipped 80% of the posts before writing this.]

There are only two main classes: Damage and Control.

Damage is pretty straight forward, though there are different mitigation strategies within those ATs and powersets. Ranged damage uses range as mitigation and might have slows or other debuffs giving control. An ice blaster for example. Scrappers and Tankers use defense or damage resistance as mitigation.

Control is not just holds. Player health can be controlled. All debuffs and aggro management, which is an attention debuff for others, are forms of control.

The lines are not straight and the roles are not black and white. Each powerset, and combination, provides tremendous variation. Add to that the power pools and you could make an Aggro-control, stealthing healer able to debuff enemy endurance. Though, trying to bend one AT into the role of another isn't suggested.



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
I have always been under the impression that MMs were meant to be more Crowd Control (-> Aggro-Management) rather than Support.
edit: I mean I seem to remember reading that in the past related to design intent.

And Stalker has to be damage, right?
And I tend to think of Brutes as damage first, also.
edit: these two are my thoughts.
Like I said before, ALL villain ATs can be considered damage first, so their role in a team is defined by that which they can do that others can't.

Why I don't think that MMs were intended as Aggro-Management? because they don't have any aggro-managing tools (ie. Taunt) in their main powersets