SOUND OFF: Who would buy themed Base Expansion Packs?
QUESTIONS: 1. Would you buy Base Expansion Packs? 2. How much would you pay? 3. What themed Base Expansion Packs would you like to see? 4. How many items should a Base Expansion Pack contain? |
2. $9.99. The same as the others, as long as it had a similar amount of new stuff.
3. As opposed to the idea of specific themed ones (Circle, Carnie, etc) I propose the concept of basing them around new (though not game-changing) functions for the base.
IE. (off the top of my head)
-"Training Room" pack with several different versions of Target-Practice dummies & a Trainer
-"Wardrobe Room" pack with a Tailor, ICON-style customizable mannequins, SG-specific uniforms.
-"Vendor Room" pack with access to the Market, Quartermasters/Vendors, etc.
4. All of those packs would contain a fair amount (I dunno, maybe 20 or so) of new/proliferated decorative items, in addition to the big functional items.
Of course the biggest problem with this idea in general is the fact that the amount of people with a reason to purchase it is far lesser than the usual amount of people who would purchase a costume/emote pack. So, perhaps if each also included new costumes/emotes/badges/temp powers/etc so that someone who doesn't do the base editing might still decide to drop $10 on it.
Maybe one could include a "mission door" TPer for the base that although visible to everyone, only works for people who bought the pack. Perhaps that's how all the new functional items for the base would work. You can see the new Tailor in the base, but you don't have access to it unless you have the pack. That isn't particularly unfair to the people who don't have the pack, but it could be a reason for someone who doesn't do base editing to purchase it anyway.
1. Would you buy Base Expansion Packs? |
2. How much would you pay? |
3. What themed Base Expansion Packs would you like to see? |
I want shipping crates and PIPES like we see in the Cargo Ship interiors.
I want some of the interior art that went into creating AE locations and interactables to be available to Base Editors.
And has absolutely no one on staff considered the possibility of porting bits and pieces of the Arachnos Labs into the Base Editor?
And why can't we get Wall Items that function like in-room elevators as Decorative Items? Basically you have a linked pair of items (Main+AUX?) that functionally work as in-room teleporters and which look like Orenbega Ring Portals, or Tech Lab Elevators, or like Arachnos Lab Elevators. This would let us dispense with a lot of the "trickery" involved in 3D building required for STAIRS, which take up a HUGE volume of space in order to do correctly. Just being able to click on a "Lift" that teleports you to a point that is "up or down" from your current location would be wonderful. You could even set things up so that they only work on a vertically aligned axis (so only up/down, no side to side) and it would be wonderful.
I'd love to be able to define AUDIO through emplaced items ... such as Boomboxes which can play music, including all of the audio music tracks that already exist in the game for zoning into various regions (with an option to set the audio on loop!).
4. How many items should a Base Expansion Pack contain? |
Raise the limit on the max number of Salvage Items (enhancement, inspiration, salvage) a base can have ... and EVERYONE who owns a base will buy it. DUH!
Raise the limit on the number of non-defense AUX items that can be placed into each room ... and EVERYONE who owns a base (particularly bases which use small rooms) will buy it. DUH!
Note that *NONE* of these three suggestions require anything other than editing the database which limits these options ... meaning development work on these suggestions should be "relatively straightforward" (so to speak). At this point, simply being able to "have more stuff" in your Base would be a worthwhile "expansion" of bases, worthy of the price of an expansion pack.

Only if they made changes to allow personal bases/apartments.
Otherwise I wouldn't want the manpower/hours spent working on packs that a small segment of players can actually use. Seeing as right now, only 1 or 2 selected people from large SG's ever really get a chance to toy with it I'd have to say...
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
A base expansion pack would have to be pretty epic for me to pay for it. The costume parts are stuff that teammates will be seeing constantly while I play the toon.
IE. (off the top of my head)
-"Training Room" pack with several different versions of Target-Practice dummies & a Trainer -"Wardrobe Room" pack with a Tailor, ICON-style customizable mannequins, SG-specific uniforms. -"Vendor Room" pack with access to the Market, Quartermasters/Vendors, etc. |
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I was trying to suggest usage for already existing items... but i LOVE these ideas (Trainer, Tailor, etc).
I'd also love a NPC Concierge / Calendar that could hang out in base and let SG members schedule and keep track of events.
I like the idea that you have to have the pack to use interactive elements... but anyone using base can see decorative items.
Founder of The Obsidian Oath as Briarthorne
I like the idea that you have to have the pack to use interactive elements... but anyone using base can see decorative items.
Yes I'd buy a base booster/expansion but the damned thing better have some meat on it's bones and not any anorexic crap like the party booster. And it better have some of the things we've been begging for to make our base building easier.
Like the white floor tile next to the safe with skins on the top and bottom (resembling the various ceiling and floors styles) that we can use to make additional levels instead of thousands of desks.
2. How much would you pay? |
If it's sizeable, $10.
If it's absolutely massive and scope-changing for bases? $50.
3. What themed Base Expansion Packs would you like to see? |
Maybe an Organic pack (grow your base).
Caves pack.
4. How many items should a Base Expansion Pack contain? |
Honestly though, I don't think we're going to see something like this. Bases are just too niche. Plus what? One person can buy them and apply to multiple bases. How do people who didn't buy the pack interact with items placed by someone with the pack? How does someone else edit or replace the stuff?
A lot of nasty little cases in there that'd probably preclude something like this. As much as I want this, I don't really see a way for them to do it as a viable product with an honest-to-god return on investment.
1. Would you buy Base Expansion Packs? |
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
No. Not with the current prohibitive construction and upkeep costs.
I will admit that some of the construction costs are steep (especially when a Tech version of an item costs 1k and the Steampunk version is 5k. WTH?) but since the Prestige slide at lvl 26 stopped upkeep costs are negligible. The most expensive Base I've ever seen is 3k to maintain, every 2 weeks. Or roughly as much as 1 lvl 50 toon earns playing a few missions.
As to the OP: You have learned well. The Devs apparently don't see Bases as bringing in new players or keeping current ones in any great numbers so there's little support for them right now. A Base pack might be just the thing to get the ball rolling. However:
1) I'd want the bugs fixed. Some of the Base bugs have existed for 4 years. Nobody will buy something proven to NOT work right.
2) I'd set up the packs to reflect not only theme but function. For example: I want an Insp vendor in my Base. And an Icon rep. And a Merit Vendor. I'm willing to buy a pack that gives me a bunch of functional stuff and only a few cosmetic changes. Then I can buy the 'decorator' packs as I want them.
3) The Base Editor MUST be upgraded. Some of the most basic tools are not yet in place and those NEED to be addressed first. At the bare minimum I would want the Z Axis function created, some sort of actual floor/ceiling panels created and interior walls designed so we can stop using file cabinets and desks. This last point alone would GREATLY reduce the server load and help Base builders expand their horizons.
Themes should include (but not be limited to):
Space / Moon Base (very popular)
Jungle / Nature (also much-requested)
Underwater (same)
Arctic /Mountain (Fortress of Solid what?)
City / Urban (both above and below ground)
Steampunk / Mad Scientist tech (lots of this stuff already, never have enough)
High Tech (the clean, lab look)
Arcane (for the Mage in all of us)
And I'm sure there are many more. Each pack should include decorations exclusive only to that pack as well as 1 exclusive functional item. The Space Station theme could include a slow-recharge Mission Teleporter, the Arcane one might grant a magic spell buff and so on.
"Comics, you're not a're an Overlord!"
-"Training Room" pack with several different versions of Target-Practice dummies & a Trainer
-"Wardrobe Room" pack with a Tailor, ICON-style customizable mannequins, SG-specific uniforms. -"Vendor Room" pack with access to the Market, Quartermasters/Vendors, etc. |
"Plausibility is nothing compared to nerdrage." --PumBumbler
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
1. Absolutely. In fact, at this point, although I know I am the minority here, to me a Base Expansion Pack > More costume packs.
2. $9.99. The same as the others, as long as it had a similar amount of new stuff. 3. As opposed to the idea of specific themed ones (Circle, Carnie, etc) I propose the concept of basing them around new (though not game-changing) functions for the base. IE. (off the top of my head) -"Training Room" pack with several different versions of Target-Practice dummies & a Trainer -"Wardrobe Room" pack with a Tailor, ICON-style customizable mannequins, SG-specific uniforms. -"Vendor Room" pack with access to the Market, Quartermasters/Vendors, etc. 4. All of those packs would contain a fair amount (I dunno, maybe 20 or so) of new/proliferated decorative items, in addition to the big functional items. |
Upkeep is a screaming bargain. I run an SG with a big base and we pay 2900 prestige. Back when I had to walk to the SG Registrar in the snow, our upkeep was over 200,000.
My base is on the biggest secure plot in the game. Right now my rent is something like 3200 prestige. I pay it when the message comes up just to get rid of the message. In the old days I rode the timer like a horse and paid a minute after the power went out just to maximize my savings. In the old old days my plot would cost me 5 million prestige per pay period. Now it's 3200. Get rid of rent - it's a pointless aspect of the game.
"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21
Guide to Base Teleporters
The more I read in this section, the more I realize it is all about the bottom line to the suits in charge of the Devs. No improvements will be made unless they bring in new players or revenue, so I was thinking... what if there were Expansion Packs you could buy that gave you access to place a variety of themed objects - either adding the new objects to base editor OR just making them placeable "personal items." Like other personal items placed in base - anyone can see them. I'm sure it's been mentioned B4 (tho I couldn't find it).
QUESTIONS: 1. Would you buy Base Expansion Packs? 2. How much would you pay? 3. What themed Base Expansion Packs would you like to see? 4. How many items should a Base Expansion Pack contain? a few I'd like to see are... Circle of Thorns PACK: Multi-colored crystals and sconces, altars and other decorative Arcane items Carnival of Shadows PACK: various objects from Carnie missions etc. Longbow: steel boxes, etc |
1. Yes
2. 9.99
3. Victorian, Steampunk, Weird Science (new skins for all the tech stuff currently in bases so they can have a Steampunk look)
4. Not sure, 20-30?
1. Absolutely. In fact, at this point, although I know I am the minority here, to me a Base Expansion Pack > More costume packs.
2. $9.99. The same as the others, as long as it had a similar amount of new stuff. 3. As opposed to the idea of specific themed ones (Circle, Carnie, etc) I propose the concept of basing them around new (though not game-changing) functions for the base. IE. (off the top of my head) -"Training Room" pack with several different versions of Target-Practice dummies & a Trainer -"Wardrobe Room" pack with a Tailor, ICON-style customizable mannequins, SG-specific uniforms. -"Vendor Room" pack with access to the Market, Quartermasters/Vendors, etc. 4. All of those packs would contain a fair amount (I dunno, maybe 20 or so) of new/proliferated decorative items, in addition to the big functional items. Of course the biggest problem with this idea in general is the fact that the amount of people with a reason to purchase it is far lesser than the usual amount of people who would purchase a costume/emote pack. So, perhaps if each also included new costumes/emotes/badges/temp powers/etc so that someone who doesn't do the base editing might still decide to drop $10 on it. Maybe one could include a "mission door" TPer for the base that although visible to everyone, only works for people who bought the pack. Perhaps that's how all the new functional items for the base would work. You can see the new Tailor in the base, but you don't have access to it unless you have the pack. That isn't particularly unfair to the people who don't have the pack, but it could be a reason for someone who doesn't do base editing to purchase it anyway. |
My Corner of DeviantART
The Queen's Menagerie
No, I wouldn't buy one.
It doesn't make sense for me to, and it doesn't make sense for the devs to set something like this up as a pack. Costumes? You know only the account that buys it is going to use it. Bases? You're affecting from 1-150 people per SG (assuming each sg member is one account.) And only one would have to have it.
Unlike costumes, I could buy the pack, then volunteer to join an SG a day and spread it out. If you're looking at the devs making money - this is a money loser. For costumes, I can keep using them, mixing and matching, creating hundreds of alts with up to five costume slots a piece.
How many bases exist? How many people make multiple bases, and continually rework them?
Also, I *know* that I can buy a pack, go into the costume creator and use it right away. Nobody's going to tell me I can't, or delete the item. Base items? There's no guarantee I'll have base editing permission, or if I do, that the people in charge of the SG will let the item stay. It'd be like me running out right now and buying high-performance parts for, say, a classic Boss Mustang. I don't have one. I don't know that I ever will. Why would I buy parts I may not ever have a use for?
No, base "packs" don't make sense to me.
2 weeks? Are you sure about that? Cuz I've only been paying my rent once every 6 weeks when the power shuts off.
As other posters have stated, the Rent is now so small as to be pointless. If they HAVE to keep it I'd suggest the following:
Make it once a month. Our subs work that way why not Rent?
PLEASE setup an auto-pay!
Make some of the features that we want expanded (more Storage) on a sliding scale. First 5 cost X, next 5 2X and so on. Smaller SGs still get a big break with only a few bins and the huge SGs that can afford it can get more.
And now that gives me other Base-related ideas. More later mwahahahahahaha!
"Comics, you're not a're an Overlord!"
idc any would be nice
idk as many as viable
1. Yes.
2. $10-$15, $30 if it completely changed how I used a base, ungated to VG/SG members.
3. Steampunk, Longbow military, Council military, Cave, Arachnos, Praetorian lab.
4. At the $10 dollar mark, a pack with wall/floor/ceiling textures to one theme, 10-20 decorative items, and one major functional item. (trainer, AE portal, rep contact, enhancement store, market interface, costume editor, recipe storage, etc.) At the $15 price point, 2 full texture sets, ~20 items, 2 functional items. At $30, You'd better have at least 4 good texture sets, 2-3 full new decoritive category's worth of items, and 3-5 of the 'best' base usage items.
No, I wouldn't buy one.
It doesn't make sense for me to, and it doesn't make sense for the devs to set something like this up as a pack. Costumes? You know only the account that buys it is going to use it. Bases? You're affecting from 1-150 people per SG (assuming each sg member is one account.) And only one would have to have it. Unlike costumes, I could buy the pack, then volunteer to join an SG a day and spread it out. If you're looking at the devs making money - this is a money loser. For costumes, I can keep using them, mixing and matching, creating hundreds of alts with up to five costume slots a piece. Also, I *know* that I can buy a pack, go into the costume creator and use it right away. Nobody's going to tell me I can't, or delete the item. Base items? There's no guarantee I'll have base editing permission, or if I do, that the people in charge of the SG will let the item stay. No, base "packs" don't make sense to me. |
You bring up a very good point Bill. But rather than just dismissing the idea let's see how it can be fixed.
Problem: Unlike Costume Packs and other DLC, a Base Pack would affect a whole SG. This is a revenue loss as 1 player could get a Base pack and suddenly 75 people benefit from it.
Possible Solution: Custom Rooms. Base Builders, especially RPers, have wanted individual apartments and private rooms since about 3 hours after Bases hit the game. But the Devs have said that 1-man Bases are contrary to the Base/SG connection they envisioned. However what if the apartment could be set up INSIDE the Base as part of the footprint? Before grabbing torches and pitchforks allow me to explain.
A SG member achieves a certain rank (determined by the SG leadership) and unlocks the ability to set aside a room (usually 2X2) for 'private' use. The player can decorate the room as they wish drawing from their OWN Prestige contribution so no leeching from others. If the decorating player doesn't have the Base Pack then their choices are limited to the basics.
The Base Pack would allow them private storage (addressing another Base, more decorating options and so forth. They would also have the option to 'lock' their room. Only they can move or edit the room as long as they're in the SG. If they get booted or quit then whatever they have stored reverts to private storage (Vault). Decorations and the Prestige paid for them is lost to the SG.
However for many SGs we're talking LOTS of rooms. In order to do this I think that first we're going to have to address other issues like the Base Editor and the various Base bugs.
Also, this doesn't cover the problem of usage that Bill pointed out. Just having the Pack doesn't mean that you automatically get Editing permission. I was thinking that each room would be a separate instance but I have no idea what that would do to server load or any of that.
Any other ideas? This seems like a good notion we just need to work out the wrinkles.
"Comics, you're not a're an Overlord!"
No. Not with the current prohibitive construction and upkeep costs.
I know what is meant about the bugs that need to be fixed. First Hand. My base has the bug that causes FX generated by some defensive items to appear fine when the object is placed, but when I go back later, object is still there, but projected FX don't work.

I've sent a number of bug reports on it - best I usually get is a "someone will look into it and get back to you" but is never followed up upon. Most recently I DID get a real person (not generic response) to tell me they would have a "Senior Specialist" get back to me. I would like to encourage all with the same problem to generate a new bug report - and cite all previous unanswered reports. This bug has gone on way to long without a fix.
Including a "personal apartment space" with the first Base Expansion Pack would go a long way towards making these relevant to those who are not currently base editors. I like theidea that these could be accessible from the base - but I envision another teleporter or a wall item door that would cennect to it rather than have the room actually take up space in the plot. It would connect to your apartment the way the vault door connects to your vault storage - IF YOU HAVE A BASE EXPANSION PACK. So each new pack would allow user to have a personal apartment.
The idea that each Pack would include an interactive NPC (trainer, vendor, tailor) and/or items (recipe storage, etc) for the base would also make it desirable by non-base editors.- You would need to have the pack to make it work. Otherwise would just be another decor item.
Founder of The Obsidian Oath as Briarthorne
Also, I'd kill for the ability to have more than 18 storage items in a base.
Or go totally darkside and "kill younglings", or (Hmm?) IDK what the opposite of that would be - maybe scream "Nnooooo" afterward like a whiny little *itch, then...
Ok wait, maybe that last part would be going a tiny bit overboard.
But you get the idea.

IDK if anyone there even knows how to create items in the Base Database - after "Lord Recluse" left? (or got sacked?)
I know we were told there MIGHT BE some work put in on some simple base items, in the semi-distant future guess-timated as Post I19 & I20 iirc, (so we would be creeping up on that "in the future" = about now-ish).
Really simple stuff like bigger "building blocks" of various sizes (with a few texture/color options0 - appropriate for making Floors (with an opaque underside & solid-like = so you couldn't jump up into them and get 'stuck'), maybe some Walls, Dividers, maybe even something to make semi-proper stairs & railings, and that sorta thing...
So we wouldn't need to use a 100's of small items to fashion floors & walls.
I think there was even talk of possiblly having a couple more "room styles" to add variety to the same Tech 1,2,3, Hi-Tech 1,2,3, Arcane, Oriental, Brick, Factory, Sewer, Etc. that we've had since the beginning when CoV first came out.
Now those are the sorta things I'd happily pay $ for...

City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
You bring up a very good point Bill. But rather than just dismissing the idea let's see how it can be fixed.
Problem: Unlike Costume Packs and other DLC, a Base Pack would affect a whole SG. This is a revenue loss as 1 player could get a Base pack and suddenly 75 people benefit from it. Possible Solution: Custom Rooms. Base Builders, especially RPers, have wanted individual apartments and private rooms since about 3 hours after Bases hit the game. But the Devs have said that 1-man Bases are contrary to the Base/SG connection they envisioned. However what if the apartment could be set up INSIDE the Base as part of the footprint? Before grabbing torches and pitchforks allow me to explain. A SG member achieves a certain rank (determined by the SG leadership) and unlocks the ability to set aside a room (usually 2X2) for 'private' use. The player can decorate the room as they wish drawing from their OWN Prestige contribution so no leeching from others. If the decorating player doesn't have the Base Pack then their choices are limited to the basics. The Base Pack would allow them private storage (addressing another Base, more decorating options and so forth. They would also have the option to 'lock' their room. Only they can move or edit the room as long as they're in the SG. If they get booted or quit then whatever they have stored reverts to private storage (Vault). Decorations and the Prestige paid for them is lost to the SG. However for many SGs we're talking LOTS of rooms. In order to do this I think that first we're going to have to address other issues like the Base Editor and the various Base bugs. Also, this doesn't cover the problem of usage that Bill pointed out. Just having the Pack doesn't mean that you automatically get Editing permission. I was thinking that each room would be a separate instance but I have no idea what that would do to server load or any of that. Any other ideas? This seems like a good notion we just need to work out the wrinkles. |
1. Would you buy Base Expansion Packs?
A] yes definantely, hopefully we shouldn't have to but with the new booster economy looks like might have to in future.
2. How much would you pay?
A] would hope they would have enough in them for the price but the average of 7.99 - 9-99 would seem like the ging rate.
3. What themed Base Expansion Packs would you like to see?
A] Would loe to see alot more tech items even alot of preatorian map items like the machines, desks, and such. would love to see carnies map stuff and the spot lights for dance floors, would love to have clickable doors like on some preatorian maps as well
4. How many items should a Base Expansion Pack contain?
A] As many as we can get thinking many items already in game so shouldn't take to much to add so numbers should be higher i would think.
If your gonna play follow the leader just make sure the leader is taking you where you want to go.
The more I read in this section, the more I realize it is all about the bottom line to the suits in charge of the Devs. No improvements will be made unless they bring in new players or revenue, so I was thinking... what if there were Expansion Packs you could buy that gave you access to place a variety of themed objects - either adding the new objects to base editor OR just making them placeable "personal items." Like other personal items placed in base - anyone can see them. I'm sure it's been mentioned B4 (tho I couldn't find it).
1. Would you buy Base Expansion Packs?
2. How much would you pay?
3. What themed Base Expansion Packs would you like to see?
4. How many items should a Base Expansion Pack contain?
a few I'd like to see are...
Circle of Thorns PACK: Multi-colored crystals and sconces, altars and other decorative Arcane items
Carnival of Shadows PACK: various objects from Carnie missions etc.
Longbow: steel boxes, etc
Founder of The Obsidian Oath as Briarthorne