SOUND OFF: Who would buy themed Base Expansion Packs?




Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Raise the limit on Salvage Rack storage from 30 to 60 items

Raise the limit on the max number of Salvage Items (enhancement, inspiration, salvage) a base can have

Raise the limit on the number of non-defense AUX items that can be placed into each room
I would pay for the expansions. I also like the ideas suggested above. Those things affect individual players. Heck, they could add Praetorian, Nemesis, Carnie, etc themed objects which already exist in the game (and maybe add some) in separate patches, with each patch having one of the listed items above. That'd be like $30 for 3 patches, and I'd buy each one.



I'd buy a base expansion pack - almost regardless of what was in it.

Price? Depends on what it does. If they manage to get a working z axis tool & add personal mini-bases, for example, I'd happily pay $30+; that sort of improved usability would be worth nearly a full expansion's price to me; if it's just a few new items with limited functionality, $10 seems more reasonable.



Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
Still, i20 itself doesn't have anything to do with the OP's question, directly. It's an arbitrary point on which some folks have hung a reason to say "No" to the question.

That being said, yes. I have given up ever seeing any further base development.
As have I.

I'm a casual base builder at best, and I know I rarely post here, but I do check in every now and then in the hopes that SOMETHING new is happening.

It's time to admit this is a dead issue, and nothing will happen. The Rednames come in once in a blue moon to wave a carrot around, but that's it. I think it's time to accept it and move on, one way or the other.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



While I agree that the concern that one person buying the pack could spread it to 10 SGs is valid, I still think that the idea of a pack is interesting. As said, one reason Bases are neglected by Development is because its a niche part of the game and the time spent improving it would bring in few new players, hence little more money. So doing for free is pretty unlikely.

However, doing it as a purchasable pack, even if only 30 people buy it and use it to redo 300 SGs, is still around 300 bucks generated by a niche. That's more than NC soft gets from free stuff added to the game, and would raise the hapiness of returning customers. It may not generate as much money as the Animal pack, but it would generate some, and probably more than the Party Pack ever will.

But based on the fact that one purchase would affect multiple accounts, I strongly doubt they'll ever add anything functionnal like tailor interfaces to such a pack. Some of it came already with (admitedly late) vet rewards, the rest would be a mess to implement. So I can't really see Mission teleportes in-base, unless as suggested, its access was restricted to people who bought the pack and it remained a decoration for the rest (that idea I could see them implement actually, it wouldn't be that hard given what they can do already.)

All this rant aside, I'd LOVE to have such a pack, even with just decorative items. I'd pay for it if it contained a good amount of them, such as 40+ minimum for 8 bucks. I think such a pack could also contain some improved items that wouldn't add functions to the base but be better versions of the free ones (tintable lamps, tintable banners that don't necessarily take after the SG's colors, etc.)

I'd love to have options for the base entrance such as tech sliding doors or a wall portal like the ones in the RWZ (or the Portal corp ones for the CoP trial. ), alternative looks for the Energy and Control generators, and REAL, both-side-textured wall partitions and floor items, like the linoleum but better thought-out. As said, not having to use 600+ desks to make a loft would help the server load of big bases tremendously (though I can hear old-time base builders arteries bursting when they contemplate the wasted time they'd have put in those. ) Actual windows and glass panels would also be something I'd pay for.

EDIT : As for the rent part of things, I wouldn't do away with it. I would, however, drastically lower the influence to prestige conversion ratio. Since doing a mission gives my character about as much of both, I'd say a 3 to 1 or even 4 to 1 ratio would make it much more palatable while still making actual SG-mode gameplay a more profitable way to accrue it.



Originally Posted by pixelforge View Post
1. Would you buy Base Expansion Packs?
2. How much would you pay?
3. What themed Base Expansion Packs would you like to see?
4. How many items should a Base Expansion Pack contain?
1. Would you buy Base Expansion Packs?
In a heartbeat if it had enough items in it to make it worth the money.

2. How much would you pay?
$10-$20...again depending on the amount of items in the pack.

3. What themed Base Expansion Packs would you like to see?
All of them! But...Arachnos, Outdoor and Council would be great...especially that giant Council Robot statue!

4. How many items should a Base Expansion Pack contain?
At least one arcane style and one tech style, so that both preferences are addressed. And each of those should be the full set...not just 10 items each.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
No, I wouldn't buy one.

It doesn't make sense for me to, and it doesn't make sense for the devs to set something like this up as a pack. Costumes? You know only the account that buys it is going to use it. Bases? You're affecting from 1-150 people per SG (assuming each sg member is one account.) And only one would have to have it.

Unlike costumes, I could buy the pack, then volunteer to join an SG a day and spread it out. If you're looking at the devs making money - this is a money loser. For costumes, I can keep using them, mixing and matching, creating hundreds of alts with up to five costume slots a piece.
How is this different from the Vet Reward items aside from financially?

From a player perspective, which is what this thread is about, it's a win-win. You are approaching it from the Dev standpoint, which is a valid one, but just not applicable in this thread where the OP asked what WE wanted.

How many bases exist? How many people make multiple bases, and continually rework them?
I have 7 bases and work at least three at a time on a regular basis, eash with a different theme. My largest is worth well over 100 million Prestige, and the only thing I'm lacking is more items to be creative with.

My other bases are each worth over 6 million, some way over that.

Also, I *know* that I can buy a pack, go into the costume creator and use it right away. Nobody's going to tell me I can't, or delete the item. Base items? There's no guarantee I'll have base editing permission, or if I do, that the people in charge of the SG will let the item stay. It'd be like me running out right now and buying high-performance parts for, say, a classic Boss Mustang. I don't have one. I don't know that I ever will. Why would I buy parts I may not ever have a use for?

No, base "packs" don't make sense to me.
This is easily solved...people are crying for Personal Housing...well it's already in the game.

SG Bases do not have to be huge. They are not that expensive anymore. At the rate we make influence in the game these days, I could build a 20 million prestige base in less than a month.

But there is also the option of the Devs adding Personal Housing on it's own merits...something that can exist apart from SG Membership.

Or better yet...add a portal inside bases that lead to Personal Housing Quarters. Just as coalition bases come up when you click on a base portal, so too would the housing portals bring up SG Member housing.
(people would be able to enter but not take)

And finally...the devs could add a simple "room assignment" to the room options in bases.

Bill, you are entitled to your opinion certainly...but just because an idea does not seem plausable in it's current form does not mean the idea cannot be tweaked into something that works.

Heck, personally I would be willing to pay a dollar more per month to get more base items. That's only $12 per year.



Another Idea...Superbases.

Only people that buy the packs would be able to form Superbases. Regualr bases would not be able to hold the Superbase items, but SB would be backward compatible.

And make leadership non-transferable (although permissions to build would be able to be assigned)...except to characters on the same account.

This would also give the devs the chance to upgrade the base editing system.

** Also, if they lower costs and swith to influence-based Superbases, many people could use this for personal housing.



I would if....

1.bundled Iphone, windows phone, or android access to the market
2. Bonus prestige
3. If I got something that was more geared toward the individual SG not the team SG.
4. Tailor in Base.



I'd pay. How much I would pay is relative to how much they put in, all the way up to $0-$50 for a major construction tool that would allow for freeform design, maybe even allowing for custom architect rooms as well.

Step one for a major base overhaul is to shelve the idea of making it PvP friendly. Raids should not be a focus, or even a consideration. There are tons of things they could do to make it useful if that goal was removed.

Not that I am anti-pvp. Its just that PvP and full customization of the setting do not mix well.

CoH shines even today over the competition because of its customization. Its time, past time, for bases to get their due.



I'd also like to see a pack with some kind of Arena and AE portals for bases as well... or better yet a portal to to something that combines the two - custom layouts designed especially for PVP rumbles - something akin to the X-Men's Danger Room.

Founder of The Obsidian Oath as Briarthorne



I would not buy a base booster pack.

Enjoy your day please.



Originally Posted by BashfulBanshee View Post
I would not buy a base booster pack.

Care to elaborate on that please?

"Comics, you're not a're an Overlord!"



Hmmm. Which part would you like me to elaborate on? Seems pretty straight forward to me.

Enjoy your day please.



I would buy a base expansion pack if it allowed me to copy my existing base design to servers Im not currently on, so I wouldn't have to start over.

I already know a million reasons why they wont do it. But I still want it.


Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
Member of Thought Sanctum VG on Victory
Member of St0rm Batallion SG on Guardian



I'd be all over base booster packs!



Originally Posted by BashfulBanshee View Post
Hmmm. Which part would you like me to elaborate on? Seems pretty straight forward to me.
Well, do you not buy booster packs in general? Do you not work on bases at all? Do you usually buy booster packs and like editing bases, but you find it insulting to have to pay for new base items?

There's several possible reasons for why you wouldn't want to buy a base booster. We'd like to know!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by BashfulBanshee View Post
Seems pretty straight forward to me.
So does the phrase, "I have a problem. YOU figure it out!"

And while a simple "No" may seem perfectly straightforward to you ... your reasoning for WHY becomes "multiple choice" for anyone who is Not You, since there's no way to *falsify* incorrect, alternative interpretations of your unspecified motives.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



I would not buy a base booster pack.

I think the resources could be better spent on something with more widespread appeal. Bases do not interest me, and I find the business of building them laborious and unrewarding. The only time I bother to do so is for my Hero characters, due to the lack of crafting benches in the vicinity of the hero-side markets.



Originally Posted by pixelforge View Post
1. Would you buy Base Expansion Packs?
Absolutely. Without hesitation.

Originally Posted by pixelforge View Post
2. How much would you pay?
Personally I'd be willing to pay up to $20 for a base expansion pack BUT only if it contained a large (or preferably huge) amount of new details, items and materials. I'd certainly be willing to pay the typical rate for add-on expansions, $10, for a more modest amount of new base material.

Originally Posted by pixelforge View Post
3. What themed Base Expansion Packs would you like to see?
Well, I've wanted to have water in my bases for years: fountains, waterfalls, pools, rivers, streams, trickling water, you name it. Right now all we have are tricks to simulate water, and they're pretty much pains in the rear all the way around. I think this is what I'd go for more than any particular theme.

However, in terms of themes, I think they could be organized either around a Big Concept (sci-fi, fantasy, anime, supers, nature, ruins, etc.) or existing in-game material, such as enemy groups (Circle of Thorns will most be likely be the biggest request, with Carnies and Rikti the next most-popular, I expect), organizations (Praetoria, Ouroboros, Paragon City, PPD, Longbow) and existing maps (Frostfire, Croatoa maps, outdoor maps).

Originally Posted by pixelforge View Post
4. How many items should a Base Expansion Pack contain?
Well, THAT'S a question with lots of leeway. I guess for a $10 pack I'd expect at least 1 or 2 new themes (like the existing Sewer, Tech, Bricks, etc.), prob 20 or 30 new details/items and one or two new "game mechanic" pieces (like new storage racks, new plots with more space for storage items, base defense pieces, teleporters, and so forth).

Really, those of us who still love and work with our bases tend to be few in number but very diehard in loyalty. I think almost all of us would be willing to pay for more base goodies. If the devs would throw in a pretty or two for everyone, like new costume pieces, new temp powers or new emotes, they'd get quite a bit of the non-base-enthusiast crowd to buy as well.

It's been years since we got any base love from the Studios. It's time.




1. Would you buy Base Expansion Packs?

Depends what's in it.

I've just returned to the game after a break of two years, tempted back by missions with decision choices, its great to see the new content but very sad to see absolutely zero base love in that time.

So really there should not be a Base Expansion Pack, there should be a proper base update first. Then you could have an expansion pack with loads of decorative items, but not before (imo).

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04